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Tip revision: fd8edc177f3f33bf10ece3f61a39b7de4f687263 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 09 June 2020, 10:27:13 UTC
refactor & merge min/max
Tip revision: fd8edc1
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

require import AllCore FSet Finite Distr DInterval.
require import OldMonoid.
require Means.

type input.
type output.
type inleaks.
type outleaks.
type outputA.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Wrappers for counting *)

module Count = {
  var c : int
  proc init () : unit = {
    c <- 0;
  proc incr () : unit = {
    c <- c + 1;

module type Adv = {
  proc main() : outputA

module AdvCount (A : Adv) = {
  proc main() : outputA = {
    var r : outputA;
    r <@ A.main();
    return r;

module type Orcl = {
  proc orcl(m : input) : output

module OrclCount (O : Orcl) = {
  proc orcl(m : input) : output = {
    var r : output;
    r <@ O.orcl(m);
    return r;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Hybrid oracles and games *)

op q : { int | 0 < q } as q_pos.

module type AdvOrcl (O : Orcl) = {
  proc main () : outputA

module type Orclb = {
  proc leaks (il : inleaks) : outleaks
  proc orclL (m : input) : output
  proc orclR (m : input) : output

module L (Ob : Orclb) : Orcl = {
  proc orcl = Ob.orclL

module R (Ob : Orclb) : Orcl = {
  proc orcl = Ob.orclR

module type AdvOrclb (Ob : Orclb, O : Orcl) = {
  proc main () : outputA

module Orcln (A : AdvOrcl, O : Orcl) = AdvCount(A(OrclCount(O))).

module Ln(Ob : Orclb, A : AdvOrclb) = Orcln(A(Ob), L(Ob)).

module Rn(Ob : Orclb, A : AdvOrclb) = Orcln(A(Ob), R(Ob)).

(* Hybrid oracle:
   Use left oracle for queries < l0,
   oracle O for queries = l0, and
   right oracle for queries > l0. *)
module HybOrcl (Ob : Orclb, O : Orcl) = {
  var l, l0 : int
  proc orcl(m:input):output = {
    var r : output;
    if   (l0 < l) r <@ Ob.orclL(m);
    elif (l0 = l) r <@ O.orcl(m);
    else          r <@ Ob.orclR(m);
    l <- l + 1;
    return r;

(* Hybrid game: Adversary has access to
   leaks, left, right, and hybrid oracle *)
module HybGame(A:AdvOrclb, Ob:Orclb, O:Orcl) = {
  module LR = HybOrcl(Ob,O)
  module A = A(Ob,LR)
  proc main() : outputA = {
    var r : outputA;
    HybOrcl.l0 <$ [0..q-1];
    HybOrcl.l  <- 0;
    r <@ A.main();
    return r;

clone import Means as M with
  type input <- int,
  type output <- outputA,
  op d <- [0..q-1].

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Prove that it is equivalent to consider n or 1 calls to the oracle *)

  declare module Ob : Orclb    {Count,HybOrcl}.
  declare module A  : AdvOrclb {Count,HybOrcl,Ob}.

  (* Hybrid game where index is fixed, not sampled *)
  local module HybGameFixed (O : Orcl) = {
    module LR = HybOrcl(Ob,O)
    module A = A(Ob,LR)
    proc work(x : int) : outputA = {
      var r : outputA;
      HybOrcl.l <- 0; HybOrcl.l0 <- x;
      r <@ A.main();
      return r;

  local equiv Obleaks : Ob.leaks ~ Ob.leaks : ={il,glob Ob} ==> ={res,glob Ob}.
  proof. by proc true. qed.

  local equiv Oborcl1 : Ob.orclL ~ Ob.orclL : ={m,glob Ob} ==> ={res,glob Ob}.
  proof. by proc true. qed.

  local equiv Oborcl2 : Ob.orclR ~ Ob.orclR : ={m,glob Ob} ==> ={res,glob Ob}.
  proof. by proc true. qed.

