Raw File
Tip revision: c782de4348ab60ab5862825814ce1de7ab48016a authored by Becky Gilbert on 23 April 2021, 22:40:21 UTC
add displayData to end (commented-out for hardware timing tests)
Tip revision: c782de4
window.jsPsych = (function() {

  var core = {};

  core.version = function() { return "6.3.0" };

  // private variables

  // options
  var opts = {};
  // experiment timeline
  var timeline;
  // flow control
  var global_trial_index = 0;
  var current_trial = {};
  var current_trial_finished = false;
  // target DOM element
  var DOM_container;
  var DOM_target;
  // time that the experiment began
  var exp_start_time;
  // is the experiment paused?
  var paused = false;
  var waiting = false;
  // done loading?
  var loaded = false;
  var loadfail = false;
  // is the page retrieved directly via file:// protocol (true) or hosted on a server (false)?
  var file_protocol = false;

  // storing a single webaudio context to prevent problems with multiple inits
  // of jsPsych
  core.webaudio_context = null;
  // temporary patch for Safari
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.hasOwnProperty('webkitAudioContext') && !window.hasOwnProperty('AudioContext')) {
    window.AudioContext = webkitAudioContext;
  // end patch
  core.webaudio_context = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.AudioContext !== 'undefined') ? new AudioContext() : null;

  // enumerated variables for special parameter types
  core.ALL_KEYS = 'allkeys';
  core.NO_KEYS = 'none';

  // public methods

  core.init = function(options) {
    function init() {
      if(typeof options.timeline === 'undefined'){
        console.error('No timeline declared in jsPsych.init. Cannot start experiment.')
      if(options.timeline.length == 0){
        console.error('No trials have been added to the timeline (the timeline is an empty array). Cannot start experiment.')
      // reset variables
      timeline = null;
      global_trial_index = 0;
      current_trial = {};
      current_trial_finished = false;
      paused = false;
      waiting = false;
      loaded = false;
      loadfail = false;
      file_protocol = false;;
      var defaults = {
        'display_element': undefined,
        'on_finish': function(data) {
          return undefined;
        'on_trial_start': function(trial) {
          return undefined;
        'on_trial_finish': function() {
          return undefined;
        'on_data_update': function(data) {
          return undefined;
        'on_interaction_data_update': function(data){
          return undefined;
        'on_close': function(){
          return undefined;
        'use_webaudio': true,
        'exclusions': {},
        'show_progress_bar': false,
        'message_progress_bar': 'Completion Progress',
        'auto_update_progress_bar': true,        
        'default_iti': 0,
        'minimum_valid_rt': 0,
        'experiment_width': null,
        'override_safe_mode': false,
        'case_sensitive_responses': false,
        'extensions': []

      // detect whether page is running in browser as a local file, and if so, disable web audio and video preloading to prevent CORS issues
      if (window.location.protocol == 'file:' && (options.override_safe_mode === false || typeof options.override_safe_mode == 'undefined')) {
        options.use_webaudio = false;
        file_protocol = true;
        console.warn("jsPsych detected that it is running via the file:// protocol and not on a web server. "+
          "To prevent issues with cross-origin requests, Web Audio and video preloading have been disabled. "+
          "If you would like to override this setting, you can set 'override_safe_mode' to 'true' in jsPsych.init. "+
          "For more information, see:");

      // override default options if user specifies an option
      opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);

      // set DOM element where jsPsych will render content
      // if undefined, then jsPsych will use the <body> tag and the entire page
      if(typeof opts.display_element == 'undefined'){
        // check if there is a body element on the page
        var body = document.querySelector('body');
        if (body === null) {
        // using the full page, so we need the HTML element to
        // have 100% height, and body to be full width and height with
        // no margin
        document.querySelector('html').style.height = '100%';
        document.querySelector('body').style.margin = '0px';
        document.querySelector('body').style.height = '100%';
        document.querySelector('body').style.width = '100%';
        opts.display_element = document.querySelector('body');
      } else {
        // make sure that the display element exists on the page
        var display;
        if (opts.display_element instanceof Element) {
          var display = opts.display_element;
        } else {
          var display = document.querySelector('#' + opts.display_element);
        if(display === null) {
          console.error('The display_element specified in jsPsych.init() does not exist in the DOM.');
        } else {
          opts.display_element = display;
      opts.display_element.innerHTML = '<div class="jspsych-content-wrapper"><div id="jspsych-content"></div></div>';
      DOM_container = opts.display_element;
      DOM_target = document.querySelector('#jspsych-content');

      // add tabIndex attribute to scope event listeners
      opts.display_element.tabIndex = 0;

      // add CSS class to DOM_target
      if(opts.display_element.className.indexOf('jspsych-display-element') == -1){
        opts.display_element.className += ' jspsych-display-element';
      DOM_target.className += 'jspsych-content';

      // set experiment_width if not null
      if(opts.experiment_width !== null){ = opts.experiment_width + "px";

      // create experiment timeline
      timeline = new TimelineNode({
        timeline: opts.timeline

      // initialize audio context based on options and browser capabilities

      // below code resets event listeners that may have lingered from
      // a previous incomplete experiment loaded in same DOM.
      // create keyboard event listeners
      // create listeners for user browser interaction;

      // add event for closing window
      window.addEventListener('beforeunload', opts.on_close);

      // check exclusions before continuing
          // success! user can continue...
          // start experiment
          // fail. incompatible user.

      function loadExtensions() {
        // run the .initialize method of any extensions that are in use
        // these should return a Promise to indicate when loading is complete
        if (opts.extensions.length == 0) {
        } else {
          var loaded_extensions = 0;
          for (var i = 0; i < opts.extensions.length; i++) {
            var ext_params = opts.extensions[i].params;
            if (!ext_params) {
              ext_params = {}
              .then(() => {
                if (loaded_extensions == opts.extensions.length) {
              .catch((error_message) => {

    // execute init() when the document is ready
    if (document.readyState === "complete") {
    } else {
      window.addEventListener("load", init);

  core.progress = function() {

    var percent_complete = typeof timeline == 'undefined' ? 0 : timeline.percentComplete();

    var obj = {
      "total_trials": typeof timeline == 'undefined' ? undefined : timeline.length(),
      "current_trial_global": global_trial_index,
      "percent_complete": percent_complete

    return obj;

  core.startTime = function() {
    return exp_start_time;

  core.totalTime = function() {
    if(typeof exp_start_time == 'undefined'){ return 0; }
    return (new Date()).getTime() - exp_start_time.getTime();

  core.getDisplayElement = function() {
    return DOM_target;

  core.getDisplayContainerElement = function(){
    return DOM_container;

  core.finishTrial = function(data) {

    if(current_trial_finished){ return; }
    current_trial_finished = true;

    // remove any CSS classes that were added to the DOM via css_classes parameter
    if(typeof current_trial.css_classes !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(current_trial.css_classes)){

    // write the data from the trial
    data = typeof data == 'undefined' ? {} : data;;

    // get back the data with all of the defaults in
    var trial_data ={trial_index: global_trial_index});

    // for trial-level callbacks, we just want to pass in a reference to the values
    // of the DataCollection, for easy access and editing.
    var trial_data_values = trial_data.values()[0];

    if(typeof current_trial.save_trial_parameters == 'object'){
      var keys = Object.keys(current_trial.save_trial_parameters);
      for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
        var key_val = current_trial.save_trial_parameters[keys[i]];
        if(key_val === true){
          if(typeof current_trial[keys[i]] == 'undefined'){
            console.warn(`Invalid parameter specified in save_trial_parameters. Trial has no property called "${keys[i]}".`)
          } else if(typeof current_trial[keys[i]] == 'function'){
            trial_data_values[keys[i]] = current_trial[keys[i]].toString();
          } else {
            trial_data_values[keys[i]] = current_trial[keys[i]];
        if(key_val === false){
          // we don't allow internal_node_id or trial_index to be deleted because it would break other things
          if(keys[i] !== 'internal_node_id' && keys[i] !== 'trial_index'){
            delete trial_data_values[keys[i]];
    // handle extension callbacks
      for(var i=0; i<current_trial.extensions.length; i++){
        var ext_data_values = jsPsych.extensions[current_trial.extensions[i].type].on_finish(current_trial.extensions[i].params);
        Object.assign(trial_data_values, ext_data_values);
    // about to execute lots of callbacks, so switch context.
    jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = true;

    // handle callback at plugin level
    if (typeof current_trial.on_finish === 'function') {

    // handle callback at whole-experiment level

    // after the above callbacks are complete, then the data should be finalized
    // for this trial. call the on_data_update handler, passing in the same
    // data object that just went through the trial's finish handlers.

