Raw File
Tip revision: e26e48edaacaf11448d7c89e4594cb98898ec02a authored by Adrien Koutsos on 16 August 2022, 08:33:12 UTC
Adding missing `mli` and theory files
Tip revision: e26e48e
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let s_get  = "_.[_]"
let s_set  = "_.[_<-_]"
let s_nil  = "[]"
let s_cons = "::"
let s_abs  = "`|_|"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let i_top  = "Top"
let i_self = "Self"
let p_top  = EcPath.psymbol i_top

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let i_Pervasive = "Pervasive"
let p_Pervasive = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Pervasive
let _Pervasive  = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Pervasive x

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let base_rnd = "random"
let base_ll  = "lossless"

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Unit = struct
  let p_unit  = _Pervasive "unit"
  let p_tt    = _Pervasive "tt"

module CI_Witness = struct
  let p_witness = _Pervasive "witness"

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Bool = struct
  let i_Bool = "Bool"
  let p_Bool = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Bool
  let p_bool = _Pervasive "bool"

  let p_true  = _Pervasive "true"
  let p_false = _Pervasive "false"

  let p_not  = _Pervasive "[!]"
  let p_anda = _Pervasive "&&"
  let p_and  = _Pervasive "/\\"
  let p_ora  = _Pervasive "||"
  let p_or   = _Pervasive "\\/"
  let p_imp  = _Pervasive "=>"
  let p_iff  = _Pervasive "<=>"
  let p_eq   = _Pervasive "="

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Option = struct
  let i_Option  = "Logic"
  let p_Option  = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Option

  let _Option x = EcPath.pqname p_Option x

  let p_option = _Option "option"
  let p_none   = _Option "None"
  let p_some   = _Option "Some"
  let p_oget   = _Option "oget"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Int = struct
  let i_Int = "CoreInt"
  let p_Int = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Int
  let p_int = _Pervasive "int"

  let i_IntDiv = "IntDiv"
  let p_IntDiv = EcPath.pqname p_top i_IntDiv

  let _Int    = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Int x
  let _IntDiv = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_IntDiv x

  let p_int_elim  = _Int "intind"
  let p_int_opp   = _Int "opp"
  let p_int_add   = _Int "add"
  let p_int_mul   = _Int "mul"
  let p_int_pow   = EcPath.extend p_top ["Ring"; "IntID"; "exp"]
  let p_int_le    = _Int "le"
  let p_int_lt    = _Int "lt"
  let p_int_edivz = _IntDiv "edivz"
  let p_int_max   = _IntDiv "max"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Cost = struct
  let i_Cost = "CoreCost"
  let p_Cost = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Cost
  let p_cost = _Pervasive "cost"

  let _Cost    = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Cost x

  let p_cost_inf     = _Pervasive "inf"
  let p_cost_opp     = _Cost "opp"
  let p_cost_add     = _Cost "add"
  let p_cost_scale   = _Cost "scale"
  let p_cost_xscale  = _Cost "xscale"
  let p_cost_le      = _Cost "le"
  let p_cost_lt      = _Cost "lt"
  let p_cost_subcond = _Cost "subcond"
  let p_cost_is_int  = _Cost "is_int"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Xint = struct
  let i_CoreXint  = "CoreXint"
  let p_CoreXint  = EcPath.pqname p_top i_CoreXint
  let _CoreXint   = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_CoreXint x

  let i_Xint  = "Xint"
  let p_Xint  = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Xint
  let _Xint   = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Xint x
  let mk_Xint = _Xint

  let p_xint   = _CoreXint "xint"
  let p_N      = _CoreXint "N"
  let p_inf    = _CoreXint "Inf"
  let p_xopp   = mk_Xint "xopp"
  let p_xadd   = mk_Xint "xadd"
  let p_xmul   = mk_Xint "xmul"
  let p_xmuli  = mk_Xint "xmuli"
  let p_is_inf = mk_Xint "is_inf"
  let p_is_int = mk_Xint "is_int"
  let p_xoget  = mk_Xint "xoget"

  let p_xle     = mk_Xint "xle"
  let p_xlt     = mk_Xint "xlt"
  let p_xmax    = mk_Xint "xmax"

  let p_choaretac = EcPath.pqname p_top "CHoareTactic"

  let p_Bigxint = EcPath.pqname p_choaretac "Bigxint"
  let p_Bigcost = EcPath.pqname p_choaretac "Bigcost"
  let p_bigx    = EcPath.pqname p_Bigxint "big"
  let p_bigcost = EcPath.pqname p_Bigcost "big"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Real = struct
  let i_Real = "CoreReal"
  let p_Real = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Real
  let p_real = _Pervasive "real"

