Raw File
Tip revision: e58e94fb0696e9d99b8685348f02278a4bafced7 authored by ffxbld on 13 June 2017, 15:39:45 UTC
No bug, Automated HPKP preload list update from host bld-linux64-spot-381 - a=hpkp-update
Tip revision: e58e94f
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

"use strict";

const { Cc, Ci, Cu, components } = require("chrome");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const { method, RetVal, Arg, types } = protocol;
const { Memory } = require("devtools/server/performance/memory");
const { actorBridge } = require("devtools/server/actors/common");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "events", "sdk/event/core");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "StackFrameCache",
                         "devtools/server/actors/utils/stack", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "FileUtils",
                         "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "HeapSnapshotFileUtils",
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "ThreadSafeChromeUtils");

types.addDictType("AllocationsRecordingOptions", {
  // The probability we sample any given allocation when recording
  // allocations. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 1.0, or sampling
  // every allocation.
  probability: "number",

  // The maximum number of of allocation events to keep in the allocations
  // log. If new allocations arrive, when we are already at capacity, the oldest
  // allocation event is lost. This number must fit in a 32 bit signed integer.
  maxLogLength: "number"

 * An actor that returns memory usage data for its parent actor's window.
 * A tab-scoped instance of this actor will measure the memory footprint of its
 * parent tab. A global-scoped instance however, will measure the memory
 * footprint of the chrome window referenced by the root actor.
 * This actor wraps the Memory module at devtools/server/performance/memory.js
 * and provides RDP definitions.
 * @see devtools/server/performance/memory.js for documentation.
var MemoryActor = exports.MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "memory",

   * The set of unsolicited events the MemoryActor emits that will be sent over
   * the RDP (by protocol.js).

  events: {
    // Same format as the data passed to the
    // `Debugger.Memory.prototype.onGarbageCollection` hook. See
    // `js/src/doc/Debugger/` for documentation.
    "garbage-collection": {
      type: "garbage-collection",
      data: Arg(0, "json"),

    // Same data as the data from `getAllocations` -- only fired if
    // `autoDrain` set during `startRecordingAllocations`.
    "allocations": {
      type: "allocations",
      data: Arg(0, "json"),

  initialize: function(conn, parent, frameCache = new StackFrameCache()) {, conn);

    this._onGarbageCollection = this._onGarbageCollection.bind(this);
    this._onAllocations = this._onAllocations.bind(this);
    this.bridge = new Memory(parent, frameCache);
    this.bridge.on("garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection);
    this.bridge.on("allocations", this._onAllocations);

  destroy: function() {"garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection);"allocations", this._onAllocations);

  attach: actorBridge("attach", {
    request: {},
    response: {
      type: "attached"

  detach: actorBridge("detach", {
    request: {},
    response: {
      type: "detached"

  getState: actorBridge("getState", {
    response: {
      state: RetVal(0, "string")

  saveHeapSnapshot: method(function () {
    return this.bridge.saveHeapSnapshot();
  }, {
    response: {
      snapshotId: RetVal("string")

  takeCensus: actorBridge("takeCensus", {
    request: {},
    response: RetVal("json")

  startRecordingAllocations: actorBridge("startRecordingAllocations", {
    request: {
      options: Arg(0, "nullable:AllocationsRecordingOptions")
    response: {
      // Accept `nullable` in the case of server Gecko <= 37, handled on the front
      value: RetVal(0, "nullable:number")

  stopRecordingAllocations: actorBridge("stopRecordingAllocations", {
    request: {},
    response: {
      // Accept `nullable` in the case of server Gecko <= 37, handled on the front
      value: RetVal(0, "nullable:number")

  getAllocationsSettings: actorBridge("getAllocationsSettings", {
    request: {},
    response: {
      options: RetVal(0, "json")

  getAllocations: actorBridge("getAllocations", {
    request: {},
    response: RetVal("json")

  forceGarbageCollection: actorBridge("forceGarbageCollection", {
    request: {},
    response: {}

  forceCycleCollection: actorBridge("forceCycleCollection", {
    request: {},
    response: {}

  measure: actorBridge("measure", {
    request: {},
    response: RetVal("json"),

  residentUnique: actorBridge("residentUnique", {
    request: {},
    response: { value: RetVal("number") }

  _onGarbageCollection: function (data) {
    if (this.conn.transport) {
      events.emit(this, "garbage-collection", data);

  _onAllocations: function (data) {
    if (this.conn.transport) {
      events.emit(this, "allocations", data);

exports.MemoryFront = protocol.FrontClass(MemoryActor, {
  initialize: function(client, form, rootForm = null) {, client, form);
    this._client = client;
    this.actorID = form.memoryActor;
    this.heapSnapshotFileActorID = rootForm
      ? rootForm.heapSnapshotFileActor
      : null;

   * Save a heap snapshot, transfer it from the server to the client if the
   * server and client do not share a file system, and return the local file
   * path to the heap snapshot.
   * Note that this is safe to call for actors inside sandoxed child processes,
   * as we jump through the correct IPDL hoops.
   * @params Boolean options.forceCopy
   *         Always force a bulk data copy of the saved heap snapshot, even when
   *         the server and client share a file system.
   * @returns Promise<String>
  saveHeapSnapshot: protocol.custom(Task.async(function* (options = {}) {
    const snapshotId = yield this._saveHeapSnapshotImpl();

    if (!options.forceCopy &&
        (yield HeapSnapshotFileUtils.haveHeapSnapshotTempFile(snapshotId))) {
      return HeapSnapshotFileUtils.getHeapSnapshotTempFilePath(snapshotId);

    return yield this.transferHeapSnapshot(snapshotId);
  }), {
    impl: "_saveHeapSnapshotImpl"

   * Given that we have taken a heap snapshot with the given id, transfer the
   * heap snapshot file to the client. The path to the client's local file is
   * returned.
   * @param {String} snapshotId
   * @returns Promise<String>
  transferHeapSnapshot: protocol.custom(function (snapshotId) {
    if (!this.heapSnapshotFileActorID) {
      throw new Error("MemoryFront initialized without a rootForm");

    const request = this._client.request({
      to: this.heapSnapshotFileActorID,
      type: "transferHeapSnapshot",

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const outFilePath =
      const outFile = new FileUtils.File(outFilePath);

      const outFileStream = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(outFile);
      request.on("bulk-reply", Task.async(function* ({ copyTo }) {
        yield copyTo(outFileStream);
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