    // done with callbacks
    jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = false;

    // wait for iti
    if (typeof current_trial.post_trial_gap === null || typeof current_trial.post_trial_gap === 'undefined') {
      if (opts.default_iti > 0) {
        jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(nextTrial, opts.default_iti);
      } else {
    } else {
      if (current_trial.post_trial_gap > 0) {
        jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(nextTrial, current_trial.post_trial_gap);
      } else {

  core.endExperiment = function(end_message) {
    timeline.end_message = end_message;

  core.endCurrentTimeline = function() {

  core.currentTrial = function() {
    return current_trial;

  core.initSettings = function() {
    return opts;

  core.currentTimelineNodeID = function() {
    return timeline.activeID();

  core.timelineVariable = function(varname, immediate){
    if(typeof immediate == 'undefined'){ immediate = false; }
    if(jsPsych.internal.call_immediate || immediate === true){
      return timeline.timelineVariable(varname);
    } else {
      return function() { return timeline.timelineVariable(varname); }

  core.allTimelineVariables = function(){
    return timeline.allTimelineVariables();

  core.addNodeToEndOfTimeline = function(new_timeline, preload_callback){

  core.pauseExperiment = function(){
    paused = true;

  core.resumeExperiment = function(){
    paused = false;
      waiting = false;

  core.loadFail = function(message){
    message = message || '<p>The experiment failed to load.</p>';
    loadfail = true;
    DOM_target.innerHTML = message;

  core.getSafeModeStatus = function() {
    return file_protocol;

  function TimelineNode(parameters, parent, relativeID) {

    // a unique ID for this node, relative to the parent
    var relative_id;

    // store the parent for this node
    var parent_node;

    // parameters for the trial if the node contains a trial
    var trial_parameters;

    // parameters for nodes that contain timelines
    var timeline_parameters;

    // stores trial information on a node that contains a timeline
    // used for adding new trials
    var node_trial_data;

    // track progress through the node
    var progress = {
      current_location: -1, // where on the timeline (which timelinenode)
      current_variable_set: 0, // which set of variables to use from timeline_variables
      current_repetition: 0, // how many times through the variable set on this run of the node
      current_iteration: 0, // how many times this node has been revisited
      done: false

    // reference to self
    var self = this;

    // recursively get the next trial to run.
    // if this node is a leaf (trial), then return the trial.
    // otherwise, recursively find the next trial in the child timeline.
    this.trial = function() {
      if (typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined') {
        // returns a clone of the trial_parameters to
        // protect functions.
        return jsPsych.utils.deepCopy(trial_parameters);
      } else {
        if (progress.current_location >= timeline_parameters.timeline.length) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return timeline_parameters.timeline[progress.current_location].trial();

    this.markCurrentTrialComplete = function() {
      if(typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined'){
        progress.done = true;
      } else {

    this.nextRepetiton = function() {
      progress.current_location = -1;
      progress.current_variable_set = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < timeline_parameters.timeline.length; i++) {

    // set the order for going through the timeline variables array
    this.setTimelineVariablesOrder = function() {

      // check to make sure this node has variables
      if(typeof timeline_parameters === 'undefined' || typeof timeline_parameters.timeline_variables === 'undefined'){

      var order = [];
      for(var i=0; i<timeline_parameters.timeline_variables.length; i++){

      if(typeof timeline_parameters.sample !== 'undefined'){
        if(timeline_parameters.sample.type == 'custom'){
          order = timeline_parameters.sample.fn(order);
        } else if(timeline_parameters.sample.type == 'with-replacement'){
          order = jsPsych.randomization.sampleWithReplacement(order, timeline_parameters.sample.size, timeline_parameters.sample.weights);
        } else if(timeline_parameters.sample.type == 'without-replacement'){
          order = jsPsych.randomization.sampleWithoutReplacement(order, timeline_parameters.sample.size);
        } else if(timeline_parameters.sample.type == 'fixed-repetitions'){
          order = jsPsych.randomization.repeat(order, timeline_parameters.sample.size, false);
        } else if(timeline_parameters.sample.type == 'alternate-groups'){
          order = jsPsych.randomization.shuffleAlternateGroups(timeline_parameters.sample.groups, timeline_parameters.sample.randomize_group_order);
        } else {
          console.error('Invalid type in timeline sample parameters. Valid options for type are "custom", "with-replacement", "without-replacement", "fixed-repetitions", and "alternate-groups"');

      if(timeline_parameters.randomize_order) {
        order = jsPsych.randomization.shuffle(order);

      progress.order = order;

    // next variable set
    this.nextSet = function() {
      progress.current_location = -1;
      for (var i = 0; i < timeline_parameters.timeline.length; i++) {

    // update the current trial node to be completed
    // returns true if the node is complete after advance (all subnodes are also complete)
    // returns false otherwise
    this.advance = function () {

      // first check to see if done
      if (progress.done) {
        return true;

      // if node has not started yet (progress.current_location == -1),
      // then try to start the node.
      if (progress.current_location == -1) {
        // check for on_timeline_start and conditonal function on nodes with timelines
        if (typeof timeline_parameters !== 'undefined') {
          // only run the conditional function if this is the first repetition of the timeline when
          // repetitions > 1, and only when on the first variable set
          if (typeof timeline_parameters.conditional_function !== 'undefined' && progress.current_repetition == 0 && progress.current_variable_set == 0) {
            jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = true;
            var conditional_result = timeline_parameters.conditional_function();
            jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = false;
            // if the conditional_function() returns false, then the timeline
            // doesn't run and is marked as complete.
            if (conditional_result == false) {
              progress.done = true;
              return true;

          // if we reach this point then the node has its own timeline and will start
          // so we need to check if there is an on_timeline_start function if we are on the first variable set
          if (typeof timeline_parameters.on_timeline_start !== 'undefined' && progress.current_variable_set == 0) {

        // if we reach this point, then either the node doesn't have a timeline of the 
        // conditional function returned true and it can start
        progress.current_location = 0;
        // call advance again on this node now that it is pointing to a new location
        return this.advance();

      // if this node has a timeline, propogate down to the current trial.
      if (typeof timeline_parameters !== 'undefined') {

        var have_node_to_run = false;
        // keep incrementing the location in the timeline until one of the nodes reached is incomplete
        while (progress.current_location < timeline_parameters.timeline.length && have_node_to_run == false) {

          // check to see if the node currently pointed at is done
          var target_complete = timeline_parameters.timeline[progress.current_location].advance();
          if (!target_complete) {
            have_node_to_run = true;
            return false;
          } else {


        // if we've reached the end of the timeline (which, if the code is here, we have)

        // there are a few steps to see what to do next...

        // first, check the timeline_variables to see if we need to loop through again
        // with a new set of variables
        if (progress.current_variable_set < progress.order.length - 1) {
          // reset the progress of the node to be with the new set
          // then try to advance this node again.
          return this.advance();

        // if we're all done with the timeline_variables, then check to see if there are more repetitions
        else if (progress.current_repetition < timeline_parameters.repetitions - 1) {
          // check to see if there is an on_timeline_finish function
          if (typeof timeline_parameters.on_timeline_finish !== 'undefined') {
          return this.advance();

        // if we're all done with the repetitions...
        else {
          // check to see if there is an on_timeline_finish function
          if (typeof timeline_parameters.on_timeline_finish !== 'undefined') {

          // if we're all done with the repetitions, check if there is a loop function.
          if (typeof timeline_parameters.loop_function !== 'undefined') {
            jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = true;
            if (timeline_parameters.loop_function(this.generatedData())) {
              jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = false;
              return parent_node.advance();
            } else {
              progress.done = true;
              jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = false;
              return true;


        // no more loops on this timeline, we're done!
        progress.done = true;
        return true;

    // check the status of the done flag
    this.isComplete = function() {
      return progress.done;

    // getter method for timeline variables
    this.getTimelineVariableValue = function(variable_name){
      if(typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined'){
        return undefined;
      var v = timeline_parameters.timeline_variables[progress.order[progress.current_variable_set]][variable_name];
      return v;

    // recursive upward search for timeline variables
    this.findTimelineVariable = function(variable_name){
      var v = this.getTimelineVariableValue(variable_name);
      if(typeof v == 'undefined'){
        if(typeof parent_node !== 'undefined'){
          return parent_node.findTimelineVariable(variable_name);
        } else {
          return undefined;
      } else {
        return v;

    // recursive downward search for active trial to extract timeline variable
    this.timelineVariable = function(variable_name){
      if(typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined'){
        return this.findTimelineVariable(variable_name);
      } else {
        // if progress.current_location is -1, then the timeline variable is being evaluated
        // in a function that runs prior to the trial starting, so we should treat that trial
        // as being the active trial for purposes of finding the value of the timeline variable
        var loc = Math.max(0, progress.current_location);
        // if loc is greater than the number of elements on this timeline, then the timeline
        // variable is being evaluated in a function that runs after the trial on the timeline
        // are complete but before advancing to the next (like a loop_function).
        // treat the last active trial as the active trial for this purpose.
        if(loc == timeline_parameters.timeline.length){
          loc = loc - 1;
        // now find the variable
        return timeline_parameters.timeline[loc].timelineVariable(variable_name); 

    // recursively get all the timeline variables for this trial
    this.allTimelineVariables = function(){
      var all_tvs = this.allTimelineVariablesNames();
      var all_tvs_vals = {};
      for(var i=0; i<all_tvs.length; i++){
        all_tvs_vals[all_tvs[i]] = this.timelineVariable(all_tvs[i])
      return all_tvs_vals;

