Raw File
Tip revision: 8f40560c89d23744d3f149894037773b294837e7 authored by ffxbld on 07 December 2013, 11:14:22 UTC
No bug, Automated blocklist update from host bld-centos5-32-vmw-002 - a=blocklist-update
Tip revision: 8f40560
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et tw=99 ft=cpp:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

#include "builtin/ParallelArray.h"
#include "builtin/ParallelArray-inl.h"

#include "jsapi.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "jsarray.h"
#include "jsprf.h"

#include "gc/Marking.h"
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"
#include "vm/Stack.h"
#include "vm/StringBuffer.h"

#include "jsobjinlines.h"
#include "jsarrayinlines.h"

using namespace js;
using namespace js::types;

// Utilities

typedef ParallelArrayObject::IndexVector IndexVector;
typedef ParallelArrayObject::IndexInfo IndexInfo;

static bool
ReportBadArg(JSContext *cx, const char *s = "")
    JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_BAD_ARG, s);
    return false;

ParallelArrayObject::IndexInfo::isInitialized() const
    return (dimensions.length() > 0 &&
            indices.capacity() >= dimensions.length() &&
            partialProducts.length() == dimensions.length());

static inline bool
OpenDelimiters(const IndexInfo &iv, StringBuffer &sb)

    uint32_t d = iv.dimensions.length() - 1;
    do {
        if (iv.indices[d] != 0)
        if (!sb.append('<'))
            return false;
    } while (d-- > 0);

    return true;

static inline bool
CloseDelimiters(const IndexInfo &iv, StringBuffer &sb)

    uint32_t d = iv.dimensions.length() - 1;
    do {
        if (iv.indices[d] != iv.dimensions[d] - 1) {
            if (!sb.append(','))
                return false;

        if (!sb.append('>'))
            return false;
    } while (d-- > 0);

    return true;

// Check if obj is a parallel array, and if so, cast to pa and initialize
// the IndexInfo accordingly.
// This function is designed to be used in conjunction with
// GetElementFromArrayLikeObject; see below.
static bool
MaybeGetParallelArrayObjectAndLength(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj,
                                     MutableHandle<ParallelArrayObject *> pa,
                                     IndexInfo *iv, uint32_t *length)
    if (ParallelArrayObject::is(obj)) {
        if (!pa->isOneDimensional() && !iv->initialize(cx, pa, 1))
            return false;
        *length = pa->outermostDimension();
    } else if (!GetLengthProperty(cx, obj, length)) {
        return false;

    return true;

// Store the i-th element of the array-like object obj into vp.
// If pa is not null, then pa is obj casted to a ParallelArrayObject
// and iv is initialized according to the dimensions of pa. In this case,
// we get the element using the ParallelArrayObject.
// Otherwise we do what is done in GetElement in jsarray.cpp.
static bool
GetElementFromArrayLikeObject(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleParallelArrayObject pa,
                              IndexInfo &iv, uint32_t i, MutableHandleValue vp)
    // Fast path getting an element from parallel and dense arrays. For dense
    // arrays, we only do this if the prototype doesn't have indexed
    // properties. In this case holes = undefined.
    if (pa && pa->getParallelArrayElement(cx, i, &iv, vp))
        return true;

    if (obj->isDenseArray() && i < obj->getDenseArrayInitializedLength() &&
        !js_PrototypeHasIndexedProperties(cx, obj))
        if (vp.isMagic(JS_ARRAY_HOLE))
        return true;

    if (obj->isArguments()) {
        if (obj->asArguments().maybeGetElement(static_cast<uint32_t>(i), vp))
            return true;

    // Slow path everything else: objects with indexed properties on the
    // prototype, non-parallel and dense arrays.
    return JSObject::getElement(cx, obj, obj, i, vp);

static inline bool
SetArrayNewType(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj)
    RootedTypeObject newtype(cx, GetTypeCallerInitObject(cx, JSProto_Array));
    if (!newtype)
        return false;
    return true;

static JSObject *
NewDenseCopiedArrayWithType(JSContext *cx, uint32_t length, HandleObject source)

    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseAllocatedArray(cx, length));
    if (!buffer)
        return NULL;
    JS_ASSERT(buffer->getDenseArrayCapacity() >= length);

    uint32_t srclen;
    uint32_t copyUpTo;

    if (source->isDenseArray() && !js_PrototypeHasIndexedProperties(cx, source)) {
        // Optimize for the common case: if we have a dense array source, copy
        // whatever we can, truncating to length. This path doesn't trigger
        // GC, so we don't need to initialize all the array's slots before
        // copying.
        const Value *srcvp = source->getDenseArrayElements();

        srclen = source->getDenseArrayInitializedLength();
        copyUpTo = Min(length, srclen);

        // Convert any existing holes into undefined.
        Value elem;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < copyUpTo; i++) {
            elem = srcvp[i].isMagic(JS_ARRAY_HOLE) ? UndefinedValue() : srcvp[i];
            buffer->initDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, elem);

        // Fill the rest with undefineds.
        for (uint32_t i = copyUpTo; i < length; i++)
            buffer->initDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, UndefinedValue());
    } else {
        // This path might GC. The GC expects an object's slots to be
        // initialized, so we have to make sure all the array's slots are
        // initialized.
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
            buffer->initDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, UndefinedValue());

        IndexInfo siv(cx);
        RootedParallelArrayObject sourcePA(cx);

        if (!MaybeGetParallelArrayObjectAndLength(cx, source, &sourcePA, &siv, &srclen))
            return NULL;
        copyUpTo = Min(length, srclen);

        // Copy elements pointwise.
        RootedValue elem(cx);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < copyUpTo; i++) {
            if (!GetElementFromArrayLikeObject(cx, source, sourcePA, siv, i, &elem))
                return NULL;
            buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, elem);

    if (!SetArrayNewType(cx, buffer))
        return NULL;

    return *buffer.address();

static inline JSObject *
NewDenseArrayWithType(JSContext *cx, uint32_t length)
    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseAllocatedArray(cx, length));
    if (!buffer)
        return NULL;

    buffer->ensureDenseArrayInitializedLength(cx, length, 0);

    if (!SetArrayNewType(cx, buffer))
        return NULL;

    return *buffer.address();