  local lemma GLB_WL &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
    Pr[Ln(Ob,HybGame(A)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ Count.c <= 1] =
    Pr[Rand(HybGameFixed(L(Ob))).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l (snd res)].
    byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} ==>
                    ={glob A, glob Ob,glob HybOrcl} /\ res{1} = snd res{2} /\
                    Count.c{1} <= 1) => //;proc.
    inline{1} HybGame(A, Ob, OrclCount(L(Ob))).main; inline{2} HybGameFixed(L(Ob)).work;wp.
    call (_: ={glob Ob, glob HybOrcl} /\ Count.c{1} = (HybOrcl.l0{1} < HybOrcl.l{1}) ? 1 : 0).
      if => //;first by call Oborcl1;skip;progress => //; smt.
      if => //.
        inline{1} OrclCount(L(Ob)).orcl Count.incr.
        by wp;call Oborcl1;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.
      by call Oborcl2;skip;progress => //; smt.
      by conseq Obleaks.
      by conseq Oborcl1.
      by conseq Oborcl2.
    swap{1} 1 2;inline{1} Count.init.
    by wp;rnd;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.

  local lemma GRB_WR &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
    Pr[Rn(Ob,HybGame(A)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ Count.c <= 1] =
    Pr[Rand(HybGameFixed(R(Ob))).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l (snd res)].
    byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} ==>
                    ={glob A, glob Ob, glob HybOrcl} /\ res{1} = snd res{2} /\
                    Count.c{1} <= 1) => //;proc.
    inline{1} HybGame(A, Ob, OrclCount(R(Ob))).main; inline{2} HybGameFixed(R(Ob)).work;wp.
    call (_: ={glob Ob, glob HybGame} /\ Count.c{1} = (HybOrcl.l0{1} < HybOrcl.l{1}) ? 1 : 0).
      if => //;first by call Oborcl1;skip;progress => //; smt.
      if => //.
        inline{1} OrclCount(R(Ob)).orcl Count.incr.
        by wp;call Oborcl2;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.
      by call Oborcl2;skip;progress => //; smt.
      by conseq Obleaks.
      by conseq Oborcl1.
      by conseq Oborcl2.
    swap{1} 1 2;inline{1} Count.init.
    by wp;rnd;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.

  axiom losslessL: islossless Ob.leaks.
  axiom losslessOb1: islossless Ob.orclL.
  axiom losslessOb2: islossless Ob.orclR.
  axiom losslessA (Ob0 <: Orclb{A}) (LR <: Orcl{A}):
    islossless LR.orcl =>
    islossless Ob0.leaks => islossless Ob0.orclL => islossless Ob0.orclR =>
    islossless A(Ob0, LR).main.

  local lemma WL0_GLA &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
    Pr[HybGameFixed(L(Ob)).work(0) @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ HybOrcl.l <= q] =
    Pr[Ln(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res /\ Count.c <= q ].
    byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} /\ x{1}=0 ==>
                    (HybOrcl.l{1} <= q) = (Count.c{2} <= q) /\
                    (Count.c{2} <= q =>
                      ={glob A, glob Ob,res} /\ HybOrcl.l{1} = Count.c{2})) => //;
     [proc | smt].
    call (_: q < Count.c,
             ={glob Ob} /\ HybOrcl.l0{1} = 0 /\ HybOrcl.l{1} = Count.c{2} /\ 0 <= HybOrcl.l{1},
             HybOrcl.l0{1} = 0 /\ q < HybOrcl.l{1}).
      by apply losslessA.
      proc;inline{2} Count.incr;wp.
      if{1};first by call Oborcl1;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.
      rcondt{1} 1; first by move=> &m0;skip;smt.
      by wp;call Oborcl1;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.
      move=> &m2 _;proc.
      rcondt 1; first by skip;smt.
      by wp;call losslessOb1;skip;smt.
      by move=> &m1;proc;inline Count.incr;wp;call losslessOb1;wp;skip;smt.
      by conseq Obleaks.
      move=> &m2 _;conseq losslessL.
      move=> &m1; conseq losslessL.

