Raw File
Tip revision: 6e019106ccb8111f6176e1b1f7ca52edab718799 authored by Benjamin Gregoire on 11 January 2021, 17:49:21 UTC
Tip revision: 6e01910
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

 * This file contains a formalization of (discrete) distributions
 * [mu1 d x]       : probability of the value [x] in the distribution [d].
 * [mu d E]        : probability of the event [E] in the distribution [d].
 * [x \in d]       : [x] is in the support of [d].
 * [x \notin d]    : [x] isn't in the support of [d].
 * [is_lossless d] : the distribution [d] is lossless.
 * [is_full d]     : the distribution [d] is full.
 * [is_uniform d]  : all elements in d have the same probability.
 * [is_funiform d] : all elements have the same probability.
 * Given a distribution named distr we use the following naming conventions:
 * - distr1E    : equation defining mu1
 * - distrE     : equation defining mu
 * - supp_distr : equation defining the support (i.e of \in)
 * - distr_ll   : lemma on is_lossless
 * - distr_fu   : lemma on is_full
 * - distr_uni  : lemma on is_uniform
 * - distr_funi : lemma on is_funiform

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import AllCore List Binomial.
require import Ring StdRing StdOrder StdBigop Discrete.
require import RealFun RealSeq RealSeries.
(*---*) import IterOp Bigint Bigreal Bigreal.BRA.
(*---*) import IntOrder RealOrder RField.
require import Finite.
require (*--*) FinType.

pragma +implicits.
pragma -oldip.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type 'a distr = 'a Pervasive.distr.

op mass ['a] : 'a distr -> 'a -> real.

axiom muE ['a] (d : 'a distr) (E : 'a -> bool):
  mu d E = sum (fun x => if E x then mass d x else 0%r).

abbrev mu1 (d:'a distr) x = mu d (pred1 x).

lemma massE ['a] (d : 'a distr) x : mass d x = mu1 d x. 
rewrite muE (@sumE_fin _ [x]) ?big_seq1 //=.
by move=> y @/pred1; case: (y = x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op mk : ('a -> real) -> 'a distr.

inductive isdistr (m : 'a -> real) =
| Distr of
       (forall x, 0%r <= m x)
     & (forall s, uniq s => big predT m s <= 1%r).

lemma ge0_isdistr (d : 'a -> real) x : isdistr d => 0%r <= d x.
proof. by case=> + _; apply. qed.

lemma le1_isdistr (d : 'a -> real) x : isdistr d => d x <= 1%r.
proof. by case=> _ /(_ [x] _) //; rewrite big_seq1. qed.

lemma le1_sum_isdistr (d : 'a -> real) s :
  isdistr d => uniq s => big predT d s <= 1%r.
proof. by case=> _; apply. qed.

axiom distrW (P : 'a distr -> bool):
  (forall m, isdistr m => P (mk m)) => forall d, P d.

axiom muK (m : 'a -> real): isdistr m => mass (mk m) = m.
axiom mkK (d : 'a distr): mk (mass d) = d.

lemma ge0_mass ['a] (d : 'a distr) (x : 'a) : 0%r <= mass d x.
proof. by elim/distrW: d x => m dm; rewrite muK //; case: dm. qed.

hint exact : ge0_mass.

lemma le1_mass_fin ['a] (d : 'a distr) (s : 'a list) :
  uniq s => big predT (mass d) s <= 1%r.
proof. by elim/distrW: d s => m dm; rewrite muK //; case: dm. qed.

lemma le1_mass ['a] (d : 'a distr) x : mass d x <= 1%r.
proof. by have := le1_mass_fin d [x] _; rewrite ?big_seq1. qed.

hint exact : le1_mass.

lemma isdistr_mass (d : 'a distr) : isdistr (mass d).
proof. by split; [exact/ge0_mass | exact/le1_mass_fin]. qed.

lemma isdistr_mu1 (d : 'a distr): isdistr (mu1 d).
have [_ <-] := (fun_ext (mass d) (mu1 d)).
+ by move=> x; apply/massE. + by apply/isdistr_mass.

lemma ge0_mu (d : 'a distr) p : 0%r <= mu d p.
proof. by rewrite muE; apply/ge0_sum=> x /=; case: (p x). qed.

hint exact : ge0_mu.

lemma summable_mass ['a] (d : 'a distr) : summable (mass d).
exists 1%r=> s eq_s; rewrite (@eq_bigr _ _ (mass d)) => /=.
  by move=> i _; rewrite ger0_norm // ge0_mass.
by apply/le1_mass_fin.

lemma summable_mass_cond (d : 'a distr) (p : 'a -> bool) :
  summable (fun x => if p x then mass d x else 0%r).
proof. by apply/summable_cond/summable_mass. qed.

lemma summable_mass_wght (d : 'a distr) (F : 'a -> real) :
     (forall x, 0%r <= F x <= 1%r)
  => summable (fun x => mass d x * F x).
move=> dF; apply: (@summable_le (mass d)) => /= [|x].
+ by apply: summable_mass.
+ rewrite !ger0_norm ?mulr_ge0 //; first by case: (dF x).
  by rewrite ler_pimulr //; case: (dF x).

lemma le1_mu (d : 'a distr) p : mu d p <= 1%r.
rewrite muE &(lerfin_sum) 1:&(summable_mass_cond) => J uqJ.
apply: (@ler_trans (big predT (mass d) J)).
+ by apply: ler_sum => /= a _; case: (p a).
+ by apply: le1_mass_fin.

hint exact : le1_mu.

lemma mu_bounded (d : 'a distr) (p : 'a -> bool) : 0%r <= mu d p <= 1%r.
proof. by rewrite ge0_mu le1_mu. qed.

lemma countable_mass ['a] (d : 'a distr):
  countable (fun x => mass d x <> 0%r).
proof. by apply/sbl_countable/summable_mass. qed.

lemma eq_distr_mass (d1 d2 : 'a distr):
  (d1 = d2) <=> (forall x, mass d1 x = mass d2 x).
split=> [->//|eq_mu]; rewrite -(@mkK d1) -(@mkK d2).
by congr; apply/fun_ext.

lemma summable_mu1 (d : 'a distr) : summable (mu1 d).
rewrite -(@eq_summable (mass d)) ?summable_mass.
by move=> x; rewrite massE.

lemma eq_distr (d1 d2 : 'a distr):
  (d1 = d2) <=> (forall x, mu1 d1 x = mu1 d2 x).
by split=> [->//|h]; apply/eq_distr_mass=> x; rewrite !massE h.

lemma isdistr_finP (s : 'a list) (m : 'a -> real) :
     uniq s
  => (forall x, m x <> 0%r => mem s x)
  => (forall x, 0%r <= m x)
  => (isdistr m <=> (big predT m s <= 1%r)).
move=> uq_s fin ge0_m; split=> [[_ /(_ s uq_s)]|le1_m] //.
split=> // s' uq_s'; rewrite (@bigID _ _ (mem s)) addrC big1 /=.
  by move=> i [_] @/predC; apply/contraR=> /fin.
rewrite -big_filter; apply/(ler_trans _ _ le1_m).
rewrite filter_predI filter_predT; pose t := filter _ _.
suff /eq_big_perm ->: perm_eq t (filter (mem s') s).
  rewrite big_filter (@bigID predT _ (mem s')) ler_addl.
  by rewrite sumr_ge0 => x _; apply/ge0_m.
apply/uniq_perm_eq; rewrite ?filter_uniq // => x.
by rewrite !mem_filter andbC.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abbrev weight (d:'a distr): real = mu d predT.

lemma ge0_weight ['a] (d : 'a distr) : 0%r <= weight d.
rewrite -sum0<:'a> muE; apply/RealSeries.ler_sum=> /=; first last.
+ by apply/summable0.
+ by rewrite -(@eq_summable (mass d)) ?summable_mass.
+ by move=> x @/predT /=; apply/ge0_mass.

lemma weightE (d : 'a distr) : weight d = sum (mass d).
proof. by rewrite muE; apply/eq_sum=> x /=. qed.

lemma weight_eq0 ['a] (d : 'a distr) :
  weight d = 0%r => (forall x, mu1 d x = 0%r).
move=> h x; move: h; apply: contraLR => nz_mux; rewrite weightE.
suff h: 0%r < sum (mass d) by rewrite gtr_eqF.
have gt0_mux: 0%r < mu1 d x.
+ by rewrite ltr_neqAle eq_sym nz_mux ge0_mu.
pose d' := fun y => if x = y then mu1 d x else 0%r.
apply (@ltr_le_trans (sum d')); first rewrite (@sumE_fin _ [x]) //.
+ by move=> y @/d'; case: (x = y) => [->|].
+ by move=> y; rewrite massE /d'; case: (x = y) => // _; apply/ge0_mu1.
+ (* factor out - finite support stuffs are summable *)
  exists (mu1 d x) => J uq_J; case: (x \in J) => h; last first.
  * rewrite big_seq big1 ?ge0_mu1 // => y /= yJ @/d'.
    by case: (x = y) => [->>//|]; rewrite normr0.
  rewrite (@bigD1 _ _ x) //= big1 /=.
  * by move=> y @/predC1 @/d'; rewrite eq_sym => ->; rewrite normr0.
  by rewrite /d' /= ger0_norm // ge0_mu1.
+ by apply/summable_mass.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op support (d : 'a distr) x = 0%r < mu1 d x.

abbrev (\in) (x : 'a) (d : 'a distr) = support d x.
abbrev (\notin) (x : 'a) (d : 'a distr) = !support d x.

lemma supportP (d : 'a distr) x : (x \in d) <=> (mu1 d x <> 0%r).
proof. by rewrite eqr_le -massE ge0_mass /= lerNgt massE. qed.

lemma supportPn (d : 'a distr) x : (x \notin d) <=> (mu1 d x = 0%r).
proof. by rewrite supportP eq_sym. qed.

pred is_lossless (d : 'a distr) = weight d = 1%r.

pred is_full (d : 'a distr) = forall x, x \in d.

lemma is_losslessP (d : 'a distr) : is_lossless d => weight d = 1%r.
proof. done. qed.

lemma is_fullP (d : 'a distr) x : is_full d => x \in d.
proof. by apply. qed.
pred is_uniform (d : 'a distr) = forall (x y : 'a),
  x \in d => y \in d => mu1 d x = mu1 d y.

pred is_funiform (d : 'a distr) = forall (x y : 'a), mu1 d x = mu1 d y.

lemma is_full_funiform (d : 'a distr) : 
  is_full d => is_uniform d => is_funiform d.
proof. by move=> Hf Hu x y; apply: Hu; apply: Hf. qed.

lemma funi_uni (d : 'a distr) : is_funiform d => is_uniform d.
proof. by move=> h ????; apply: h. qed.

lemma funi_ll_full (d : 'a distr) :
  is_funiform d => is_lossless d => is_full d.
move=> funi_d ll_d x; suff: exists y, y \in d.
+ by case=> y; rewrite !supportP (@funi_d x y).
move: ll_d; apply/contraLR; rewrite negb_exists /= => h.
rewrite /is_lossless (_ : weight d = 0%r) // muE.
rewrite sum0_eq //= => @/predT /= y.
by rewrite massE -supportPn h.

lemma rnd_funi ['a] (d : 'a distr) :
  is_funiform d => forall x y, mu1 d x = mu1 d y.
proof. by apply. qed.

hint solve 1 random : rnd_funi is_losslessP is_fullP.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma mu_le (d : 'a distr) (p q : 'a -> bool):
     (forall x, x \in d => p x => q x)
  => mu d p <= mu d q.
move=> le_pq; rewrite !muE ler_sum /=.
+ move=> x; case: (p x) => Px; case: (q x) => Qx //=.
  case: (x \in d); first by move/le_pq => /(_ Px).
  by move/supportPn; rewrite massE => ->.
+ by apply/summable_mass_cond.
+ by apply/summable_mass_cond.

lemma mu_sub (d:'a distr) (p q:('a -> bool)):
  p <= q => mu d p <= mu d q.
proof. by move=> le_pq; apply/mu_le => ??; apply/le_pq. qed.

lemma mu_eq (d:'a distr) (p q:'a -> bool):
  p == q => mu d p = mu d q.
by move=> ext_p_q; congr=> //; apply fun_ext.

lemma eq0_mu ['a] d p : mu<:'a> d p = 0%r => forall x, x \in d => !p x.
move=> eq0 x xd; apply: contraL eq0 => px; rewrite gtr_eqF //.
apply: (@ltr_le_trans (mu1 d x)); last by apply: mu_le => y _ ->.
by move/supportP: xd; rewrite ltr_neqAle ge0_mu /= eq_sym.

lemma mu_eq_support : forall (d : 'a distr) (p q : 'a -> bool),
  (forall (x : 'a), x \in d => p x = q x) => mu d p = mu d q.
proof. smt (mu_le). qed.

lemma eq1_mu ['a] (d : 'a distr) p :
  is_lossless d => (forall x, x \in d => p x) => mu d p = 1%r.
move=> ll_d pT; rewrite (@mu_eq_support _ _ predT).
- by move=> x xd; rewrite pT.
- by apply: ll_d.

lemma mu0 (d : 'a distr) : mu d pred0 = 0%r.
proof. by rewrite muE /pred0 /= sum0. qed.

lemma mu0_false ['a] (d : 'a distr) (p : 'a -> bool) :
  (forall x, x \in d => !p x) => mu d p = 0%r.
proof. by rewrite -(@mu0 d)=> H;apply mu_eq_support => x /H ->. qed.

lemma neq0_mu ['a] (d : 'a distr) p :
  mu d p <> 0%r => exists x, x \in d /\ p x.
apply: contraR; rewrite negb_exists /= => z_d.
by apply: mu0_false => /#.

axiom mu_or (d : 'a distr) (p q : 'a -> bool):
  mu d (predU p q) = mu d p + mu d q - mu d (predI p q).