// Copy an array like object obj into an IndexVector, indices, using
// ToUint32.
static inline bool
ArrayLikeToIndexVector(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, IndexVector &indices)
    IndexInfo iv(cx);
    RootedParallelArrayObject pa(cx);
    uint32_t length;

    if (!MaybeGetParallelArrayObjectAndLength(cx, obj, &pa, &iv, &length))
        return false;

    if (!indices.resize(length))
        return false;

    RootedValue elem(cx);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (!GetElementFromArrayLikeObject(cx, obj, pa, iv, i, &elem) ||
            !ToUint32(cx, elem, &indices[i]))
            return false;

    return true;

static inline bool
IdIsInBoundsIndex(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id)
    uint32_t i;
    return js_IdIsIndex(id, &i) && i < ParallelArrayObject::as(obj)->outermostDimension();

template <bool impl(JSContext *, CallArgs)>
static inline
JSBool NonGenericMethod(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
    return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, ParallelArrayObject::is, impl, args);

// Operations Overview
// The different execution modes implement different versions of a set of
// operations with the same signatures, detailed below.
// build
// -----
// The comprehension form. Build a parallel array from a dimension vector and
// using elementalFun, writing the results into buffer. The dimension vector
// and its partial products are kept in iv. The function elementalFun is passed
// indices as multiple arguments.
// bool build(JSContext *cx,
//            IndexInfo &iv,
//            HandleObject elementalFun,
//            HandleObject buffer)
// map
// ---
// Map elementalFun over the elements of the outermost dimension of source,
// writing the results into buffer. The buffer must be as long as the
// outermost dimension of the source. The elementalFun is passed
// (element, index, collection) as arguments, in that order.
// bool map(JSContext *cx,
//          HandleParallelArrayObject source,
//          HandleObject elementalFun,
//          HandleObject buffer)
// reduce
// ------
// Reduce source in the outermost dimension using elementalFun. If vp is not
// null, then the final value of the reduction is stored into vp. If buffer is
// not null, then buffer[i] is the final value of calling reduce on the
// subarray from [0,i]. The elementalFun is passed 2 values to be
// reduced. There is no specified order in which the elements of the array are
// reduced. If elementalFun is not commutative and associative, there is no
// guarantee that the final value is deterministic.
// bool reduce(JSContext *cx,
//             HandleParallelArrayObject source,
//             HandleObject elementalFun,
//             HandleObject buffer,
//             MutableHandleValue vp)
// scatter
// -------
// Reassign elements in source in the outermost dimension according to a
// scatter vector, targets, writing results into buffer. The targets object
// should be array-like. The element source[i] is reassigned to the index
// targets[i]. If multiple elements map to the same target index, the
// conflictFun is used to resolve the resolution. If nothing maps to i for
// some i, defaultValue is used for that index. Note that buffer can be longer
// than the source, in which case all the remaining holes are filled with
// defaultValue.
// bool scatter(JSContext *cx,
//              HandleParallelArrayObject source,
//              HandleObject targets,
//              const Value &defaultValue,
//              HandleObject conflictFun,
//              HandleObject buffer)
// filter
// ------
// Filter the source in the outermost dimension using an array of truthy
// values, filters, writing the results into buffer. All elements with index i
// in outermost dimension such that filters[i] is not truthy are removed.
// bool filter(JSContext *cx,
//             HandleParallelArrayObject source,
//             HandleObject filters,
//             HandleObject buffer)

ParallelArrayObject::SequentialMode ParallelArrayObject::sequential;
ParallelArrayObject::ParallelMode ParallelArrayObject::parallel;
ParallelArrayObject::FallbackMode ParallelArrayObject::fallback;

ParallelArrayObject::SequentialMode::build(JSContext *cx, IndexInfo &iv,
                                           HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer)

    uint32_t length = iv.scalarLengthOfDimensions();

    InvokeArgsGuard args;
    if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, iv.dimensions.length(), &args))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++, iv.bump()) {

        // Compute and set indices.
        for (size_t j = 0; j < iv.indices.length(); j++)

        if (!Invoke(cx, args))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, args.rval());

    return ExecutionSucceeded;

ParallelArrayObject::SequentialMode::map(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                         HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer)
    JS_ASSERT(source->outermostDimension() == buffer->getDenseArrayInitializedLength());

    uint32_t length = source->outermostDimension();

    IndexInfo iv(cx);
    if (!source->isOneDimensional() && !iv.initialize(cx, source, 1))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    InvokeArgsGuard args;
    if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, 3, &args))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    RootedValue elem(cx);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {

        if (!source->getParallelArrayElement(cx, i, &iv, &elem))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        // The arguments are in eic(h) order.
        args[0] = elem;

        if (!Invoke(cx, args))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, args.rval());

    return ExecutionSucceeded;

ParallelArrayObject::SequentialMode::reduce(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                            HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer,
                                            MutableHandleValue vp)
    JS_ASSERT_IF(buffer, buffer->isDenseArray());
    JS_ASSERT_IF(buffer, buffer->getDenseArrayInitializedLength() >= 1);

    uint32_t length = source->outermostDimension();

    // The accumulator: the objet petit a.
    // "A VM's accumulator register is Objet petit a: the unattainable object
    // of desire that sets in motion the symbolic movement of interpretation."
    //     -- PLT Žižek
    RootedValue acc(cx);
    IndexInfo iv(cx);

    if (!source->isOneDimensional() && !iv.initialize(cx, source, 1))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    if (!source->getParallelArrayElement(cx, 0, &iv, &acc))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    if (buffer)
        buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, 0, acc);

    InvokeArgsGuard args;
    if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, 2, &args))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    RootedValue elem(cx);
    for (uint32_t i = 1; i < length; i++) {

        if (!source->getParallelArrayElement(cx, i, &iv, &elem))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        // Set the two arguments to the elemental function.
        args[0] = acc;
        args[1] = elem;

        if (!Invoke(cx, args))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        // Update the accumulator.
        acc = args.rval();
        if (buffer)
            buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, args.rval());


    return ExecutionSucceeded;