      by conseq Oborcl1.
      move=> &m2 _;conseq losslessOb1.
      move=> &m1; conseq losslessOb1.

      by conseq Oborcl2.
      move=> &m2 _;conseq losslessOb2.
      move=> &m1; conseq losslessOb2.

    by inline{2} Count.init;wp;skip;smt.

  local lemma WRq_GRA &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
    Pr[HybGameFixed(R(Ob)).work((q-1)) @ &m :  p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ HybOrcl.l <= q] =
    Pr[Rn(Ob,A).main() @ &m :  p (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res /\ Count.c <= q ].
    byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} /\ x{1}=q-1 ==>
                    (HybOrcl.l{1} <= q) = (Count.c{2} <= q) /\
                    (Count.c{2} <= q =>
                      ={glob A, glob Ob, res} /\ HybOrcl.l{1} = Count.c{2})) => //;
    [proc | smt].
    call (_: q < Count.c,
             ={glob Ob} /\ HybOrcl.l0{1} = q-1 /\ HybOrcl.l{1} = Count.c{2} /\ 0 <= HybOrcl.l{1},
             HybOrcl.l0{1} = q-1 /\ q < HybOrcl.l{1}).
      by apply losslessA.

      proc;inline{2} Count.incr;wp.
      if{1};first by call{1} losslessOb1;call{2} losslessOb2;wp;skip; smt.
        first by wp;call Oborcl2;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.
      by call Oborcl2;wp;skip;progress => //;smt.
      move=> &m2 _;proc.
      rcondt 1; first by skip;smt.
      by wp;call losslessOb1;skip; smt.
      move=> &m1;proc;inline Count.incr;wp;call losslessOb2;wp;skip;smt.

      by conseq Obleaks.
      move=> &m2 _;conseq losslessL.
      move=> &m1; conseq losslessL.

      by conseq Oborcl1.
      move=> &m2 _;conseq losslessOb1.
      move=> &m1; conseq losslessOb1.

      by conseq Oborcl2.
      move=> &m2 _;conseq losslessOb2.
      move=> &m1; conseq losslessOb2.

    by inline{2} Count.init;wp;skip;smt.

  local lemma WLR_shift &m v (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
    1 <= v <= q-1 =>
    Pr[HybGameFixed(L(Ob)).work(v) @ &m: p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res] =
    Pr[HybGameFixed(R(Ob)).work((v-1)) @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res].
    move=> Hv;byequiv (_: ={glob A,glob Ob} /\ x{1} = v /\ x{2} = v-1 ==>
                             ={glob A,glob Ob, HybOrcl.l, res}) => //.
    call (_: ={glob Ob, HybOrcl.l} /\ HybOrcl.l0{1} = v /\ HybOrcl.l0{2} = v-1).
      if{1}; first by rcondt{2} 1;[move=> &m0;skip;smt | wp;call Oborcl1].
      if{1};first by rcondt{2} 1;
       [move=> &m0;skip;smt | wp;call Oborcl1;wp].
      rcondf{2} 1;first by move=> &m0;skip;smt.
      by if{2};wp;call Oborcl2;wp.
      by conseq Obleaks.
      by conseq Oborcl1.
      by conseq Oborcl2.
    by wp.

  (* TODO : move this *)
  lemma Mrplus_inter_shift (i j k:int) f:
      Mrplus.sum f (oflist (List.Iota.iota_ i (j - i + 1))) =
      Mrplus.sum (fun l, f (l + k)) (oflist (List.Iota.iota_ (i-k) (j - i + 1))).
  proof strict.
    rewrite (Mrplus.sum_chind f (fun l, l - k) (fun l, l + k)) /=;first smt.
    congr => //.
    apply FSet.fsetP => x.
    rewrite imageP !mem_oflist !List.Iota.mem_iota; split.
      move=> [y];rewrite !mem_oflist !List.Iota.mem_iota;smt.
    move=> Hx;exists (x+k);rewrite !mem_oflist !List.Iota.mem_iota;smt.