lemma mu_and (d : 'a distr) (p q : 'a -> bool) :
  mu d (predI p q) = mu d p + mu d q - mu d (predU p q).
proof. by rewrite (@mu_or d p q) #ring. qed.

lemma mu_disjoint (d : 'a distr) (p q : 'a -> bool):
  (predI p q) <= pred0 => mu d (predU p q) = mu d p + mu d q.
move=> h; rewrite mu_or (@mu0_false _ (predI _ _)) //.
by move=> x _; apply/negP => /h.

lemma mu_disjointL (d : 'a distr) (p q : 'a -> bool) :
  (forall x, p x => !q x) => mu d (predU p q) = mu d p + mu d q.
proof. by move=> h; rewrite mu_disjoint // => x [/h]. qed.

lemma mu_split (d : 'a distr) (p q : 'a -> bool) :
  mu d p = mu d (predI p q) + mu d (predI p (predC q)).
have {1}->: p = predU (predI p q) (predI p (predC q)).
+ by apply/fun_ext=> x /#.
+ by rewrite mu_disjointL 1:/#.

lemma mu_not (d : 'a distr) (p : 'a -> bool):
  mu d (predC p) = weight d - mu d p.
proof. by rewrite -(@predCU p) mu_disjointL // #ring. qed.

axiom witness_support P (d : 'a distr) :
  0%r < mu d P <=> (exists x, P x /\ x \in d).

lemma mu_and_weight ['a] P Q (d : 'a distr) : (* FIXME: name *)
  mu d P = weight d => mu d (predI P Q) = mu d Q.
move=> h; rewrite mu_and; suff ->: mu d (predU P Q) = mu d P by smt().
by rewrite eqr_le {1}h !mu_le // => x _ Px; left.

lemma mu_in_weight ['a] P (d : 'a distr) x : 
  mu d P = weight d => x \in d => P x.
move/(mu_and_weight _ (pred1 x)) => @/support <-.
by case/witness_support=> y /> Py <-.

lemma weightE_support ['a] (d : 'a distr) : weight d = mu d (support d).
rewrite (@mu_split _ _ (support d)); pose p := predI _ (predC _).
have ->: predI predT (support d) = support d by apply/fun_ext.
suff ->: mu d p = 0%r by rewrite addr0. by rewrite mu0_false.

lemma mu_le_weight ['a] (d : 'a distr) p : mu d p <= weight d.
proof. by apply/mu_le. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma mu_mem_uniq ['a] (d : 'a distr) (s : 'a list) : 
  uniq s => mu d (mem s) = BRA.big predT (mu1 d) s.
elim: s => [_|x s ih [xs uq_s]]; first by rewrite big_nil mu0.
rewrite big_cons {1}/predT /= -ih // -mu_disjointL => [y ->//|].
by apply/mu_eq=> y.

lemma mu_mem ['a] (d : 'a distr) (s : 'a list) :
  mu d (mem s) = BRA.big predT (mu1 d) (undup s).
rewrite -mu_mem_uniq ?undup_uniq; apply/mu_eq.
by move=> x; rewrite mem_undup.

lemma mu_mem_le ['a] (d : 'a distr) (s : 'a list) :
  mu d (mem s) <= BRA.big predT (mu1 d) s.
rewrite sumr_undup mu_mem; apply/ler_sum_seq => //= x.
rewrite mem_undup => x_in_s _; rewrite intmulr.
apply/ler_pemulr; first by apply/ge0_mu.
by rewrite le_fromint -(@ltzE 0) -has_count has_pred1.

lemma mu_mem_le_mu1 ['a] (d : 'a distr) (s : 'a list) r :
  (forall x, mu1 d x <= r) => mu d (mem s) <= (size s)%r * r.
move=> le; apply/(ler_trans (big predT (fun (x : 'a) => r) s)).
+ by have := mu_mem_le d s => /ler_trans; apply; apply/ler_sum.
by rewrite Bigreal.sumr_const count_predT.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma uniform_finite ['a] (d : 'a distr) :
  is_uniform d => is_finite (support d).
move=> uf_d; case: (is_finite (support d)) => //.
(* FIXME: not having the explicit proof arg leads to InvalidGoalShape *)
move=> ^h /(NfiniteP 1 _ lez01) [] [//|x s [_] xsd].
have {xsd s} xd: x \in d by apply/xsd.
pose r := 1 + ceil (1%r / mu1 d x).
have ge0_cr: 0 <= r by smt(ceil_bound).
case/(NfiniteP _ _ ge0_cr): h => s [[sz_s uq_s] les].
have := le1_mu d (mem s); rewrite mu_mem_uniq //.
rewrite big_seq -(@eq_bigr _ (fun _ => mu1 d x)).
+ by move=> y /= /les yd; apply/uf_d.
rewrite -big_seq Bigreal.sumr_const count_predT negP -ltrNge.
apply/(@ltr_le_trans (r%r * mu1 d x)); last first.
+ by apply/ler_wpmul2r/le_fromint => //; apply/ge0_mu1.
have h: 0%r <> mu1 d x by rewrite ltr_eqF.
apply (ltr_le_trans ((1%r + 1%r/mu1 d x) * mu1 d x)); smt (ceil_bound).

lemma mu1_uni ['a] (d : 'a distr) x : is_uniform d => mu1 d x =
  if x \in d then weight d / (size (to_seq (support d)))%r else 0%r.
move=> uf_d; case: (x \in d) => [xd|]; last first.
  by rewrite eqr_le ge0_mu /= lerNgt.
have fin_d := uniform_finite d uf_d.
rewrite weightE_support; have {1}->: support d = mem (to_seq (support d)).
  by apply/fun_ext=> y; rewrite mem_to_seq.
rewrite mu_mem_uniq ?uniq_to_seq //=; pose F := fun y => mu1 d y.
rewrite big_seq -(@eq_bigr _ (fun _ => mu1 d x)) /=.
  by move=> /= y; rewrite mem_to_seq // => yd; apply/uf_d.
rewrite -(@big_seq _ (to_seq (support d))).
rewrite Bigreal.sumr_const count_predT.
rewrite mulrAC divff // eq_fromint eq_sym eqr_le size_ge0 /=.
by rewrite lezNgt /= -has_predT hasP; exists x; rewrite mem_to_seq.

lemma mu1_uni_ll ['a] (d : 'a distr) x : 
  is_uniform d => is_lossless d => mu1 d x =
    if x \in d then 1%r / (size (to_seq (support d)))%r else 0%r.
proof. by move=> uf_d ll_d; rewrite mu1_uni // ll_d. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op mnull ['a] = fun (x : 'a) => 0%r.
op dnull ['a] = mk mnull<:'a>.

lemma isdistr_mnull ['a] : isdistr mnull<:'a>.
proof. by split=> //= s _; rewrite Bigreal.sumr_const mulr0. qed.

lemma dnull1E ['a] : forall x, mu1 dnull<:'a> x = 0%r.
proof. by move=> x; rewrite -massE muK //; apply/isdistr_mnull. qed.

lemma dnullE ['a] (E : 'a -> bool) : mu dnull<:'a> E = 0%r.
rewrite muE -(@eq_sum (fun x=> 0%r)) 2:sum0 //.
by move=> x /=; rewrite massE dnull1E if_same.

lemma weight_dnull ['a] : weight dnull<:'a> = 0%r.
proof. by apply/dnullE. qed.

lemma supp_dnull (x:'a) : x \notin dnull.
proof. by rewrite /support dnull1E. qed.

lemma dnull_uni ['a]: is_uniform dnull<:'a>.
proof. by move=> x y;rewrite !dnull1E. qed.

lemma dnull_fu ['a]: is_funiform dnull<:'a>.
proof. by move=> x y;rewrite !dnull1E. qed.

lemma support_eq0 ['a] (d : 'a distr) : (forall x, x \notin d) => d = dnull.
rewrite (@forall_iff _ (fun x=> mu1 d x = 0%r)) /=.
+ move=> x /=; rewrite /support -lerNgt.
  by split=> [le0_dx|->] //; apply/ler_asym; rewrite le0_dx -massE ge0_mass.
by move=> h; apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite h dnull1E.

lemma weight_eq0_dnull ['a] (d : 'a distr) : weight d = 0%r => d = dnull.
by move=> /weight_eq0 dx_eq0; apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite dnull1E dx_eq0.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory MRat.

pred eq_ratl (s1 s2 : 'a list) =
  (s1 = [] <=> s2 = []) /\
    (flatten (nseq (size s2) s1))
    (flatten (nseq (size s1) s2)).

lemma perm_eq_ratl (s1 s2 : 'a list):
  perm_eq s1 s2 => eq_ratl s1 s2.
move=> ^eq_s12 /perm_eqP eqp_s12; split.
  by split=> ->>; apply/perm_eq_small=> //; apply/perm_eq_sym.
apply/perm_eqP=> p; rewrite !count_flatten_nseq.
by rewrite eqp_s12 (perm_eq_size eq_s12).

lemma ratl_mem (s1 s2 : 'a list) :
  eq_ratl s1 s2 => forall x, mem s1 x <=> mem s2 x.
case=> eqvnil /perm_eq_mem h x; move/(_ x): h.
rewrite -!has_pred1 !has_count !count_flatten_nseq.
rewrite !ler_maxr ?size_ge0; case: (s1 = []) => [^/eqvnil -> ->//|nz_s1].
rewrite !IntOrder.pmulr_rgt0 ?lt0n ?size_ge0 ?size_eq0 -?eqvnil //.
by rewrite count_ge0. by rewrite count_ge0.

op mrat ['a] (s : 'a list) =
  fun x => (count (pred1 x) s)%r / (size s)%r.

lemma isdistr_drat (s : 'a list) : isdistr (mrat s).
rewrite /mrat; split=> /= [x|J uq_J].
  by rewrite divr_ge0 // le_fromint ?(count_ge0, size_ge0).
rewrite -divr_suml -sumr_ofint; have := size_ge0 s.
rewrite IntOrder.ler_eqVlt => -[<-//|nz_s].
rewrite ler_pdivr_mulr 1?lt_fromint // mul1r le_fromint.
rewrite -{2}(@filter_predT s) -big_count.
have /BIA.eq_big_perm <- := perm_filterC (mem s) J.
rewrite BIA.big_cat IntID.addrC BIA.big_seq BIA.big1 /=.
+ move=> i; rewrite mem_filter => -[@/predC i_notin_s _].
  by rewrite -count_eq0 has_pred1.
have /BIA.eq_big_perm <- := perm_filterC (mem J) (undup s).
rewrite BIA.big_cat ler_paddr ?sumr_ge0 /=.
+ by move=> x _; rewrite count_ge0.
rewrite lerr_eq &(BIA.eq_big_perm) uniq_perm_eq //.
+ by rewrite filter_uniq.
+ by rewrite filter_uniq undup_uniq.
by move=> x; rewrite !mem_filter mem_undup andbC.

op drat ['a] (s : 'a list) = mk (mrat s).

lemma dratE ['a] (s : 'a list) (x : 'a):
  mu1 (drat s) x = (count (pred1 x) s)%r / (size s)%r.
proof. by rewrite -massE muK // isdistr_drat. qed.

lemma prratE ['a] (s : 'a list) (E : 'a -> bool) :
  mu (drat s) E = (count E s)%r / (size s)%r.
rewrite muE (@sumE_fin _ (undup s)) ?undup_uniq //=.
  move=> x; case: (E x)=> _ //; rewrite massE dratE.
  rewrite mulf_eq0 negb_or mem_undup eq_fromint => -[+ _].
  by rewrite -lt0n ?count_ge0 // -has_count has_pred1.
pose F := fun x => (count (pred1 x) s)%r / (size s)%r.
rewrite -big_mkcond (@eq_bigr _ _ F) /F /= => {F}.
  by move=> i _; rewrite massE dratE.
by rewrite -size_filter -divr_suml -sumr_ofint big_count.

lemma supp_drat (s : 'a list) x : x \in (drat s) <=> x \in s.
rewrite /support dratE -has_pred1 has_count.
case: (count (pred1 x) s <= 0); [smt w=count_ge0|].
move=> /IntOrder.ltrNge ^ + -> /=; rewrite -lt_fromint; case: s=> //=.
move=> ? s /(@mulr_gt0 _ (inv (1 + size s)%r)) -> //.
by rewrite invr_gt0 lt_fromint [smt w=size_ge0].

lemma eq_dratP ['a] (s1 s2 : 'a list) :
  eq_ratl s1 s2 <=> (drat s1 = drat s2).
split=> [[]|eq_d].
  move=> eqvnil eq_s12; apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite !dratE.
  move/perm_eqP/(_ (pred1 x)): eq_s12; rewrite !count_flatten_nseq.
  rewrite !ler_maxr ?size_ge0; case: (s1 = []).
    by move=> ^/eqvnil -> ->.
  move=> ^nz_s1; rewrite eqvnil => nz_s2.
  rewrite eqf_div ?eq_fromint ?size_eq0 // -!fromintM.
  by rewrite eq_fromint !(@mulzC (size _)).
apply/andaE; split.
  have h: forall t1 t2, drat<:'a> t1 = drat t2 => t1 = [] => t2 = [].
    move=> t1 [|x t2] eq_dt ->>//; move/(congr1 (fun d => mu1 d x)): eq_dt.
    rewrite /= !dratE /= eq_sym mulf_neq0 // ?invr_eq0 eq_fromint.
    by apply/add1z_neq0/count_ge0. by apply/add1z_neq0/size_ge0.
  by split=> z_s; [apply/(h s1)|apply/(h s2)]=> //; apply/eq_sym.
case: s1 s2 eq_d => [|x1 s1] [|x2 s2] //=.
  by apply/perm_eq_refl.
move=> eq_d; apply/perm_eqP=> p; rewrite !count_flatten_nseq.
move/(congr1 (fun d => mu d p)): eq_d => /=; rewrite !prratE /=.
rewrite !ler_maxr ?addr_ge0 ?size_ge0 // eqf_div;
  try by rewrite eq_fromint add1z_neq0 ?size_ge0.
by rewrite -!fromintM eq_fromint !(@mulzC (1 + _)).

lemma eq_sz_dratP ['a] (s1 s2 : 'a list) : size s1 = size s2 =>
  perm_eq s1 s2 <=> (drat s1 = drat s2).
move=> eq_sz; rewrite -eq_dratP /eq_ratl -!size_eq0 -!eq_sz /=.
split=> /perm_eqP eq; apply/perm_eqP=> p; rewrite ?count_flatten_nseq ?eq //.
move/(_ p): eq; rewrite !count_flatten_nseq ler_maxr ?size_ge0.
case: (s1 = []) => [->>|] /=.
  suff ->//: s2 = []; by rewrite -size_eq0 -eq_sz.
by rewrite -size_eq0 => nz_s1 /(IntID.mulfI _ nz_s1).

lemma drat_ll ['a] (s : 'a list) :
  s <> [] => mu (drat s) predT = 1%r.
move=> nz_s; rewrite prratE count_predT divrr //.
by rewrite eq_fromint size_eq0.
end MRat.