ParallelArrayObject::SequentialMode::scatter(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                             HandleObject targets, const Value &defaultValue,
                                             HandleObject conflictFun, HandleObject buffer)

    uint32_t length = buffer->getDenseArrayInitializedLength();

    IndexInfo iv(cx);
    if (!source->isOneDimensional() && !iv.initialize(cx, source, 1))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    // Index vector and parallel array pointer for targets, in case targets is
    // a ParallelArray object. If not, these are uninitialized.
    IndexInfo tiv(cx);
    RootedParallelArrayObject targetsPA(cx);

    // The length of the scatter vector.
    uint32_t targetsLength;

    if (!MaybeGetParallelArrayObjectAndLength(cx, targets, &targetsPA, &tiv, &targetsLength))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    // Iterate over the scatter vector.
    RootedValue elem(cx);
    RootedValue telem(cx);
    RootedValue targetElem(cx);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < targetsLength; i++) {
        uint32_t targetIndex;

        if (!GetElementFromArrayLikeObject(cx, targets, targetsPA, tiv, i, &telem) ||
            !ToUint32(cx, telem, &targetIndex))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        if (targetIndex >= length) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
            return ExecutionFailed;

        if (!source->getParallelArrayElement(cx, i, &iv, &elem))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        targetElem = buffer->getDenseArrayElement(targetIndex);

        // We initialized the dense buffer with holes. If the target element
        // in the source array is not a hole, that means we have set it
        // already and we have a conflict.
        if (!targetElem.isMagic(JS_ARRAY_HOLE)) {
            if (conflictFun) {
                InvokeArgsGuard args;
                if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, 2, &args))
                    return ExecutionFailed;

                args[0] = elem;
                args[1] = targetElem;

                if (!Invoke(cx, args))
                    return ExecutionFailed;

                elem = args.rval();
            } else {
                JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
                return ExecutionFailed;

        buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, targetIndex, elem);

    // Fill holes with the default value.
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (buffer->getDenseArrayElement(i).isMagic(JS_ARRAY_HOLE))
            buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, defaultValue);

    return ExecutionSucceeded;

ParallelArrayObject::SequentialMode::filter(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                            HandleObject filters, HandleObject buffer)

    IndexInfo iv(cx);
    if (!source->isOneDimensional() && !iv.initialize(cx, source, 1))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    // Index vector and parallel array pointer for filters, in case filters is
    // a ParallelArray object. If not, these are uninitialized.
    IndexInfo fiv(cx);
    RootedParallelArrayObject filtersPA(cx);

    // The length of the filter array.
    uint32_t filtersLength;

    if (!MaybeGetParallelArrayObjectAndLength(cx, filters, &filtersPA, &fiv, &filtersLength))
        return ExecutionFailed;

    RootedValue elem(cx);
    RootedValue felem(cx);
    for (uint32_t i = 0, pos = 0; i < filtersLength; i++) {
        if (!GetElementFromArrayLikeObject(cx, filters, filtersPA, fiv, i, &felem))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        // Skip if the filter element isn't truthy.
        if (!ToBoolean(felem))

        if (!source->getParallelArrayElement(cx, i, &iv, &elem))
            return ExecutionFailed;

        // Set the element on the buffer. If we couldn't stay dense, fail.
        JSObject::EnsureDenseResult result = JSObject::ED_SPARSE;
        result = buffer->ensureDenseArrayElements(cx, pos, 1);
        if (result != JSObject::ED_OK)
            return ExecutionFailed;
        if (i >= buffer->getArrayLength())
            buffer->setDenseArrayLength(pos + 1);
        buffer->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, pos, elem);

        // We didn't filter this element out, so bump the position.

    return ExecutionSucceeded;

ParallelArrayObject::ParallelMode::build(JSContext *cx, IndexInfo &iv,
                                         HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer)
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::ParallelMode::map(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                       HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer)
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::ParallelMode::reduce(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                          HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer,
                                          MutableHandleValue vp)
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::ParallelMode::scatter(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                           HandleObject targetsObj, const Value &defaultValue,
                                           HandleObject conflictFun, HandleObject buffer)
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::ParallelMode::filter(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                          HandleObject filtersObj, HandleObject buffer)
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::FallbackMode::build(JSContext *cx, IndexInfo &iv,
                                         HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer)
    if (, iv, elementalFun, buffer) ||, iv, elementalFun, buffer))
        return ExecutionSucceeded;
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::FallbackMode::map(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                       HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer)
    if (, source, elementalFun, buffer) ||, source, elementalFun, buffer))
        return ExecutionSucceeded;
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::FallbackMode::reduce(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                          HandleObject elementalFun, HandleObject buffer,
                                          MutableHandleValue vp)
    if (parallel.reduce(cx, source, elementalFun, buffer, vp) ||
        sequential.reduce(cx, source, elementalFun, buffer, vp))
        return ExecutionSucceeded;
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::FallbackMode::scatter(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                           HandleObject targetsObj, const Value &defaultValue,
                                           HandleObject conflictFun, HandleObject buffer)
    if (parallel.scatter(cx, source, targetsObj, defaultValue, conflictFun, buffer) ||
        sequential.scatter(cx, source, targetsObj, defaultValue, conflictFun, buffer))
        return ExecutionSucceeded;
    return ExecutionFailed;

ParallelArrayObject::FallbackMode::filter(JSContext *cx, HandleParallelArrayObject source,
                                          HandleObject filtersObj, HandleObject buffer)
    if (parallel.filter(cx, source, filtersObj, buffer) ||
        sequential.filter(cx, source, filtersObj, buffer))
        return ExecutionSucceeded;
    return ExecutionFailed;

#ifdef DEBUG

const char *
ParallelArrayObject::ExecutionStatusToString(ExecutionStatus ss)
    switch (ss) {
      case ExecutionFailed:
        return "failure";
      case ExecutionCompiled:
        return "compilation";
      case ExecutionSucceeded:
        return "success";
    return "(unknown status)";

