Raw File
Tip revision: 74eca8ef83eff5055e2693ce1a4088814c27f3b3 authored by Alexey Kamenev on 02 June 2016, 21:48:19 UTC
Enabled legacy layout for ND convos.
Tip revision: 74eca8e
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once

#include "Config.h"
#include "Actions.h"
#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
#include <boost/test/unit_test_log.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test_suite.hpp>

using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
using namespace std;

namespace Microsoft {
namespace MSR {
namespace CNTK {
namespace Test {

struct DataFixture
    // This fixture sets up paths so the tests can assume the right location for finding the configuration
    // file as well as the input data and control data.
    // subPath : an optional sub path (or full path) for the location of data.
    DataFixture(std::string subPath = "", string envVariableErrorMessage = "")
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Setup fixture");
        m_initialWorkingPath = boost::filesystem::current_path().generic_string();
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Current working directory: " + m_initialWorkingPath);
        fprintf(stderr, "Current working directory: %s\n", m_initialWorkingPath.c_str());

        boost::filesystem::path path(boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv[0]);
        m_parentPath = boost::filesystem::canonical(path.parent_path()).generic_string();
        fprintf(stderr, "Executable path: %s\n", m_parentPath.c_str());

        m_testDataPath = m_parentPath + "/../../../Tests/UnitTests/NetworkTests";
        boost::filesystem::path absTestPath(m_testDataPath);
        absTestPath = boost::filesystem::canonical(absTestPath);
        m_testDataPath = absTestPath.generic_string();

        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Setting test data path to: " + m_testDataPath);
        fprintf(stderr, "Test path: %s\n", m_testDataPath.c_str());

        string newCurrentPath;

        // Determine if a subpath has been specified and it is not a relative path
        if (subPath.length())
            // Retrieve the full path from the environment variable (if any)
            // Currently limited to a single expansion of an environment variable at the beginning of the string.
            if (subPath[0] == '%')
                auto end = subPath.find_last_of(subPath[0]);
                string environmentVariable = subPath.substr(1, end - 1);

                BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Retrieving environment variable: " + environmentVariable);
                fprintf(stderr, "Retrieving environment variable: %s\n", environmentVariable.c_str());

                const char* p = std::getenv(environmentVariable.c_str());
                if (p)
                    newCurrentPath = p + subPath.substr(end + 1);
                    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Invalid environment variable: " + subPath);
                    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid environment variable: %s\n", subPath.c_str());

                    if (!envVariableErrorMessage.empty())
                        fprintf(stderr, envVariableErrorMessage.c_str());

                    newCurrentPath = m_testDataPath;
            else if ((subPath[0] == '/' && subPath[1] == '/') || (subPath[0] == '\\' && subPath[1] == '\\'))
                newCurrentPath = subPath;
                newCurrentPath = m_testDataPath + subPath;

        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Setting current path to: " + newCurrentPath);
        fprintf(stderr, "Set current path to: %s\n", newCurrentPath.c_str());

        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Current working directory is now: " + boost::filesystem::current_path().generic_string());
        fprintf(stderr, "Current working directory is now: %s\n", boost::filesystem::current_path().generic_string().c_str());

        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Teardown fixture");
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Reverting current path to: " + m_initialWorkingPath);
        fprintf(stderr, "Set current path to: %s\n", m_initialWorkingPath.c_str());

    string m_initialWorkingPath;
    string m_testDataPath;
    string m_parentPath;

    string initialPath()
        return m_initialWorkingPath;
    string testDataPath()
        return m_testDataPath;
    string currentPath()
        return boost::filesystem::current_path().generic_string();

    // Helper function to run a network test.
    // configFileName       : the file path for the config file
    // controlDataFilePath  : the file path for the control data to verify against
    // testDataFilePath     : the file path for writing the minibatch data (used for comparing against control data)
    template <class ElemType>
    void HelperRunNetworkTest(
        const wstring configFileName,
        const string controlDataFilePath,
        const string testDataFilePath)
        // Setup output file

        ConfigParameters config;

        wstring outFileName = config(L"outputPath", L"");

        ConfigArray command = config(L"command", "write");
        ConfigParameters commandParams(config(command[0]));


        std::ifstream ifstream1(controlDataFilePath);
        std::ifstream ifstream2(testDataFilePath);

        std::istream_iterator<char> beginStream1(ifstream1);
        std::istream_iterator<char> end;
        std::istream_iterator<char> beginStream2(ifstream2);

        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(beginStream1, end, beginStream2, end);
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