  lemma Hybrid &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
    let p' = fun ga ge l r, p ga ge l r /\ l <= q in
    Pr[Ln(Ob,HybGame(A)).main() @ &m : p' (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ Count.c <= 1] -
      Pr[Rn(Ob,HybGame(A)).main() @ &m : p' (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ Count.c <= 1] =
    1%r/q%r * (
      Pr[Ln(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p' (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res] -
        Pr[Rn(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p' (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res]).
    move=> p';rewrite (GLB_WL &m p') (GRB_WR &m p').
    simplify p'; rewrite -(WL0_GLA &m p) -(WRq_GRA &m p).
    cut Hint : forall x, support [0..q - 1] x <=> mem (oflist (List.Iota.iota_ 0 q)) x.
      by move=> x; rewrite !mem_oflist !List.Iota.mem_iota  supp_dinter; smt.
    cut Hfin: is_finite (support [0..q - 1]).
      exists (List.Iota.iota_ 0 q).
      by rewrite List.Iota.iota_uniq=> /= x; rewrite List.Iota.mem_iota supp_dinter=> /#.
    cut Huni : forall (x : int), x \in [0..q - 1] => mu1 [0..q - 1] x = 1%r / q%r.
      by move=> x Hx; rewrite dinter1E /=; smt(supp_dinter).
    pose ev :=
      fun (_j:int) (g:glob HybGameFixed(L(Ob))) (r:outputA),
        let (l,l0,ga,ge) = g in p ga ge l r /\ l <= q.
    cut := M.Mean_uni (HybGameFixed(L(Ob))) &m ev (1%r/q%r) _ _ => //; simplify ev => ->.
    cut := M.Mean_uni (HybGameFixed(R(Ob))) &m ev (1%r/q%r) _ _ => //; simplify ev => ->.
    cut -> : oflist (to_seq (support [0..q - 1])) = oflist (List.Iota.iota_ 0 q).
      by apply FSet.fsetP => x; rewrite !mem_oflist mem_to_seq// smt.
    cut {1}->: oflist (List.Iota.iota_ 0 q) = oflist (List.Iota.iota_ 1 (q - 1)) `|` fset1 0.
      by apply/fsetP=> x; rewrite !inE !mem_oflist !List.Iota.mem_iota; smt.
    cut ->: oflist (List.Iota.iota_ 0 q) = oflist (List.Iota.iota_ 0 (q - 1)) `|` fset1 (q - 1).
      by apply/fsetP=> x; rewrite !inE !mem_oflist !List.Iota.mem_iota; smt.
    rewrite Mrplus.sum_add /=.
      by rewrite mem_oflist List.Iota.mem_iota.
    rewrite Mrplus.sum_add /=.
      by rewrite mem_oflist List.Iota.mem_iota.
    cut Hq : q%r <> 0%r by smt.
    fieldeq => //.
    cut ->: q - 1 = q - 1 - 1 - 0 + 1 by smt.
    rewrite (Mrplus_inter_shift 0 (q - 1 - 1) (-1)) /=.
    have ->: q - 1 - 1 + 1 = q - 1 by smt.
    rewrite -(Mrplus.sum_comp (( * ) (-q%r))) 1..2:smt.
    rewrite -(Mrplus.sum_comp (( * ) (q%r))) 1..2:smt.
    rewrite Mrplus.sum_add2 /=.
    rewrite (Mrplus.NatMul.sum_const 0%r) /Mrplus.NatMul.( * ) //=.
    move=> x; rewrite mem_oflist List.Iota.mem_iota=> Hx.
    cut:= WLR_shift &m x p' _; 1:smt. simplify p'=> ->.
    by smt.

end section.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Simplified variant: Assume that A calls the oracle at most q times. *)
  declare module Ob : Orclb    {Count,HybOrcl}.
  declare module A  : AdvOrclb {Count,HybOrcl,Ob}.