    // helper to get all the names at this stage.
    this.allTimelineVariablesNames = function(so_far){
      if(typeof so_far == 'undefined'){
        so_far = [];
      if(typeof timeline_parameters !== 'undefined'){
        so_far = so_far.concat(Object.keys(timeline_parameters.timeline_variables[progress.order[progress.current_variable_set]]));
        // if progress.current_location is -1, then the timeline variable is being evaluated
        // in a function that runs prior to the trial starting, so we should treat that trial
        // as being the active trial for purposes of finding the value of the timeline variable
        var loc = Math.max(0, progress.current_location);
        // if loc is greater than the number of elements on this timeline, then the timeline
        // variable is being evaluated in a function that runs after the trial on the timeline
        // are complete but before advancing to the next (like a loop_function).
        // treat the last active trial as the active trial for this purpose.
        if(loc == timeline_parameters.timeline.length){
          loc = loc - 1;
        // now find the variable
        return timeline_parameters.timeline[loc].allTimelineVariablesNames(so_far);
      if(typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined'){
        return so_far;

    // recursively get the number of **trials** contained in the timeline
    // assuming that while loops execute exactly once and if conditionals
    // always run
    this.length = function() {
      var length = 0;
      if (typeof timeline_parameters !== 'undefined') {
        for (var i = 0; i < timeline_parameters.timeline.length; i++) {
          length += timeline_parameters.timeline[i].length();
      } else {
        return 1;
      return length;

    // return the percentage of trials completed, grouped at the first child level
    // counts a set of trials as complete when the child node is done
    this.percentComplete = function() {
      var total_trials = this.length();
      var completed_trials = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < timeline_parameters.timeline.length; i++) {
        if (timeline_parameters.timeline[i].isComplete()) {
          completed_trials += timeline_parameters.timeline[i].length();
      return (completed_trials / total_trials * 100)

    // resets the node and all subnodes to original state
    // but increments the current_iteration counter
    this.reset = function() {
      progress.current_location = -1;
      progress.current_repetition = 0;
      progress.current_variable_set = 0;
      progress.done = false;
      if (typeof timeline_parameters != 'undefined') {
        for (var i = 0; i < timeline_parameters.timeline.length; i++) {


    // mark this node as finished
    this.end = function() {
      progress.done = true;

    // recursively end whatever sub-node is running the current trial
    this.endActiveNode = function() {
      if (typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined') {
      } else {

    // get a unique ID associated with this node
    // the ID reflects the current iteration through this node.
    this.ID = function() {
      var id = "";
      if (typeof parent_node == 'undefined') {
        return "0." + progress.current_iteration;
      } else {
        id += parent_node.ID() + "-";
        id += relative_id + "." + progress.current_iteration;
        return id;

    // get the ID of the active trial
    this.activeID = function() {
      if (typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined') {
        return this.ID();
      } else {
        return timeline_parameters.timeline[progress.current_location].activeID();

    // get all the data generated within this node
    this.generatedData = function() {

    // get all the trials of a particular type
    this.trialsOfType = function(type) {
      if (typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined'){
        if (trial_parameters.type == type) {
          return trial_parameters;
        } else {
          return [];
      } else {
        var trials = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < timeline_parameters.timeline.length; i++) {
          var t = timeline_parameters.timeline[i].trialsOfType(type);
          trials = trials.concat(t);
        return trials;

    // add new trials to end of this timeline
    this.insert = function(parameters){
      if(typeof timeline_parameters == 'undefined'){
        console.error('Cannot add new trials to a trial-level node.');
      } else {
          new TimelineNode(Object.assign({}, node_trial_data, parameters), self, timeline_parameters.timeline.length)

    // constructor
    var _construct = function() {

      // store a link to the parent of this node
      parent_node = parent;

      // create the ID for this node
      if (typeof parent == 'undefined') {
        relative_id = 0;
      } else {
        relative_id = relativeID;

      // check if there is a timeline parameter
      // if there is, then this node has its own timeline
      if ((typeof parameters.timeline !== 'undefined') || (typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial_type] == 'function')) {

        // create timeline properties
        timeline_parameters = {
          timeline: [],
          loop_function: parameters.loop_function,
          conditional_function: parameters.conditional_function,
          sample: parameters.sample,
          randomize_order: typeof parameters.randomize_order == 'undefined' ? false : parameters.randomize_order,
          repetitions: typeof parameters.repetitions == 'undefined' ? 1 : parameters.repetitions,
          timeline_variables: typeof parameters.timeline_variables == 'undefined' ? [{}] : parameters.timeline_variables,
          on_timeline_finish: parameters.on_timeline_finish,
          on_timeline_start: parameters.on_timeline_start,


        // extract all of the node level data and parameters
        // but remove all of the timeline-level specific information
        // since this will be used to copy things down hierarchically
        var node_data = Object.assign({}, parameters);
        delete node_data.timeline;
        delete node_data.conditional_function;
        delete node_data.loop_function;
        delete node_data.randomize_order;
        delete node_data.repetitions;
        delete node_data.timeline_variables;
        delete node_data.sample;
        delete node_data.on_timeline_start;
        delete node_data.on_timeline_finish;
        node_trial_data = node_data; // store for later...

        // create a TimelineNode for each element in the timeline
        for (var i = 0; i < parameters.timeline.length; i++) {
          // merge parameters
          var merged_parameters = Object.assign({}, node_data, parameters.timeline[i]);
          // merge any data from the parent node into child nodes
          if(typeof == 'object' && typeof parameters.timeline[i].data == 'object'){
            var merged_data = Object.assign({},, parameters.timeline[i].data);
   = merged_data;
          timeline_parameters.timeline.push(new TimelineNode(merged_parameters, self, i));
      // if there is no timeline parameter, then this node is a trial node
      else {
        // check to see if a valid trial type is defined
        var trial_type = parameters.type;
        if (typeof trial_type == 'undefined') {
          console.error('Trial level node is missing the "type" parameter. The parameters for the node are: ' + JSON.stringify(parameters));
        } else if ((typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial_type] == 'undefined') && (trial_type.toString().replace(/\s/g,'') != "function(){returntimeline.timelineVariable(varname);}")) {
          console.error('No plugin loaded for trials of type "' + trial_type + '"');
        // create a deep copy of the parameters for the trial
        trial_parameters = Object.assign({}, parameters);


  function startExperiment() {

    loaded = true;

    // show progress bar if requested
    if (opts.show_progress_bar === true) {

    // record the start time
    exp_start_time = new Date();

    // begin!


  function finishExperiment() {

    if(typeof timeline.end_message !== 'undefined'){
      DOM_target.innerHTML = timeline.end_message;



  function nextTrial() {
    // if experiment is paused, don't do anything.
    if(paused) {
      waiting = true;


    // advance timeline
    var complete = timeline.advance();

    // update progress bar if shown
    if (opts.show_progress_bar === true && opts.auto_update_progress_bar == true) {

    // check if experiment is over
    if (complete) {


  function doTrial(trial) {

    current_trial = trial;
    current_trial_finished = false;

    // process all timeline variables for this trial

    // evaluate variables that are functions

    // get default values for parameters

    // about to execute callbacks
    jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = true;

    // call experiment wide callback

    // call trial specific callback if it exists
    if(typeof trial.on_start == 'function'){

    // call any on_start functions for extensions
      for(var i=0; i<trial.extensions.length; i++){

    // apply the focus to the element containing the experiment.

    // reset the scroll on the DOM target
    DOM_target.scrollTop = 0;

    // add CSS classes to the DOM_target if they exist in trial.css_classes
    if(typeof trial.css_classes !== 'undefined'){
      if(!Array.isArray(trial.css_classes) && typeof trial.css_classes == 'string'){
        trial.css_classes = [trial.css_classes];

    // execute trial method on next frame update
    // for browser compatibility
    var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
    window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
    requestAnimationFrame(function(timestamp) {
      jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].trial(DOM_target, trial);

      // call trial specific loaded callback if it exists
      if(typeof trial.on_load == 'function'){

      // call any on_load functions for extensions
        for(var i=0; i<trial.extensions.length; i++){
      // done with callbacks
      jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = false;

  function evaluateTimelineVariables(trial){
    var keys = Object.keys(trial);

    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      // timeline variables on the root level
      if (typeof trial[keys[i]] == "function" && trial[keys[i]].toString().replace(/\s/g,'') == "function(){returntimeline.timelineVariable(varname);}") {
        trial[keys[i]] = trial[keys[i]].call();
      // timeline variables that are nested in objects
      if (typeof trial[keys[i]] == "object" && trial[keys[i]] !== null){

  function evaluateFunctionParameters(trial){

    // set a flag so that jsPsych.timelineVariable() is immediately executed in this context
    jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = true;

    // first, eval the trial type if it is a function
    // this lets users set the plugin type with a function
    if(typeof trial.type === 'function'){
      trial.type =;

    // now eval the whole trial

    // start by getting a list of the parameters
    var keys = Object.keys(trial);