(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory MUnit.

op dunit ['a] (x : 'a) = MRat.drat [x].

lemma dunit1E ['a] (x y : 'a):
  mu1 (dunit x) y = b2r (x = y).
proof. by rewrite MRat.dratE /= /pred1; case: (x = y). qed.

lemma dunit1xx ['a] (x : 'a): mu1 (dunit x) x = 1%r.
proof. by rewrite dunit1E. qed.

lemma dunitE ['a] (E : 'a -> bool) (x : 'a):
  mu (dunit x) E = b2r (E x).
proof. by rewrite MRat.prratE /=; case: (E x). qed.

lemma dunit_ll ['a] (x : 'a): mu (dunit x) predT = 1%r.
proof. by apply/MRat.drat_ll. qed.

lemma supp_dunit ['a] (x x': 'a): x' \in (dunit x) <=> (x' = x).
proof. by rewrite MRat.supp_drat. qed.

lemma dunit_uni ['a] (x : 'a) : is_uniform (dunit x).
proof. by move=> x1 x2;rewrite !supp_dunit => -> ->. qed.

lemma finite_dunit ['a] (x : 'a) : is_finite (support (dunit x)).
proof. by apply/uniform_finite/dunit_uni. qed.
end MUnit.
export MUnit.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory MUniform.

op duniform ['a] (s : 'a list) = MRat.drat (undup s).

lemma duniform1E ['a] (s : 'a list) x :
  mu1 (duniform s) x = if mem s x then 1%r / (size (undup s))%r else 0%r.
rewrite MRat.dratE count_uniq_mem ?undup_uniq // mem_undup.
by case: (mem s x)=> //= @/b2i.

lemma duniform1E_uniq ['a] (s : 'a list) x : uniq s =>
  mu1 (duniform s) x = if x \in s then 1%r / (size s)%r else 0%r.
move=> uq_s; rewrite duniform1E.
by case: (x \in s) => // _; rewrite undup_id //.

lemma eq_duniformP ['a] (s1 s2 : 'a list) :
     (forall x, mem s1 x <=> mem s2 x)
 <=> (duniform s1 = duniform s2).
rewrite -MRat.eq_dratP; split=> h.
  apply/MRat.perm_eq_ratl/uniq_perm_eq; rewrite ?undup_uniq=> //.
  by move=> x; rewrite !mem_undup; apply/h.
move=> x; rewrite -(@mem_undup s1) -(@mem_undup s2).
by apply/MRat.ratl_mem.

lemma duniformE ['a] (E : 'a -> bool) (s : 'a list) :
  mu (duniform s) E = (count E (undup s))%r / (size (undup s))%r.
proof. by apply/MRat.prratE. qed.

lemma supp_duniform ['a] (s : 'a list) x: x \in (duniform s) <=> x \in s.
proof. by rewrite MRat.supp_drat; rewrite mem_undup. qed.

lemma duniform_ll (s : 'a list) :
  s <> [] => is_lossless (duniform s).
proof. by move=> nz_s; apply/MRat.drat_ll; rewrite undup_nilp. qed.

lemma duniform_uni (s : 'a list) : is_uniform (duniform s).
proof. by move=> x y; rewrite !duniform1E !supp_duniform => !->. qed.

lemma duniform_fu (s: 'a list) : 
  (forall x, x \in s) => 
  is_full (duniform s).
proof. by move=> hin x; rewrite supp_duniform hin. qed.

lemma finite_duniform ['a] (s : 'a list) : is_finite (support (duniform s)).
proof. by apply/uniform_finite/duniform_uni. qed.
end MUniform.
export MUniform.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abstract theory MFinite.
type t.

clone import FinType as Support with type t <- t.

op dunifin : t distr = MUniform.duniform enum.

lemma dunifin1E (x : t) : mu1 dunifin x = 1%r / card%r.
proof. by rewrite MUniform.duniform1E enumP /= undup_id // enum_uniq. qed.

lemma dunifinE (E : t -> bool) :
  mu dunifin E = (count E enum)%r / card%r.
proof. by rewrite MUniform.duniformE ?undup_id // enum_uniq. qed.

lemma supp_dunifin x: x \in dunifin.
by rewrite MUniform.supp_duniform Support.enumP.

lemma dunifin_ll : is_lossless dunifin.
rewrite MUniform.duniform_ll -size_eq0 -lt0n.
  by rewrite size_ge0. by rewrite Support.card_gt0.

lemma dunifin_uni : is_uniform dunifin.
proof. apply MUniform.duniform_uni. qed.

lemma dunifin_fu : is_full dunifin.
proof. by move=> x;rewrite supp_dunifin. qed.

lemma dunifin_funi : is_funiform dunifin.
by apply is_full_funiform;[apply dunifin_fu|apply dunifin_uni].

hint exact random : dunifin_ll dunifin_fu dunifin_funi.

end MFinite.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory MIntUniform.
op drange (m n : int) = MUniform.duniform (range m n).

lemma drange1E (m n x : int):
  mu1 (drange m n) x = if m <= x < n then 1%r / (n - m)%r else 0%r.
rewrite MUniform.duniform1E mem_range undup_id 1:range_uniq //.
rewrite size_range; case: (m <= x < n) => // -[le_mx lt_xn].
rewrite ler_maxr // IntOrder.subr_ge0 IntOrder.ltrW //.
by apply (IntOrder.ler_lt_trans _ le_mx).

lemma drangeE (E : int -> bool) (m n : int) :
  mu (drange m n) E = (count E (range m n))%r / (n - m)%r.
rewrite MUniform.duniformE undup_id 1:range_uniq //.
rewrite size_range; case: (lezWP n m) => [le_nm|le_mn].
  by rewrite ler_maxl // 1:subr_le0 // range_geq //.
by rewrite ler_maxr // subr_ge0 ltrW // ltzNge.

lemma supp_drange (m n i : int): i \in drange m n <=> m <= i < n.
proof. by rewrite MRat.supp_drat undup_id ?range_uniq mem_range. qed.

lemma drange_ll (m n : int) : m < n => is_lossless (drange m n).
proof. by move=> H;apply MUniform.duniform_ll;rewrite range_ltn. qed.

lemma drange_uni (m n : int) : is_uniform (drange m n).
proof. apply MUniform.duniform_uni. qed.
end MIntUniform.

export MIntUniform.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op mlet ['a 'b] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) =
  fun (y : 'b) => sum<:'a> (fun x => mass d x * mass (f x) y).

op dlet ['a 'b] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) =
  mk (mlet d f).

lemma isdistr_mlet ['a 'b] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) :
  isdistr (mlet d f).
split=> [x|]; first by apply/ge0_sum=> y /=; rewrite mulr_ge0.
move=> J uqJ @/mlet; rewrite -sum_big /=.
+ by move=> y _; apply: summable_mass_wght.
apply: (@ler_trans (sum (mass d))); last by rewrite -weightE.
apply: RealSeries.ler_sum => /=.
+ by move=> x; rewrite -mulr_sumr ler_pimulr // (@le1_mass_fin (f x)).
+ by apply: summable_big => y _ /=; apply: summable_mass_wght.
+ by apply: summable_mass.

lemma dlet_massE (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) (b : 'b):
  mass (dlet d f) b = sum<:'a> (fun a => mass d a * mass (f a) b).
proof. by rewrite muK 1:isdistr_mlet /mlet &(eq_sum). qed.

lemma dlet1E (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) (b : 'b):
  mu1 (dlet d f) b = sum<:'a> (fun a => mu1 d a * mu1 (f a) b).
by rewrite -massE dlet_massE &(eq_sum) => x /=; rewrite !massE.

lemma dletE (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) (P : 'b -> bool):
  mu (dlet d f) P
  = sum<:'b> (fun b =>
      sum<:'a> (fun a =>
        if P b then mass d a * mass (f a) b else 0%r)).
rewrite muE; have:= dlet_massE d f => /fun_ext /= -> /=.
by apply/eq_sum=> /= b; case: (P b)=> //=; rewrite sum0.

lemma summable_dlet ['a 'b] d f:
  summable (fun (ab : 'a * 'b) => mass d ab.`1 * mass (f ab.`1) ab.`2).
pose G a b := mass (f a) b; apply/(@summableM_dep (mass d) G).
  by apply/summable_mass.
exists 1%r => a @/G @/(\o) J uqJ; rewrite (@eq_bigr _ _ (mass (f a))).
  by move=> b _ /=; rewrite ger0_norm.
by apply: le1_mass_fin.

lemma dletE_swap (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) (P : 'b -> bool):
  mu (dlet d f) P
  = sum<:'a> (fun a =>
      sum<:'b> (fun b =>
        if P b then mass d a * mass (f a) b else 0%r)).
pose F (ab : 'a * 'b) :=
  if P ab.`2 then mass d ab.`1 * mass (f ab.`1) ab.`2 else 0%r.
rewrite dletE (@sum_swap F) // /F summable_cond summable_dlet.

lemma weight_dlet (d:'a distr) (F:'a -> 'b distr) :
  weight (dlet d F) <= weight d.
rewrite dletE_swap muE /predT ler_sum /=; first last.
+ rewrite -(@eq_summable (fun a => mass d a * sum (mass (F a)))).
    by move=> a /=; rewrite sumZ.
  apply: summable_mass_wght => /= a.
  by rewrite -weightE le1_mu ge0_mu.
+ by apply/summable_mass.
+ by move=> a; rewrite sumZ -weightE ler_pimulr (ge0_mass,le1_mu).

lemma nosmt supp_dlet (d : 'a distr) (F : 'a -> 'b distr) (b : 'b) :
  b \in (dlet d F) <=> exists a, a \in d /\ b \in (F a).
rewrite supportP dlet1E sump_eq0P /=.
+ by move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0.
+ apply/(@summable_le (mu1 d)); first by apply/summable_mu1.
  by move=> x /=; rewrite normrM ler_pimulr ?normr_ge0 ger0_norm.
rewrite negb_forall /=; apply/exists_iff=> /= x.
by rewrite !supportP mulf_eq0 negb_or.

lemma nosmt dlet_d_unit (d:'a distr) : dlet d MUnit.dunit = d.
apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite dlet1E /mlet /=.
rewrite (@sumE_fin _ [x]) //=.
+ by move=> x0; rewrite MUnit.dunit1E /=; case (x0 = x).
by rewrite big_consT big_nil /= MUnit.dunit1E.

lemma nosmt dlet_unit (F:'a -> 'b distr) a : dlet (MUnit.dunit a) F = F a.
apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite dlet1E /mlet /=.
rewrite (@sumE_fin _ [a]) //=.
+ by move=> a0; rewrite MUnit.dunit1E (@eq_sym a); case (a0 = a).
by rewrite big_consT big_nil /= MUnit.dunit1E.

lemma dlet_dlet (d1:'a distr) (F1:'a -> 'b distr) (F2: 'b -> 'c distr):
  dlet (dlet d1 F1) F2 = dlet d1 (fun x1 => dlet (F1 x1) F2).
apply: eq_distr => c; rewrite !dletE; apply eq_sum=> c' /=.
case: (c' = c) => @/pred1 -> /= {c'}; last by rewrite !sum0.
pose F a b := mass d1 a * mass (F1 a) b * mass (F2 b) c.
have smF: summable (fun ab : _ * _ => F ab.`1 ab.`2).
+ pose G a b := mass d1 a * mass (F1 a) b.
  apply: (@summable_le (fun ab : _ * _ => G ab.`1 ab.`2)).
    by apply/summable_dlet.
  case=> a b @/F @/G /=; rewrite normrM ler_pimulr 1:normr_ge0.
  by rewrite ger0_norm (le1_mass, ge0_mass).
rewrite (@eq_sum _ (fun b => sum (transpose F b))).
+ move=> b @/F /=; rewrite dlet_massE.
  by rewrite mulrC -sumZ &(eq_sum) => a /=; ring.
rewrite -(sum_swap smF) &(eq_sum) => /= a.
by rewrite dlet_massE -sumZ &(eq_sum) => /= b @/F; ring.

lemma dlet_dnull (F:'a -> 'b distr): dlet dnull F = dnull.
apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite dlet1E dnull1E (@sumE_fin _ []) //= => x0.
by rewrite dnull1E.

lemma dlet_d_dnull (d : 'a distr): dlet d (fun a => dnull<:'b>) = dnull.
proof. by apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite dlet1E /= dnull1E /= (@sumE_fin _ []). qed.

