Raw File
Tip revision: 02b4ae79b24aae2346b1338e2bf095a571192061 authored by Ryan VanderMeulen on 21 October 2019, 16:13:46 UTC
Bug 1590150 - Turn off ESR60 cron jobs. r=tomprince, a=release DONTBUILD
Tip revision: 02b4ae7
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>

#include "jstypes.h"

#include "builtin/MapObject.h"
#include "frontend/BytecodeCompiler.h"
#include "gc/GCInternals.h"
#include "gc/Marking.h"
#include "jit/MacroAssembler.h"
#include "js/HashTable.h"
#include "vm/Debugger.h"
#include "vm/JSContext.h"
#include "vm/JSONParser.h"

#include "gc/Nursery-inl.h"
#include "gc/PrivateIterators-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSObject-inl.h"

using namespace js;
using namespace js::gc;

using JS::AutoGCRooter;

typedef RootedValueMap::Range RootRange;
typedef RootedValueMap::Entry RootEntry;
typedef RootedValueMap::Enum RootEnum;

template <typename T>
using TraceFunction = void (*)(JSTracer* trc, T* ref, const char* name);

// For more detail see JS::Rooted::ptr and js::DispatchWrapper.
// The JS::RootKind::Traceable list contains a bunch of totally disparate
// types, but the instantiations of DispatchWrapper below need /something/ in
// the type field. We use the following type as a compatible stand-in. No
// actual methods from ConcreteTraceable type are actually used at runtime --
// the real trace function has been stored inline in the DispatchWrapper.
struct ConcreteTraceable {
  ConcreteTraceable() { MOZ_CRASH("instantiation of ConcreteTraceable"); }
  void trace(JSTracer*) {}

template <typename T, TraceFunction<T> TraceFn = TraceNullableRoot>
static inline void TraceExactStackRootList(JSTracer* trc,
                                           JS::Rooted<void*>* rooter,
                                           const char* name) {
  while (rooter) {
    T* addr = reinterpret_cast<JS::Rooted<T>*>(rooter)->address();
    TraceFn(trc, addr, name);
    rooter = rooter->previous();

static inline void TraceStackRoots(JSTracer* trc,
                                   JS::RootedListHeads& stackRoots) {
#define TRACE_ROOTS(name, type, _)                                    \
  TraceExactStackRootList<type*>(trc, stackRoots[JS::RootKind::name], \
                                 "exact-" #name);
  TraceExactStackRootList<jsid>(trc, stackRoots[JS::RootKind::Id], "exact-id");
  TraceExactStackRootList<Value>(trc, stackRoots[JS::RootKind::Value],
      trc, stackRoots[JS::RootKind::Traceable], "Traceable");

void JS::RootingContext::traceStackRoots(JSTracer* trc) {
  TraceStackRoots(trc, stackRoots_);

static void TraceExactStackRoots(const CooperatingContext& target,
                                 JSTracer* trc) {

template <typename T, TraceFunction<T> TraceFn = TraceNullableRoot>
static inline void TracePersistentRootedList(
    JSTracer* trc, mozilla::LinkedList<PersistentRooted<void*>>& list,
    const char* name) {
  for (PersistentRooted<void*>* r : list)
    TraceFn(trc, reinterpret_cast<PersistentRooted<T>*>(r)->address(), name);

void JSRuntime::tracePersistentRoots(JSTracer* trc) {
#define TRACE_ROOTS(name, type, _)                                           \
  TracePersistentRootedList<type*>(trc, heapRoots.ref()[JS::RootKind::name], \
                                   "persistent-" #name);
  TracePersistentRootedList<jsid>(trc, heapRoots.ref()[JS::RootKind::Id],
  TracePersistentRootedList<Value>(trc, heapRoots.ref()[JS::RootKind::Value],
      ConcreteTraceable, js::DispatchWrapper<ConcreteTraceable>::TraceWrapped>(
      trc, heapRoots.ref()[JS::RootKind::Traceable], "persistent-traceable");

static void TracePersistentRooted(JSRuntime* rt, JSTracer* trc) {

template <typename T>
static void FinishPersistentRootedChain(
    mozilla::LinkedList<PersistentRooted<void*>>& listArg) {
  auto& list =
  while (!list.isEmpty()) list.getFirst()->reset();

void JSRuntime::finishPersistentRoots() {
#define FINISH_ROOT_LIST(name, type, _) \

  // Note that we do not finalize the Traceable list as we do not know how to
  // safely clear memebers. We instead assert that none escape the RootLists.
  // See the comment on RootLists::~RootLists for details.