  axiom A_call : forall (O<:Orcl{Count,A}), hoare [ Orcln(A(Ob), O).main : true ==> Count.c <= q ].

  local module Al = Orcln(A(Ob),HybOrcl(Ob,L(Ob))).

  local module Bl = {
    proc main() : outputA = {
      var r : outputA;
      HybOrcl.l0 <$ [0..q-1];
      HybOrcl.l  <- 0;
      r <@ Al.main();
      return r;

  local module Ar = Orcln(A(Ob),HybOrcl(Ob,R(Ob))).

  local module Br = {
    proc main() : outputA = {
      var r : outputA;
      HybOrcl.l0 <$ [0..q-1];
      HybOrcl.l  <- 0;
      r <@ Ar.main();
      return r;

  local equiv B_Bl : HybGame(A,Ob,L(Ob)).main ~ Bl.main :
     ={glob A, glob Ob} ==>
     ={glob A, glob Ob, glob HybOrcl, res} /\ Count.c{2} = HybOrcl.l{2} /\ Count.c{2} <= q.
    conseq [-frame] (_:  ={glob A, glob Ob} ==>  ={glob A, glob Ob, glob HybOrcl, res}) _
           (_:true ==> Count.c = HybOrcl.l /\ Count.c <= q).
     conseq [-frame] (_:true ==> Count.c = HybOrcl.l) (_: true ==> Count.c <= q).
       proc; call (A_call (<:HybOrcl(Ob,L(Ob)))) => //.
     proc;inline *;wp;call (_ : Count.c = HybOrcl.l).
     proc;inline *;wp; by conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //.
     conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //. conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //. conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //.
     by wp.
    proc;inline Al.main;wp. call (_: ={glob Ob, glob HybOrcl}).
    proc;inline *;wp. sp;if => //. call (_:true) => //.
      if => //. wp;call (_:true) => //. wp=> //. call (_:true) => //.
    proc (={glob HybOrcl}) => //. proc (={glob HybOrcl}) => //. proc (={glob HybOrcl}) => //.
    inline *;wp;rnd => //.

  local equiv B_Br : HybGame(A,Ob,R(Ob)).main ~ Br.main :
     ={glob A, glob Ob} ==>
     ={glob A, glob Ob, glob HybOrcl, res} /\ Count.c{2} = HybOrcl.l{2} /\ Count.c{2} <= q.
    conseq [-frame] (_:  ={glob A, glob Ob} ==>  ={glob A, glob Ob, glob HybOrcl, res}) _
           (_:true ==> Count.c = HybOrcl.l /\ Count.c <= q).
     conseq [-frame] (_:true ==> Count.c = HybOrcl.l) (_: true ==> Count.c <= q).
       proc; call (A_call (<:HybOrcl(Ob,R(Ob)))) => //.
     proc;inline *;wp;call (_ : Count.c = HybOrcl.l).
     proc;inline *;wp; by conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //.
     conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //. conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //. conseq (_: _ ==> true) => //.
     by wp.
    proc;inline Ar.main;wp. call (_: ={glob Ob, glob HybOrcl}).
    proc;inline *;wp. sp;if => //. call (_:true) => //.
      if => //. wp;call (_:true) => //. wp=> //. call (_:true) => //.
    proc (={glob HybOrcl}) => //. proc (={glob HybOrcl}) => //. proc (={glob HybOrcl}) => //.
    inline *;wp;rnd => //.

  local lemma Pr_Bl &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
     Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,L(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res] =
     Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,L(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ HybOrcl.l <= q].
    cut -> :
       Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,L(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res] =
       Pr[Bl.main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ HybOrcl.l <= q].
      byequiv B_Bl => //.
    apply eq_sym.  byequiv B_Bl => //.

  local lemma Pr_Br &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
     Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,R(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res] =
     Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,R(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ HybOrcl.l <= q].
    cut -> :
       Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,R(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res] =
       Pr[Br.main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res /\ HybOrcl.l <= q].
      byequiv B_Br => //.
    apply eq_sym.  byequiv B_Br => //.