lemma eq_dlet ['a 'b] (F1 F2 : 'a -> 'b distr) d1 d2 :
  d1 = d2 => F1 == F2 => dlet d1 F1 = dlet d2 F2.
proof. by move=> -> eq_F; congr; apply/fun_ext. qed.

lemma in_eq_dlet ['a 'b] (F1 F2 : 'a -> 'b distr) (d : _ distr) :
  (forall x, x \in d => F1 x = F2 x) => dlet d F1 = dlet d F2.
move=> eq_F; apply/eq_distr => b; rewrite !dlet1E.
apply: eq_sum => a /=; case: (mu1 d a = 0%r) => [->//|].
by move/supportP => /eq_F ->.

lemma dlet_ll ['a 'b] d f :
     is_lossless d => (forall x, x \in d => is_lossless (f x))
  => is_lossless (dlet<:'a, 'b> d f).
move=> ll_d ll_df; rewrite /is_lossless dletE_swap /predT /=.
rewrite -(@eq_sum (fun a => mass d a * sum (mass (f a)))) /=.
- by move=> a; rewrite sumZ.
rewrite -(@eq_sum (fun a => mass d a)) /=.
- move=> a; rewrite !massE; case: (mu1 d a = 0%r) => [->//|].
  by move/supportP=> /ll_df @/is_lossless; rewrite muE => ->.
by move: ll_d; rewrite /is_lossless muE.

lemma finite_dlet ['a 'b] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b distr) :
     is_finite (support d)
  => (forall x, x \in d => is_finite (support (f x)))
  => is_finite (support (dlet<:'a, 'b> d f)).
pose J := flatten (map (fun x => to_seq (support (f x))) (to_seq (support d))).
move=> fin_d fin_f; apply: mkfinite; exists J.
move=> x /supportP; rewrite dlet1E; apply: contraR => xNJ.
apply: sum0_eq => a /=; case: (mu1 d a = 0%r) => [->//|].
rewrite -supportP => a_in_d; suff ->//: mu1 (f a) x = 0%r .
apply: contraR xNJ => /supportP x_in_fa @/J; apply/flatten_mapP.
by exists a; rewrite mem_to_seq // a_in_d /= mem_to_seq // &(fin_f).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op dfold ['a] (f : int -> 'a -> 'a distr) (x : 'a) (i : int) =
  iteri i (fun k d => dlet d (f k)) (dunit x).

lemma dfold0 ['a] f x : dfold<:'a> f x 0 = dunit x.
proof. by apply: iteri0. qed.

lemma dfoldS ['a] f x i : 0 <= i =>
  dfold<:'a> f x (i + 1) = dlet (dfold f x i) (f i).
proof. by apply: iteriS. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abbrev dlift (F: 'a -> 'b distr) : 'a distr -> 'b distr =
  fun d => dlet d F.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op dmap ['a 'b] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) =
  dlet d (MUnit.dunit \o f).

lemma dlet_dunit ['a 'b] d (f : 'a -> 'b) : dlet d (dunit \o f) = dmap d f.
proof. by []. qed.

lemma dmap1E (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) (b : 'b):
  mu1 (dmap d f) b = mu d ((pred1 b) \o f).
rewrite dlet1E muE; apply/eq_sum=> x /=.
by rewrite massE MUnit.dunit1E /preim /pred1 /(\o); case: (f x = b).

lemma dmap1E_can ['a 'b] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) (g : 'b -> 'a) (b : 'b) :
     cancel g f
  => (forall a, a \in d => g (f a) = a)
  => mu1 (dmap d f) b = mu1 d (g b).
move=> can_fg can_gf; rewrite dmap1E &(mu_eq_support).
move=> a ad @/(\o) @/pred1; apply/eq_iff; split; last exact: canLR.
by move=> faE; move/can_gf: ad; rewrite faE.

lemma dmapE (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) (P : 'b -> bool):
  mu (dmap d f) P = mu d (P \o f).
rewrite dletE_swap muE.
apply/eq_sum=> a /=; rewrite (@sumE_fin _ [f a]) //=.
+ by move=> b; rewrite (@eq_sym b) !massE MUnit.dunit1E;case: (f a = b);rewrite /b2r.
by rewrite big_seq1 /= !massE MUnit.dunit1E.

lemma supp_dmap (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) (b : 'b):
  b \in (dmap d f) <=> exists a, a \in d /\ b = f a.
rewrite supp_dlet /(\o); apply/exists_eq=> a /=.
by rewrite MUnit.supp_dunit.

lemma dmap_supp ['a 'b] (d : _ distr) f x :
  x \in d => f x \in dmap<:'a, 'b> d f.
proof. by move=> xd; apply/supp_dmap; exists x. qed.

lemma weight_dmap (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) :
  weight (dmap d f) = weight d.
proof. by rewrite (_: predT = preim f predT) // dmapE. qed.

lemma dmap_ll (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) : 
  is_lossless d => is_lossless (dmap d f).
proof. by rewrite /is_lossless weight_dmap. qed.

lemma dmap_uni_in_inj (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) :
     (forall (x, y : 'a), x \in d => y \in d => f x = f y => x = y)
  => is_uniform d => is_uniform (dmap d f).
move=> finj_in duni x y /supp_dmap [a [ina ->]] /supp_dmap [b [inb ->]].
have eq: forall z, z \in d => mu d (pred1 (f z) \o f) = mu d (pred1 z).
+ move=> z inz; rewrite (@mu_eq_support d (pred1 (f z) \o f) (pred1 z)) //.
  move=> x0 inx0 @/(\o) @/pred1 /=; rewrite eq_iff=> />; exact/finj_in.
by rewrite !dmap1E !eq //; apply/duni.

lemma dmap_duniform ['a 'b] (f : 'a -> 'b) (s : 'a list) :
     (forall x y, x \in s => y \in s => f x = f y => x = y)
  => dmap (duniform s) f = duniform (map f s).
move=> inj_f; apply: eq_distr => x; rewrite dmap1E.
rewrite duniform1E; case: (x \in map f s)%List => /=.
- case/mapP=> y [ys ->]; rewrite -(@mu_eq_support _ (pred1 y)).
  - move=> z; rewrite supp_duniform => zs @/pred1 @/(\o).
    by apply: eq_iff; split=> [->//|];  apply: inj_f.
  by rewrite duniform1E ys /= in_undup_map // size_map.
- move=> xNfs; rewrite mu0_false // => y /supp_duniform /(map_f f).
  by apply: contraL => @/pred1 @/(\o) ->.

lemma dmap_duniform_uniq (f : 'a -> 'b) (s : 'a list) :
  uniq (map f s) => dmap (duniform s) f = duniform (map f s).
move=> uq_fs; have uq_s := uniq_map _ _ uq_fs.
suff: forall x y, x \in s => y \in s => f x = f y => x = y.
- by apply: dmap_duniform.
move=> x y xs ys; apply: contraLR => ne_xy.
have: perm_eq s (x :: y :: rem x (rem y s)).
- have := List.perm_to_rem x s xs => /perm_eq_trans; apply.
  apply: perm_cons; pose t := rem x s.
  have := List.perm_to_rem y t _; 1: by rewrite /t mem_rem_neq.
  move/perm_eq_trans; apply; apply/perm_cons => @/t; rewrite remC.
  by apply: perm_eq_refl.
by move/(perm_eq_map f)/perm_eq_uniq; rewrite uq_fs /#.

lemma dmap_uni (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) :
  injective f => is_uniform d => is_uniform (dmap d f).
proof. by move=> finj; apply dmap_uni_in_inj=> x y _ _; apply/finj. qed.

lemma dmap_funi (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) : 
  bijective f => is_funiform d => is_funiform (dmap d f).
  move=> [g [@/cancel can1 can2]] duni x y;rewrite !dmap1E.
  have Heq: forall z, pred1 z \o f = pred1 (g z).
  + move=> z;apply fun_ext => z' @/(\o) @/pred1 /=.
    by apply eq_iff;split=> [<- | ->];rewrite ?can1 ?can2.
  by rewrite !Heq;apply duni. 

lemma dmap_fu (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> 'b) : 
  surjective f => is_full d => is_full (dmap d f).
  move=> fsurj fu x;rewrite supp_dmap.
  have [a ->]:= fsurj x;exists a => /=;apply fu.

lemma dmap_dunit ['a 'b] (f : 'a -> 'b) (x : 'a) :
  dmap (dunit x) f = dunit (f x).
proof. by apply/eq_distr=> y; rewrite dmap1E !dunitE. qed.

lemma dmap_id (d: 'a distr) : dmap d (fun x=>x) = d.
proof. by rewrite /dmap /(\o) dlet_d_unit. qed.

lemma dmap_comp ['a 'b 'c] (f : 'a -> 'b) (g : 'b -> 'c) d :
 dmap (dmap d f) g = dmap d (g \o f).
rewrite /dmap dlet_dlet &(eq_dlet) //=.
by move=> x @/(\o) /=; rewrite dlet_unit.

lemma dmap_dlet ['a 'b 'c] d f g :
  dmap<:'b, 'c> (dlet<:'a, 'b> d f) g = dlet d (fun a => dmap (f a) g).
proof. by apply: dlet_dlet. qed.

lemma dlet_dmap ['a 'b 'c] d f g :
  dlet<:'b, 'c> (dmap<:'a, 'b> d f) g = dlet d (fun a => g (f a)).
by rewrite /dmap dlet_dlet &(eq_dlet) // => x; rewrite dlet_unit.

lemma eq_dmap ['a 'b] d f g : f == g => dmap<:'a, 'b> d f = dmap d g.
by move=> eq_fg @/dmap; apply: eq_dlet => // x @/(\o); rewrite eq_fg.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abbrev dfst ['a 'b] (d : ('a * 'b) distr) = dmap d fst.
abbrev dsnd ['a 'b] (d : ('a * 'b) distr) = dmap d snd.

op iscoupling ['a 'b] da db (d : ('a * 'b) distr) =
  dfst d = da /\ dsnd d = db.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_sym ['a 'b] da db d :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => iscoupling db da (dmap d pswap).
proof. by case=> ha hb @/iscoupling; rewrite !dmap_comp. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_weightL ['a 'b] da db d :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => weight da = weight d.
case=> ha _; rewrite !weightE (@sum_partition fst) 1:summable_mass /=.
apply: eq_sum=> a /=; move/(congr1 mu): ha; move/fun_ext/(_ (pred1 a)).
rewrite massE=> <-; rewrite dmap1E muE /pred1 /(\o).
by apply: eq_sum => x /=; rewrite (@eq_sym a).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_weightR ['a 'b] da db d :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => weight db = weight d.
proof. by move=> /iscpl_sym/iscpl_weightL ->; rewrite weight_dmap. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_weight ['a 'b] da db d :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => weight da = weight db.
move=> h; apply: (@eq_trans _ (weight d)).
+ by apply/(@iscpl_weightL _ db).
+ by apply/eq_sym/(iscpl_weightR da).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_muL ['a 'b] da db d E :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => mu da E = mu d (E \o fst).
proof. by case=> <- _; rewrite dmapE. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_muR ['a 'b] da db d E :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => mu db E = mu d (E \o snd).
proof. by case=> _ <-; rewrite dmapE. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_dunit ['a 'b] x y :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> (dunit x) (dunit y) (dunit (x, y)).
proof. by rewrite /iscoupling !dmap_dunit. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_dlet ['a 'b 'c 'd] da db d f g fg :
     iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d
  => (forall x y, (x, y) \in d => iscoupling (f x) (g y) (fg (x, y)))
  => iscoupling<: 'c, 'd> (dlet da f) (dlet db g) (dlet d fg).
move=> hcpl1 hcpl2 @/iscoupling; case: hcpl1 => <- <-.
rewrite /dmap !dlet_dlet; split; apply: in_eq_dlet => // -[a b] /= abd.
- by rewrite dlet_unit; case: (hcpl2 _ _ abd) => @/dmap -> _.
- by rewrite dlet_unit; case: (hcpl2 _ _ abd) => @/dmap _ ->.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_dfold ['a 'b] (o : int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) d1 d2 d x1 x2 k :
  (forall i, 0 <= i < k => iscoupling (d1 i) (d2 i) (d i)) =>

    (dfold (fun i x => dlet (d1 i) (fun a => dunit (o i x a))) x1 k)
    (dfold (fun i x => dlet (d2 i) (fun a => dunit (o i x a))) x2 k)
    (dfold (fun i (x : _ * _) =>
       (dlet (d i) (fun a : _ * _ => dunit (o i x.`1 a.`1, o i x.`2 a.`2)))) (x1, x2) k).
elim/natind: k => [k le0_k|k ge0_k ih] cpl_d.
- by rewrite /dfold !iteri0 // &(iscpl_dunit).
rewrite !dfoldS // &(iscpl_dlet); first by apply/ih=> i ?; apply/cpl_d=> /#.
move=> a1 a2 _ /=; apply/iscpl_dlet; first by apply: cpl_d=> /#.
by move=> b1 b2 _ /=; apply/iscpl_dunit.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abbrev dapply (F: 'a -> 'b) : 'a distr -> 'b distr =
  fun d => dmap d F.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory DScalar.
op mscalar (k : real) (m : 'a -> real) (x : 'a) = k * (m x).

lemma isdistr_mscalar k (m : 'a -> real):
  isdistr m => 0%r <= k <= inv (weight (mk m)) => isdistr (mscalar k m).
move=> distr_m [ge0_k le_k_Vm]; split=> @/mscalar.
  by move=> x; rewrite mulr_ge0 // ge0_isdistr.
move=> s uq_s; have := mu_le_weight (mk m) (mem s).
rewrite mu_mem -mulr_sumr; case: (k = 0%r) => [->//|nz_k].
have {ge0_k nz_k} lt0_k : 0%r < k by rewrite ltr_neqAle eq_sym.
rewrite -ler_pdivl_mull // mulr1 => le; move: (le_k_Vm).
have gt0_Vm := ltr_le_trans _ _ _ lt0_k le_k_Vm.
rewrite -ler_pinv 1?gtr_eqF // invrK => h; apply/(ler_trans _ _ h).
apply/(ler_trans _ _ le) => {h le}; apply/lerr_eq.
by rewrite undup_id //; apply/eq_bigr=> /= x _; rewrite -massE muK.

