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Tip revision: d088c2c4583df606a6f0ba79eea78d27c6210f7c authored by st-- on 27 October 2021, 08:05:54 UTC
docs/ explain how to run notebooks locally (#1729)
Tip revision: d088c2c
# Copyright 2017-2020 The GPflow Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from ..base import Parameter
from ..utilities import positive
from ..utilities.ops import difference_matrix, square_distance
from .base import Kernel

class Stationary(Kernel):
    Base class for kernels that are stationary, that is, they only depend on

        d = x - x'

    This class handles 'ard' behaviour, which stands for 'Automatic Relevance
    Determination'. This means that the kernel has one lengthscale per
    dimension, otherwise the kernel is isotropic (has a single lengthscale).

    def __init__(self, variance=1.0, lengthscales=1.0, **kwargs):
        :param variance: the (initial) value for the variance parameter.
        :param lengthscales: the (initial) value for the lengthscale
            parameter(s), to induce ARD behaviour this must be initialised as
            an array the same length as the the number of active dimensions
            e.g. [1., 1., 1.]. If only a single value is passed, this value
            is used as the lengthscale of each dimension.
        :param kwargs: accepts `name` and `active_dims`, which is a list or
            slice of indices which controls which columns of X are used (by
            default, all columns are used).
        for kwarg in kwargs:
            if kwarg not in {"name", "active_dims"}:
                raise TypeError(f"Unknown keyword argument: {kwarg}")

        self.variance = Parameter(variance, transform=positive())
        self.lengthscales = Parameter(lengthscales, transform=positive())

    def ard(self) -> bool:
        Whether ARD behaviour is active.
        return self.lengthscales.shape.ndims > 0

    def scale(self, X):
        X_scaled = X / self.lengthscales if X is not None else X
        return X_scaled

    def K_diag(self, X):
        return tf.fill(tf.shape(X)[:-1], tf.squeeze(self.variance))

class IsotropicStationary(Stationary):
    Base class for isotropic stationary kernels, i.e. kernels that only
    depend on

        r = ‖x - x'‖

    Derived classes should implement one of:

        K_r2(self, r2): Returns the kernel evaluated on r² (r2), which is the
        squared scaled Euclidean distance Should operate element-wise on r2.

        K_r(self, r): Returns the kernel evaluated on r, which is the scaled
        Euclidean distance. Should operate element-wise on r.

    def K(self, X, X2=None):
        r2 = self.scaled_squared_euclid_dist(X, X2)
        return self.K_r2(r2)

    def K_r2(self, r2):
        if hasattr(self, "K_r"):
            # Clipping around the (single) float precision which is ~1e-45.
            r = tf.sqrt(tf.maximum(r2, 1e-36))
            return self.K_r(r)  # pylint: disable=no-member
        raise NotImplementedError

    def scaled_squared_euclid_dist(self, X, X2=None):
        Returns ‖(X - X2ᵀ) / ℓ‖², i.e. the squared L₂-norm.
        return square_distance(self.scale(X), self.scale(X2))

class AnisotropicStationary(Stationary):
    Base class for anisotropic stationary kernels, i.e. kernels that only
    depend on

        d = x - x'

    Derived classes should implement K_d(self, d): Returns the kernel evaluated
    on d, which is the pairwise difference matrix, scaled by the lengthscale
    parameter ℓ (i.e. [(X - X2ᵀ) / ℓ]). The last axis corresponds to the
    input dimension.

    def K(self, X, X2=None):
        return self.K_d(self.scaled_difference_matrix(X, X2))

    def scaled_difference_matrix(self, X, X2=None):
        Returns [(X - X2ᵀ) / ℓ]. If X has shape [..., N, D] and
        X2 has shape [..., M, D], the output will have shape [..., N, M, D].
        return difference_matrix(self.scale(X), self.scale(X2))

    def K_d(self, d):
        raise NotImplementedError

class SquaredExponential(IsotropicStationary):
    The radial basis function (RBF) or squared exponential kernel. The kernel equation is

        k(r) = σ² exp{-½ r²}

    r   is the Euclidean distance between the input points, scaled by the lengthscales parameter ℓ.
    σ²  is the variance parameter

    Functions drawn from a GP with this kernel are infinitely differentiable!

    def K_r2(self, r2):
        return self.variance * tf.exp(-0.5 * r2)

class RationalQuadratic(IsotropicStationary):
    Rational Quadratic kernel,

    k(r) = σ² (1 + r² / 2αℓ²)^(-α)

    σ² : variance
    ℓ  : lengthscales
    α  : alpha, determines relative weighting of small-scale and large-scale fluctuations

    For α → ∞, the RQ kernel becomes equivalent to the squared exponential.

    def __init__(self, variance=1.0, lengthscales=1.0, alpha=1.0, active_dims=None):
        super().__init__(variance=variance, lengthscales=lengthscales, active_dims=active_dims)
        self.alpha = Parameter(alpha, transform=positive())

    def K_r2(self, r2):
        return self.variance * (1 + 0.5 * r2 / self.alpha) ** (-self.alpha)

class Exponential(IsotropicStationary):
    The Exponential kernel. It is equivalent to a Matern12 kernel with doubled lengthscales.

    def K_r(self, r):
        return self.variance * tf.exp(-0.5 * r)

class Matern12(IsotropicStationary):
    The Matern 1/2 kernel. Functions drawn from a GP with this kernel are not
    differentiable anywhere. The kernel equation is

    k(r) = σ² exp{-r}

    r  is the Euclidean distance between the input points, scaled by the lengthscales parameter ℓ.
    σ² is the variance parameter

    def K_r(self, r):
        return self.variance * tf.exp(-r)

class Matern32(IsotropicStationary):
    The Matern 3/2 kernel. Functions drawn from a GP with this kernel are once
    differentiable. The kernel equation is

    k(r) = σ² (1 + √3r) exp{-√3 r}

    r  is the Euclidean distance between the input points, scaled by the lengthscales parameter ℓ,
    σ² is the variance parameter.

    def K_r(self, r):
        sqrt3 = np.sqrt(3.0)
        return self.variance * (1.0 + sqrt3 * r) * tf.exp(-sqrt3 * r)

class Matern52(IsotropicStationary):
    The Matern 5/2 kernel. Functions drawn from a GP with this kernel are twice
    differentiable. The kernel equation is

    k(r) = σ² (1 + √5r + 5/3r²) exp{-√5 r}

    r  is the Euclidean distance between the input points, scaled by the lengthscales parameter ℓ,
    σ² is the variance parameter.

    def K_r(self, r):
        sqrt5 = np.sqrt(5.0)
        return self.variance * (1.0 + sqrt5 * r + 5.0 / 3.0 * tf.square(r)) * tf.exp(-sqrt5 * r)

class Cosine(AnisotropicStationary):
    The Cosine kernel. Functions drawn from a GP with this kernel are sinusoids
    (with a random phase).  The kernel equation is

        k(r) = σ² cos{2πd}

    d  is the sum of the per-dimension differences between the input points, scaled by the
    lengthscale parameter ℓ (i.e. Σᵢ [(X - X2ᵀ) / ℓ]ᵢ),
    σ² is the variance parameter.

    def K_d(self, d):
        d = tf.reduce_sum(d, axis=-1)
        return self.variance * tf.cos(2 * np.pi * d)
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