  axiom losslessL: islossless Ob.leaks.
  axiom losslessOb1: islossless Ob.orclL.
  axiom losslessOb2: islossless Ob.orclR.
  axiom losslessA (Ob0 <: Orclb{A}) (LR <: Orcl{A}):
    islossless LR.orcl =>
    islossless Ob0.leaks => islossless Ob0.orclL => islossless Ob0.orclR =>
    islossless A(Ob0, LR).main.

  lemma Hybrid_restr &m (p:glob A -> glob Ob -> int -> outputA -> bool):
      Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,L(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res] -
      Pr[HybGame(A,Ob,R(Ob)).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) HybOrcl.l res] =
      1%r/q%r * (
         Pr[Ln(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res] -
         Pr[Rn(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res]).
     pose p' := fun ga ge l r, p ga ge l r /\ l <= q.
     cut -> : Pr[Ln(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p  (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res] =
              Pr[Ln(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p' (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res].
       byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} ==> ={glob A, glob Ob, Count.c, res} /\ Count.c{1} <= q) => //;
         last by rewrite /p'.
       conseq [-frame] (_:  ={glob A, glob Ob} ==> ={glob A, glob Ob, Count.c, res}) (_ : true ==> Count.c <= q);
         last by sim;  proc (={Count.c}).
       apply (A_call (<:L(Ob))).
     cut -> : Pr[Rn(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p  (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res] =
              Pr[Rn(Ob,A).main() @ &m : p' (glob A) (glob Ob) Count.c res].
       byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} ==> ={glob A, glob Ob, Count.c, res} /\ Count.c{1} <= q) => //;
         last by rewrite /p'.
       conseq [-frame] (_:  ={glob A, glob Ob} ==> ={glob A, glob Ob, Count.c, res}) (_ : true ==> Count.c <= q);
         last by sim;  proc (={Count.c}).
       apply (A_call (<:R(Ob))).
     rewrite (Pr_Bl &m p) (Pr_Br &m p).
     cut := Hybrid Ob A _ _ _ _ &m p.
      apply losslessL. apply losslessOb1. apply losslessOb2. apply losslessA.
     move=> /= H. rewrite /p' -H.
     congr; last congr.
     byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} ==> ={glob A, glob Ob, glob HybOrcl, res} /\ Count.c{2} <= 1) => //.
       proc;inline *;wp.
       call (_ : ={glob Ob, glob HybOrcl} /\ (if HybOrcl.l <= HybOrcl.l0 then Count.c = 0 else Count.c =1){2}).
        proc. inline *;wp.
        if => //. call (_: ={glob HybOrcl});auto; smt.
        if => //. wp;call (_: ={glob HybOrcl});auto; smt. call (_: ={glob HybOrcl});auto; smt.
       conseq (_: _ ==> ={res,glob Ob}) => //. sim.
       conseq (_: _ ==> ={res,glob Ob}) => //. sim.
       conseq (_: _ ==> ={res,glob Ob}) => //. sim.
     byequiv (_ : ={glob A, glob Ob} ==> ={glob A, glob Ob, glob HybOrcl, res} /\ Count.c{2} <= 1) => //.
       proc;inline *;wp.
       call (_ : ={glob Ob, glob HybOrcl} /\ (if HybOrcl.l <= HybOrcl.l0 then Count.c = 0 else Count.c =1){2}).
        proc. inline *;wp.
        if => //. call (_: ={glob HybOrcl});auto; smt.
        if => //. wp;call (_: ={glob HybOrcl});auto; smt. call (_: ={glob HybOrcl});auto; smt.
       conseq (_: _ ==> ={res,glob Ob}) => //. sim.
       conseq (_: _ ==> ={res,glob Ob}) => //. sim.
       conseq (_: _ ==> ={res,glob Ob}) => //. sim.

end section.
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