op dscalar (k : real) (d : 'a distr) = mk (mscalar k (mass d)).

abbrev (\cdot) (k : real) (d : 'a distr) = dscalar k d.

lemma dscalar1E (k : real) (d : 'a distr) (x : 'a):
  0%r <= k <= inv (weight d) => mu1 (k \cdot d) x = k * mu1 d x.
move=> [ge0_k le1_k]; rewrite -!massE muK //.
by rewrite isdistr_mscalar 1:isdistr_mass mkK.

lemma dscalarE (k : real) (d : 'a distr) (E : 'a -> bool):
  0%r <= k => k <= inv (weight d) =>
  mu (k \cdot d) E = k * mu d E.
move=> ge0_k k_le_weight; rewrite !muE.
rewrite -(@eq_sum (fun x => k * if E x then mass d x else 0%r)).
+ by move=> x /=; case: (E x) => //= _; rewrite !massE dscalar1E.
by rewrite sumZ.

lemma weight_dscalar (k : real) (d : 'a distr):
  0%r <= k => k <= inv (weight d) =>
  weight (k \cdot d) = k * weight d.
proof. by move=> ge0_k k_le_weight; rewrite dscalarE. qed.

lemma supp_dscalar (k : real) (d : 'a distr) x:
  0%r < k => k <= inv (weight d) =>
  x \in (k \cdot d) <=> x \in d.
move=> gt0_k k_le_weight; rewrite /support dscalar1E 1:ltrW // /#.

lemma dscalar_fu (k : real) (d : 'a distr):
  0%r < k => k <= inv (weight d) =>
  is_full d => is_full (k \cdot d).
proof. by move=> gt0k gekw df x;rewrite supp_dscalar //;apply df. qed.

lemma dscalar_ll (d : 'a distr):
  0%r < weight d =>
  is_lossless (inv (weight d) \cdot d).
proof. move=> gt0;rewrite /is_lossless dscalarE // /#. qed.

lemma dscalar_uni (k : real) (d : 'a distr):
  0%r < k <= inv (weight d) => is_uniform d => is_uniform (k \cdot d).
move=> [gt0_k lek] Hu x y; rewrite !dscalar1E ?(@ltrW 0%r) //.
by rewrite !supp_dscalar // => /Hu H/H ->.

end DScalar.
export DScalar.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op dscale ['a] (d : 'a distr) = dscalar (inv (weight d)) d.

lemma dscale1E ['a] (d : 'a distr) (x : 'a) :
  mu1 (dscale d) x = mu1 d x / weight d.
proof. by rewrite dscalar1E // invr_ge0 ge0_weight. qed.

lemma dscaleE ['a] (d : 'a distr) (E : 'a -> bool) :
  mu (dscale d) E = mu d E / weight d.
proof. by rewrite dscalarE // invr_ge0 ge0_weight. qed.

lemma weight_dscale ['a] (d : 'a distr) :
  weight (dscale d) = if weight d = 0%r then 0%r else 1%r.
rewrite weight_dscalar // 1:invr_ge0 1:ge0_weight.
by case: (weight d = 0%r)=> [->|/divrr].

lemma supp_dscale ['a] (d : 'a distr) x:
  x \in (dscale d) <=> x \in d.
case: (weight d <= 0%r)=> [le0_weight|/ltrNge gt0_weight].
+ rewrite (@weight_eq0_dnull d _).
  + by apply/ler_asym; rewrite le0_weight ge0_weight.
  rewrite !supp_dnull.
  by rewrite /support dscale1E dnull1E weight_dnull.
by apply/supp_dscalar=> //; exact/invr_gt0.

lemma dscale_ll ['a] (d : 'a distr) : 
  0%r < weight d => is_lossless (dscale d).
proof. apply dscalar_ll. qed.

lemma dscale_uni ['a] (d : 'a distr) : 
  is_uniform d => is_uniform (dscale d).
case: (weight d = 0%r) => Hw.
+ by move=> _ x y _ _; rewrite !dscale1E Hw.
apply dscalar_uni =>//; smt (ge0_weight @Real).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op mrestrict ['a] (d : 'a distr) (p : 'a -> bool) =
  fun x => if p x then mu1 d x else 0%r.

op drestrict ['a] d p = mk (mrestrict<:'a> d p).

lemma isdistr_mrestrict ['a] d p : isdistr (mrestrict<:'a> d p).
proof. split.
+ by move=> a; rewrite /mrestrict; case: (p a).
+ move=> J uqJ @/mrestrict; have h := le1_mass_fin d _ uqJ.
  by apply/(ler_trans _ _ h)/ler_sum=> /= a _; rewrite massE; case: (p a).

lemma drestrict1E ['a] d p x :
  mu1 (drestrict<:'a> d p) x = if p x then mu1 d x else 0%r.
proof. by rewrite -massE muK 1:&(isdistr_mrestrict). qed.

lemma drestrictE ['a] d p q : mu (drestrict<:'a> d p) q = mu d (predI p q).
rewrite !muE &(eq_sum) /= => a @/predI; rewrite !massE.
by rewrite drestrict1E; case: (q a); case: (p a).

lemma supp_drestrict ['a] d p x :
  x \in drestrict<:'a> d p <=> (x \in d) /\ p x.
rewrite supportP drestrict1E (@fun_if (fun z => z <> 0%r)) /=.
by rewrite supportP andbC.

lemma drestrictE_le ['a] d (p q : _ -> bool) :
  q <= p => mu (drestrict<:'a> d p) q = mu d q.
move=> le_qp; rewrite drestrictE &(mu_eq).
by move=> x @/predI; apply/eq_iff/andb_idl/le_qp.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op mprod ['a,'b] (ma : 'a -> real) (mb : 'b -> real) (ab : 'a * 'b) =
  (ma ab.`1) * (mb ab.`2).

lemma isdistr_mprod ['a 'b] ma mb :
  isdistr<:'a> ma => isdistr<:'b> mb => isdistr (mprod ma mb).
move=> isa isb; split=> [x|s uqs].
+ by apply/mulr_ge0; apply/ge0_isdistr.
(* FIXME: This instance should be in bigops *)
rewrite (@partition_big ofst _ predT _ _ (undup (unzip1 s))).
+ by apply/undup_uniq.
+ by case=> a b ab_in_s _; rewrite mem_undup map_f /mprod.
pose P := fun x ab => ofst<:'a, 'b> ab = x.
pose F := fun (ab : 'a * 'b) => mb ab.`2.
rewrite -(@eq_bigr _ (fun x => ma x * big (P x) F s)) => /= [x _|].
+ by rewrite mulr_sumr; apply/eq_bigr=> -[a b] /= @/P <-.
pose s' := undup _; apply/(@ler_trans (big predT (fun x => ma x) s')).
+ apply/ler_sum=> a _ /=; apply/ler_pimulr; first by apply/ge0_isdistr.
  rewrite -big_filter -(@big_map snd predT) le1_sum_isdistr //.
  rewrite map_inj_in_uniq ?filter_uniq //; case=> [a1 b1] [a2 b2].
  by rewrite !mem_filter => @/P @/ofst @/osnd |>.
by apply/le1_sum_isdistr/undup_uniq.

op (`*`) (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr) =
  mk (mprod (mu1 da) (mu1 db))
axiomatized by dprod_def.

lemma dprod1E (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr) a b:
  mu1 (da `*` db) (a,b) = mu1 da a * mu1 db b.
proof. by rewrite dprod_def -massE muK // isdistr_mprod isdistr_mu1. qed.

lemma dprodE Pa Pb (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
    mu (da `*` db) (fun (ab : 'a * 'b) => Pa ab.`1 /\ Pb ab.`2)
  = mu da Pa * mu db Pb.
rewrite muE sum_pair /=; first by apply/summable_cond/summable_mass.
pose Fa := fun a => if Pa a then mass da a else 0%r.
pose Fb := fun b => if Pb b then mass db b else 0%r.
pose F  := fun a => Fa a * sum Fb; rewrite (@eq_sum _ F) /= => [a|].
+ rewrite /F -sumZ; apply: eq_sum => /= b @/Fa @/Fb => {Fa Fb F}.
  by case: (Pa a); case: (Pb b) => //= _ _; rewrite !massE dprod1E.
by rewrite /F sumZr !muE.

lemma supp_dprod (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr) ab:
  ab \in da `*` db <=> ab.`1 \in da /\ ab.`2 \in db.
by case: ab => a b /=; rewrite !supportP dprod1E; smt(mu_bounded).

lemma weight_dprod (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  weight (da `*` db) = weight da * weight db.
pose F := fun ab : 'a * 'b => predT ab.`1 /\ predT ab.`2.
by rewrite (@mu_eq _ _ F) // dprodE.

lemma dprod_ll (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  is_lossless (da `*` db) <=> is_lossless da /\ is_lossless db.
proof. by rewrite /is_lossless weight_dprod [smt(mu_bounded)]. qed.

lemma dprod_ll_auto (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  is_lossless da => is_lossless db => is_lossless (da `*` db).
proof. by rewrite dprod_ll. qed.

lemma dprod_uni (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  is_uniform da => is_uniform db => is_uniform (da `*` db).
move=> da_uni db_uni [a b] [a' b']; rewrite !supp_dprod !dprod1E /=.
by case=> /da_uni ha /db_uni hb [/ha-> /hb->].

lemma dprod_funi (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  is_funiform da => is_funiform db => is_funiform (da `*` db).
move=> da_uni db_uni [a b] [a' b']; rewrite !dprod1E.
by congr; [apply da_uni | apply db_uni].

lemma dprod_fu (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  is_full (da `*` db) <=> (is_full da /\ is_full db).
(split=> [h|[ha hb]]; first split) => x.
+ by move: (h (x, witness)); rewrite supp_dprod.
+ by move: (h (witness, x)); rewrite supp_dprod.
+ by rewrite supp_dprod !(ha, hb).

lemma dprod_fu_auto (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  is_full da => is_full db => is_full (da `*` db).
proof. by rewrite dprod_fu. qed.

hint solve 1 random : dprod_ll_auto dprod_funi dprod_fu_auto.

lemma dprod_dlet ['a 'b] (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr):
  da `*` db = dlet da (fun a => dlet db (fun b => dunit (a, b))).
apply/eq_distr; case=> a b; rewrite dprod1E dlet1E /=.
rewrite (@sumE_fin _ [a]) //= => [a'|].
+ rewrite dlet1E (@sumE_fin _ [b]) //= => [b'|].
  + by rewrite dunitE /pred1 /= mulf_eq0 /#.
  by rewrite big_seq1 /= dunitE !mulf_eq0 /#.
rewrite big_seq1 /= dlet1E  (@sumE_fin _ [b]) //= => [b'|].
+ by rewrite dunitE /pred1 /= mulf_eq0 /#.
by rewrite big_seq1 /= dunitE.

lemma dmap_dprod ['a1 'a2 'b1 'b2]
  (d1 : 'a1 distr ) (d2 : 'a2 distr )
  (f1 : 'a1 -> 'b1) (f2 : 'a2 -> 'b2)
    dmap d1 f1 `*` dmap d2 f2
  = dmap (d1 `*` d2) (fun xy : _ * _ => (f1 xy.`1, f2 xy.`2)).
apply/eq_distr=> -[b1 b2]; rewrite !dprod1E !dmap1E /(\o) /=.
by rewrite -dprodE &(mu_eq) /= => -[a1 a2] @/pred1.

lemma dprod_partition
  ['a 'b] (E : 'a * 'b -> bool) (da : 'a distr) (db : 'b distr)
: mu (da `*` db) E = sum (fun a => mu db (fun b => E (a, b)) * mu1 da a).
rewrite dprod_dlet dletE_swap; apply: eq_sum => a /=.
rewrite mulrC -dprodE muE; apply: eq_sum  => -[a' b] /=.
rewrite !massE !dprod1E -/(dmap _ _) dmap1E /pred1 /(\o) /=.
by rewrite (@eq_sym a a'); case: (a' = a) => //= _; rewrite mu0.

lemma dmap_dprod_comp ['a1 'a2 'b1 'b2 'c]
  (d1 : 'a1 distr) (d2 : 'a2 distr) (f1 : 'a1 -> 'b1) (f2 : 'a2 -> 'b2) h :

    dmap (d1 `*` d2) (fun xy : _ * _ => h (f1 xy.`1) (f2 xy.`2))
  = dmap<:_, 'c> (dmap d1 f1 `*` dmap d2 f2) (fun xy : _ * _ => h xy.`1 xy.`2).
proof. by rewrite dmap_dprod !dmap_comp. qed.

lemma dmap_dprodL ['a 'b 'c] (d1 : 'a distr) (d2 : 'b distr) (f : 'a -> 'c) :
  dmap d1 f `*` d2 = dmap (d1 `*` d2) (fun xy : _ * _ => (f xy.`1, xy.`2)).
proof. by rewrite -{1}(@dmap_id d2) dmap_dprod. qed.

