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Tip revision: 25dd71f5bb746d7a4e153410b8a798c0eb066ee3 authored by Corneliu Hoffman on 30 November 2022, 11:40:55 UTC
SCORU/Proto: refactor default_new_dissection no tests
Tip revision: 25dd71f
The storage layer

This document explains the inner workings of the storage layer of the
Tezos shell. The storage layer is responsible for aggregating blocks
(along with their respective ledger state) and operations within
blocks (along with their associated metadata). It is composed of two
main components: the :ref:`store<store_component>` and the

.. _store_component:


This component handles the on-disk storage of static objects such as
blocks, operations, block's metadata, protocols and chain data. The
store also handles the chain's current state: current head, invalid
blocks, active test chains, etc. The store component is designed to
handle concurrent accesses to the data. Both a mutex and a lockfile
are present to prevent concurrent access to critical sections. The
store also provides an accessor to the :ref:`context<context_component>` and handles
its initialization, but it is not responsible to commit contexts
on-disk. This is done by the :doc:`validator<validation>` component.

The store is initialized using a :doc:`history
mode<../user/history_modes>` that can be either *Archive*, *Full* or
*Rolling*. Depending on the chosen history mode, some data will be
pruned while the chain is growing. In *Full* mode, all blocks that are
part of the chain are kept but their associated metadata below a
certain threshold are discarded. In *Rolling* mode, blocks under a
certain threshold are discarded entirely. *Full* and *Rolling* may
take a number of additional cycles to increase or decrease that

.. _lafl:

To decide whether a block should be pruned or not, the store uses the
latest head's metadata that contains the **last allowed fork
level**. This threshold specifies that the local chain cannot be
reorganized below it.  When a protocol validation returns a changed
value for it, it means that a cycle has completed. Then, the store
retrieves all the blocks from ``(head-1).last_allowed_fork_level + 1``
to ``head.last_allowed_fork_level``, which contain all the blocks of a
completed cycle that cannot be reorganized anymore, and trims the
potential branches in the process to yield a linear history.

When an un-reorganizable former cycle is retrieved, it is then
archived in what is called the *cemented cycles*. This process is
called a **merge** and is performed asynchronously. Depending on which
history mode is ran and on the amount of additional cycles, blocks
and/or their associated metadata present in these cemented cycles may
or may not be preserved. For instance, if the history mode is
*Archive*, every block is preserved, with all its metadata. If it is
*Full* with 5 additional cycles, all the cemented cycles will be
present but only the 10 most recent cemented cycles will have some
metadata kept (that is, *5 + 5 = 10* as the
:ref:`PRESERVED_CYCLES<ps_constants>` protocol parameter, which on
Mainnet is currently set to 5 cycles, forces the node to keep at least
these cycles). Finally, if it is set to *Rolling* with 0 additional
cycles, only 5 cycles (the :ref:`PRESERVED_CYCLES <ps_constants>`
ones) with metadata will be kept.

The store maintains two specific variables, whose values depend on the
history mode:

- The *caboose*, which represents the oldest block known by the
  store. The latter block may or may not have its metadata in
  store. In *Archive* and *Full* mode, this would always be the
  genesis block.

- The *savepoint* which indicates the lowest block known by the store
  that possesses metadata.

The *checkpoint* is also a special value that indicates one block that
must be part of the chain. This special block may be in the future.
Setting a future checkpoint on a fresh node before bootstrapping adds
protection in case of eclipse attacks where a set of malicious peers
will advertise a wrong chain. When the store reaches the level of a
manually defined checkpoint, it will make sure that this is indeed the
expected block or will stop the bootstrap. When the checkpoint is
unset or reached, the store will maintain the following invariant:
``checkpoint ≥ head.last_allowed_fork_level``.

To access those values, it is possible, while the node is running, to
call the RPC ``/chains/main/checkpoint`` to retrieve the checkpoint,
savepoint, caboose and the history mode.

The store also has the capability to reconstruct its blocks' metadata
by replaying every block and operation present and repopulating the
context. Hence, transforming a `Full` store into a `Archive` one.

It is also possible to retrieve a canonical representation of the
store and context for a given block (provided that its metadata are
present) as a :doc:`snapshot<../user/snapshots>`.

Protocols no longer active are also written on-disk.

Files hierarchy

The store directory in the node's ``<data-dir>`` is organized as follows:

- ``<data-dir>/store/protocols/`` the directory containing stored

- ``<data-dir>/store/protocols/<protocol_hash_b58>*`` files containing
  the stored encoded protocol.

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/`` the *chain_store_dir* directory
  containing the main chain store.

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/lock`` the lockfile.

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/config.json`` the chain store's
  configuration as a JSON file.

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/cemented/`` contains the cemented
  cycles and index tables.

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/cemented/metadata`` contains the
  cemented cycles' compressed metadata (using *zip* format).

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/{ro,rw}_floating_blocks`` contains
  the most recent blocks in the chain not yet ready to be archived and
  potential branches.

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/<stored_data>*`` files containing
  encoded simple data structures such as: genesis block, checkpoint,
  savepoint, caboose, protocol levels, forked chains, alternate heads,
  invalid blocks, etc.

- ``<data-dir>/store/<chain_id_b58>/testchain/<chain_id_b58>*/``
  contains the stores for every encountered test chains throughout the
  network. The underlying hierarchy follows the same format as

.. _context_component:


The context is a versioned key/value store that associates for each
block a view of its ledger state. The versioning uses concepts similar
to `Git <>`_. The current implementation is using
`Irmin <>`_ as a backend, and its API
is accessible via the abstractions provided by the ``lib_context``

The abstraction provides generic accessors/modifiers: ``set``,
``get``, ``del``, etc. manipulating a concrete context object and
git-like commands: ``commit``, ``checkout`` to manipulate different
context branches.

The Tezos context comes with a specific context hash function that
cannot be changed. Otherwise, the replicated consistency would not be
maintained. In particular, the resulting hash of the application of a
block is stored in its header. When validated, a block's announced
``context hash`` is checked against our local validation result. If
the two context hashes are different, the block is considered invalid.

A context is supposed to be accessed and modified using the protocols'
API. It may be through RPCs or via blocks application. Only the
resulting context of valid blocks application is committed on disk.

It is possible to export a concrete context associated to a specific
block's ledger state. This feature dumps a canonical representation of
this ledger state that may be incorporated in a snapshot to expose a
minimal storage state.

Note that it is possible to enable logging for the context backend
using the ``TEZOS_CONTEXT`` environment variable. There are two
possible values for this variable: ``v`` for ``Info`` logging and
``vv`` for ``Debug`` logging (warning, the ``Debug`` mode is very
talkative). Additionally, this environment variable allows to tweak,
with care, some context parameters (using the standard
`TEZOS_CONTEXT="variable=value"` pattern, separating the items with
commas such as `TEZOS_CONTEXT="v, variable=value"`):

- "index-log-size": number of entries stored in the Irmin's index
  (default `2_500_000`)
- "auto-flush": number of tree mutations allowed before a disk flush
  (default `10_000`)
- "lru-size": number of entries stored in the Irmin's LRU cache
  (default `5_000`)
- "indexing-strategy": strategy for indexing object (default
  `minimal`; it is not recommended to use another value)
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