Raw File
Tip revision: b1f109d4fa1becce385e41743ae14732c90a7b8b authored by doterop on 31 July 2020, 14:29:49 UTC
Added tick after apply_settings
Tip revision: b1f109d
# CARLA Documentation

Welcome to the CARLA documentation. 

This home page contains an index with a brief description of the different sections in the documentation. Feel free to read in whatever order preferred. In any case, here are a few suggestions for newcomers.  

* __Install CARLA.__ Either follow the [Quick start installation]( to get a CARLA release or [make the build]( for a desired platform.  
* __Start using CARLA.__ The section titled [First steps]( is an introduction to the most important concepts.  
* __Check the API.__ there is a handy [Python API reference]( to look up the classes and methods available.  

The CARLA forum is available to post any doubts or suggestions that may arise during the reading.  
<div class="build-buttons">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-neutral" title="Go to the latest CARLA release">
CARLA forum</a>

!!! Important
    This documentation refers to CARLA 0.9.0 or later. To read about previous versions, check the [stable branch](


## Getting started
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
        — What to expect from CARLA.  
    [__Quick start__](
        — Get the CARLA releases.  

## Building CARLA
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__Linux build__](
        — Make the build on Linux.  
    [__Windows build__](
        — Make the build on Windows.  
    [__Update CARLA__](
        — Get up to date with the latest content.  
    [__Build system__](
        — Learn about the build and how it is made.  
    [__Running in a Docker__](
        — Run CARLA using a container solution.  
        — Some of the most frequent installation issues.  

## First steps
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__Core concepts__](
        — Overview of the basic concepts in CARLA.  
    [__1st. World and client__](
        — Manage and access the simulation.  
    [__2nd. Actors and blueprints__](
        — Learn about actors and how to handle them.  
    [__3rd. Maps and navigation__](
        — Discover the different maps and how do vehicles move around.  
    [__4th. Sensors and data__](
        — Retrieve simulation data using sensors.  

## Advanced steps
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__OpenDRIVE standalone mode__](
        — Use any OpenDRIVE file as a CARLA map.  
    [__PTV-Vissim co-simulation__](
        — Run a synchronous simulation between CARLA and PTV-Vissim.  
        — Register the events in a simulation and play it again.  
    [__Rendering options__](
        — From quality settings to no-render or off-screen modes.  
        — An implementation of RSS in the CARLA client library.  
    [__SUMO co-simulation__](
        — Run a synchronous simulation between CARLA and SUMO.  
    [__Synchrony and time-step__](
        — Client-server communication and simulation time.  
    [__Traffic Manager__](
        — Simulate urban traffic by setting vehicles to autopilot mode.  

## References
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__Python API reference__](
        — Classes and methods in the Python API.  
    [__Code recipes__](
        — Some code fragments commonly used.  
    [__Blueprint library__](
        — Blueprints provided to spawn actors.  
    [__C++ reference__](
        — Classes and methods in CARLA C++.  
    [__Recorder binary file format__](
        — Detailed explanation of the recorder file format.  
    [__Sensors reference__](
        — Everything about sensors and the data they retrieve.  

## Plugins
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__carlaviz — web visualizer__](
        — Plugin that listens the simulation and shows the scene and some simulation data in a web browser.  

## ROS bridge
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__ROS bridge installation__](
        — The different ways to install the ROS bridge.  
    [__CARLA messages reference__](
        — Contains explanations and fields for every type of CARLA message available in ROS.  
    [__Launchfiles reference__](
        — Lists the launchfiles and nodes provided, and the topics being consumed and published.  

## Tutorials — General
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__Add friction triggers__](
        — Define dynamic box triggers for wheels.  
    [__Control vehicle physics__](
        — Set runtime changes on a vehicle physics.  
    [__Control walker skeletons__](
        — Animate walkers using skeletons.  
    [__Retrieve simulation data__](
        — A step by step guide to properly gather data using the recorder.  

## Tutorials — Assets
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__Add a new map__](
        — Create and ingest a new map.  
    [__Add a new vehicle__](
        — Prepare a vehicle to be used in CARLA.  
    [__Add new props__](
        — Import additional props into CARLA.  
    [__Create standalone packages__](
        — Generate and handle standalone packages for assets.  
    [__Map customization__](
        — Edit an existing map.  
    [__Material customization__](
        — Edit vehicle and building materials.  
    [__Vehicle modelling__](
        — Create a new vehicle for CARLA.  

## Tutorials — Developers
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__Contribute with new assets__](
        — Add new content to CARLA.  
    [__Create a sensor__](
        — Develop a new sensor to be used in CARLA.  
    [__Make a release__](
        — For developers who want to publish a release.  
    [__Generate detailed colliders__](
        — Created detailed colliders for vehicles.  
    [__Generate pedestrian navigation__](
        — Obtain the information needed for walkers to move around.  

## Contributing
  <p style="padding-left:30px;line-height:1.8">
    [__Contribution guidelines__](
        — The different ways to contribute to CARLA.  
    [__Code of conduct__](
        — Standard rights and duties for contributors.  
    [__Coding standard__](
        — Guidelines to write proper code.  
    [__Documentation standard__](
        — Guidelines to write proper documentation.  
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