lemma dmap_dprodR ['a 'b 'c] (d1 : 'a distr) (d2 : 'b distr) (f : 'b -> 'c) :
  d1 `*` dmap d2 f = dmap (d1 `*` d2) (fun xy : _ * _ => (xy.`1, f xy.`2)).
proof. by rewrite -{1}(@dmap_id d1) dmap_dprod. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma dlet_swap ['a 'b 'c] (d1 : 'a distr) (d2 : 'b distr) (F : 'a -> 'b -> 'c distr):
    dlet d1 (fun x1 => dlet d2 (F x1))
  = dlet d2 (fun x2 => (dlet d1 (fun x1 => F x1 x2))).
apply/eq_distr => c; rewrite !dletE &(eq_sum) => /= x @/pred1.
case: (x = c) => [->> |]; last by rewrite !sum0_eq.
pose G a b := mass d2 b * (mass d1 a * (mass (F a b) c)).
pose H1 a := sum (fun b => G a b).
pose H2 b := sum (fun a => G a b).
rewrite -(@eq_sum H1) => [@/H1 @/G /= a|].
+ by rewrite dlet_massE -sumZ /= &(eq_sum) => /= b; ring.
rewrite eq_sym -(@eq_sum H2) => [@/H2 @/G /= b|].
+ by rewrite dlet_massE -sumZ /= &(eq_sum).
rewrite (@sum_swap (fun ab : _ * _ => G ab.`1 ab.`2)) // /G.
apply: (@summable_le (fun ab : _ * _ => mass d1 ab.`1 * mass d2 ab.`2)) => /=.
+ have h := summable_mass (d1 `*` d2); apply: (@eqL_summable _ _ h).
  by case=> a b /=; rewrite !massE dprod1E.
+ move=> ab; rewrite !ger0_norm ?mulr_ge0 ?ge0_mass mulrCA !mulrA.
  by rewrite ler_pimulr ?mulr_ge0 (ge0_mass, le1_mass).

lemma dprodC ['a 'b] (d1 : 'a distr) (d2 : 'b distr) :
  d1 `*` d2 = dmap (d2 `*` d1) (fun (p : 'b * 'a) => (p.`2, p.`1)).
rewrite !dprod_dlet dlet_swap /dmap dlet_dlet &(eq_dlet) //= => b.
by rewrite dlet_dlet &(eq_dlet) //= => a; rewrite dlet_unit.

lemma dmap_dprodE ['a 'b 'c] d1 d2 f :
  dmap<:'a * 'b, 'c> (d1 `*` d2) f = dlet d1 (fun x => dmap d2 (fun y => f (x, y))).
rewrite dprod_dlet dmap_dlet &(eq_dlet) // => a /=.
by rewrite dmap_dlet &(eq_dlet) // => b /=; rewrite dmap_dunit.

lemma dmap_dprodE_swap ['a 'b 'c] d1 d2 f :
  dmap<:'a * 'b, 'c> (d1 `*` d2) f = dlet d2 (fun y => dmap d1 (fun x => f (x, y))).
rewrite dprodC dmap_comp dmap_dprodE &(eq_dlet) //.
by move=> b /=; apply: eq_dlet => // ?.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op djoin (ds : 'a distr list) : 'a list distr =
   (fun d1 dl => dapply (fun xy : _ * _ => xy.`1 :: xy.`2) (d1 `*` dl))
   (dunit []) ds
 axiomatized by djoin_axE.

abbrev djoinmap ['a 'b] (d : 'a -> 'b distr) xs = djoin (map d xs).

lemma djoin_nil ['a]: djoin<:'a> [] = dunit [].
proof. by rewrite djoin_axE. qed.

lemma djoin_cons (d : 'a distr) (ds : 'a distr list): 
 djoin (d :: ds) = dapply (fun xy : _ * _ => xy.`1 :: xy.`2) (d `*` djoin ds).
proof. by rewrite !djoin_axE. qed.

hint rewrite djoinE : djoin_nil djoin_cons.

lemma djoin1E (ds : 'a distr list) xs: mu1 (djoin ds) xs =
  if   size ds = size xs
  then BRM.big predT (fun xy : _ * _ => mu1 xy.`1 xy.`2) (zip ds xs)
  else 0%r.
elim: ds xs => [|d ds ih] xs /=; 1: rewrite djoin_nil dunitE.
+ by case: xs => [|x xs] /=; [rewrite BRM.big_nil | rewrite add1z_neqC0 1:size_ge0].
rewrite djoin_cons /= dmap1E /(\o) /=; case: xs => [|x xs] /=.
+ by rewrite add1z_neq0 1:size_ge0 /= mu0_false.
rewrite -(@mu_eq _ (pred1 (x, xs))).
+ by case=> y ys @/pred1 /=.
rewrite dprod1E ih BRM.big_cons /predT /=; pose B := BRM.big _ _ _.
by rewrite (@fun_if (( * ) (mu1 d x))) /= /#.

lemma djoin_nil1E (ds : 'a list):
  mu1 (djoin []) ds = b2r (ds = []).
proof. by rewrite djoinE /= dunit1E (@eq_sym ds). qed.

lemma djoin_cons1E (d : 'a distr) (ds : 'a distr list) x xs :
  mu1 (djoin (d :: ds)) (x :: xs) = mu1 d x * mu1 (djoin ds) xs.
proof. by rewrite /= djoin_cons /= dmap1E -dprod1E &(mu_eq) => -[] /#. qed.

lemma djoin_cons1nilE (d : 'a distr) (ds: ('a distr) list):
  mu1 (djoin (d::ds)) [] = 0%r.
proof. by rewrite djoin1E /= add1z_neq0 //= size_ge0. qed.

lemma supp_djoin (ds : 'a distr list) xs : xs \in djoin ds <=>
  size ds = size xs /\ all (fun (xy : _ * _) => support xy.`1 xy.`2) (zip ds xs).
rewrite supportP djoin1E; case: (size ds = size xs) => //= eq_sz; split.
+ apply: contraR; rewrite -has_predC => /hasP[] @/predC [d x] /=.
  case=> hmem xNd; apply/prodr_eq0; exists (d, x) => @/predT /=.
  by rewrite hmem /= -supportPn.
+ apply: contraL => /prodr_eq0[] @/predT [d x] /= [hmem xNd].
  rewrite -has_predC &(hasP); exists (d, x).
  by rewrite hmem /predC /= supportPn.

lemma supp_djoin_size (ds : 'a distr list) xs :
  xs \in djoin ds => size xs = size ds.
proof. by case/supp_djoin=> ->. qed.

lemma djoin_cat ['a] ds1 ds2 : djoin<:'a> (ds1 ++ ds2) =
  dmap (djoin ds1 `*` djoin ds2) (fun xs : _ * _ => xs.`1 ++ xs.`2).
elim: ds1 => /= [| d ds1 ih].
- rewrite djoin_nil dprod_dlet dlet_unit /= dlet_dunit /=.
  by rewrite dmap_comp /(\o) /= dmap_id.
rewrite djoin_cons /= dmap_dprodE_swap /= ih dmap_dprodE_swap.
rewrite  dlet_dlet eq_sym dmap_dprodE_swap &(eq_dlet) // => xs /=.
rewrite djoin_cons /= dmap_dprodE_swap /= dmap_dlet dlet_dmap.
by apply: eq_dlet => // ys /=; rewrite dmap_comp &(eq_dlet) // => ?.

lemma djoin_seq1 ['a] d : djoin<:'a> [d] = dmap d (fun x => [x]).
by rewrite djoin_cons /= djoin_nil dmap_dprodE_swap dlet_unit.

lemma djoin_rcons ['a] ds d : djoin<:'a> (rcons ds d) =
  dmap (djoin ds `*` d) (fun xsx : _ * _ => rcons xsx.`1 xsx.`2).
rewrite -cats1 djoin_cat djoin_seq1 !dmap_dprodE &(eq_dlet) //.
move=> xs /=; rewrite dmap_comp &(eq_dlet) //.
by move=> z @/(\o) /=; rewrite cats1.

lemma weight_djoin (ds : 'a distr list) :
  weight (djoin ds) = BRM.big predT weight ds.
elim: ds => [|d ds ih]; rewrite djoinE /=.
+ by rewrite dunit_ll BRM.big_nil.
+ by rewrite weight_dmap weight_dprod BRM.big_cons -ih.

lemma djoin_ll (ds : 'a distr list):
  (forall d, d \in ds => is_lossless d) => is_lossless (djoin ds).
move=> ds_ll; rewrite /is_lossless weight_djoin.
rewrite BRM.big_seq -(@BRM.eq_bigr _ (fun _ => 1%r)) /=.
+ by move=> d /ds_ll ll_d; apply/eq_sym.
+ by rewrite -(@BRM.big_seq _ ds) mulr_const RField.expr1z.

lemma weight_djoin_nil: weight (djoin<:'a> []) = 1%r.
proof. by rewrite weight_djoin BRM.big_nil. qed.

lemma weight_djoin_cons d (ds:'a distr list):
  weight (djoin (d :: ds)) = weight d * weight (djoin ds).
proof. by rewrite weight_djoin BRM.big_cons -weight_djoin. qed.

lemma djoin_nilE P : mu (djoin<:'a> []) P = b2r (P []).
proof. by rewrite djoin_nil // dunitE. qed.

lemma djoin_consE (dflt:'a) (d: 'a distr) ds P Q :
      (djoin (d :: ds))
      (fun xs => P (head dflt xs) /\ Q (behead xs))
  = mu d P * mu (djoin ds) Q.
proof. by rewrite djoin_cons /= dmapE dprodE. qed.

lemma djoin_fu (ds : 'a distr list) (xs : 'a list): 
     size ds = size xs
  => (forall d x, d \in ds => x \in d)
  => xs \in djoin ds.
move=> eq_sz hfu; rewrite supportP djoin1E eq_sz /=.
rewrite RealOrder.gtr_eqF // Bigreal.prodr_gt0_seq.
case=> d x /= /mem_zip [d_ds x_xs] _.
by rewrite -/(_ \in _) supportP -supportPn /=; apply: hfu.

lemma djoin_uni (ds:'a distr list): 
  (forall d, d \in ds => is_uniform d) => is_uniform (djoin ds).
elim: ds => [|d ds ih] h //=; rewrite !djoinE; 1: by apply/dunit_uni.
rewrite dmap_uni => [[x xs] [y ys] //=|].
apply: dprod_uni; [apply/h | apply/ih] => //.
by move=> d' hd'; apply/h => /=; rewrite hd'.

lemma djoin_dmap ['a 'b 'c] (d : 'a -> 'b distr) (xs : 'a list) (f : 'b -> 'c):
  dmap (djoin (map d xs)) (map f) = djoin (map (fun x => dmap (d x) f) xs).
elim: xs => /= [|x xs ih]; first by rewrite !djoinE ?dmap_dunit.
by rewrite !djoin_cons -ih /= dmap_dprod /= !dmap_comp.

lemma supp_djoinmap ['a 'b] (d : 'a -> 'b distr) xs ys:
  ys \in djoinmap d xs <=> size xs = size ys /\
    all (fun xy => support (d (fst xy)) (snd xy)) (zip xs ys).
rewrite supp_djoin size_map; congr; apply/eq_iff.
by rewrite zip_mapl all_map &(eq_all).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op mbin (p : real) (n : int) = fun k =>
  (bin n k)%r * (p ^ k * (1%r - p) ^ (n - k)).

lemma mbin_support p n k : mbin p n k <> 0%r => 0 <= k <= n.
apply: contraR; rewrite andaE negb_and -!ltrNge.
by case=> ? @/mbin; [rewrite bin_lt0r | rewrite bin_gt].

lemma isdistr_mbin p n : 0%r <= p <= 1%r => isdistr (mbin p n).
move=> rg_p; rewrite (@isdistr_finP (range 0 (n+1))).
+ apply: range_uniq.
+ by move=> k /mbin_support; rewrite mem_range ltzS.
+ move=> k @/mbin; rewrite mulr_ge0.
  * by rewrite le_fromint ge0_bin.
  by rewrite mulr_ge0 expr_ge0 /#.
case: (n < 0) => [lt0_n|/lezNgt ge0_n]; first by rewrite big_geq //#.
by rewrite -(@BCR.binomial p (1%r - p) n ge0_n) addrC subrK expr1z.

op dbin (p : real) (n : int) = mk (mbin p n).

lemma dbin1E (p : real) (n k : int) : 0%r <= p <= 1%r =>
  mu1 (dbin p n) k = (bin n k)%r * (p ^ k * (1%r - p) ^ (n - k)).
proof. by move=> rg_p; rewrite -massE muK //; apply/isdistr_mbin. qed.

lemma ll_dbin p n : 0 <= n => 0%r <= p <= 1%r => is_lossless (dbin p n).
move=> ge0_n rg_p; rewrite /is_lossless weightE muK 1:&(isdistr_mbin) //.
rewrite (@sumE_fin _ (range 0 (n+1))) 1:range_uniq.
+ by move=> k /mbin_support; rewrite mem_range ltzS.
+ by rewrite -BCR.binomial // addrC subrK expr1z.

lemma supp_dbin p n k : 0%r <= p <= 1%r => k \in dbin p n => 0 <= k <= n.
by move=> rg_p /supportP; rewrite dbin1E // => /mbin_support.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op E ['a] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> real) =
  sum (fun x => f x * mass d x).

