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Tip revision: 859ad53d118deb65fda70547abe20731c6e92aba authored by Emma Turner on 09 October 2023, 10:54:43 UTC
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Tip revision: 859ad53
open Bls12_381.Ff_sig

module MakeFp (S : sig
  val prime_order : Z.t
end) : PRIME_WITH_ROOT_OF_UNITY = struct
  exception Not_in_field of Bytes.t

  type t = Z.t

  let order =
    assert (S.prime_order >= Z.of_string "2") ;

  let two_z = Z.succ

  let factor_power_of_two =
    let rec aux i n =
      let q, r = Z.ediv_rem n two_z in
      if Z.equal r then aux (i + 1) q else (i, n)
    aux 0 (Z.pred order)

  let log256 n = log n /. log 256.

  let size_in_bytes = int_of_float (log256 (Z.to_float order)) + 1

  let zero =

  let one =

  (** By default, any bytes sequence is valid because we care about the result
      modulo the order *)
  let check_bytes _bs = true

  let copy x = x

  let is_zero s = Z.equal (Z.erem s order)

  let is_one s = Z.equal (Z.erem s order)

  let random ?state () =
    (match state with None -> () | Some s -> Random.set_state s) ;
    let r = Bytes.init size_in_bytes (fun _ -> char_of_int ( 256)) in
    Z.erem (Z.of_bits (Bytes.to_string r)) order

  let non_null_random ?state () =
    (match state with None -> () | Some s -> Random.set_state s) ;
    let rec aux () =
      let r = random () in
      if is_zero r then aux () else r
    aux ()

  let add a b = Z.erem (Z.add a b) order

  let sub a b = Z.erem (Z.sub a b) order

  let mul a b = Z.erem (Z.mul a b) order

  let eq a b = Z.equal (Z.erem a order) (Z.erem b order)

  let negate a = sub order a

  let inverse_exn a =
    if a = zero then raise Division_by_zero else Z.invert a order

  let inverse_opt a =
    try Some (Z.invert a order) with Division_by_zero -> None

  let div_exn a b =
    if b = zero then raise Division_by_zero else mul a (inverse_exn b)

  let div_opt a b = if b = zero then None else Some (mul a (inverse_exn b))

  let square x = mul x x

  let double x = add x x

  let pow x n =
    if Z.equal n then one
    else if is_zero x then zero
    else if Z.equal n then x
    else Z.powm x n order

  (* Decimal representation by default *)
  let of_string s = Z.erem (Z.of_string s) order

  (* Decimal representation by default *)
  let to_string s = Z.to_string s

  (** From a predefined bytes representation, construct a value t. It is not
      required that to_bytes (of_bytes_exn t)) = t. By default, little endian
      encoding is used and the given element is modulo the prime order *)
  let of_bytes_exn s = Z.erem (Z.of_bits (Bytes.to_string s)) order

  (** From a predefined bytes representation, construct a value t. It is not
      required that to_bytes (Option.get (of_bytes_opt t)) = t. By default,
      little endian encoding is used and the given element is modulo the prime
      order *)
  let of_bytes_opt s = Some (of_bytes_exn s)

  (* Little endian representation *)
  let to_bytes s =
    let b = Bytes.of_string (Z.to_bits s) in
    let res = Bytes.make size_in_bytes '\000' in
    Bytes.blit b 0 res 0 (min (Bytes.length b) size_in_bytes) ;

  let is_nth_root_of_unity n x = (not (eq x zero)) && is_one (pow x n)

  let get_nth_root_of_unity n =
    let pred_order = Z.pred order in
    if n pred_order || not (Z.(erem pred_order n) = zero) then
      failwith "n must divide the order of the multiplication subgroup"
      let rec aux () =
        let r = random () in
        if is_nth_root_of_unity n r then r else aux ()
      aux ()

  let to_z t = t

  let of_z t = Z.erem t order

  let legendre_symbol x =
    if is_zero x then
    else if is_one (pow x (Z.divexact (Z.pred order) (Z.of_int 2))) then
    else Z.neg

  let is_quadratic_residue x =
    if is_zero x then true else is_one (legendre_symbol x)

  let rec pick_non_square () =
    let z = random () in
    if Z.equal (legendre_symbol z) (Z.of_int (-1)) then z
    else pick_non_square ()

  let sqrt_opt x =
    if not (is_quadratic_residue x) then None
      (* *)
      let s, q = factor_power_of_two in
      (* implies p = 3 mod 4 *)
      if s = 1 then
        (* r = x^((p + 1) / 4) *)
        let r = pow x (Z.divexact (Z.succ order) (Z.of_string "4")) in
        Some r
        let rec compute_lowest_n_2th_root_of_unity i x upper =
          let x = square x in
          if is_one x then i
          else if i = upper then failwith "Upperbound should be higher"
            (* should never happen in this case, just being explicit *)
          else compute_lowest_n_2th_root_of_unity (i + 1) x upper
        let z = pick_non_square () in
        let c = pow z q in
        let rec aux m c t r =
          if eq t zero then zero (* case x is zero *)
          else if eq t one then r (* base case *)
            let i = compute_lowest_n_2th_root_of_unity 1 t m in
            let b = pow c (Z.pow two_z (m - i - 1)) in
            let m = i in
            let c = mul b b in
            let t = mul t c in
            let r = mul r b in
            aux m c t r
        Some (aux s c (pow x q) (pow x (Z.divexact (Z.succ q) two_z)))