inline void AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
  switch (tag_) {
    case PARSER:
      frontend::TraceParser(trc, this);

#if defined(JS_BUILD_BINAST)
    case BINPARSER:
      frontend::TraceBinParser(trc, this);
#endif  // defined(JS_BUILD_BINAST)

    case VALARRAY: {
       * We don't know the template size parameter, but we can safely treat it
       * as an AutoValueArray<1> because the length is stored separately.
      AutoValueArray<1>* array = static_cast<AutoValueArray<1>*>(this);
      TraceRootRange(trc, array->length(), array->begin(),

    case IONMASM: {

    case WRAPPER: {
       * We need to use TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge here because we trace
       * wrapper roots in every slice. This is because of some rule-breaking
       * in RemapAllWrappersForObject; see comment there.
          trc, &static_cast<AutoWrapperRooter*>(this)->value.get(),

    case WRAPVECTOR: {
      auto vector = static_cast<AutoWrapperVector*>(this);
       * We need to use TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge here because we trace
       * wrapper roots in every slice. This is because of some rule-breaking
       * in RemapAllWrappersForObject; see comment there.
      for (WrapperValue* p = vector->begin(); p < vector->end(); p++)
        TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &p->get(),

    case CUSTOM:

  MOZ_ASSERT(tag_ >= 0);
  if (Value* vp = static_cast<AutoArrayRooter*>(this)->array)
    TraceRootRange(trc, tag_, vp, "JS::AutoArrayRooter.array");

/* static */ void AutoGCRooter::traceAll(const CooperatingContext& target,
                                         JSTracer* trc) {
  for (AutoGCRooter* gcr = target.context()->autoGCRooters_; gcr;
       gcr = gcr->down)

/* static */ void AutoGCRooter::traceAllWrappers(
    const CooperatingContext& target, JSTracer* trc) {
  for (AutoGCRooter* gcr = target.context()->autoGCRooters_; gcr;
       gcr = gcr->down) {
    if (gcr->tag_ == WRAPVECTOR || gcr->tag_ == WRAPPER) gcr->trace(trc);

void StackShape::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
  if (base) TraceRoot(trc, &base, "StackShape base");

  TraceRoot(trc, (jsid*)&propid, "StackShape id");

  if ((attrs & JSPROP_GETTER) && rawGetter)
    TraceRoot(trc, (JSObject**)&rawGetter, "StackShape getter");

  if ((attrs & JSPROP_SETTER) && rawSetter)
    TraceRoot(trc, (JSObject**)&rawSetter, "StackShape setter");

void PropertyDescriptor::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
  if (obj) TraceRoot(trc, &obj, "Descriptor::obj");
  TraceRoot(trc, &value, "Descriptor::value");
  if ((attrs & JSPROP_GETTER) && getter) {
    JSObject* tmp = JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(JSObject*, getter);
    TraceRoot(trc, &tmp, "Descriptor::get");
    getter = JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(JSGetterOp, tmp);
  if ((attrs & JSPROP_SETTER) && setter) {
    JSObject* tmp = JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(JSObject*, setter);
    TraceRoot(trc, &tmp, "Descriptor::set");
    setter = JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(JSSetterOp, tmp);

void js::gc::GCRuntime::traceRuntimeForMajorGC(JSTracer* trc,
                                               AutoTraceSession& session) {
  MOZ_ASSERT_IF(atomsZone->isCollecting(), session.maybeLock.isSome());

  // FinishRoots will have asserted that every root that we do not expect
  // is gone, so we can simply skip traceRuntime here.
  if (rt->isBeingDestroyed()) return;

  gcstats::AutoPhase ap(stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::MARK_ROOTS);
  if (atomsZone->isCollecting()) traceRuntimeAtoms(trc, session.lock());
  traceRuntimeCommon(trc, MarkRuntime, session);

void js::gc::GCRuntime::traceRuntimeForMinorGC(JSTracer* trc,
                                               AutoTraceSession& session) {
  // Note that we *must* trace the runtime during the SHUTDOWN_GC's minor GC
  // despite having called FinishRoots already. This is because FinishRoots
  // does not clear the crossCompartmentWrapper map. It cannot do this
  // because Proxy's trace for CrossCompartmentWrappers asserts presence in
  // the map. And we can reach its trace function despite having finished the
  // roots via the edges stored by the pre-barrier verifier when we finish
  // the verifier for the last time.
  gcstats::AutoPhase ap(stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::MARK_ROOTS);


  traceRuntimeCommon(trc, TraceRuntime, session);