op Ec ['a] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> real) (p : 'a -> bool) =
  E d (fun x => if p x then f x else 0%r) / mu d p.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
pred hasE (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> real) =
  summable (fun x => f x * mass d x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasE_finite ['a] (d : 'a distr) f :
  is_finite (support d) => hasE d f.
move=> fin_d; apply/(@summable_fin _ (to_seq (support d))) => /=.
move=> a; apply: contraR; rewrite mem_to_seq //.
by move/supportPn; rewrite massE => ->.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasE_uniform ['a] (d : 'a distr) f :
  is_uniform d => hasE d f.
proof. by move=> uf_d; apply/hasE_finite/uniform_finite. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma eq_hasE ['a] d f g: f == g => hasE<:'a> d f <=> hasE<:'a> d g.
proof. by move=> eq_fg; apply: eq_summable=> /= a; rewrite eq_fg. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasE_cond ['a] d f p :
  hasE<:'a> d f => hasE d (fun x => if p x then f x else 0%r).
pose F := fun x => if p x then f x * mass d x else 0%r.
move=> Edf @/hasE; rewrite -(@eq_summable F) /=.
- by move=> x @/F; case: (p x).
- by apply: summable_cond.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma eq_expL ['a] (d1 d2 : 'a distr) f : d1 = d2 => E d1 f = E d2 f.
proof. by move=> ->. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma eq_exp (d : 'a distr) (f g : 'a -> real) :
     (forall x, x \in d => f x = g x)
  => E d f = E d g.
move=> eq_fg; apply/eq_sum => x /=; case: (mass d x = 0%r) => [->//|].
by rewrite massE => /supportP /eq_fg ->.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasE_le (d : 'a distr) (f g : 'a -> real) :
     hasE d g
  => (forall x, `|f x| <= `|g x|)
  => hasE d f.
move=> heg le_fg; apply/(summable_le _ heg) => /=.
by move=> x; rewrite !normrM ler_wpmul2r 1:normr_ge0 le_fg.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasE_pos ['a] d f : hasE<:'a> d f => hasE<:'a> d (pos f).
move/summable_le; apply=> /= a; rewrite !normrM ler_wpmul2r.
- by apply normr_ge0. - by apply: abs_pos_ler.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasE_neg ['a] d f : hasE<:'a> d f => hasE<:'a> d (neg f).
move/summable_le; apply=> /= a; rewrite !normrM ler_wpmul2r.
- by apply normr_ge0. - by apply: abs_neg_ler.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasEC (d : 'a distr) (c : real) : hasE d (fun _ => c).
exists `|c| => J uqJ; pose f := fun i => `|c| * mass d i.
rewrite -(@eq_bigr _ f) /= => [i _|].
+ by rewrite normrM (@ger0_norm (mass _ _)).
rewrite /f -mulr_sumr ler_pimulr 1:normr_ge0.
by apply/(@le1_mass_fin d).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasEN ['a] d f : hasE<:'a> d (fun x => -f x)%Real <=> hasE d f.
proof. by apply: eq_summable_norm => /= a; rewrite !normrM normrN. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasEZ ['a] d f c : hasE<:'a> d f => hasE d (fun x => c * f x).
rewrite /hasE => /(@summableZ _ c); apply: eq_summable => /=.
by move=> a; rewrite !mulrA.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasEZr ['a] d f c : hasE<:'a> d f => hasE d (fun x => f x * c).
by move/(@hasEZ _ _ c); apply: eq_summable=> /= a; rewrite (@mulrC _ c).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma summable_hasE (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> real) :
  summable f => hasE d f.
move=> sbl_f; apply/(@summable_le f) => //= x.
by rewrite normrM ler_pimulr ?normr_ge0 ger0_norm.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_eq0 ['a] (d : 'a distr) f :
  (forall x, x \in d => f x = 0%r) => E d f = 0%r.
move=> z_f; rewrite /E sum0_eq //= => a.
rewrite massE; case: (mu1 d a = 0%r) => [->//|].
by move/supportP => /z_f ->.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_cond_eq0 ['a] (d : 'a distr) f p :
  (forall x, x \in d => p x => f x = 0%r) => Ec d f p = 0%r.
proof. by move=> z_f; rewrite /Ec exp_eq0 //#. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_ge0 ['a] (d : 'a distr) f :
  (forall x, x \in d => 0%r <= f x) => 0%r <= E d f.
move=> ge0_f; apply: ge0_sum => a /=; rewrite !massE.
by case: (mu1 d a = 0%r) => [->//|^/supportP /ge0_f]; smt(ge0_mu).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_cond_ge0 ['a] (d : 'a distr) f p :
  (forall x, x \in d => p x => 0%r <= f x) => 0%r <= Ec d f p.
move=> ge0_f; rewrite /Ec mulr_ge0; last first.
- by apply/invr_ge0/ge0_mu. - by apply: exp_ge0 => /#.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expC_cond (d : 'a distr) (c : real) (P : 'a -> bool) :
  E d (fun x => if P x then c else 0%r) = c * mu d P.
by rewrite /E muE -sumZ; apply/eq_sum => x /=; rewrite !fun_if2.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expC (d : 'a distr) (c : real) :
  E d (fun _ => c) = c * weight d.
proof. by rewrite /E sumZ -weightE. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expC_prod ['a 'b] (d1 : 'a distr) (d2 : 'b distr) c :
  E d1 (fun _ => E d2 (fun _ => c)) = E (d1 `*` d2) (fun _ => c).
proof. by rewrite !expC weight_dprod #ring. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expD (d : 'a distr) f1 f2 :
     hasE d f1 => hasE d f2 
  => E d (fun x => f1 x + f2 x) = E d f1 + E d f2.
move=> h1 h2; pose f := fun x => f1 x * mass d x + f2 x * mass d x.
by rewrite /E -(@eq_sum f) /f 1?sumD //= => x; rewrite mulrDl.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expD_cond ['a] (d : 'a distr) (f g : 'a -> real) p :
     hasE d (fun x => if p x then f x else 0%r)
  => hasE d (fun x => if p x then g x else 0%r)
  => Ec d (fun x => f x + g x) p = Ec d f p + Ec d g p.
move=> Edf Edg; rewrite /Ec -mulrDl; congr; rewrite -expD 1,2://.
by apply: eq_sum=> /= x; case: (p x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expN ['a] d f : E<:'a> d (fun x => -(f x))%Real = - E d f.
rewrite /E -(@eq_sum (fun x => - (f x * mass d x))) /=.
+ by move=> a; rewrite mulNr.
+ by rewrite sumN.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expB ['a] d f g : hasE d f => hasE d g =>
  E<:'a> d (fun x => f x - g x) = E d f - E d g.
proof. by move=> Edf Edg; rewrite expD 1?hasEN 1,2:// expN. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma expZ ['a] d (c : real) f : E<:'a> d (fun x => c * f x) = c * E d f.
proof. by rewrite /E -sumZ &(eq_sum) => /= a; rewrite mulrA. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_norm ['a] d f : hasE<:'a> d f => `|E d f| <= E d (fun x => `|f x|).
move=> Edf; rewrite -(@eq_exp _ (fun x => pos f x - neg f x)) /=.
- by move=> a ad; apply/eq_sym/pos_neg_id.
rewrite expB; 1,2: by rewrite 1?(hasE_pos, hasE_neg).
have /ler_trans := ler_norm_sub (E d (pos f)) (E d (neg f)); apply.
rewrite !ger0_norm.
- by apply: ge0_sum=> /= a; rewrite mulr_ge0 // pos_ge0.
- by apply: ge0_sum=> /= a; rewrite mulr_ge0 // neg_ge0.
rewrite -expD; 1,2: by rewrite 1?(hasE_pos, hasE_neg).
by apply/lerr_eq/eq_exp=> /= a _; rewrite pos_neg_abs.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_dnull ['a] f : E dnull<:'a> f = 0%r.
proof. by rewrite /E sum0_eq //= => a; rewrite massE dnull1E. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_dunit ['a] x f : E<:'a> (dunit x) f = f x.
rewrite /E (@sumE_fin _ [x]) //=.
+ move=> a; rewrite massE mulf_eq0 negb_or => -[_].
  by move/supportP; rewrite supp_dunit.
+ by rewrite BRA.big_seq1 /=; rewrite massE dunit1E.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma hasE_drestrict ['a] d p f : hasE d f => hasE (drestrict<:'a> d p) f.
move/summable_le; apply=> /= a; rewrite !normrM ler_wpmul2l 1:normr_ge0.
rewrite !massE drestrict1E; case: (p a) => // _.
by rewrite normr0 normr_ge0.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_cond_drestrict_le ['a] d (p q : _ -> bool) f :
  q <= p => Ec (drestrict<:'a> d p) f q = Ec d f q.
move=> le_qp; rewrite /Ec drestrictE_le ~-1://; congr.
by apply: eq_sum=> /= a; rewrite !massE drestrict1E /#.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_cond_dunit ['a] (x : 'a) f p :
  Ec (dunit x) f p = if p x then f x else 0%r.
rewrite /Ec exp_dunit /=; case: (p x) => //.
by rewrite dunitE => ->.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_drestrict ['a] d p f :
  E (drestrict<:'a> d p) f = mu d p * Ec d f p.
have /ler_eqVlt[^ + <- /=|nz_mudp] := ge0_mu d p; last first.
- rewrite /Ec mulrCA divff /=; first by rewrite gtr_eqF.
  by apply: eq_sum=> /= a; rewrite !massE drestrict1E; case: (p a).
- move/eq_sym/eq0_mu => Np; apply: sum0_eq => /= a.
  rewrite !massE drestrict1E; case: (p a) => //; apply: contraLR.
  by rewrite mulf_eq0 negb_or -supportP /#.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_duniform ['a] (s : 'a list) f :
  E (duniform s) f = (1%r / (size (undup s))%r) * BRA.big predT f (undup s).
rewrite /E (@sumE_fin _ (undup s)) 1:undup_uniq /=.
- move=> a; rewrite !massE mulf_eq0 negb_or; case=> _.
  by move/supportP; rewrite supp_duniform mem_undup.
- rewrite BRA.mulr_suml !BRA.big_seq &(BRA.eq_bigr) => /= a.
  by rewrite mem_undup => a_in_s; rewrite !massE duniform1E a_in_s.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_dlet ['a 'b] (d : _ distr) (df : 'a -> 'b distr) f :
  hasE (dlet d df) f => E (dlet d df) f = E d (fun x => E (df x) f).
move=>h; pose s (a : 'a) (b : 'b) := f b * mass (df a) b * mass d a.
rewrite /E -(@eq_sum (fun a => sum (s a))) /=; 1: by move=> a; rewrite sumZr.
rewrite (@sum_swap (fun ab : _ * _ => s ab.`1 ab.`2)).
- exists (psum (fun x => f x * mass (dlet d df) x)).
  move=> J uqJ @/E; pose K := undup (unzip2 J).
  have uqK: uniq K by apply: undup_uniq.
  have le := ler_big_psum (fun x => f x * mass (dlet d df) x) K h uqK.
  apply: (ler_trans _ _ le) => {le}.
  rewrite BRA.big_pair_pswap /= {1}/pswap /(\o) /= BRA.big_pair.
  - by apply/map_inj_in_uniq=> //=; first case=> [??] [??] _ _[].
  have: (perm_eq (undup (unzip1 (map pswap J))) K).
  - apply: uniq_perm_eq; 1,2: by apply/undup_uniq.
    by move=> x @/K; rewrite !mem_undup -map_comp -(@eq_map snd).
  move/BRA.eq_big_perm=> ->; apply: Bigreal.ler_sum => /=.
  move=> b _ @/s => {s}; pose s a := `|f b| * (mass (df a) b * mass d a).
  rewrite BRA.big_filter -(@BRA.eq_bigr _ (fun ba : _ * _ => s ba.`2)) /=.
  - case=> b' a' /= ->> @/(\o) @/pswap /= @/s.
    by rewrite -!mulrA !normrM; congr; rewrite !ger0_norm.
  rewrite /(\o) {1}/pswap /s /= -BRA.mulr_sumr normrM.
  rewrite ler_wpmul2l 1:normr_ge0 BRA.big_map /(\o) /= -BRA.big_filter.
  rewrite ger0_norm //; pose L := List.filter _ _.
  rewrite (@BRA.sum_pair (fun x => mass (df x) b * mass d x) (fun _ => 1%r)) /=.
  - by apply: filter_uniq.
  move=> {s}; pose s a := mass (df a) b * mass d a.
  apply: (@ler_trans (BRA.big predT s (undup (unzip1 L)))).
  - apply: Bigreal.ler_sum=> a _ @/s /=; apply: ler_pimulr.
    - by rewrite mulr_ge0.
    pose M := List.filter _ _; have memM: (mem M) <= (mem [(a, b)]).
    - by case=> a' b'; rewrite !mem_filter /=.
    have: uniq M by do 2! apply/filter_uniq.
    move/uniq_leq_size=> /(_ _ memM) /= szM.
    by rewrite Bigreal.sumr1 size_map le_fromint.
  have := undup_uniq (unzip1 L); move: (undup _) => {J uqJ K uqK L} J uqJ.
  have sm_s: summable s.
  - apply: (@eq_summable (fun a => mass d a * mass (df a) b)).
    - by move=> a /=; rewrite mulrC.
    by apply/summable_mass_wght => a /=; rewrite ge0_mass.
  rewrite massE dlet1E -sum_norm /=; first by move=> a; rewrite mulr_ge0.
  rewrite -psum_sum; 1: by apply: eq_summable sm_s => /= a; rewrite /s !massE mulrC.
  apply: (ler_trans _ _ (ler_big_psum _ uqJ)) => //=; last first.
  - by apply: eq_summable sm_s => /= a @/s; rewrite !massE mulrC.
  apply/lerr_eq/BRA.eq_bigr=> /= a _ @/s.
  by rewrite normrM !ger0_norm // !massE mulrC.
apply: eq_sum=> /= b @/s; rewrite massE dlet1E -sumZ /=.
by apply: eq_sum=> /= a; rewrite mulrAC mulrA !massE.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_cond_dlet ['a 'b] d df f p: hasE (dlet d df) f =>
    Ec (dlet<:'a, 'b> d df) f p
  = E d (fun x => (mu (df x) p / mu (dlet d df) p * Ec (df x) f p)).
move=> Edf; rewrite /Ec exp_dlet; first by apply: hasE_cond.
rewrite mulrC -expZ &(eq_exp) => /= a a_in_d.
rewrite mulrC -2!expZ mulrC -expZ /=.
apply: eq_exp => /= b b_in_dfa; case: (p b) => // pb.
have nz1: mu (df a) p <> 0%r by apply/negP=> /eq0_mu /(_ b b_in_dfa).
have nz2: mu (dlet d df) p <> 0%r.
- apply/negP=> /eq0_mu /(_ b); apply=> //.
  by rewrite supp_dlet; exists a.
by field=> //; rewrite mulf_eq0 negb_or.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_dmap ['a 'b] d (f : 'a -> 'b) (g : 'b -> real) : hasE (dmap d f) g =>
  E (dmap d f) g = E d (g \o f).
move=> Edf; rewrite exp_dlet -/(dmap _ _) 1://.
by apply: eq_exp=> a _ /=; rewrite exp_dunit.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma in_ler_exp ['a] (d : 'a distr) (f g : 'a -> real) :
     hasE d f => hasE d g
  => (forall (x : 'a), x \in d => f x <= g x)
  => E d f <= E d g.
move=> Edf Edg le_fg; apply: RealSeries.ler_sum => //= x.
case: (mass d x = 0%r) => [->//|]; rewrite massE => /supportP.
by move/le_fg => le_fg_x; apply: ler_wpmul2r.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma in_ler_exp_cond ['a] (d : 'a distr) (f g : 'a -> real) p :
     hasE d f => hasE d g
  => (forall (x : 'a), x \in d => p x =>f x <= g x)
  => Ec d f p <= Ec d g p.
move=> Edf Edg le_fg @/Ec; apply: ler_wpmul2r; first by rewrite invr_ge0.
apply: in_ler_exp => /=; 1,2: by apply: hasE_cond.
by move=> x xd; case: (p x) => //; apply: le_fg.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma ler_exp (d : 'a distr) (f g : 'a -> real) :
     hasE d f => hasE d g
  => (forall x, f x <= g x)
  => E d f <= E d g.
proof. by move=> ?? le; apply: in_ler_exp => // ? _; apply: le. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma ler_exp_pos (d : 'a distr) (f g : 'a -> real) :
     hasE d g
  => (forall x, 0%r <= f x <= g x)
  => E d f <= E d g.
move=> hef le_fg; apply/ler_exp => //.
+ by apply/(hasE_le _ hef) => x /#.
+ by move=> x; case: (le_fg x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_hasEL ['a 'b] da db d f :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => hasE da f => hasE d (f \o fst).
move=> iscpl [M sM]; exists M => J uqJ.
rewrite BRA.big_pair //=; pose K := undup (unzip1 J).
(have /sM: uniq K by apply: undup_uniq); apply/(ler_trans _).
apply: Bigreal.ler_sum => a _ /=; rewrite BRA.big_seq.
rewrite -(@BRA.eq_bigr _ (fun i : _ * _ => `|f a| * mass d i)) /=.
  case=> a' b'; rewrite mem_filter /= => -[<- _].
  by rewrite normrM; congr => //; rewrite ger0_norm.
rewrite -BRA.mulr_sumr normrM ler_wpmul2l 1:normr_ge0.
pose s := List.filter _ J; rewrite -(@BRA.big_seq _ s).
rewrite BRA.big_filter BRA.big_mkcond /=.
apply: (@ler_trans (mu d (fun xy : _ * _ => xy.`1 = a))).
- rewrite muE /= (@sum_split _ (mem J)) /=.
    by apply/summable_cond/summable_mass.
  apply: ler_paddr; first apply: ge0_sum => /=.
    by move=> x; case: (!_) => //=; case: (_ = _).
  rewrite (sumE_fin uqJ) /=; first by move=> x; case: (x \in J).
  rewrite -(@BRA.big_mkcond (mem J)) -(@BRA.big_filter (mem J)).
  by rewrite eq_in_filter_predT.
- by rewrite ger0_norm // massE (iscpl_muL _ iscpl).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_hasER ['a 'b] da db d f :
  iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => hasE db f => hasE d (f \o snd).
move=> + h - /iscpl_sym /iscpl_hasEL /(_ f h).
move/(summable_bij _ _ bij_pswap) => @/(\o) @/pswap /=.
move/eqL_summable; apply => /= x; rewrite !massE.
by congr; rewrite dmap1E; apply: mu_eq; case => /#.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma iscpl_E_split ['a 'b] da db f g d :
     iscoupling<:'a, 'b> da db d => hasE da f => hasE db g =>
  E da f + E db g = E d (fun xy : 'a * 'b => f xy.`1 + g xy.`2).
move=> hcpl daf dbg; rewrite expD.
- by apply/(iscpl_hasEL _ _ hcpl).
- by apply/(iscpl_hasER _ _ hcpl).
congr; rewrite /E.
- rewrite (@sum_partition fst) /=; first by apply/(iscpl_hasEL _ _ hcpl).
  apply: eq_sum => a /=; rewrite massE (iscpl_muL _ hcpl) muE mulrC -sumZr /=.
  apply: eq_sum => x /= @/(\o) @/pred1; rewrite (@eq_sym a).
  by case: (x.`1 = a) => // ->; rewrite mulrC.
- rewrite (@sum_partition snd) /=; first by apply/(iscpl_hasER _ _ hcpl).
  apply: eq_sum => b /=; rewrite massE (iscpl_muR _ hcpl) muE mulrC -sumZr /=.
  apply: eq_sum => x /= @/(\o) @/pred1; rewrite (@eq_sym b).
  by case: (x.`2 = b) => // ->; rewrite mulrC.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma E_split ['a] p f d : hasE<:'a> d f => E d f =
    E d (fun x => if  p x then f x else 0%r)
  + E d (fun x => if !p x then f x else 0%r).
move=> Efd @/E; rewrite (@sum_split _ p) 1:&(Efd).
by congr; apply/eq_sum => /= x; case: (p x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma Ec_split ['a] p f d : hasE<:'a> d f =>
  E d f = mu d p * Ec d f p + mu d (predC p) * Ec d f (predC p).
move=> Edf; rewrite (@E_split p) //=; congr.
- rewrite /Ec mulrCA; case: (mu d p = 0%r) => mudp; last by rewrite divff.
  rewrite mudp /= -(@eq_exp _ (fun _ => 0%r)) ?expC //=.
  by move=> x xd; case: (p x) => //; have := eq0_mu _ _ mudp _ xd.
- rewrite /Ec mulrCA; case: (mu d (predC p) = 0%r) => mudp; last by rewrite divff.
  rewrite mudp /= -(@eq_exp _ (fun _ => 0%r)) ?expC //=.
  by move=> x xd; case: (p x) => //=; have @/predC := eq0_mu _ _ mudp _ xd.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op partition ['a] (d : 'a distr) p k =
     (forall i, mu d (p i) <> 0%r => 0 <= i < k)
  /\ (forall x, x \in d => exists i, 0 <= i < k /\ p i x)
  /\ (forall i j x, i <> j => !(p i x /\ p j x)).