ParallelArrayObject::DebugOptions::init(JSContext *cx, const Value &v)
    RootedObject obj(cx, NonNullObject(cx, v));
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    RootedId id(cx);
    RootedValue propv(cx);
    JSString *propStr;
    JSBool match = false;
    bool ok;

    id = AtomToId(Atomize(cx, "mode", strlen("mode")));
    if (!JSObject::getGeneric(cx, obj, obj, id, &propv))
        return false;

    propStr = ToString(cx, propv);
    if (!propStr)
        return false;

    if ((ok = JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, propStr, "par", &match)) && match)
        mode = &parallel;
    else if (ok && (ok = JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, propStr, "seq", &match)) && match)
        mode = &sequential;
    else if (ok)
        return ReportBadArg(cx);
        return false;

    id = AtomToId(Atomize(cx, "expect", strlen("expect")));
    if (!JSObject::getGeneric(cx, obj, obj, id, &propv))
        return false;

    propStr = ToString(cx, propv);
    if (!propStr)
        return false;

    if ((ok = JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, propStr, "fail", &match)) && match)
        expect = ExecutionFailed;
    else if (ok && (ok = JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, propStr, "bail", &match)) && match)
        expect = ExecutionCompiled;
    else if (ok && (ok = JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, propStr, "success", &match)) && match)
        expect = ExecutionSucceeded;
    else if (ok)
        return ReportBadArg(cx);
        return false;

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::DebugOptions::check(JSContext *cx, ExecutionStatus actual)
    if (expect != actual) {
        JS_ReportError(cx, "expected %s for %s execution, got %s",
        return false;

    return true;

#endif // DEBUG

// ParallelArrayObject

JSFunctionSpec ParallelArrayObject::methods[] = {
    JS_FN("map",                 NonGenericMethod<map>,            1, 0),
    JS_FN("reduce",              NonGenericMethod<reduce>,         1, 0),
    JS_FN("scan",                NonGenericMethod<scan>,           1, 0),
    JS_FN("scatter",             NonGenericMethod<scatter>,        1, 0),
    JS_FN("filter",              NonGenericMethod<filter>,         1, 0),
    JS_FN("flatten",             NonGenericMethod<flatten>,        0, 0),
    JS_FN("partition",           NonGenericMethod<partition>,      1, 0),
    JS_FN("get",                 NonGenericMethod<get>,            1, 0),
    JS_FN(js_toString_str,       NonGenericMethod<toString>,       0, 0),
    JS_FN(js_toLocaleString_str, NonGenericMethod<toLocaleString>, 0, 0),

Class ParallelArrayObject::protoClass = {
    JS_PropertyStub,         // addProperty
    JS_PropertyStub,         // delProperty
    JS_PropertyStub,         // getProperty
    JS_StrictPropertyStub,   // setProperty

Class ParallelArrayObject::class_ = {
    Class::NON_NATIVE |
    JS_PropertyStub,         // addProperty
    JS_PropertyStub,         // delProperty
    JS_PropertyStub,         // getProperty
    JS_StrictPropertyStub,   // setProperty
    NULL,                    // finalize
    NULL,                    // checkAccess
    NULL,                    // call
    NULL,                    // construct
    NULL,                    // hasInstance
    mark,                    // trace
        NULL,                // enumerate
        NULL,                // typeof
        NULL,                // thisObject

JSObject *
ParallelArrayObject::initClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)

    Rooted<GlobalObject *> global(cx, &obj->asGlobal());

    RootedObject proto(cx, global->createBlankPrototype(cx, &protoClass));
    if (!proto)
        return NULL;

    JSProtoKey key = JSProto_ParallelArray;
    JSAtom *atom = CLASS_NAME(cx, ParallelArray);
    RootedFunction ctor(cx, global->createConstructor(cx, construct, atom, 0));
    if (!ctor ||
        !LinkConstructorAndPrototype(cx, ctor, proto) ||
        !DefinePropertiesAndBrand(cx, proto, NULL, methods) ||
        !DefineConstructorAndPrototype(cx, global, key, ctor, proto))
        return NULL;

    // Define the length and shape properties.
    RootedId lengthId(cx, AtomToId(cx->runtime->atomState.lengthAtom));
    RootedId shapeId(cx, AtomToId(cx->runtime->atomState.shapeAtom));

    JSObject *scriptedLength = js_NewFunction(cx, NULL, NonGenericMethod<lengthGetter>,
                                              0, 0, global, NULL);
    JSObject *scriptedShape = js_NewFunction(cx, NULL, NonGenericMethod<dimensionsGetter>,
                                             0, 0, global, NULL);

    RootedValue value(cx, UndefinedValue());
    if (!scriptedLength || !scriptedShape ||
        !DefineNativeProperty(cx, proto, lengthId, value,
                              JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(PropertyOp, scriptedLength), NULL,
                              flags, 0, 0) ||
        !DefineNativeProperty(cx, proto, shapeId, value,
                              JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(PropertyOp, scriptedShape), NULL,
                              flags, 0, 0))
        return NULL;

    return proto;

ParallelArrayObject::getParallelArrayElement(JSContext *cx, IndexInfo &iv, MutableHandleValue vp)

    // How many indices we have determine what dimension we are indexing. For
    // example, if we have 2 indices [n,m], we are indexing something on the
    // 2nd dimension.
    uint32_t d = iv.indices.length();
    uint32_t ndims = iv.dimensions.length();
    JS_ASSERT(d <= ndims);

    uint32_t base = bufferOffset();
    uint32_t end = base + iv.scalarLengthOfDimensions();

    // If we are provided an index vector with every dimension specified, we
    // are indexing a leaf. Leaves are always value, so just return them.
    if (d == ndims) {
        uint32_t index = base + iv.toScalar();
        if (index >= end)
        return true;

    // If we aren't indexing a leaf value, we should return a new
    // ParallelArray of lesser dimensionality. Here we create a new 'view' on
    // the underlying buffer, though whether a ParallelArray is a view or a
    // copy is not observable by the user.
    uint32_t rowLength = iv.partialProducts[d - 1];
    uint32_t offset = base + iv.toScalar();

    // Make sure both the start of the extent and the end of the extent are
    // within bounds, in case one or both are 0.
    if (offset >= end || offset + rowLength > end) {
        return true;

    RootedObject buf(cx, buffer());
    IndexVector newDims(cx);
    return (newDims.append(iv.dimensions.begin() + d, iv.dimensions.end()) &&
            create(cx, buf, offset, newDims, vp));