    // iterate over each parameter
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      // check to make sure parameter is not "type", since that was eval'd above.
      if(keys[i] !== 'type'){
        // this if statement is checking to see if the parameter type is expected to be a function, in which case we should NOT evaluate it.
        // the first line checks if the parameter is defined in the universalPluginParameters set
        // the second line checks the plugin-specific parameters
        if(typeof jsPsych.plugins.universalPluginParameters[keys[i]] !== 'undefined' && 
          jsPsych.plugins.universalPluginParameters[keys[i]].type !== jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.FUNCTION ){
          trial[keys[i]] = replaceFunctionsWithValues(trial[keys[i]], null);
        if(typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[keys[i]] !== 'undefined' && 
          jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[keys[i]].type !== jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.FUNCTION){
          trial[keys[i]] = replaceFunctionsWithValues(trial[keys[i]], jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[keys[i]]);
    // reset so jsPsych.timelineVariable() is no longer immediately executed
    jsPsych.internal.call_immediate = false;

  function replaceFunctionsWithValues(obj, info){
    // null typeof is 'object' (?!?!), so need to run this first!
    if(obj === null){
      return obj;
    // arrays 
    else if(Array.isArray(obj)){
      for(var i=0; i<obj.length; i++){
        obj[i] = replaceFunctionsWithValues(obj[i], info);
    // objects
    else if(typeof obj === 'object'){
      var keys = Object.keys(obj);
      if(info == null || !info.nested){
        for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
          obj[keys[i]] = replaceFunctionsWithValues(obj[keys[i]], null)
      } else {
        for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
          if(typeof info.nested[keys[i]] == 'object' && info.nested[keys[i]].type !== jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.FUNCTION){
            obj[keys[i]] = replaceFunctionsWithValues(obj[keys[i]], info.nested[keys[i]])
    else if(typeof obj === 'function'){
      return obj();
    return obj;

  function setDefaultValues(trial){
    for(var param in jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters){
      // check if parameter is complex with nested defaults
      if(jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[param].type == jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.COMPLEX){
        if(jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[param].array == true){
          // iterate over each entry in the array
          trial[param].forEach(function(ip, i){
            // check each parameter in the plugin description
            for(var p in jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[param].nested){
              if(typeof trial[param][i][p] == 'undefined' || trial[param][i][p] === null){
                if(typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[param].nested[p].default == 'undefined'){
                  console.error('You must specify a value for the '+p+' parameter (nested in the '+param+' parameter) in the '+trial.type+' plugin.');
                } else {
                  trial[param][i][p] = jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[param].nested[p].default;
      // if it's not nested, checking is much easier and do that here:
      else if(typeof trial[param] == 'undefined' || trial[param] === null){
        if(typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[param].default == 'undefined'){
          console.error('You must specify a value for the '+param+' parameter in the '+trial.type+' plugin.');
        } else {
          trial[param] = jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[param].default;

  function checkExclusions(exclusions, success, fail){
    var clear = true;

    if(typeof exclusions.min_width !== 'undefined' || typeof exclusions.min_height !== 'undefined'){
      var mw = typeof exclusions.min_width !== 'undefined' ? exclusions.min_width : 0;
      var mh = typeof exclusions.min_height !== 'undefined' ? exclusions.min_height : 0;
      var w = window.innerWidth;
      var h = window.innerHeight;
      if(w < mw || h < mh){
        clear = false;
        var interval = setInterval(function(){
          var w = window.innerWidth;
          var h = window.innerHeight;
          if(w < mw || h < mh){
            var msg = '<p>Your browser window is too small to complete this experiment. '+
              'Please maximize the size of your browser window. If your browser window is already maximized, '+
              'you will not be able to complete this experiment.</p>'+
              '<p>The minimum width is '+mw+'px. Your current width is '+w+'px.</p>'+
              '<p>The minimum height is '+mh+'px. Your current height is '+h+'px.</p>';
            core.getDisplayElement().innerHTML = msg;
          } else {
            core.getDisplayElement().innerHTML = '';
            checkExclusions(exclusions, success, fail);
        }, 100);
        return; // prevents checking other exclusions while this is being fixed

    if(typeof !== 'undefined' && {
      if(window.hasOwnProperty('AudioContext') || window.hasOwnProperty('webkitAudioContext')){
        // clear
      } else {
        clear = false;
        var msg = '<p>Your browser does not support the WebAudio API, which means that you will not '+
          'be able to complete the experiment.</p><p>Browsers that support the WebAudio API include '+
          'Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.</p>';
        core.getDisplayElement().innerHTML = msg;

    // GO?
    if(clear){ success(); }

  function drawProgressBar(msg) {
      '<div id="jspsych-progressbar-container">'+
      '<div id="jspsych-progressbar-outer">'+
        '<div id="jspsych-progressbar-inner"></div>'+

  function updateProgressBar() {
    var progress = jsPsych.progress().percent_complete;
    core.setProgressBar(progress / 100);

  var progress_bar_amount = 0;

  core.setProgressBar = function(proportion_complete){
    proportion_complete = Math.max(Math.min(1,proportion_complete),0);
    document.querySelector('#jspsych-progressbar-inner').style.width = (proportion_complete*100) + "%";
    progress_bar_amount = proportion_complete;

  core.getProgressBarCompleted = function(){
    return progress_bar_amount;

  //Leave a trace in the DOM that jspsych was loaded
  document.documentElement.setAttribute('jspsych', 'present');

  return core;

jsPsych.internal = (function() {
  var module = {};

  // this flag is used to determine whether we are in a scope where
  // jsPsych.timelineVariable() should be executed immediately or
  // whether it should return a function to access the variable later.
  module.call_immediate = false;

  return module;

jsPsych.plugins = (function() {

  var module = {};

  // enumerate possible parameter types for plugins
  module.parameterType = {
    BOOL: 0,
    STRING: 1,
    INT: 2,
    FLOAT: 3,
    FUNCTION: 4,
    KEY: 5,
    SELECT: 6,
    IMAGE: 8,
    AUDIO: 9,
    VIDEO: 10,
    OBJECT: 11,
    COMPLEX: 12,
    TIMELINE: 13

  module.universalPluginParameters = {
    data: {
      type: module.parameterType.OBJECT,
      pretty_name: 'Data',
      default: {},
      description: 'Data to add to this trial (key-value pairs)'
    on_start: {
      type: module.parameterType.FUNCTION,
      pretty_name: 'On start',
      default: function() { return; },
      description: 'Function to execute when trial begins'
    on_finish: {
      type: module.parameterType.FUNCTION,
      pretty_name: 'On finish',
      default: function() { return; },
      description: 'Function to execute when trial is finished'
    on_load: {
      type: module.parameterType.FUNCTION,
      pretty_name: 'On load',
      default: function() { return; },
      description: 'Function to execute after the trial has loaded'
    post_trial_gap: {
      type: module.parameterType.INT,
      pretty_name: 'Post trial gap',
      default: null,
      description: 'Length of gap between the end of this trial and the start of the next trial'
    css_classes: {
      type: module.parameterType.STRING,
      pretty_name: 'Custom CSS classes',
      default: null,
      description: 'A list of CSS classes to add to the jsPsych display element for the duration of this trial'

  return module;

jsPsych.extensions = (function(){
  return {};
})(); = (function() {

  var module = {};

  // data storage object
  var allData = DataCollection();

  // browser interaction event data
  var interactionData = DataCollection();

  // data properties for all trials
  var dataProperties = {};

  // cache the query_string
  var query_string;

  // DataCollection
  function DataCollection(data){

    var data_collection = {};

    var trials = typeof data === 'undefined' ? [] : data;

    data_collection.push = function(new_data){
      return data_collection;

    data_collection.join = function(other_data_collection){
      trials = trials.concat(other_data_collection.values());
      return data_collection;
    } = function(){
      if(trials.length <= 1){
        return data_collection;
      } else {
        return DataCollection([trials[trials.length-1]]);

     * Queries the first n elements in a collection of trials.
     * @param {number} n A positive integer of elements to return. A value of
     *                   n that is less than 1 will throw an error.
     * @return {Array} First n objects of a collection of trials. If fewer than
     *                 n trials are available, the trials.length elements will
     *                 be returned.
    data_collection.first = function(n){
      if (typeof n == 'undefined') { n = 1 }
      if (n < 1) {
        throw `You must query with a positive nonzero integer. Please use a 
               different value for n.`;
      if (trials.length == 0) return DataCollection([]);
      if (n > trials.length) n = trials.length;
      return DataCollection(trials.slice(0, n));

     * Queries the last n elements in a collection of trials.
     * @param {number} n A positive integer of elements to return. A value of
     *                   n that is less than 1 will throw an error.
     * @return {Array} Last n objects of a collection of trials. If fewer than
     *                 n trials are available, the trials.length elements will
     *                 be returned.
    data_collection.last = function(n) {
      if (typeof n == 'undefined') { n = 1 }
      if (n < 1) {
        throw `You must query with a positive nonzero integer. Please use a 
               different value for n.`;
      if (trials.length == 0) return DataCollection([]);
      if (n > trials.length) n = trials.length;
      return DataCollection(trials.slice(trials.length - n, trials.length));

    data_collection.values = function(){
      return trials;

    data_collection.count = function(){
      return trials.length;

    data_collection.readOnly = function(){
      return DataCollection(jsPsych.utils.deepCopy(trials));

    data_collection.addToAll = function(properties){
      for (var i = 0; i < trials.length; i++) {
        for (var key in properties) {
          trials[i][key] = properties[key];
      return data_collection;

    data_collection.addToLast = function(properties){
      if(trials.length != 0){
        for (var key in properties) {
          trials[trials.length-1][key] = properties[key];
      return data_collection;

    data_collection.filter = function(filters){
      // [{p1: v1, p2:v2}, {p1:v2}]
      // {p1: v1}
        var f = jsPsych.utils.deepCopy([filters]);
      } else {
        var f = jsPsych.utils.deepCopy(filters);

      var filtered_data = [];
      for(var x=0; x < trials.length; x++){
        var keep = false;
        for(var i=0; i<f.length; i++){
          var match = true;
          var keys = Object.keys(f[i]);
          for(var k=0; k<keys.length; k++){
            if(typeof trials[x][keys[k]] !== 'undefined' && trials[x][keys[k]] == f[i][keys[k]]){
              // matches on this key!
            } else {
              match = false;
          if(match) { keep = true; break; } // can break because each filter is OR.

