Raw File
Tip revision: c32cbbc296be5acf3223ae0b8b259a333ce9b5ff authored by Stefan Kruse on 10 March 2022, 13:09:09 UTC
Tip revision: c32cbbc
#include <random>
#include "LAVESI.h"
#include "RandomNumber.h"
#include "VectorList.h"

using namespace std;

void Ageing(Parameter* parameter, vector<VectorList<Tree>>& world_tree_list, vector<VectorList<Seed>>& world_seed_list) {
    for (vector<VectorList<Seed>>::iterator posw = world_seed_list.begin(); posw != world_seed_list.end(); ++posw) {
        VectorList<Seed>& seed_list = *posw;

#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) schedule(guided)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < seed_list.size(); ++i) {
            auto& seed = seed_list[i];
            if (!seed.dead) {
                // seeds older than gmelseedmaxage years (L.gmelinii) and 10 years (L.sibirica) die
                if (((seed.species == 1) && (seed.age > parameter[0].gmelseedmaxage)) || ((seed.species == 2) && (seed.age > 10))) {
                    seed.dead = true;

        int mat_age_length = 183;  // length of array maturationheight
        // height values in percent (0-99) computed externally
        unsigned short int maturationheight[] = {
            200,  201,  202,  203,  204,  205,  206,  207,  208,  209,  210,  211,  212,  213,  214,  215,  216,  217,  218,  219,  220,   221,  222,
            223,  224,  225,  226,  227,  228,  229,  230,  231,  232,  233,  234,  235,  236,  237,  238,  239,  240,  241,  242,  243,   244,  245,
            246,  248,  249,  250,  251,  252,  253,  254,  256,  257,  258,  259,  260,  262,  263,  264,  266,  267,  269,  270,  271,   273,  274,
            276,  277,  279,  281,  282,  284,  286,  287,  289,  291,  293,  295,  297,  299,  300,  303,  305,  307,  309,  311,  313,   316,  318,
            320,  323,  325,  328,  330,  333,  336,  339,  341,  344,  347,  350,  354,  357,  360,  364,  367,  371,  374,  378,  382,   386,  390,
            395,  399,  404,  408,  413,  418,  423,  428,  434,  439,  445,  451,  458,  464,  471,  478,  485,  493,  500,  509,  517,   526,  535,
            545,  555,  566,  577,  588,  600,  613,  627,  641,  656,  672,  689,  707,  725,  746,  767,  790,  815,  841,  870,  900,   934,  970,
            1010, 1053, 1100, 1153, 1212, 1277, 1350, 1434, 1529, 1639, 1767, 1919, 2100, 2323, 2600, 2958, 3434, 4100, 5100, 6767, 10100, 20100};

        for (vector<VectorList<Tree>>::iterator posw = world_tree_list.begin(); posw != world_tree_list.end(); ++posw) {
            VectorList<Tree>& tree_list = *posw;

            RandomNumber<double> uniform(0, 1);
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(uniform) schedule(guided)
            for (unsigned int tree_i = 0; tree_i < tree_list.size(); ++tree_i) {
                auto& tree = tree_list[tree_i];

				if (tree.growing == true) {

					if (tree.cone == false) {
						if (tree.coneheight == 65535) {
							// trees reaching the maturation age are assigned a minimum height value for them to bear cones
							if (tree.age > parameter[0].coneage) {
								// calculate random position in the array of maturation heights defined earlier
								// ... in this there are values between 0 and 182 (corresp. to (0,1) )
								int fraction = (mat_age_length - 1) * uniform.draw();

								// possibility for a tree <2m to maturate
								if (fraction == 0) {
									tree.coneheight = (unsigned short int)100 + ((double)100 * uniform.draw());
								} else {
									tree.coneheight = maturationheight[fraction];
						// tree already has a height of maturation assigned to it
						// ... if a tree is taller than this maturation height, he starts to produce seeds
						else if (tree.coneheight != 65535) {
							if (tree.height / 10 >= tree.coneheight) {
								tree.cone = true;
					} else if (tree.cone == true) {
						tree.seednewly_produced = 0;
			}  // tree list
    }      // world list
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