ParallelArrayObject::getParallelArrayElement(JSContext *cx, uint32_t index, IndexInfo *maybeIV,
                                             MutableHandleValue vp)
    // If we are one dimensional, we don't need to use IndexInfo.
    if (isOneDimensional()) {
        uint32_t base = bufferOffset();
        uint32_t end = base + outermostDimension();

        if (base + index >= end)
            vp.set(buffer()->getDenseArrayElement(base + index));

        return true;

    // If we're higher dimensional, an initialized IndexInfo must be provided.
    JS_ASSERT(maybeIV->indices.length() == 1);

    maybeIV->indices[0] = index;
    return getParallelArrayElement(cx, *maybeIV, vp);

ParallelArrayObject::getParallelArrayElement(JSContext *cx, uint32_t index, MutableHandleValue vp)
    if (isOneDimensional())
        return getParallelArrayElement(cx, index, NULL, vp);

    // Manually initialize to avoid re-rooting 'this', as this code could be
    // called from inside a loop, though you really should hoist out the
    // IndexInfo if that's the case.
    IndexInfo iv(cx);
    if (!getDimensions(cx, iv.dimensions) || !iv.initialize(1))
        return false;
    iv.indices[0] = index;
    return getParallelArrayElement(cx, iv, vp);

ParallelArrayObject::create(JSContext *cx, MutableHandleValue vp)
    IndexVector dims(cx);
    if (!dims.append(0))
        return false;
    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseArrayWithType(cx, 0));
    if (!buffer)
        return false;
    return create(cx, buffer, 0, dims, vp);

ParallelArrayObject::create(JSContext *cx, HandleObject buffer, MutableHandleValue vp)
    IndexVector dims(cx);
    if (!dims.append(buffer->getArrayLength()))
        return false;
    return create(cx, buffer, 0, dims, vp);

ParallelArrayObject::create(JSContext *cx, HandleObject buffer, uint32_t offset,
                            const IndexVector &dims, MutableHandleValue vp)

    RootedObject result(cx, NewBuiltinClassInstance(cx, &class_));
    if (!result)
        return false;

    // Propagate element types.
    if (cx->typeInferenceEnabled()) {
        AutoEnterTypeInference enter(cx);
        TypeObject *bufferType = buffer->getType(cx);
        TypeObject *resultType = result->getType(cx);
        if (!bufferType->unknownProperties() && !resultType->unknownProperties()) {
            HeapTypeSet *bufferIndexTypes = bufferType->getProperty(cx, JSID_VOID, false);
            HeapTypeSet *resultIndexTypes = resultType->getProperty(cx, JSID_VOID, true);
            bufferIndexTypes->addSubset(cx, resultIndexTypes);

    // Store the dimension vector into a dense array for better GC / layout.
    RootedObject dimArray(cx, NewDenseArrayWithType(cx, dims.length()));
    if (!dimArray)
        return false;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dims.length(); i++)
        dimArray->setDenseArrayElementWithType(cx, i, Int32Value(static_cast<int32_t>(dims[i])));

    result->setSlot(SLOT_DIMENSIONS, ObjectValue(*dimArray));

    // Store the buffer and offset.
    result->setSlot(SLOT_BUFFER, ObjectValue(*buffer));
    result->setSlot(SLOT_BUFFER_OFFSET, Int32Value(static_cast<int32_t>(offset)));

    // ParallelArray objects are frozen, so mark it as non-extensible here.
    Shape *empty = EmptyShape::getInitialShape(cx, &class_,
                                               result->getProto(), result->getParent(),
    if (!empty)
        return false;

    // This is usually args.rval() from build or construct.

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::construct(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    // Trivial case: create an empty ParallelArray object.
    if (args.length() < 1)
        return create(cx, args.rval());

    // First case: initialize using an array value.
    if (args.length() == 1) {
        if (!args[0].isObject()) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_BAD_ARG, "");
            return false;

        RootedObject source(cx, &(args[0].toObject()));

        // When using an array value we can only make one dimensional arrays.
        IndexVector dims(cx);
        uint32_t length;
        if (!dims.resize(1) || !GetLengthProperty(cx, source, &length))
            return false;
        dims[0] = length;

        RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseCopiedArrayWithType(cx, length, source));
        if (!buffer)
            return false;

        return create(cx, buffer, 0, dims, args.rval());

    // Second case: initialize using a length/dimensions vector and kernel.
    // If the length is an integer, we build a 1-dimensional parallel
    // array using the kernel.
    // If the length is an array-like object of sizes, the i-th value in the
    // dimension array is the size of the i-th dimension.
    IndexInfo iv(cx);
    if (args[0].isObject()) {
        RootedObject dimObj(cx, &(args[0].toObject()));
        if (!ArrayLikeToIndexVector(cx, dimObj, iv.dimensions))
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!iv.dimensions.resize(1) || !ToUint32(cx, args[0], &iv.dimensions[0]))
            return false;

    // If the first argument wasn't a array-like or had no length, assume
    // empty parallel array, i.e. with shape being [0].
    if (iv.dimensions.length() == 0 && !iv.dimensions.append(0))
        return false;

    // Initialize with every dimension packed.
    if (!iv.initialize(iv.dimensions.length()))
        return false;

    // Extract second argument, the elemental function.
    RootedObject elementalFun(cx, ValueToCallable(cx, &args[1]));
    if (!elementalFun)
        return false;

    // How long the flattened array will be.
    uint32_t length = iv.scalarLengthOfDimensions();

    // Create backing store.
    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseArrayWithType(cx, length));
    if (!buffer)
        return false;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (args.length() > 2) {
        DebugOptions options;
        if (!options.init(cx, args[2]) ||
            !options.check(cx, options.mode->build(cx, iv, elementalFun, buffer)))
            return false;

        return create(cx, buffer, 0, iv.dimensions, args.rval());

    if (, iv, elementalFun, buffer) != ExecutionSucceeded)
        return false;

    return create(cx, buffer, 0, iv.dimensions, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::map(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
                             "", "0", "s");
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));

    uint32_t outer = obj->outermostDimension();
    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseArrayWithType(cx, outer));
    if (!buffer)
        return false;