void js::TraceRuntime(JSTracer* trc) {

  JSRuntime* rt = trc->runtime();
  AutoPrepareForTracing prep(TlsContext.get());
  gcstats::AutoPhase ap(rt->gc.stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::TRACE_HEAP);
  rt->gc.traceRuntime(trc, prep.session());

void js::gc::GCRuntime::traceRuntime(JSTracer* trc, AutoTraceSession& session) {

  gcstats::AutoPhase ap(stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::MARK_ROOTS);
  traceRuntimeAtoms(trc, session.lock());
  traceRuntimeCommon(trc, TraceRuntime, session);

void js::gc::GCRuntime::traceRuntimeAtoms(JSTracer* trc,
                                          AutoLockForExclusiveAccess& lock) {
  gcstats::AutoPhase ap(stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::MARK_RUNTIME_DATA);
  TraceAtoms(trc, lock);
  jit::JitRuntime::Trace(trc, lock);

void js::gc::GCRuntime::traceRuntimeCommon(JSTracer* trc,
                                           TraceOrMarkRuntime traceOrMark,
                                           AutoTraceSession& session) {

    gcstats::AutoPhase ap(stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::MARK_STACK);

    JSContext* cx = TlsContext.get();
    for (const CooperatingContext& target : rt->cooperatingContexts()) {
      // Trace active interpreter and JIT stack roots.
      TraceInterpreterActivations(cx, target, trc);
      jit::TraceJitActivations(cx, target, trc);

      // Trace legacy C stack roots.
      AutoGCRooter::traceAll(target, trc);

      // Trace C stack roots.
      TraceExactStackRoots(target, trc);

    for (RootRange r = rootsHash.ref().all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
      const RootEntry& entry = r.front();
      TraceRoot(trc, entry.key(), entry.value());

  // Trace runtime global roots.
  TracePersistentRooted(rt, trc);

  // Trace the self-hosting global compartment.

  // Trace the shared Intl data.

  // Trace anything in any of the cooperating threads.
  for (const CooperatingContext& target : rt->cooperatingContexts())

  // Trace all compartment roots, but not the compartment itself; it is
  // traced via the parent pointer if traceRoots actually traces anything.
  for (CompartmentsIter c(rt, SkipAtoms); !c.done();
    c->traceRoots(trc, traceOrMark);

  // Trace helper thread roots.
  HelperThreadState().trace(trc, session);

  // Trace the embedding's black and gray roots.
  if (!JS::CurrentThreadIsHeapMinorCollecting()) {
    gcstats::AutoPhase ap(stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::MARK_EMBEDDING);

     * The embedding can register additional roots here.
     * We don't need to trace these in a minor GC because all pointers into
     * the nursery should be in the store buffer, and we want to avoid the
     * time taken to trace all these roots.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < blackRootTracers.ref().length(); i++) {
      const Callback<JSTraceDataOp>& e = blackRootTracers.ref()[i];

    /* During GC, we don't trace gray roots at this stage. */
    if (JSTraceDataOp op = grayRootTracer.op) {
      if (traceOrMark == TraceRuntime) (*op)(trc,;

#ifdef DEBUG
class AssertNoRootsTracer : public JS::CallbackTracer {
  void onChild(const JS::GCCellPtr& thing) override {
    MOZ_CRASH("There should not be any roots after finishRoots");

  AssertNoRootsTracer(JSRuntime* rt, WeakMapTraceKind weakTraceKind)
      : JS::CallbackTracer(rt, weakTraceKind) {}
#endif  // DEBUG

void js::gc::GCRuntime::finishRoots() {
  AutoNoteSingleThreadedRegion anstr;


  if (rootsHash.ref().initialized()) rootsHash.ref().clear();



  for (CompartmentsIter c(rt, SkipAtoms); !c.done(); c->finishRoots();

#ifdef DEBUG
  // The nsWrapperCache may not be empty before our shutdown GC, so we have
  // to skip that table when verifying that we are fully unrooted.
  auto prior = grayRootTracer;
  grayRootTracer = Callback<JSTraceDataOp>(nullptr, nullptr);

  AssertNoRootsTracer trc(rt, TraceWeakMapKeysValues);
  AutoPrepareForTracing prep(TlsContext.get());
  gcstats::AutoPhase ap(rt->gc.stats(), gcstats::PhaseKind::TRACE_HEAP);
  traceRuntime(&trc, prep.session());

  // Restore the wrapper tracing so that we leak instead of leaving dangling
  // pointers.
  grayRootTracer = prior;
#endif  // DEBUG

