Raw File
Tip revision: 933c42829a0b57ae83016a14eaafb152d37d343b authored by Yoav Weiss on 21 December 2018, 21:00:08 UTC
Fix resource-timing.html document.domain test
Tip revision: 933c428
// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into reffy-reports
// (
// Source: Service Workers 1 (

[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
interface ServiceWorker : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute USVString scriptURL;
  readonly attribute ServiceWorkerState state;
  void postMessage(any message, optional sequence<object> transfer = []);

  // event
  attribute EventHandler onstatechange;
ServiceWorker includes AbstractWorker;

enum ServiceWorkerState {

[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
interface ServiceWorkerRegistration : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute ServiceWorker? installing;
  readonly attribute ServiceWorker? waiting;
  readonly attribute ServiceWorker? active;

  readonly attribute USVString scope;
  readonly attribute ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache updateViaCache;

  [NewObject] Promise<void> update();
  [NewObject] Promise<boolean> unregister();

  // event
  attribute EventHandler onupdatefound;

enum ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache {

partial interface Navigator {
  [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ServiceWorkerContainer serviceWorker;

partial interface WorkerNavigator {
  [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ServiceWorkerContainer serviceWorker;

[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
interface ServiceWorkerContainer : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute ServiceWorker? controller;
  readonly attribute Promise<ServiceWorkerRegistration> ready;

  [NewObject] Promise<ServiceWorkerRegistration> register(USVString scriptURL, optional RegistrationOptions options);

  [NewObject] Promise<any> getRegistration(optional USVString clientURL = "");
  [NewObject] Promise<FrozenArray<ServiceWorkerRegistration>> getRegistrations();

  void startMessages();

  // events
  attribute EventHandler oncontrollerchange;
  attribute EventHandler onmessage; // event.source of message events is ServiceWorker object
  attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;

dictionary RegistrationOptions {
  USVString scope;
  WorkerType type = "classic";
  ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache updateViaCache = "imports";

[Global=(Worker,ServiceWorker), Exposed=ServiceWorker]
interface ServiceWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Clients clients;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute ServiceWorkerRegistration registration;

  [NewObject] Promise<void> skipWaiting();

  attribute EventHandler oninstall;
  attribute EventHandler onactivate;
  attribute EventHandler onfetch;

  // event
  attribute EventHandler onmessage; // event.source of the message events is Client object
  attribute EventHandler onmessageerror;

interface Client {
  readonly attribute USVString url;
  readonly attribute FrameType frameType;
  readonly attribute DOMString id;
  readonly attribute ClientType type;
  void postMessage(any message, optional sequence<object> transfer = []);

interface WindowClient : Client {
  readonly attribute VisibilityState visibilityState;
  readonly attribute boolean focused;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute FrozenArray<USVString> ancestorOrigins;
  [NewObject] Promise<WindowClient> focus();
  [NewObject] Promise<WindowClient?> navigate(USVString url);

enum FrameType {

interface Clients {
  // The objects returned will be new instances every time
  [NewObject] Promise<any> get(DOMString id);
  [NewObject] Promise<FrozenArray<Client>> matchAll(optional ClientQueryOptions options);
  [NewObject] Promise<WindowClient?> openWindow(USVString url);
  [NewObject] Promise<void> claim();

dictionary ClientQueryOptions {
  boolean includeUncontrolled = false;
  ClientType type = "window";

enum ClientType {

[Constructor(DOMString type, optional ExtendableEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=ServiceWorker]
interface ExtendableEvent : Event {
  void waitUntil(Promise<any> f);

dictionary ExtendableEventInit : EventInit {
  // Defined for the forward compatibility across the derived events

[Constructor(DOMString type, FetchEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=ServiceWorker]
interface FetchEvent : ExtendableEvent {
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Request request;
  readonly attribute DOMString clientId;

  void respondWith(Promise<Response> r);

dictionary FetchEventInit : ExtendableEventInit {
  required Request request;
  DOMString clientId = "";

[Constructor(DOMString type, optional ExtendableMessageEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=ServiceWorker]
interface ExtendableMessageEvent : ExtendableEvent {
  readonly attribute any data;
  readonly attribute USVString origin;
  readonly attribute DOMString lastEventId;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute (Client or ServiceWorker or MessagePort)? source;
  readonly attribute FrozenArray<MessagePort> ports;

dictionary ExtendableMessageEventInit : ExtendableEventInit {
  any data = null;
  USVString origin = "";
  DOMString lastEventId = "";
  (Client or ServiceWorker or MessagePort)? source = null;
  sequence<MessagePort> ports = [];

partial interface WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
  [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute CacheStorage caches;

[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
interface Cache {
  [NewObject] Promise<any> match(RequestInfo request, optional CacheQueryOptions options);
  [NewObject] Promise<FrozenArray<Response>> matchAll(optional RequestInfo request, optional CacheQueryOptions options);
  [NewObject] Promise<void> add(RequestInfo request);
  [NewObject] Promise<void> addAll(sequence<RequestInfo> requests);
  [NewObject] Promise<void> put(RequestInfo request, Response response);
  [NewObject] Promise<boolean> delete(RequestInfo request, optional CacheQueryOptions options);
  [NewObject] Promise<FrozenArray<Request>> keys(optional RequestInfo request, optional CacheQueryOptions options);

dictionary CacheQueryOptions {
  boolean ignoreSearch = false;
  boolean ignoreMethod = false;
  boolean ignoreVary = false;

[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
interface CacheStorage {
  [NewObject] Promise<any> match(RequestInfo request, optional MultiCacheQueryOptions options);
  [NewObject] Promise<boolean> has(DOMString cacheName);
  [NewObject] Promise<Cache> open(DOMString cacheName);
  [NewObject] Promise<boolean> delete(DOMString cacheName);
  [NewObject] Promise<sequence<DOMString>> keys();

dictionary MultiCacheQueryOptions : CacheQueryOptions {
  DOMString cacheName;
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