    RootedObject elementalFun(cx, ValueToCallable(cx, &args[0]));
    if (!elementalFun)
        return false;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        DebugOptions options;
        if (!options.init(cx, args[1]) ||
            !options.check(cx, options.mode->map(cx, obj, elementalFun, buffer)))
            return false;

        return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

    if (, obj, elementalFun, buffer) != ExecutionSucceeded)
        return false;

    return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::reduce(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
                             "ParallelArray.prototype.reduce", "0", "s");
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));
    uint32_t outer = obj->outermostDimension();

    // Throw if the array is empty.
    if (outer == 0) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_REDUCE_EMPTY);
        return false;

    RootedObject elementalFun(cx, ValueToCallable(cx, &args[0]));
    if (!elementalFun)
        return false;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        DebugOptions options;
        if (!options.init(cx, args[1]))
            return false;

        return options.check(cx, options.mode->reduce(cx, obj, elementalFun, NullPtr(),

    // Call reduce with a null destination buffer to not store intermediates.
    return fallback.reduce(cx, obj, elementalFun, NullPtr(), args.rval()) == ExecutionSucceeded;

ParallelArrayObject::scan(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
                             "ParallelArray.prototype.scan", "0", "s");
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));

    uint32_t outer = obj->outermostDimension();

    // Throw if the array is empty.
    if (outer == 0) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_REDUCE_EMPTY);
        return false;

    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseArrayWithType(cx, outer));
    if (!buffer)
        return false;

    RootedObject elementalFun(cx, ValueToCallable(cx, &args[0]));
    if (!elementalFun)
        return false;

    // Call reduce with a dummy out value to be discarded and a buffer to
    // store intermediates.
    RootedValue dummy(cx);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        DebugOptions options;
        if (!options.init(cx, args[1]) ||
            !options.check(cx, options.mode->reduce(cx, obj, elementalFun, buffer, &dummy)))
            return false;

        return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

    if (fallback.reduce(cx, obj, elementalFun, buffer, &dummy) != ExecutionSucceeded)
        return false;

    return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::scatter(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
                             "ParallelArray.prototype.scatter", "0", "s");
        return false;

    if (!args[0].isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_BAD_ARG,
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));
    uint32_t outer = obj->outermostDimension();

    // Get the scatter vector.
    RootedObject targets(cx, &args[0].toObject());
    uint32_t targetsLength;
    if (!GetLengthProperty(cx, targets, &targetsLength))
        return false;

    // Don't iterate more than the length of the source array.
    if (targetsLength > outer)
        targetsLength = outer;

    // The default value is optional and defaults to undefined.
    Value defaultValue;
    if (args.length() >= 2)
        defaultValue = args[1];

    // The conflict function is optional.
    RootedObject conflictFun(cx);
    if (args.length() >= 3 && !args[2].isUndefined()) {
        conflictFun = ValueToCallable(cx, &args[2]);
        if (!conflictFun)
            return false;

    // The length of the result array is optional and defaults to the length
    // of the source array.
    uint32_t resultLength;
    if (args.length() >= 4) {
        if (!ToUint32(cx, args[3], &resultLength))
            return false;
    } else {
        resultLength = outer;

    // Create a destination buffer. Fail if we can't maintain denseness.
    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseArrayWithType(cx, resultLength));
    if (!buffer)
        return false;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (args.length() > 4) {
        DebugOptions options;
        if (!options.init(cx, args[4]) ||
            !options.check(cx, options.mode->scatter(cx, obj, targets, defaultValue,
                                                     conflictFun, buffer)))
            return false;

        return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

    if (fallback.scatter(cx, obj, targets, defaultValue,
                         conflictFun, buffer) != ExecutionSucceeded)
        return false;

    return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::filter(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
                             "ParallelArray.prototype.filter", "0", "s");
        return false;

    if (!args[0].isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_BAD_ARG,
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));

    // Get the filter vector.
    RootedObject filters(cx, &args[0].toObject());

    RootedObject buffer(cx, NewDenseArrayWithType(cx, 0));
    if (!buffer)
        return false;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        DebugOptions options;
        if (!options.init(cx, args[1]) ||
            !options.check(cx, options.mode->filter(cx, obj, filters, buffer)))
            return false;

        return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

    if (fallback.filter(cx, obj, filters, buffer) != ExecutionSucceeded)
        return false;

    return create(cx, buffer, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::flatten(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));

    IndexVector dims(cx);
    if (!obj->getDimensions(cx, dims))
        return false;

    // Throw if already flat.
    if (dims.length() == 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_ALREADY_FLAT);
        return false;

    // Flatten the two outermost dimensions.
    dims[1] *= dims[0];

    RootedObject buffer(cx, obj->buffer());
    return create(cx, buffer, obj->bufferOffset(), dims, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::partition(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
                             "ParallelArray.prototype.partition", "0", "s");
        return false;

    uint32_t newDimension;
    if (!ToUint32(cx, args[0], &newDimension))
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));

    // Throw if the outer dimension is not divisible by the new dimension.
    uint32_t outer = obj->outermostDimension();
    if (newDimension == 0 || outer % newDimension) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_BAD_PARTITION);
        return false;

    IndexVector dims(cx);
    if (!obj->getDimensions(cx, dims))
        return false;

    // Set the new outermost dimension to be the quotient of the old outermost
    // dimension and the new dimension.
    if (!dims.insert(dims.begin(), outer / newDimension))
        return false;

    // Set the old outermost dimension to be the new dimension.
    dims[1] = newDimension;

    RootedObject buffer(cx, obj->buffer());
    return create(cx, buffer, obj->bufferOffset(), dims, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::get(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    if (args.length() < 1) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
                             "ParallelArray.prototype.get", "0", "s");
        return false;

    if (!args[0].isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_BAD_ARG,
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject obj(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject()));
    RootedObject indicesObj(cx, &(args[0].toObject()));

    IndexInfo iv(cx);
    if (!iv.initialize(cx, obj, 0))
        return false;
    if (!ArrayLikeToIndexVector(cx, indicesObj, iv.indices))
        return false;

    // Throw if the shape of the index vector is wrong.
    if (iv.indices.length() == 0 || iv.indices.length() > iv.dimensions.length()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_PAR_ARRAY_BAD_ARG,
        return false;

    return obj->getParallelArrayElement(cx, iv, args.rval());