// Append traced things to a buffer on the zone for use later in the GC.
// See the comment in GCRuntime.h above grayBufferState for details.
class BufferGrayRootsTracer final : public JS::CallbackTracer {
  // Set to false if we OOM while buffering gray roots.
  bool bufferingGrayRootsFailed;

  void onObjectEdge(JSObject** objp) override { bufferRoot(*objp); }
  void onStringEdge(JSString** stringp) override { bufferRoot(*stringp); }
  void onScriptEdge(JSScript** scriptp) override { bufferRoot(*scriptp); }
  void onSymbolEdge(JS::Symbol** symbolp) override { bufferRoot(*symbolp); }

  void onChild(const JS::GCCellPtr& thing) override {
    MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected gray root kind");

  template <typename T>
  inline void bufferRoot(T* thing);

  explicit BufferGrayRootsTracer(JSRuntime* rt)
      : JS::CallbackTracer(rt), bufferingGrayRootsFailed(false) {}

  bool failed() const { return bufferingGrayRootsFailed; }
  void setFailed() { bufferingGrayRootsFailed = true; }

#ifdef DEBUG
  TracerKind getTracerKind() const override {
    return TracerKind::GrayBuffering;

#ifdef DEBUG
// Return true if this trace is happening on behalf of gray buffering during
// the marking phase of incremental GC.
bool js::IsBufferGrayRootsTracer(JSTracer* trc) {
  return trc->isCallbackTracer() &&
         trc->asCallbackTracer()->getTracerKind() ==

// A canary value used to check the gray buffer contents are valid.
static Cell* const GrayBufferCanary =
    reinterpret_cast<Cell*>(0x47726179);  // "Gray"

void js::gc::GCRuntime::bufferGrayRoots() {
  // Precondition: the state has been reset to "unused" after the last GC
  //               and the zone's buffers have been cleared.
  MOZ_ASSERT(grayBufferState == GrayBufferState::Unused);
  for (GCZonesIter zone(rt); !zone.done();

  BufferGrayRootsTracer grayBufferer(rt);
  if (JSTraceDataOp op = grayRootTracer.op)

  // Push a canary value onto the end of the list.
  for (GCZonesIter zone(rt); !zone.done(); {
    if (!zone->gcGrayRoots().empty() &&

  // Propagate the failure flag from the marker to the runtime.
  if (grayBufferer.failed()) {
    grayBufferState = GrayBufferState::Failed;
  } else {
    grayBufferState = GrayBufferState::Okay;

template <typename T>
inline void BufferGrayRootsTracer::bufferRoot(T* thing) {
  // Check if |thing| is corrupt by calling a method that touches the heap.
  MOZ_ASSERT(thing->getTraceKind() <= JS::TraceKind::Null);

  TenuredCell* tenured = &thing->asTenured();

  // This is run from a helper thread while the mutator is paused so we have
  // to use *FromAnyThread methods here.
  Zone* zone = tenured->zoneFromAnyThread();
  if (zone->isCollectingFromAnyThread()) {
    // See the comment on SetMaybeAliveFlag to see why we only do this for
    // objects and scripts. We rely on gray root buffering for this to work,
    // but we only need to worry about uncollected dead compartments during
    // incremental GCs (when we do gray root buffering).

    if (!zone->gcGrayRoots().append(tenured)) bufferingGrayRootsFailed = true;

void GCRuntime::markBufferedGrayRoots(JS::Zone* zone) {
  MOZ_ASSERT(grayBufferState == GrayBufferState::Okay);
  MOZ_ASSERT(zone->isGCMarkingGray() || zone->isGCCompacting());

  auto& roots = zone->gcGrayRoots();
  if (roots.empty()) return;

  // Check for and remove canary value.
  MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(roots.length() > 1);
  MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(roots.back() == GrayBufferCanary);

  for (auto cell : zone->gcGrayRoots()) {
    TraceManuallyBarrieredGenericPointerEdge(&marker, &cell,
                                             "buffered gray root");

void GCRuntime::resetBufferedGrayRoots() const {
      grayBufferState != GrayBufferState::Okay,
      "Do not clear the gray buffers unless we are Failed or becoming Unused");
  for (GCZonesIter zone(rt); !zone.done();

JS_PUBLIC_API void JS::AddPersistentRoot(JS::RootingContext* cx, RootKind kind,
                                         PersistentRooted<void*>* root) {

JS_PUBLIC_API void JS::AddPersistentRoot(JSRuntime* rt, RootKind kind,
                                         PersistentRooted<void*>* root) {
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