  let of_int x = of_z (Z.of_int x)

  let ( + ) = add

  let ( * ) = mul

  let ( - ) = negate

  let ( ** ) = pow

  let ( = ) = eq

  let ( / ) = div_exn

module MakeFp2
    (Fp : BASE) (Intf : sig
      (* Non square residue. Arithmetic is over Fp[X] / X^2 - r *)
      val nsr : Fp.t
    end) : sig
  include BASE

  val components : t -> Fp.t * Fp.t
end = struct
  exception Not_in_field of Bytes.t

  type t = Fp.t * Fp.t

  let components (a, b) = (a, b)

  let order = Z.mul Fp.order Fp.order

  let size_in_bytes = Fp.size_in_bytes * 2

  let check_bytes b =
    if Bytes.length b = size_in_bytes then
      let x = Bytes.sub b 0 (size_in_bytes / 2) in
      let y = Bytes.sub b (size_in_bytes / 2) (size_in_bytes / 2) in
      Fp.check_bytes x && Fp.check_bytes y
    else false

  let copy x = x

  let zero = (,

  let one = (,

  let is_zero (x, y) = Fp.(x = zero && y = zero)

  let is_one (x, y) = Fp.(x = && y =

  let random ?state () =
    (match state with None -> () | Some s -> Random.set_state s) ;
    (Fp.random (), Fp.random ())

  let non_null_random ?state () =
    (match state with None -> () | Some s -> Random.set_state s) ;
    let x = Random.bool () in
    if x then (Fp.non_null_random (), Fp.random ())
    else (Fp.random (), Fp.non_null_random ())

  let add (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (Fp.(x1 + x2), Fp.(y1 + y2))

  let mul (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
    let open Fp in
    let tmp_x = x1 * x2 in
    let tmp_y = y1 * y2 in
    let x' = tmp_x + (Intf.nsr * tmp_y) in
    let y' = (x1 * y2) + (y1 * x2) in
    (x', y')

  let eq (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = Fp.(x1 = x2 && y1 = y2)

  let negate (x, y) = (Fp.negate x, Fp.negate y)

  let sub a b = add a (negate b)

  let aux_inverse (x, y) =
    (* Let's use square in case of `*` is not optimised for the square case *)
    let x_square = Fp.square x in
    let y_square = Fp.square y in
    (* inverse of [x_square - nsr * y_square] *)
    let tmp_inverse =
      Fp.(inverse_exn (x_square + Fp.negate (Intf.nsr * y_square)))
    let x' = Fp.(x * tmp_inverse) in
    let y' = Fp.(negate y * tmp_inverse) in
    (x', y')

  let inverse_exn x =
    if is_zero x then raise Division_by_zero else aux_inverse x

  let inverse_opt x = if is_zero x then None else Some (aux_inverse x)

  let div_exn a b =
    if b = zero then raise Division_by_zero else mul a (inverse_exn b)

  let div_opt a b = if b = zero then None else Some (mul a (inverse_exn b))

  let square (a, b) =
    let ab = Fp.(a * b) in
      ( ((a + b) * (a + (Intf.nsr * b)))
        + Fp.negate ab
        + Fp.negate (Intf.nsr * ab),
        ab + ab )

  let double x = add x x

  let two_z = Z.succ

  let rec pow x n =
    if Z.equal n then one
    else if is_zero x then zero
    else if Z.equal n then x
      let n = Z.erem n (Z.pred order) in
      let a, r = Z.ediv_rem n two_z in
      let acc = pow x a in
      let acc_square = mul acc acc in
      if Z.equal r then acc_square else mul acc_square x

  (** From a predefined bytes representation, construct a value t. It is not
      required that to_bytes (of_bytes_exn t)) = t. By default, little endian
      encoding is used and the given element is modulo the prime order *)
  let of_bytes_exn b =
    if Int.equal (Bytes.length b) size_in_bytes then
      let x_bytes = Bytes.sub b 0 (Int.div size_in_bytes 2) in
      let y_bytes =
        Bytes.sub b (Int.div size_in_bytes 2) (Int.div size_in_bytes 2)
      (Fp.of_bytes_exn x_bytes, Fp.of_bytes_exn y_bytes)
    else raise (Not_in_field b)

  (** From a predefined bytes representation, construct a value t. It is not
      required that to_bytes (Option.get (of_bytes_opt t)) = t. By default,
      little endian encoding is used and the given element is modulo the prime
      order *)
  let of_bytes_opt b =
    if Int.equal (Bytes.length b) size_in_bytes then
      let x_bytes = Bytes.sub b 0 (Int.div size_in_bytes 2) in
      let y_bytes =
        Bytes.sub b (Int.div size_in_bytes 2) (Int.div size_in_bytes 2)
      let x = Fp.of_bytes_opt x_bytes in
      let y = Fp.of_bytes_opt y_bytes in
      match (x, y) with
      | None, _ | _, None -> None
      | Some x, Some y -> Some (x, y)
    else None

  (* Little endian representation *)
  let to_bytes (x, y) =
    let b = Bytes.make size_in_bytes '\000' in
    Bytes.blit (Fp.to_bytes x) 0 b 0 (Int.div size_in_bytes 2) ;
      (Fp.to_bytes y)
      (Int.div size_in_bytes 2)
      (Int.div size_in_bytes 2) ;

  let ( + ) = add

  let ( * ) = mul

  let ( - ) = negate

  let ( ** ) = pow

  let ( = ) = eq

  let ( / ) = div_exn
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