      var out = DataCollection(filtered_data);

      return out;

    data_collection.filterCustom = function(fn){
      var included = [];
      for(var i=0; i<trials.length; i++){
      return DataCollection(included);
    } = function(column){
      var values = [];
      for(var i=0; i<trials.length; i++){
        if(typeof trials[i][column] !== 'undefined'){
      var out = DataColumn();
      out.values = values;
      return out;

    data_collection.ignore = function(columns){
        columns = [columns];
      var o = jsPsych.utils.deepCopy(trials);
      for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
        for (var j in columns) {
          delete o[i][columns[j]];
      return DataCollection(o);

    data_collection.uniqueNames = function(){
      var names = [];

      for(var i=0; i<trials.length; i++){
        var keys = Object.keys(trials[i]);
        for(var j=0; j<keys.length; j++){

      return names;

    data_collection.csv = function(){
      return JSON2CSV(trials);

    data_collection.json = function(pretty){
        return JSON.stringify(trials, null, '\t');
      return JSON.stringify(trials);

    data_collection.localSave = function(format, filename){
      var data_string;

      if (format == 'JSON' || format == 'json') {
        data_string = data_collection.json();
      } else if (format == 'CSV' || format == 'csv') {
        data_string = data_collection.csv();
      } else {
        throw new Error('Invalid format specified for localSave. Must be "JSON" or "CSV".');

      saveTextToFile(data_string, filename);

    return data_collection;

  // DataColumn class
  function DataColumn(){
    var data_column = {};

    data_column.values = [];

    data_column.sum = function(){
      var s = 0;
      for(var i=0; i<data_column.values.length; i++){
        s += data_column.values[i];
      return s;

    data_column.mean = function(){
      return data_column.sum() / data_column.count();

    data_column.median = function(){
      if (data_column.values.length == 0) {return undefined};
      var numbers = data_column.values.slice(0).sort(function(a,b){ return a - b; });
      var middle = Math.floor(numbers.length / 2);
      var isEven = numbers.length % 2 === 0;
      return isEven ? (numbers[middle] + numbers[middle - 1]) / 2 : numbers[middle];

    data_column.min = function(){
      return Math.min.apply(null, data_column.values);

    data_column.max = function(){
      return Math.max.apply(null, data_column.values);

    data_column.count = function(){
      return data_column.values.length;

    data_column.variance = function(){
      var mean = data_column.mean();
      var sum_square_error = 0;
      for(var i=0; i<data_column.values.length; i++){
        sum_square_error += Math.pow(data_column.values[i] - mean,2);
      var mse = sum_square_error / (data_column.values.length - 1);
      return mse;
    } = function(){
      var mse = data_column.variance();
      var rmse = Math.sqrt(mse);
      return rmse;

    data_column.frequencies = function(){
      var unique = {}
      for(var i=0; i<data_column.values.length; i++){
        var v = data_column.values[i];
        if(typeof unique[v] == 'undefined'){
          unique[v] = 1;
        } else {
      return unique;

    data_column.all = function(eval_fn){
      for(var i=0; i<data_column.values.length; i++){
          return false;
      return true;

    data_column.subset = function(eval_fn){
      var out = [];
      for(var i=0; i<data_column.values.length; i++){
      var o = DataColumn();
      o.values = out;
      return o;

    return data_column;

  module.reset = function(){
    allData = DataCollection();
    interactionData = DataCollection();

  module.get = function() {
    return allData;

  module.getInteractionData = function() {
    return interactionData;

  module.write = function(data_object) {

    var progress = jsPsych.progress();
    var trial = jsPsych.currentTrial();

    //var trial_opt_data = typeof == 'function' ? :;

    var default_data = {
      'trial_type': trial.type,
      'trial_index': progress.current_trial_global,
      'time_elapsed': jsPsych.totalTime(),
      'internal_node_id': jsPsych.currentTimelineNodeID()

    var ext_data_object = Object.assign({}, data_object,, default_data, dataProperties);


  module.addProperties = function(properties) {

    // first, add the properties to all data that's already stored

    // now add to list so that it gets appended to all future data
    dataProperties = Object.assign({}, dataProperties, properties);


  module.addDataToLastTrial = function(data) {

  module.getDataByTimelineNode = function(node_id) {
    var data = allData.filterCustom(function(x){
      return x.internal_node_id.slice(0, node_id.length) === node_id;

    return data;

  module.getLastTrialData = function() {

  module.getLastTimelineData = function() {
    var lasttrial = module.getLastTrialData();
    var node_id ='internal_node_id').values[0];
    if (typeof node_id === 'undefined') {
      return DataCollection();
    } else {
      var parent_node_id = node_id.substr(0,node_id.lastIndexOf('-'));
      var lastnodedata = module.getDataByTimelineNode(parent_node_id);
      return lastnodedata;

  module.displayData = function(format) {
    format = (typeof format === 'undefined') ? "json" : format.toLowerCase();
    if (format != "json" && format != "csv") {
      console.log('Invalid format declared for displayData function. Using json as default.');
      format = "json";

    var data_string;

    if (format == 'json') {
      data_string = allData.json(true); // true = pretty print with tabs
    } else {
      data_string = allData.csv();

    var display_element = jsPsych.getDisplayElement();

    display_element.innerHTML = '<pre id="jspsych-data-display"></pre>';

    document.getElementById('jspsych-data-display').textContent = data_string;

  module.urlVariables = function() {
    if(typeof query_string == 'undefined'){
      query_string = getQueryString();
    return query_string;

  module.getURLVariable = function(whichvar){
    if(typeof query_string == 'undefined'){
      query_string = getQueryString();
    return query_string[whichvar];

  module.createInteractionListeners = function(){
    // blur event capture
    window.addEventListener('blur', function(){
      var data = {
        event: 'blur',
        trial: jsPsych.progress().current_trial_global,
        time: jsPsych.totalTime()

    // focus event capture
    window.addEventListener('focus', function(){
      var data = {
        event: 'focus',
        trial: jsPsych.progress().current_trial_global,
        time: jsPsych.totalTime()

    // fullscreen change capture
    function fullscreenchange(){
      var type = (document.isFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.mozIsFullScreen || document.fullscreenElement) ? 'fullscreenenter' : 'fullscreenexit';
      var data = {
        event: type,
        trial: jsPsych.progress().current_trial_global,
        time: jsPsych.totalTime()

    document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', fullscreenchange);
    document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', fullscreenchange);
    document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', fullscreenchange);

  // public methods for testing purposes. not recommended for use.
  module._customInsert = function(data){
    allData = DataCollection(data);

  module._fullreset = function(){
    dataProperties = {};

  // private function to save text file on local drive
  function saveTextToFile(textstr, filename) {
    var blobToSave = new Blob([textstr], {
      type: 'text/plain'
    var blobURL = "";
    if (typeof window.webkitURL !== 'undefined') {
      blobURL = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(blobToSave);
    } else {
      blobURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blobToSave);

    var display_element = jsPsych.getDisplayElement();

    display_element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend','<a id="jspsych-download-as-text-link" style="display:none;" download="'+filename+'" href="'+blobURL+'">click to download</a>');

  // A few helper functions to handle data format conversion

  // this function based on code suggested by StackOverflow users:

  function JSON2CSV(objArray) {
    var array = typeof objArray != 'object' ? JSON.parse(objArray) : objArray;
    var line = '';
    var result = '';
    var columns = [];

    var i = 0;
    for (var j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
      for (var key in array[j]) {
        var keyString = key + "";
        keyString = '"' + keyString.replace(/"/g, '""') + '",';
        if (!columns.includes(key)) {
          columns[i] = key;
          line += keyString;

    line = line.slice(0, -1);
    result += line + '\r\n';

    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      var line = '';
      for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
        var value = (typeof array[i][columns[j]] === 'undefined') ? '' : array[i][columns[j]];
        if(typeof value == 'object') {
          value = JSON.stringify(value);
        var valueString = value + "";
        line += '"' + valueString.replace(/"/g, '""') + '",';

      line = line.slice(0, -1);
      result += line + '\r\n';

    return result;

  // this function is modified from StackOverflow:

  function getQueryString() {
    var a ='&');
    if (a == "") return {};
    var b = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
        var p=a[i].split('=', 2);
        if (p.length == 1)
            b[p[0]] = "";
            b[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
    return b;

  return module;


jsPsych.turk = (function() {

  var module = {};