ParallelArrayObject::dimensionsGetter(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    RootedObject dimArray(cx, as(&args.thisv().toObject())->dimensionArray());
    RootedObject copy(cx, NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, dimArray->getDenseArrayInitializedLength(),
    if (!copy)
        return false;
    // Reuse the existing dimension array's type.
    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::lengthGetter(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::toStringBuffer(JSContext *cx, bool useLocale, StringBuffer &sb)
        return false;

    RootedParallelArrayObject self(cx, this);
    IndexInfo iv(cx);

    if (!self->getDimensions(cx, iv.dimensions) || !iv.initialize(iv.dimensions.length()))
        return false;

    uint32_t length = iv.scalarLengthOfDimensions();

    RootedValue tmp(cx);
    RootedValue localeElem(cx);
    RootedId id(cx);

    const Value *start = buffer()->getDenseArrayElements() + bufferOffset();
    const Value *end = start + length;
    const Value *elem;

    for (elem = start; elem < end; elem++, iv.bump()) {
        // All holes in parallel arrays are eagerly filled with undefined.

        if (!OpenDelimiters(iv, sb))
            return false;

        if (!elem->isNullOrUndefined()) {
            if (useLocale) {
                tmp = *elem;
                RootedObject robj(cx, ToObject(cx, tmp));
                if (!robj)
                    return false;

                id = NameToId(cx->runtime->atomState.toLocaleStringAtom);
                if (!robj->callMethod(cx, id, 0, NULL, &localeElem) ||
                    !ValueToStringBuffer(cx, localeElem, sb))
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (!ValueToStringBuffer(cx, *elem, sb))
                    return false;

        if (!CloseDelimiters(iv, sb))
            return false;

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::toString(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    StringBuffer sb(cx);
    if (!as(&args.thisv().toObject())->toStringBuffer(cx, false, sb))
        return false;

    if (JSString *str = sb.finishString()) {
        return true;

    return false;

ParallelArrayObject::toLocaleString(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
    StringBuffer sb(cx);
    if (!as(&args.thisv().toObject())->toStringBuffer(cx, true, sb))
        return false;

    if (JSString *str = sb.finishString()) {
        return true;

    return false;

ParallelArrayObject::mark(JSTracer *trc, JSObject *obj)
    gc::MarkSlot(trc, &obj->getSlotRef(SLOT_DIMENSIONS), "parallelarray.shape");
    gc::MarkSlot(trc, &obj->getSlotRef(SLOT_BUFFER), "parallelarray.buffer");

ParallelArrayObject::lookupGeneric(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id,
                                   MutableHandleObject objp, MutableHandleShape propp)
    uint32_t i;
    if (js_IdIsIndex(id, &i))
        return lookupElement(cx, obj, i, objp, propp);

    RootedObject proto(cx, obj->getProto());
    if (proto)
        return JSObject::lookupGeneric(cx, proto, id, objp, propp);

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::lookupProperty(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandlePropertyName name,
                                    MutableHandleObject objp, MutableHandleShape propp)
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
    return lookupGeneric(cx, obj, id, objp, propp);

ParallelArrayObject::lookupElement(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, uint32_t index,
                                   MutableHandleObject objp, MutableHandleShape propp)
    // No prototype walking for elements.
    if (index < as(obj)->outermostDimension()) {
        MarkNonNativePropertyFound(obj, propp);
        return true;

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::lookupSpecial(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleSpecialId sid,
                                   MutableHandleObject objp, MutableHandleShape propp)
    RootedId id(cx, SPECIALID_TO_JSID(sid));
    return lookupGeneric(cx, obj, id, objp, propp);

ParallelArrayObject::defineGeneric(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id, HandleValue value,
                                   JSPropertyOp getter, StrictPropertyOp setter, unsigned attrs)
    uint32_t i;
    if (js_IdIsIndex(id, &i) && i < as(obj)->outermostDimension()) {
        RootedValue existingValue(cx);
        if (!as(obj)->getParallelArrayElement(cx, i, &existingValue))
            return false;

        bool same;
        if (!SameValue(cx, value, existingValue, &same))
            return false;
        if (!same)
            return Throw(cx, id, JSMSG_CANT_REDEFINE_PROP);
    } else {
        RootedValue tmp(cx, value);
        if (!setGeneric(cx, obj, id, &tmp, true))
            return false;

    return setGenericAttributes(cx, obj, id, &attrs);

ParallelArrayObject::defineProperty(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj,
                                    HandlePropertyName name, HandleValue value,
                                    JSPropertyOp getter, StrictPropertyOp setter, unsigned attrs)
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
    return defineGeneric(cx, obj, id, value, getter, setter, attrs);

ParallelArrayObject::defineElement(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj,
                                   uint32_t index, HandleValue value,
                                   PropertyOp getter, StrictPropertyOp setter, unsigned attrs)
    RootedId id(cx);
    if (!IndexToId(cx, index, id.address()))
        return false;
    return defineGeneric(cx, obj, id, value, getter, setter, attrs);

ParallelArrayObject::defineSpecial(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj,
                                   HandleSpecialId sid, HandleValue value,
                                   PropertyOp getter, StrictPropertyOp setter, unsigned attrs)
    RootedId id(cx, SPECIALID_TO_JSID(sid));
    return defineGeneric(cx, obj, id, value, getter, setter, attrs);

ParallelArrayObject::getGeneric(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleObject receiver,
                                HandleId id, MutableHandleValue vp)
    RootedValue idval(cx, IdToValue(id));

    uint32_t index;
    if (IsDefinitelyIndex(idval, &index))
        return getElement(cx, obj, receiver, index, vp);

    Rooted<SpecialId> sid(cx);
    if (ValueIsSpecial(obj, &idval, sid.address(), cx))
        return getSpecial(cx, obj, receiver, sid, vp);

    JSAtom *atom = ToAtom(cx, idval);
    if (!atom)
        return false;

    if (atom->isIndex(&index))
        return getElement(cx, obj, receiver, index, vp);

    Rooted<PropertyName*> name(cx, atom->asPropertyName());
    return getProperty(cx, obj, receiver, name, vp);

