Raw File
Tip revision: 3dadc0c18b5224dae634f59f54f6025cc9cdc17e authored by PhistucK on 03 November 2018, 12:16:45 UTC
HTML/events/beforeunload - respect preventDefault().
Tip revision: 3dadc0c
// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into reffy-reports
// (
// Source: Media Capture and Streams (

 Constructor(MediaStream stream),
 Constructor(sequence<MediaStreamTrack> tracks)]
interface MediaStream : EventTarget {
    readonly        attribute DOMString id;
    sequence<MediaStreamTrack> getAudioTracks();
    sequence<MediaStreamTrack> getVideoTracks();
    sequence<MediaStreamTrack> getTracks();
    MediaStreamTrack? getTrackById(DOMString trackId);
    void addTrack(MediaStreamTrack track);
    void removeTrack(MediaStreamTrack track);
    MediaStream clone();
    readonly        attribute boolean active;
                    attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
                    attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;

interface MediaStreamTrack : EventTarget {
    readonly        attribute DOMString kind;
    readonly        attribute DOMString id;
    readonly        attribute DOMString label;
                    attribute boolean enabled;
    readonly        attribute boolean muted;
                    attribute EventHandler onmute;
                    attribute EventHandler onunmute;
    readonly        attribute MediaStreamTrackState readyState;
                    attribute EventHandler onended;
    MediaStreamTrack clone();
    void stop();
    MediaTrackCapabilities getCapabilities();
    MediaTrackConstraints getConstraints();
    MediaTrackSettings getSettings();
    Promise<void> applyConstraints(optional MediaTrackConstraints constraints);
                    attribute EventHandler onoverconstrained;

enum MediaStreamTrackState {

dictionary MediaTrackSupportedConstraints {
             boolean width = true;
             boolean height = true;
             boolean aspectRatio = true;
             boolean frameRate = true;
             boolean facingMode = true;
             boolean resizeMode = true;
             boolean volume = true;
             boolean sampleRate = true;
             boolean sampleSize = true;
             boolean echoCancellation = true;
             boolean autoGainControl = true;
             boolean noiseSuppression = true;
             boolean latency = true;
             boolean channelCount = true;
             boolean deviceId = true;
             boolean groupId = true;

dictionary MediaTrackCapabilities {
             ULongRange width;
             ULongRange height;
             DoubleRange aspectRatio;
             DoubleRange frameRate;
             sequence<DOMString> facingMode;
             sequence<DOMString> resizeMode;
             DoubleRange volume;
             ULongRange sampleRate;
             ULongRange sampleSize;
             sequence<boolean> echoCancellation;
             sequence<boolean> autoGainControl;
             sequence<boolean> noiseSuppression;
             DoubleRange latency;
             ULongRange channelCount;
             DOMString deviceId;
             DOMString groupId;

dictionary MediaTrackConstraints : MediaTrackConstraintSet {
             sequence<MediaTrackConstraintSet> advanced;

dictionary MediaTrackConstraintSet {
             ConstrainULong width;
             ConstrainULong height;
             ConstrainDouble aspectRatio;
             ConstrainDouble frameRate;
             ConstrainDOMString facingMode;
             ConstrainDOMString resizeMode;
             ConstrainDouble volume;
             ConstrainULong sampleRate;
             ConstrainULong sampleSize;
             ConstrainBoolean echoCancellation;
             ConstrainBoolean autoGainControl;
             ConstrainBoolean noiseSuppression;
             ConstrainDouble latency;
             ConstrainULong channelCount;
             ConstrainDOMString deviceId;
             ConstrainDOMString groupId;

dictionary MediaTrackSettings {
             long width;
             long height;
             double aspectRatio;
             double frameRate;
             DOMString facingMode;
             DOMString resizeMode;
             double volume;
             long sampleRate;
             long sampleSize;
             boolean echoCancellation;
             boolean autoGainControl;
             boolean noiseSuppression;
             double latency;
             long channelCount;
             DOMString deviceId;
             DOMString groupId;

enum VideoFacingModeEnum {

enum VideoResizeModeEnum {

 Constructor(DOMString type, MediaStreamTrackEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface MediaStreamTrackEvent : Event {
    readonly        attribute MediaStreamTrack track;

dictionary MediaStreamTrackEventInit : EventInit {
    required MediaStreamTrack track;

 Constructor(DOMString type, OverconstrainedErrorEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface OverconstrainedErrorEvent : Event {
    readonly        attribute OverconstrainedError? error;

dictionary OverconstrainedErrorEventInit : EventInit {
             OverconstrainedError? error = null;

partial interface Navigator {
    readonly        attribute MediaDevices mediaDevices;

interface MediaDevices : EventTarget {
                    attribute EventHandler ondevicechange;
    Promise<sequence<MediaDeviceInfo>> enumerateDevices();

interface MediaDeviceInfo {
    readonly        attribute DOMString deviceId;
    readonly        attribute MediaDeviceKind kind;
    readonly        attribute DOMString label;
    readonly        attribute DOMString groupId;
    [Default] object toJSON();

enum MediaDeviceKind {

[Exposed=Window] interface InputDeviceInfo : MediaDeviceInfo {
    MediaTrackCapabilities getCapabilities();

partial interface Navigator {
    void getUserMedia(MediaStreamConstraints constraints, NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback successCallback, NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback errorCallback);

partial interface MediaDevices {
    MediaTrackSupportedConstraints getSupportedConstraints();
    Promise<MediaStream> getUserMedia(optional MediaStreamConstraints constraints);

dictionary MediaStreamConstraints {
             (boolean or MediaTrackConstraints) video = false;
             (boolean or MediaTrackConstraints) audio = false;

callback NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback = void (MediaStream stream);

callback NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback = void (MediaStreamError error);

typedef object MediaStreamError;

interface ConstrainablePattern {
    Capabilities getCapabilities();
    Constraints getConstraints();
    Settings getSettings();
    Promise<void> applyConstraints(optional Constraints constraints);
                    attribute EventHandler onoverconstrained;

dictionary DoubleRange {
             double max;
             double min;

dictionary ConstrainDoubleRange : DoubleRange {
             double exact;
             double ideal;

dictionary ULongRange {
             [Clamp] unsigned long max;
             [Clamp] unsigned long min;

dictionary ConstrainULongRange : ULongRange {
             [Clamp] unsigned long exact;
             [Clamp] unsigned long ideal;

dictionary ConstrainBooleanParameters {
             boolean exact;
             boolean ideal;

dictionary ConstrainDOMStringParameters {
             (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) exact;
             (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) ideal;

typedef ([Clamp] unsigned long or ConstrainULongRange) ConstrainULong;

typedef (double or ConstrainDoubleRange) ConstrainDouble;

typedef (boolean or ConstrainBooleanParameters) ConstrainBoolean;

typedef (DOMString or sequence<DOMString> or ConstrainDOMStringParameters) ConstrainDOMString;

dictionary Capabilities {

dictionary Settings {

dictionary ConstraintSet {

dictionary Constraints : ConstraintSet {
             sequence<ConstraintSet> advanced;
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