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Tip revision: ff5c63f8fafa0320d6646340a434497bf7e22718 authored by Vedanuj Goswami on 17 December 2020, 16:21:30 UTC
[docs] Docs for various MMF Transformer configurations
Tip revision: ff5c63f
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
MultiDatasetLoader class is used by DatasetLoader class to load multiple datasets
and more granular
import logging

import numpy as np
from import build_dataloader_and_sampler, build_dataset
from mmf.utils.distributed import broadcast_scalar, is_dist_initialized, is_master
from mmf.utils.general import get_batch_size, get_current_device

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MultiDatasetLoader:
    MultiDatasetLoader class that is used for training on multiple datasets together.

    def __init__(self, dataset_type="train"):
        self._dataset_type = dataset_type
        self._is_master = is_master()

        self._datasets = []
        self._loaders = []
        self._samplers = []
        self._iterators = []

        self._total_length = 0
        self._per_dataset_lengths = []
        self._num_datasets = 0
        self._finished_iterators = {}

    def dataset_type(self):
        return self._dataset_type

    def current_dataset_name(self):

    def num_datasets(self):
        return self._num_datasets

    def datasets(self):
        return self._datasets

    def loaders(self):
        return self._loaders

    def samplers(self):
        return self._samplers

    def iterators(self):
        return self._iterators

    def iterators(self, iterators):
        self._iterators = iterators

    def current_dataset(self):
        return self._chosen_dataset

    # Setter only for functions which users should also be able to set
    def current_dataset(self, dataset):
        self._chosen_dataset = dataset

    def current_loader(self):
        return self._chosen_loader

    def current_loader(self, loader):
        self._chosen_loader = loader

    def current_index(self):
        return self._loader_index

    def current_index(self, index: int):
        self._loader_index = index

    def get_datasets(self):
        return self.datasets

    def first_loader(self):
        return self.loaders[0]

    def _process_datasets(self):
        if "datasets" not in self.config:
            logger.warning("No datasets attribute present. Setting default to vqa2.")
            datasets = "vqa2"
            datasets = self.config.datasets

        if type(datasets) == str:
            datasets = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), datasets.split(",")))

        self._given_datasets = datasets

    def load(self, config):

    def build_datasets(self, config):
        self.config = config

        for dataset in self._given_datasets:
            if dataset in self.config.dataset_config:
                dataset_config = self.config.dataset_config[dataset]
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Dataset {dataset} is missing from " "dataset_config in config."

            dataset_instance = build_dataset(dataset, dataset_config, self.dataset_type)
            if dataset_instance is None:

            if hasattr(dataset_instance, "__len__"):
                dataset_instance_length = len(dataset_instance)
                assert dataset_instance_length, f"dataset: {self.dataset_type} is empty"
                self._total_length += dataset_instance_length

        self._num_datasets = len(self.datasets)
        self.current_index = 0
        self.current_dataset = self.datasets[self.current_index]


    def build_dataloaders(self):
        assert len(self._datasets) > 0, "Call build_datasets first"

        for dataset_instance in self.datasets:
            loader_instance, sampler_instance = build_dataloader_and_sampler(


        self.current_loader = self.loaders[self.current_index]

    def _infer_dataset_probabilities(self):
        self._dataset_probabilities = [
            1 / self._num_datasets for _ in range(self.num_datasets)

        training = self.config.get("training", {})
        self._proportional_sampling = training.get(
            "dataset_size_proportional_sampling", True

        assert (
            self._proportional_sampling is True
            or training.get("max_epochs", None) is None
        ), "Epoch based training can only be used with size proportional sampling"

        if self._dataset_type != "train":
            # If it is val or test, it needs to be all datasets need to be
            # fully iterated as metrics will be calculated in eval mode
            # over complete datasets
            self._proportional_sampling = True

        if self._proportional_sampling is True and len(self._per_dataset_lengths) > 0:
            self._dataset_probabilities = self._per_dataset_lengths[:]
            self._dataset_probabilities = [
                prob / self._total_length for prob in self._dataset_probabilities

    def __len__(self):
        # Since, this is iterator, we need to return total length == number of batches
        batch_size = get_batch_size()
        # This assumes drop_last=False for all loaders. See also
        # build_dataloader_and_sampler().
        return (self._total_length + batch_size - 1) // batch_size

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._num_datasets == 1:
            return iter(self.loaders[0])

        # Clear off old iterators
        self._finished_iterators = {}
        self.iterators = []

        for loader in self.loaders:


        return self

    def __next__(self):
        """Calculation of next batch is performed using following logic.

        Current chosen iterator is selected based on the dataset probabilities
        set in the change_dataloader function which is called everytime prepare_batch
        is called.

        If we get the next batch from iterator without any StopIteration exception,
        we return it as it is. Otherwise, we have two cases:

        1. In proportional sampling, since each dataset will have same number of epochs
        at any given time, we need to yield StopIteration exception when all iterators
        are finished. In turn, this will yield to __iter__ all reignite all
        of the iterators. The code will not reach __iter__ until unless all iterators
        are exhausted.

        2. In the case of non-proportional (equal) sampling, epochs don't make sense.
        Think of a case of equal proportion sampling for dataset x and y where x
        is half the size of y. When x will complete its 2 epochs, y will have only
        1 epoch completed. **So please don't use max_epochs or epoch based training
        in this case as it won't be honored**. If an iterator is finished, we
        just reignite it in this case and finished iterators variable isn't used.
        This means that this case will never reach the __iter__ function ever

            SampleList: sample list instance from currently selected dataset
            next_batch = next(self._chosen_iterator)
        except StopIteration:
            if self._proportional_sampling is True:
                self._finished_iterators[self.current_index] = 1

                if len(self._finished_iterators) == self.num_datasets:
                next_batch = next(self._chosen_iterator)
                iterator = iter(self.current_loader)
                self.iterators[self.current_index] = iterator
                self._chosen_iterator = iterator
                next_batch = next(self._chosen_iterator)

        return next_batch

    def change_dataloader(self):
        if self.num_datasets <= 1:
        choice = 0

        if self._is_master:
            choice = np.random.choice(
                self.num_datasets, 1, p=self._dataset_probabilities

            # self._finished_iterators will always be empty in case of
            # non-proportional (equal) sampling
            while choice in self._finished_iterators:
                choice = np.random.choice(
                    self.num_datasets, 1, p=self._dataset_probabilities

        choice = broadcast_scalar(choice, 0, device=get_current_device())
        self.current_index = choice
        self.current_dataset = self.datasets[self.current_index]
        self.current_loader = self.loaders[self.current_index]
        self._chosen_iterator = self.iterators[self.current_index]

    def verbose_dump(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._chosen_dataset.verbose_dump(*args, **kwargs)

    def prepare_batch(self, batch):
        if hasattr(self._chosen_dataset, "prepare_batch"):
            batch = self._chosen_dataset.prepare_batch(batch)

        return batch

    def seed_sampler(self, epoch):
        if is_dist_initialized():
            for sampler in self._samplers:
                if sampler is not None and hasattr(sampler, "set_epoch"):
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