ParallelArrayObject::getProperty(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleObject receiver,
                                 HandlePropertyName name, MutableHandleValue vp)
    RootedObject proto(cx, obj->getProto());
    if (proto)
        return JSObject::getProperty(cx, proto, receiver, name, vp);

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::getElement(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleObject receiver,
                                uint32_t index, MutableHandleValue vp)
    // Unlike normal arrays, [] for ParallelArray does not walk the prototype
    // chain and just returns undefined.
    return as(obj)->getParallelArrayElement(cx, index, vp);

ParallelArrayObject::getElementIfPresent(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleObject receiver,
                                         uint32_t index, MutableHandleValue vp, bool *present)
    RootedParallelArrayObject source(cx, as(obj));
    if (index < source->outermostDimension()) {
        if (!source->getParallelArrayElement(cx, index, vp))
            return false;
        *present = true;
        return true;

    *present = false;
    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::getSpecial(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleObject receiver,
                                HandleSpecialId sid, MutableHandleValue vp)
    if (!obj->getProto()) {
        return true;

    RootedId id(cx, SPECIALID_TO_JSID(sid));
    return baseops::GetProperty(cx, obj, receiver, id, vp);

ParallelArrayObject::setGeneric(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id,
                                MutableHandleValue vp, JSBool strict)

    if (IdIsInBoundsIndex(cx, obj, id)) {
        if (strict)
            return JSObject::reportReadOnly(cx, id);
        if (cx->hasStrictOption())
            return JSObject::reportReadOnly(cx, id, JSREPORT_STRICT | JSREPORT_WARNING);
    } else {
        if (strict)
            return obj->reportNotExtensible(cx);
        if (cx->hasStrictOption())
            return obj->reportNotExtensible(cx, JSREPORT_STRICT | JSREPORT_WARNING);

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::setProperty(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandlePropertyName name,
                                 MutableHandleValue vp, JSBool strict)
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
    return setGeneric(cx, obj, id, vp, strict);

ParallelArrayObject::setElement(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, uint32_t index,
                                MutableHandleValue vp, JSBool strict)
    RootedId id(cx);
    if (!IndexToId(cx, index, id.address()))
        return false;
    return setGeneric(cx, obj, id, vp, strict);

ParallelArrayObject::setSpecial(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleSpecialId sid,
                                MutableHandleValue vp, JSBool strict)
    RootedId id(cx, SPECIALID_TO_JSID(sid));
    return setGeneric(cx, obj, id, vp, strict);

ParallelArrayObject::getGenericAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id,
                                          unsigned *attrsp)
    uint32_t i;
    if (js_IdIsIndex(id, &i))
        *attrsp |= JSPROP_ENUMERATE;
    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::getPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandlePropertyName name,
                                           unsigned *attrsp)
    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::getElementAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, uint32_t index,
                                          unsigned *attrsp)
    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::getSpecialAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleSpecialId sid,
                                          unsigned *attrsp)
    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::setGenericAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id,
                                          unsigned *attrsp)
    if (IdIsInBoundsIndex(cx, obj, id)) {
        unsigned attrs;
        if (!getGenericAttributes(cx, obj, id, &attrs))
            return false;
        if (*attrsp != attrs)
            return Throw(cx, id, JSMSG_CANT_REDEFINE_PROP);

    return obj->reportNotExtensible(cx);

ParallelArrayObject::setPropertyAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandlePropertyName name,
                                           unsigned *attrsp)
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
    return setGenericAttributes(cx, obj, id, attrsp);

ParallelArrayObject::setElementAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, uint32_t index,
                                          unsigned *attrsp)
    RootedId id(cx);
    if (!IndexToId(cx, index, id.address()))
        return false;
    return setGenericAttributes(cx, obj, id, attrsp);

ParallelArrayObject::setSpecialAttributes(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleSpecialId sid,
                                          unsigned *attrsp)
    RootedId id(cx, SPECIALID_TO_JSID(sid));
    return setGenericAttributes(cx, obj, id, attrsp);

ParallelArrayObject::deleteGeneric(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id,
                                   MutableHandleValue rval, JSBool strict)
    if (IdIsInBoundsIndex(cx, obj, id)) {
        if (strict)
            return obj->reportNotConfigurable(cx, id);
        if (cx->hasStrictOption()) {
            if (!obj->reportNotConfigurable(cx, id, JSREPORT_STRICT | JSREPORT_WARNING))
                return false;

        return true;

    return true;

ParallelArrayObject::deleteProperty(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandlePropertyName name,
                                    MutableHandleValue rval, JSBool strict)
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(name));
    return deleteGeneric(cx, obj, id, rval, strict);

ParallelArrayObject::deleteElement(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, uint32_t index,
                                   MutableHandleValue rval, JSBool strict)
    RootedId id(cx);
    if (!IndexToId(cx, index, id.address()))
        return false;
    return deleteGeneric(cx, obj, id, rval, strict);

ParallelArrayObject::deleteSpecial(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleSpecialId sid,
                                   MutableHandleValue rval, JSBool strict)
    RootedId id(cx, SPECIALID_TO_JSID(sid));
    return deleteGeneric(cx, obj, id, rval, strict);

ParallelArrayObject::enumerate(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, unsigned flags,
                               AutoIdVector *props)
    RootedParallelArrayObject source(cx, as(obj));

    // ParallelArray objects have no holes.
    if (source->outermostDimension() > 0) {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < source->outermostDimension(); i++) {
            if (!props->append(INT_TO_JSID(i)))
                return false;

    if (flags & JSITER_OWNONLY)
        return true;

    RootedObject proto(cx, obj->getProto());
    if (proto) {
        AutoIdVector protoProps(cx);
        if (!GetPropertyNames(cx, proto, flags, &protoProps))
            return false;

        // ParallelArray objects do not inherit any indexed properties on the
        // prototype chain.
        uint32_t dummy;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < protoProps.length(); i++) {
            if (!js_IdIsIndex(protoProps[i], &dummy) && !props->append(protoProps[i]))
                return false;

    return true;

JSObject *
js_InitParallelArrayClass(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
    return ParallelArrayObject::initClass(cx, obj);
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