  // core.turkInfo gets information relevant to mechanical turk experiments. returns an object
  // containing the workerID, assignmentID, and hitID, and whether or not the HIT is in
  // preview mode, meaning that they haven't accepted the HIT yet.
  module.turkInfo = function() {

    var turk = {};

    var param = function(url, name) {
      name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
      var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)";
      var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
      var results = regex.exec(url);
      return (results == null) ? "" : results[1];

    var src = param(window.location.href, "assignmentId") ? window.location.href : document.referrer;

    var keys = ["assignmentId", "hitId", "workerId", "turkSubmitTo"];

      function(key) {
        turk[key] = unescape(param(src, key));

    turk.previewMode = (turk.assignmentId == "ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE");

    turk.outsideTurk = (!turk.previewMode && turk.hitId === "" && turk.assignmentId == "" && turk.workerId == "")

    turk_info = turk;

    return turk;


  // core.submitToTurk will submit a MechanicalTurk ExternalHIT type
  module.submitToTurk = function(data) {

    var turkInfo = jsPsych.turk.turkInfo();
    var assignmentId = turkInfo.assignmentId;
    var turkSubmitTo = turkInfo.turkSubmitTo;

    if (!assignmentId || !turkSubmitTo) return;

    var dataString = [];

    for (var key in data) {

      if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        dataString.push(key + "=" + escape(data[key]));

    dataString.push("assignmentId=" + assignmentId);

    var url = turkSubmitTo + "/mturk/externalSubmit?" + dataString.join("&");

    window.location.href = url;

  return module;


jsPsych.randomization = (function() {

  var module = {};

  module.repeat = function(array, repetitions, unpack) {

    var arr_isArray = Array.isArray(array);
    var rep_isArray = Array.isArray(repetitions);

    // if array is not an array, then we just repeat the item
    if (!arr_isArray) {
      if (!rep_isArray) {
        array = [array];
        repetitions = [repetitions];
      } else {
        repetitions = [repetitions[0]];
        console.log('Unclear parameters given to randomization.repeat. Multiple set sizes specified, but only one item exists to sample. Proceeding using the first set size.');
    } else {
      if (!rep_isArray) {
        var reps = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        repetitions = reps;
      } else {
        if (array.length != repetitions.length) {
          console.warning('Unclear parameters given to randomization.repeat. Items and repetitions are unequal lengths. Behavior may not be as expected.');
          // throw warning if repetitions is too short, use first rep ONLY.
          if (repetitions.length < array.length) {
            var reps = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            repetitions = reps;
          } else {
            // throw warning if too long, and then use the first N
            repetitions = repetitions.slice(0, array.length);

    // should be clear at this point to assume that array and repetitions are arrays with == length
    var allsamples = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      for (var j = 0; j < repetitions[i]; j++) {
        if(array[i] == null || typeof array[i] != 'object'){
        } else {
          allsamples.push(Object.assign({}, array[i]));


    var out = shuffle(allsamples);

    if (unpack) {
      out = unpackArray(out);

    return out;

  module.shuffle = function(arr) {
      console.error('Argument to jsPsych.randomization.shuffle() must be an array.')
    return shuffle(arr);

  module.shuffleNoRepeats = function(arr, equalityTest) {
      console.error('First argument to jsPsych.randomization.shuffleNoRepeats() must be an array.')
    if(typeof equalityTest !== 'undefined' && typeof equalityTest !== 'function'){
      console.error('Second argument to jsPsych.randomization.shuffleNoRepeats() must be a function.')
    // define a default equalityTest
    if (typeof equalityTest == 'undefined') {
      equalityTest = function(a, b) {
        if (a === b) {
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;

    var random_shuffle = shuffle(arr);
    for (var i = 0; i < random_shuffle.length - 1; i++) {
      if (equalityTest(random_shuffle[i], random_shuffle[i + 1])) {
        // neighbors are equal, pick a new random neighbor to swap (not the first or last element, to avoid edge cases)
        var random_pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * (random_shuffle.length - 2)) + 1;
        // test to make sure the new neighbor isn't equal to the old one
        while (
          equalityTest(random_shuffle[i + 1], random_shuffle[random_pick]) ||
          (equalityTest(random_shuffle[i + 1], random_shuffle[random_pick + 1]) || equalityTest(random_shuffle[i + 1], random_shuffle[random_pick - 1]))
        ) {
          random_pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * (random_shuffle.length - 2)) + 1;
        var new_neighbor = random_shuffle[random_pick];
        random_shuffle[random_pick] = random_shuffle[i + 1];
        random_shuffle[i + 1] = new_neighbor;

    return random_shuffle;

  module.shuffleAlternateGroups = function(arr_groups, random_group_order){
    if(typeof random_group_order == 'undefined'){
      random_group_order = false;

    var n_groups = arr_groups.length;
    if(n_groups == 1){
      console.warn('jsPsych.randomization.shuffleAlternateGroups was called with only one group. Defaulting to simple shuffle.');

    var group_order = [];
    for(var i=0; i<n_groups; i++){
      group_order = module.shuffle(group_order);

    var randomized_groups = [];
    var min_length = null;
    for(var i=0; i<n_groups; i++){
      min_length = min_length === null ? arr_groups[i].length : Math.min(min_length, arr_groups[i].length);

    var out = [];
    for(var i=0; i<min_length; i++){
      for(var j=0; j<group_order.length; j++){

    return out;

  module.sampleWithoutReplacement = function(arr, size){
      console.error("First argument to jsPsych.randomization.sampleWithoutReplacement() must be an array")
    if (size > arr.length) {
      console.error("Cannot take a sample " +
        "larger than the size of the set of items to sample.");
    return jsPsych.randomization.shuffle(arr).slice(0,size);

  module.sampleWithReplacement = function(arr, size, weights) {
      console.error("First argument to jsPsych.randomization.sampleWithReplacement() must be an array")

    var normalized_weights = [];
    if(typeof weights !== 'undefined'){
      if(weights.length !== arr.length){
        console.error('The length of the weights array must equal the length of the array '+
        'to be sampled from.');
      var weight_sum = 0;
      for(var i=0; i<weights.length; i++){
        weight_sum += weights[i];
      for(var i=0; i<weights.length; i++){
        normalized_weights.push( weights[i] / weight_sum );
    } else {
      for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
        normalized_weights.push( 1 / arr.length );

    var cumulative_weights = [normalized_weights[0]];
    for(var i=1; i<normalized_weights.length; i++){
      cumulative_weights.push(normalized_weights[i] + cumulative_weights[i-1]);

    var samp = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      var rnd = Math.random();
      var index = 0;
      while(rnd > cumulative_weights[index]) { index++; }
    return samp;

  module.factorial = function(factors, repetitions, unpack) {

    var factorNames = Object.keys(factors);

    var factor_combinations = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < factors[factorNames[0]].length; i++) {
      factor_combinations[i][factorNames[0]] = factors[factorNames[0]][i];

    for (var i = 1; i < factorNames.length; i++) {
      var toAdd = factors[factorNames[i]];
      var n = factor_combinations.length;
      for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        var base = factor_combinations[j];
        for (var k = 0; k < toAdd.length; k++) {
          var newpiece = {};
          newpiece[factorNames[i]] = toAdd[k];
          factor_combinations.push(Object.assign({}, base, newpiece));
      factor_combinations.splice(0, n);

    repetitions = (typeof repetitions === 'undefined') ? 1 : repetitions;
    var with_repetitions = module.repeat(factor_combinations, repetitions, unpack);

    return with_repetitions;

  module.randomID = function(length){
    var result = '';
    var length = (typeof length == 'undefined') ? 32 : length;
    var chars = '0123456789abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    for(var i = 0; i<length; i++){
      result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
    return result;

  function unpackArray(array) {

    var out = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      var keys = Object.keys(array[i]);
      for (var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) {
        if (typeof out[keys[k]] === 'undefined') {
          out[keys[k]] = [];

    return out;

  function shuffle(array) {
    var copy_array = array.slice(0);
    var m = copy_array.length,
      t, i;

    // While there remain elements to shuffle…
    while (m) {

      // Pick a remaining element…
      i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--);

      // And swap it with the current element.
      t = copy_array[m];
      copy_array[m] = copy_array[i];
      copy_array[i] = t;

    return copy_array;

  return module;


jsPsych.pluginAPI = (function() {

  var module = {};

  // keyboard listeners //

  var keyboard_listeners = [];

  var held_keys = {};

  var root_keydown_listener = function(e){
    for(var i=0; i<keyboard_listeners.length; i++){
    held_keys[e.key] = true;
  var root_keyup_listener = function(e){
    held_keys[e.key] = false;

  module.reset = function(root_element){
    keyboard_listeners = [];
    held_keys = {};
    root_element.removeEventListener('keydown', root_keydown_listener);
    root_element.removeEventListener('keyup', root_keyup_listener);

  module.createKeyboardEventListeners = function(root_element){
    root_element.addEventListener('keydown', root_keydown_listener);
    root_element.addEventListener('keyup', root_keyup_listener);

  module.getKeyboardResponse = function(parameters) {

    //parameters are: callback_function, valid_responses, rt_method, persist, audio_context, audio_context_start_time, allow_held_key

    parameters.rt_method = (typeof parameters.rt_method === 'undefined') ? 'performance' : parameters.rt_method;
    if (parameters.rt_method != 'performance' && parameters.rt_method != 'audio') {
      console.log('Invalid RT method specified in getKeyboardResponse. Defaulting to "performance" method.');
      parameters.rt_method = 'performance';

    var start_time;
    if (parameters.rt_method == 'performance') {
      start_time =;
    } else if (parameters.rt_method === 'audio') {
      start_time = parameters.audio_context_start_time;

    var case_sensitive = (typeof jsPsych.initSettings().case_sensitive_responses === 'undefined') ? false : jsPsych.initSettings().case_sensitive_responses;

    var listener_id;

    var listener_function = function(e) {
      var key_time;
      if (parameters.rt_method == 'performance') {
        key_time =;
      } else if (parameters.rt_method === 'audio') {
        key_time = parameters.audio_context.currentTime
      var rt = key_time - start_time;