  let p_RealExtra = EcPath.pqname p_top "Real"

  let p_RealOrder =
    EcPath.extend p_top ["StdOrder"; "RealOrder"]

  let _Real = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Real x

  let p_real0       = _Real "zero"
  let p_real1       = _Real "one"
  let p_real_opp    = _Real "opp"
  let p_real_add    = _Real "add"
  let p_real_mul    = _Real "mul"
  let p_real_inv    = _Real "inv"
  let p_real_pow    = EcPath.extend p_top ["Real"; "Rfield"; "exp"]
  let p_real_le     = _Real "le"
  let p_real_lt     = _Real "lt"
  let p_real_of_int = _Real "from_int"
  let p_real_abs    = EcPath.extend p_top ["Real"; "`|_|"]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Pred = struct
  let i_Pred  = "Logic"
  let p_Pred  = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Pred

  let _Pred x = EcPath.pqname p_Pred x
  let p_predT = _Pred "predT"
  let p_pred1 = _Pred "pred1"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Distr = struct
  let i_Distr = "Distr"
  let p_Distr = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Distr
  let p_distr = _Pervasive "distr"
  let _Distr  = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Distr x

  let p_dbool      = EcPath.extend p_top ["DBool"; "dbool"]
  let p_dbitstring = EcPath.extend p_Distr ["Dbitstring"; "dbitstring"]
  let p_dinter     = EcPath.extend p_top ["DInterval"; "dinter"]

  let p_support  = _Distr "support"
  let p_mu       = _Pervasive "mu"
  let p_lossless = _Distr "is_lossless"
  let p_uniform  = _Distr "is_uniform"
  let p_full     = _Distr "is_full"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Map = struct
  let i_Map = "CoreMap"
  let p_Map = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Map
  let _Map  = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Map x

  let p_map = _Map "map"
  let p_get = _Map s_get
  let p_set = _Map s_set
  let p_cst = _Map "cst"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Logic = struct
  let i_Logic  = "Tactics"
  let p_Logic  = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Logic
  let _Logic   = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Logic x
  let mk_logic = _Logic

  let p_unit_elim     = _Logic "unitW"
  let p_false_elim    = _Logic "falseW"
  let p_bool_elim     = _Logic "boolW"
  let p_and_elim      = _Logic "andW"
  let p_anda_elim     = _Logic "andaW"
  let p_and_proj_l    = _Logic "andWl"
  let p_and_proj_r    = _Logic "andWr"
  let p_anda_proj_l   = _Logic "andaWl"
  let p_anda_proj_r   = _Logic "andaWr"
  let p_or_elim       = _Logic "orW"
  let p_ora_elim      = _Logic "oraW"
  let p_iff_elim      = _Logic "iffW"
  let p_if_elim       = _Logic "ifW"

  let p_true_intro    = _Logic "trueI"
  let p_and_intro     = _Logic "andI"
  let p_anda_intro    = _Logic "andaI"
  let p_or_intro_l    = _Logic "orIl"
  let p_ora_intro_l   = _Logic "oraIl"
  let p_or_intro_r    = _Logic "orIr"
  let p_ora_intro_r   = _Logic "oraIr"
  let p_iff_intro     = _Logic "iffI"
  let p_if_intro      = _Logic "ifI"
  let p_if_congr      = _Logic "if_congr"
  let p_eq_refl       = _Logic "eq_refl"
  let p_eq_trans      = _Logic "eq_trans"
  let p_eq_iff        = _Logic "eq_iff"
  let p_fcongr        = _Logic "congr1"
  let p_eq_ind        = _Logic "eq_ind"
  let p_eq_sym        = _Logic "eq_sym"
  let p_eq_sym_imp    = _Logic "eq_sym_imp"
  let p_eq_iff_imp    = _Logic "eq_iff_imp"
  let p_negbTE        = _Logic "negbTE"
  let p_negeqF        = _Logic "negeqF"

  let p_iff_lr        = _Logic "iffLR"
  let p_iff_rl        = _Logic "iffRL"

  let p_cut_lemma     = _Logic "cut_"
  let p_case_eq_bool  = _Logic "boolWE"
  let p_ip_dup        = _Logic "dup"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_mixfix_op =
  let ops = [s_get; s_set; s_nil; s_abs] in
  fun op -> List.mem op ops

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let s_real_of_int = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Real.p_real_of_int
let s_dbool       = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Distr.p_dbool
let s_dbitstring  = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Distr.p_dbitstring
let s_dinter      = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Distr.p_dinter
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