lemma ptt_in_pred ['a] (d : 'a distr) p k :
  partition d p k => forall a, a \in d => exists i, 0 <= i < k /\ p i a.
proof. by case. qed.

lemma ppt_disjoint ['a] (d : 'a distr) p k :
  partition d p k => forall i j x, i <> j => !(p i x /\ p j x).
proof. by case. qed.

lemma partition_drestrict ['a] (d : 'a distr) p k : 0 <= k =>
  partition d p (k+1) => partition (drestrict d (predC (p k))) p k.
move=> ge0_k [h1 [h2 h3]]; do! split=> //.
- move=> i hpi; have ne_ik: i <> k.
  - by apply: contra hpi => ->; rewrite drestrictE predCI mu0.
  have := h1 i _; last by move=> /#.
  apply: contra hpi; rewrite drestrictE => /eq0_mu Npi.
  by apply: mu0_false => a /Npi @/predI ->.
- by move=> a; rewrite supp_drestrict /predC /= => -[] /h2[] /#.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma E_splits ['a] p f d k :
     hasE d f
  => partition d p k
  => E<:'a> d f = BRA.bigi predT (fun i => mu d (p i) * Ec d f (p i)) 0 k.
move=> Edf; elim/natind: k d Edf => [k le0_k|k ge0_k ih] d Edf hpdk.
- rewrite BRA.big_geq // (_ : d = dnull) -1:exp_dnull //.
  apply/eq_distr=> a; rewrite dnull1E; apply/supportPn.
  apply: contraL le0_k; rewrite lezNgt /=.
  by case/(ptt_in_pred _ _ _ hpdk) => /#.
rewrite (@Ec_split (p k)) ~-1:// BRA.big_int_recr ~-1:// /= addrC; congr.
pose dCp := drestrict d (predC (p k)); have := ih dCp _ _.
- by apply: hasE_drestrict.
- by apply: partition_drestrict.
rewrite exp_drestrict => ->; rewrite !BRA.big_seq &(BRA.eq_bigr) /=.
move=> i /mem_range rg_i; have dj_pi_Cpk: p i <= predC (p k).
- by move=> x @/predC /=; (have := ppt_disjoint _ _ _ hpdk i k x _) => /#.
by rewrite drestrictE_le 1:// exp_cond_drestrict_le.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma exp_cond_dlet_ilvt ['a] d df f p:
     hasE (dlet d df) f
  => hasE d (fun (x : 'a) => E (drestrict (df x) p) f)
  => (forall x, x \in d => !p x => mu (df x) p = 0%r)
  => (forall x, x \in d =>  p x => mu (df x) p = 1%r)
  =>   Ec (dlet<:'a, 'a> d df) f p
     = Ec d (fun x => E (df x) f) p.
move=> Edf Edf' h1 h2; rewrite exp_cond_dlet 1://.
rewrite (@E_split p) /=.
- apply: hasEZr; rewrite (@eq_hasE _ _ (fun x => E (drestrict (df x) p) f)) //=.
  by move=> a /=; rewrite exp_drestrict.
rewrite addrC (@eq_exp _ _ (fun _ => 0%r)) /=.
- by move=> a a_in_d; case: (p a) => //= /(h1 _ a_in_d) ->.
rewrite /E /Ec sum0_eq 1:// /= -sumZr &(eq_sum) => /= a.
rewrite !massE; case: (p a); last done.
move=> pa; case: (a \in d); last by move/supportPn=> ->.
move=> a_in_d; rewrite h2 1,2:// /=; do 2! congr; last first.
- move=> {a pa a_in_d}; rewrite dletE_swap muE &(eq_sum) => /= a.
  pose F b := mass d a * (if p b then mass (df a) b else 0%r).
  rewrite -(@eq_sum F); first by move=> @/F /= x; case: (p x).
  rewrite /F sumZ -muE !massE; case: (a \in d); last first.
  - by move/supportPn=> ->.
  move=> a_in_d; case: (p a) => pa.
  - by rewrite h2. - by rewrite h1.
rewrite /E &(eq_sum) => /= a'; case: (p a') => //=.
move=> Npa'; suff ->//: mass (df a) a' = 0%r.
have := h2 _ a_in_d pa; rewrite !massE.
apply: contraLR => /supportP a'_dfa; rewrite eqr_le le1_mu /=.
have: mu (df a) (predU p (pred1 a')) <= 1%r by apply: le1_mu.
rewrite mu_disjointL 1:/# -ltrNge => le.
apply/(ltr_le_trans _ _ le)/ltr_addl; rewrite ltr_neqAle ge0_mu /=.
by rewrite eq_sym; apply/supportP.

(* ==================================================================== *)
lemma Jensen_fin ['a] (d : 'a distr) f g :
     is_finite (support d)
  => is_lossless d
  => (forall a b, convex g a b)
  => g (E d f) <= E d (g \o f).
move=> fin_d ll_d cvx_g; rewrite /E /(\o); pose s := to_seq (support d).
rewrite !(@sumE_fin _ s) ?uniq_to_seq //=.
- move=> a; rewrite mulf_eq0 negb_or => -[_].
  by rewrite !massE -supportP mem_to_seq.
- move=> a; rewrite mulf_eq0 negb_or => -[_].
  by rewrite !massE -supportP mem_to_seq.
move: ll_d; rewrite /is_lossless weightE !(@sumE_fin _ s) ?uniq_to_seq //.
- by move=> a; rewrite !massE -supportP mem_to_seq.
move=> {fin_d}; case: s => [|i s]; first by rewrite BRA.big_nil.
rewrite !BRA.big_consT /= !massE /=.
elim: s (mu1 d i) (ge0_mu d (pred1 i)) (f i) => [|x s ih] l ge0_l v.
- by rewrite !BRA.big_nil /= => ->.
rewrite !BRA.big_consT /= !massE /=; have := ge0_mu d (pred1 x).
rewrite ler_eqVlt => -[<-/=|gt0_dx]; first by apply: ih.
rewrite !addrA => eq1.
pose z := (v * l + f x * mu1 d x) / (l + mu1 d x).
have nz_dn: mu1 d x + l <> 0%r by rewrite gtr_eqF ?ltr_paddr.
have := ih _ _ z eq1; first by rewrite addr_ge0.
rewrite /z mulrVK 1:addrC // => /ler_trans; apply.
rewrite ler_add2r mulrDl -!mulrA; pose c1 := _ / _; pose c2 := _ / _.
have c2E: c2 = 1%r - c1; first by rewrite /c1 /c2 #field.
pose c := l + mu1 d x; pose t := g v * (c * c1) + g (f x) * (c * c2).
apply: (@ler_trans t); last by rewrite /t /c /c1 /c2 &(lerr_eq) #field.
rewrite /t !(@mulrC _ c1) !(@mulrC _ c2) !(@mulrC _ (_ * _)%Real).
rewrite !(@mulrAC _ c) -mulrDl ler_wpmul2r 1:addr_ge0 //.
rewrite c2E &(cvx_g) /c1 mulr_ge0 ?invr_ge0 // 1:addr_ge0 //=.
by rewrite ler_pdivr_mulr /= ?ler_addl // (ler_lt_trans _ ge0_l) ltr_addl.
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