      // overiding via parameters for testing purposes.
      var minimum_valid_rt = parameters.minimum_valid_rt;
        minimum_valid_rt = jsPsych.initSettings().minimum_valid_rt || 0;

      var rt_ms = rt;
      if (parameters.rt_method == 'audio') {
        rt_ms = rt_ms * 1000;
      if(rt_ms < minimum_valid_rt) {

      var valid_response = false;
      if (typeof parameters.valid_responses === 'undefined'){
        valid_response = true;
      else if(parameters.valid_responses == jsPsych.ALL_KEYS) {
        valid_response = true;
      else if(parameters.valid_responses != jsPsych.NO_KEYS){
          valid_response = true;
        if(!case_sensitive) {
          var valid_lower = {return v.toLowerCase();});
          var key_lower = e.key.toLowerCase();
          if (valid_lower.includes(key_lower)) {
            valid_response = true;
      // check if key was already held down
      if (((typeof parameters.allow_held_key === 'undefined') || !parameters.allow_held_key) && valid_response) {
        if (typeof held_keys[e.key] !== 'undefined' && held_keys[e.key] == true) {
          valid_response = false;
        if (!case_sensitive && typeof held_keys[e.key.toLowerCase()] !== 'undefined' && held_keys[e.key.toLowerCase()] == true) {
          valid_response = false;

      if (valid_response) {
        // if this is a valid response, then we don't want the key event to trigger other actions
        // like scrolling via the spacebar.
        var key = e.key;
        if (!case_sensitive) {
          key = key.toLowerCase();
          key: key,
          rt: rt_ms,

        if (keyboard_listeners.includes(listener_id)) {

          if (!parameters.persist) {
            // remove keyboard listener

    // create listener id object
    listener_id = {
      type: 'keydown',
      fn: listener_function

    // add this keyboard listener to the list of listeners

    return listener_id;


  module.cancelKeyboardResponse = function(listener) {
    // remove the listener from the list of listeners
    if (keyboard_listeners.includes(listener)) {
      keyboard_listeners.splice(keyboard_listeners.indexOf(listener), 1);

  module.cancelAllKeyboardResponses = function() {
    keyboard_listeners = [];

  module.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode = function(character) {
    console.warn('Warning: The jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode function will be removed in future jsPsych releases. '+
    'We recommend removing this function and using strings to identify/compare keys.');
    var code;
    character = character.toLowerCase();
    if (typeof keylookup[character] !== 'undefined') {
      code = keylookup[character];
    return code;

  module.convertKeyCodeToKeyCharacter = function(code){
    console.warn('Warning: The jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCodeToKeyCharacter function will be removed in future jsPsych releases. '+
    'We recommend removing this function and using strings to identify/compare keys.');
    for(var i in Object.keys(keylookup)){
      if(keylookup[Object.keys(keylookup)[i]] == code){
        return Object.keys(keylookup)[i];
    return undefined;

  module.compareKeys = function(key1, key2){
    if (Number.isFinite(key1) || Number.isFinite(key2)) {
      // if either value is a numeric keyCode, then convert both to numeric keyCode values and compare (maintained for backwards compatibility)
      if(typeof key1 == 'string') {
        key1 = module.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode(key1);
      if(typeof key2 == 'string') {
        key2 = module.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode(key2);
      return key1 == key2;
    } else if (typeof key1 === 'string' && typeof key2 === 'string') {
      // if both values are strings, then check whether or not letter case should be converted before comparing (case_sensitive_responses in jsPsych.init)
      var case_sensitive = (typeof jsPsych.initSettings().case_sensitive_responses === 'undefined') ? false : jsPsych.initSettings().case_sensitive_responses;
      if (case_sensitive) {
        return key1 == key2;
      } else {
        return key1.toLowerCase() == key2.toLowerCase();
    } else if (key1 === null && (typeof key2 === 'string' || Number.isFinite(key2)) || key2 === null && (typeof key1 === 'string' || Number.isFinite(key1))) {
      return false;
    } else if (key1 === null && key2 === null) {
      return true;
    } else {
      console.error('Error in jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys: arguments must be numeric key codes, key strings, or null.');
      return undefined;

  var keylookup = {
    'backspace': 8,
    'tab': 9,
    'enter': 13,
    'shift': 16,
    'ctrl': 17,
    'alt': 18,
    'pause': 19,
    'capslock': 20,
    'esc': 27,
    'space': 32,
    'spacebar': 32,
    ' ': 32,
    'pageup': 33,
    'pagedown': 34,
    'end': 35,
    'home': 36,
    'leftarrow': 37,
    'uparrow': 38,
    'rightarrow': 39,
    'downarrow': 40,
    'insert': 45,
    'delete': 46,
    '0': 48,
    '1': 49,
    '2': 50,
    '3': 51,
    '4': 52,
    '5': 53,
    '6': 54,
    '7': 55,
    '8': 56,
    '9': 57,
    'a': 65,
    'b': 66,
    'c': 67,
    'd': 68,
    'e': 69,
    'f': 70,
    'g': 71,
    'h': 72,
    'i': 73,
    'j': 74,
    'k': 75,
    'l': 76,
    'm': 77,
    'n': 78,
    'o': 79,
    'p': 80,
    'q': 81,
    'r': 82,
    's': 83,
    't': 84,
    'u': 85,
    'v': 86,
    'w': 87,
    'x': 88,
    'y': 89,
    'z': 90,
    '0numpad': 96,
    '1numpad': 97,
    '2numpad': 98,
    '3numpad': 99,
    '4numpad': 100,
    '5numpad': 101,
    '6numpad': 102,
    '7numpad': 103,
    '8numpad': 104,
    '9numpad': 105,
    'multiply': 106,
    'plus': 107,
    'minus': 109,
    'decimal': 110,
    'divide': 111,
    'f1': 112,
    'f2': 113,
    'f3': 114,
    'f4': 115,
    'f5': 116,
    'f6': 117,
    'f7': 118,
    'f8': 119,
    'f9': 120,
    'f10': 121,
    'f11': 122,
    'f12': 123,
    '=': 187,
    ',': 188,
    '.': 190,
    '/': 191,
    '`': 192,
    '[': 219,
    '\\': 220,
    ']': 221

  // timeout registration

  var timeout_handlers = [];
  // for browser compatibility
  var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
                            window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;

  var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame;

  module.setTimeout = function(callback, delay){
    var handle = requestAnimationFrame(function(timestamp) {
      // record the start time 
      var start_time =;
      // setup the next rAF call to check for timeouts and update handle value
      handle = requestAnimationFrame(function(timestamp) {
        checkForTimeouts(timestamp, start_time, callback, delay, handle);
    return handle;

  module.clearAllTimeouts = function(){
    for(var i=0;i<timeout_handlers.length; i++){
    timeout_handlers = [];

  function checkForTimeouts(timestamp, start_time, callback, delay, handle) {
    var curr_duration = - start_time;
    // check if the current duration is at least as long as the intended duration
    // minus half the typical frame duration (~16 ms). this helps avoid displaying the stimulus
    // for one too many frames.
    if (curr_duration >= delay - 8) {
    } else {
      // setup the next rAF call and update handle value
      handle = window.requestAnimationFrame(function(timestamp) {
        checkForTimeouts(timestamp, start_time, callback, delay, handle);

  // video //
    var video_buffers = {}
    module.getVideoBuffer = function(videoID) {
      return video_buffers[videoID]

  // audio //
  var context = null;
  var audio_buffers = [];

  module.initAudio = function(){
    context = (jsPsych.initSettings().use_webaudio === true) ? jsPsych.webaudio_context : null;

  module.audioContext = function(){
    if(context !== null){
      if(context.state !== 'running'){
    return context;

  module.getAudioBuffer = function(audioID) {

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
      // check whether audio file already preloaded
      if(typeof audio_buffers[audioID] == 'undefined' || audio_buffers[audioID] == 'tmp'){
         // if audio is not already loaded, try to load it
        function complete(){
        function error(e){
        module.preloadAudio([audioID], complete, function(){}, error)
      } else {
        // audio is already loaded


  // preloading stimuli //

  var preloads = [];
  var preload_requests = [];

  var img_cache = {};

  module.preloadAudio = function(files, callback_complete, callback_load, callback_error) {

    files = jsPsych.utils.flatten(files);
    files = jsPsych.utils.unique(files);

    var n_loaded = 0;
    var loadfn = (typeof callback_load === 'undefined') ? function() {} : callback_load;
    var finishfn = (typeof callback_complete === 'undefined') ? function() {} : callback_complete;
    var errorfn = (typeof callback_error === 'undefined') ? function() {} : callback_error;


    function load_audio_file_webaudio(source, count){
      count = count || 1;
      var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', source, true);
      request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
      request.onload = function() {
        context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer) {
          audio_buffers[source] = buffer;
          if(n_loaded == files.length) {
        }, function(e) {
          errorfn({source: source, error: e});
      request.onerror = function(e){
        var err = e;
        if(this.status == 404) {
          err = "404";
        errorfn({source: source, error: err});
      request.onloadend = function(e){
        if(this.status == 404) {
          errorfn({source: source, error: "404"});

    function load_audio_file_html5audio(source, count){
      count = count || 1;
      var audio = new Audio();
      audio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function handleCanPlayThrough(){
        audio_buffers[source] = audio;
        if(n_loaded == files.length){
        audio.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', handleCanPlayThrough);
      audio.addEventListener('error', function handleError(e){
        errorfn({source: audio.src, error: e});
        audio.removeEventListener('error', handleError);
      audio.addEventListener('abort', function handleAbort(e){
        errorfn({source: audio.src, error: e});
        audio.removeEventListener('abort', handleAbort);
      audio.src = source;

    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
      var bufferID = files[i];
      if (typeof audio_buffers[bufferID] !== 'undefined') {
        if(n_loaded == files.length) {
      } else {
        audio_buffers[bufferID] = 'tmp';
        if(module.audioContext() !== null){
        } else {


  module.preloadImages = function(images, callback_complete, callback_load, callback_error) {

    // flatten the images array
    images = jsPsych.utils.flatten(images);
    images = jsPsych.utils.unique(images);

    var n_loaded = 0;
    var finishfn = (typeof callback_complete === 'undefined') ? function() {} : callback_complete;
    var loadfn = (typeof callback_load === 'undefined') ? function() {} : callback_load;
    var errorfn = (typeof callback_error === 'undefined') ? function() {} : callback_error;

    if(images.length === 0){

    function preload_image(source){
      var img = new Image();

      img.onload = function() {
        if (n_loaded === images.length) {

      img.onerror = function(e) {
        errorfn({source: img.src, error: e});

      img.src = source;

      img_cache[source] = img;

    for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {


  module.preloadVideo = function(video, callback_complete, callback_load, callback_error) {

      // flatten the video array
      video = jsPsych.utils.flatten(video);
      video = jsPsych.utils.unique(video);

      var n_loaded = 0;
      var finishfn = !callback_complete ? function() {} : callback_complete;
      var loadfn = !callback_load ? function() {} : callback_load;
      var errorfn = (typeof callback_error === 'undefined') ? function() {} : callback_error;


      function preload_video(source, count){
        count = count || 1;
        //based on option 4 here:
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', source, true);
        request.responseType = 'blob';
        request.onload = function() {
          if (this.status === 200 || this.status === 0) {
            var videoBlob = this.response;
            video_buffers[source] = URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob); // IE10+
            if (n_loaded === video.length) {
        request.onerror = function(e){
          var err = e;
          if(this.status == 404) {
            err = "404";
          errorfn({source: source, error: err});
        request.onloadend = function(e){
          if(this.status == 404) {
            errorfn({source: source, error: "404"});

      for (var i = 0; i < video.length; i++) {


  module.registerPreload = function(plugin_name, parameter, media_type) {
    if (['audio', 'image', 'video'].indexOf(media_type)===-1) {
      console.error('Invalid media_type parameter for jsPsych.pluginAPI.registerPreload. Please check the plugin file.');

    var preload = {
      plugin: plugin_name,
      parameter: parameter,
      media_type: media_type


  module.getAutoPreloadList = function(timeline_description){

    function getTrialsOfTypeFromTimelineDescription(td, target_type, inherited_type){
      var trials = [];

      for(var i=0; i<td.length; i++){
        var node = td[i];
          if(typeof node.type !== 'undefined'){
            inherited_type = node.type;
          trials = trials.concat(getTrialsOfTypeFromTimelineDescription(node.timeline, target_type, inherited_type));
        } else {
          if(typeof node.type !== 'undefined' && node.type == target_type){
          if(typeof node.type == 'undefined' && inherited_type == target_type){
            trials.push(Object.assign({}, {type: target_type}, node));

      return trials;

    if(typeof timeline_description == 'undefined'){
      timeline_description = jsPsych.initSettings().timeline;

    // list of items to preload
    var images = [];
    var audio = [];
    var video = [];

    // construct list
    for (var i = 0; i < preloads.length; i++) {
      var type = preloads[i].plugin;
      var param = preloads[i].parameter;
      var media = preloads[i].media_type;

      var trials = getTrialsOfTypeFromTimelineDescription(timeline_description, type);
      for (var j = 0; j < trials.length; j++) {

        if (typeof trials[j][param] == 'undefined') {
          console.warn("jsPsych failed to auto preload one or more files:");
          console.warn("no parameter called "+param+" in plugin "+type);
        } else if (typeof trials[j][param] !== 'function') {
          if (media === 'image') {
            images = images.concat(jsPsych.utils.flatten([trials[j][param]]));
          } else if (media === 'audio') {
            audio = audio.concat(jsPsych.utils.flatten([trials[j][param]]));
          } else if (media === 'video') {
            video = video.concat(jsPsych.utils.flatten([trials[j][param]]));

    images = jsPsych.utils.unique(jsPsych.utils.flatten(images));
    audio  = jsPsych.utils.unique(jsPsych.utils.flatten(audio));
    video  = jsPsych.utils.unique(jsPsych.utils.flatten(video));

    // remove any nulls false values
    images = images.filter(function(x) { return x != false && x != null})
    audio = audio.filter(function(x) { return x != false && x != null})
    video = video.filter(function(x) { return x != false && x != null})

    return {
      images, audio, video

  module.cancelPreloads = function() {
    for(var i=0;i<preload_requests.length; i++){
      preload_requests[i].onload = function() {};
      preload_requests[i].onerror = function() {};
      preload_requests[i].oncanplaythrough = function() {};
      preload_requests[i].onabort = function() {};
    preload_requests = [];

   * Allows communication with user hardware through our custom Google Chrome extension + native C++ program
   * @param		{object}	mess	The message to be passed to our extension, see its documentation for the expected members of this object.
   * @author	Daniel Rivas
  module.hardware = function hardware(mess){
	  //since Chrome extension content-scripts do not share the javascript environment with the page script that loaded jspsych,
	  //we will need to use hacky methods like communicating through DOM events.
	  var jspsychEvt = new CustomEvent('jspsych', {detail: mess});
	  //And voila! it will be the job of the content script injected by the extension to listen for the event and do the appropriate actions.

  /** {boolean} Indicates whether this instance of jspsych has opened a hardware connection through our browser extension */
  module.hardwareConnected = false;

  //it might be useful to open up a line of communication from the extension back to this page script,
  //again, this will have to pass through DOM events. For now speed is of no concern so I will use jQuery
  document.addEventListener("jspsych-activate", function(evt){
	  module.hardwareConnected = true;

  return module;

// methods used in multiple modules //
jsPsych.utils = (function() {

	var module = {};

	module.flatten = function(arr, out) {
		out = (typeof out === 'undefined') ? [] : out;
		for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
			if (Array.isArray(arr[i])) {
				module.flatten(arr[i], out);
			} else {
		return out;

	module.unique = function(arr) {
		var out = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
			if (arr.indexOf(arr[i]) == i) {
		return out;

	module.deepCopy = function(obj) {
    if(!obj) return obj;
    var out;
      out = [];
      for(var i = 0; i<obj.length; i++){
      return out;
    } else if(typeof obj === 'object'){
      out = {};
      for(var key in obj){
          out[key] = module.deepCopy(obj[key]);
      return out;
    } else {
      return obj;

	return module;

// polyfill for Object.assign to support IE
if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
  Object.assign = function (target, varArgs) { // .length of function is 2
    'use strict';
    if (target == null) { // TypeError if undefined or null
      throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');

    var to = Object(target);

    for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
      var nextSource = arguments[index];

      if (nextSource != null) { // Skip over if undefined or null
        for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
          // Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed
          if (, nextKey)) {
            to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
    return to;

// polyfill for Array.includes to support IE
if (!Array.prototype.includes) {
  Array.prototype.includes = function(searchElement /*, fromIndex*/) {
    'use strict';
    if (this == null) {
      throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.includes called on null or undefined');

    var O = Object(this);
    var len = parseInt(O.length, 10) || 0;
    if (len === 0) {
      return false;
    var n = parseInt(arguments[1], 10) || 0;
    var k;
    if (n >= 0) {
      k = n;
    } else {
      k = len + n;
      if (k < 0) {k = 0;}
    var currentElement;
    while (k < len) {
      currentElement = O[k];
      if (searchElement === currentElement ||
         (searchElement !== searchElement && currentElement !== currentElement)) { // NaN !== NaN
        return true;
    return false;

// polyfill for Array.isArray
if (!Array.isArray) {
  Array.isArray = function(arg) {
    return === '[object Array]';
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