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Tip revision: a214a56a8d138704b1bb1f4390e61554b71b58e7 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 11 September 2023, 14:24:03 UTC
opsem: generate spec lemmas
Tip revision: a214a56
(*** A proof that CBC mode turns any weak PRP into an IND$- CPA-secure
     symmetric encryption scheme **when used with random IVs**  ***)
require import AllCore Int Real Distr List FSet SmtMap.
require import StdRing StdOrder DList.
require (*ab*) PRP PRF SKE_INDR. (* Definitions and Security Notions *)
(*---*) import RField RealOrder.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** Parameters and Constants *)
op q   : {int | 0 < q}   as gt0_q.   (* number of queries *)
op ell : {int | 0 < ell} as gt0_ell. (* maximal number of blocks in message *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** An abstract type for keys **)
type key.

(* TODO: replace the following axiomatization with "uniform
   distribution over the full type block", or generalize instead *)
op dKey: key distr.
axiom dKey_uffu: is_uniform dKey /\ is_lossless dKey /\ is_full dKey.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** An abstract type for plaintext/ciphertext blocks **)
type block.

op dBlock: block distr.
axiom dBlock_uffu: is_uniform dBlock /\ is_lossless dBlock /\ is_full dBlock.

op zeros: block.
op (+): block -> block -> block.

axiom add0b (x : block)    : zeros + x = x.
axiom addbA (x y z : block): x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z.
axiom addbC (x y : block)  : x + y = y + x.
axiom addbK (x : block)    : x + x = zeros.

clone Ring.ZModule as Block with
  type t               <- block,
  op   zeror           <- zeros,
  op   (+)             <- (+),
  op   [-] (x : block) <- x,
  lemma addrA          <- addbA,
  lemma addrC          <- addbC,
  lemma add0r          <- add0b,
  lemma addNr          <- addbK.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** Let P, Pi: key -> block -> block be a PRP and its inverse **)
op P : key -> block -> block.
op Pi: key -> block -> block.

(* TODO: if dBlock is modified to not cover the whole type block,
   modify the axiom below to restrict the bijection *)
axiom bijective_P (k : key):
     cancel (P k) (Pi k)
  /\ cancel (Pi k) (P k).

(** We instantiate library definitions for brevity **)
clone import PRP as PRPt with
  type D <- block.

clone import WeakPRP as PRPSec.

clone import PseudoRP as PRPr with
  type K    <- key,
  op   dK   <- dKey,
  op   p    <- P,
  op   pi   <- Pi
proof * by smt(dKey_uffu bijective_P).

clone import RP as PRPi with
  op   dD   <- dBlock
rename "RP" as "PRPi"
proof * by smt(dBlock_uffu).

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** The CBC construction turning a PRP into an explicit-IV SKE scheme **)
module CBC(P : PseudoRP) = {
  proc keygen = P.keygen

  proc enc(key:key,iv:block,p:block list): block list = {
    var s, c, i, pi;

    s <- iv;
    c <- [s];
    i <- 0;
    while (i < size p) {
      pi <- nth witness p i;
      s  <@ P.f(key,(s + pi));
      c  <- c ++ [s];
      i  <- i + 1;
    return c;

  proc dec(key:key,iv:block,c:block list): block list option = {
    var s, p, i, ci, pi;

    p <- [];
    i <- 0;
    s <- iv;
    while (i < size c) {
      ci <- nth witness c i;
      pi <@,ci);
      p  <- p ++ [s + pi];
      s  <- ci;
      i  <- i + 1;
    return Some p;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** Setting up the security definitions for the construction           **)
module type IVScheme = {
  proc keygen(): key
  proc enc(k:key,iv:block,p:block list): block list
  proc dec(k:key,iv:block,p:block list): block list option

module IV_Wrap (S : IVScheme) = {
  proc keygen = S.keygen

  proc enc(key:key,p:block list): block list = {
    var iv, c;

    iv <$ dBlock;
    c  <@ S.enc(key,iv,p);
    return c;

  proc dec(key:key,c:block list): block list option = {
    var iv, p;

    iv <- head witness c;
    c  <- behead c;
    p  <@ S.dec(key,iv,c);
    return p;

op dBlocks: int -> block list distr = dlist dBlock.
lemma dBlocks_ll l: is_lossless (dBlocks l)
by smt (dlist_ll dBlock_uffu).

clone import SKE_INDR as SKEa with
  type eK            <- key,
  type ptxt          <- block list,
  type ctxt          <- block list,
  type leaks         <- int,
  op   leak          <- List.size<:block>,
  op   dC    (l:int) <- dBlocks (l + 1) (* plus iv *)
proof * by smt (dBlocks_ll).
import RCPA.

(** We say that a SKE S scheme is IND$-CPA secure whenever, for all
 ** "efficient" A <: Adv, the IND$-CPA advantage of A against S,
 ** defined below, is "small" (for all initial memories):
 **   Adv^{IND$-CPA}_{S}(&m,A)
 **   = `|Pr[INDR_CPA(S,A).main() @ &m: res]
 **       - Pr[INDR_CPA(Ideal,A).main() @ &m: res]|
module Random = {
  proc keygen = Ideal.keygen
  proc dec    = Ideal.dec

  proc enc(k:key,p:block list): block list = {
    var c, i, s;

    i <- 0;
    c <- [];
    while (i <= size p) {
      s <$ dBlock;
      c <- c ++ [s];
      i <- i + 1;
    return c;

section Random_Ideal.
  local clone import Program as Sampling with
    type t <- block,
    op   d <- dBlock
  proof *.

  equiv Random_Ideal: Random.enc ~ Ideal.enc: size p{1} = size p{2} ==> ={res}.
  rewrite equiv [{2} Sampling.Sample_LoopSnoc_eq (size p + 1)  r (size p + 1) c].
  + auto=> /#.
  by wp; while (i0{1} = i{2} /\ c{2} = l{1} /\ size p{2} + 1 = n{1}); auto=> /#.
end section Random_Ideal.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** Step 0: Drop the decryption oracles to simplify notations. Note
    that we use the PRF interface to keep CBC parametric, since we no
    longer need the inverse permutation for decryption... We will never
    make use of a concrete PRF (only use the ideal one), so we don't
    instantiate F **)
clone import PRF as PRFt with
  type D  <- block,
  type R  <- block.

clone import RF as PRFi with
  op   dR _ <- dBlock
rename "RF" as "PRFi"
proof * by smt (dBlock_uffu).

module CBC_Oracle (P:PRF) = {
  proc init = P.init

  proc enc(p:block list): block list = {
    var s, c, i, pi;

    s <$ dBlock;
    c <- [s];
    i <- 0;
    while (i < size p) {
      pi <- nth witness p i;
      s  <@ P.f(s + pi);
      c  <- c ++ [s];
      i  <- i + 1;
    return c;

module Sample = {
  proc init(): unit = { }

  proc f(x:block): block = {
    var r;

    r <$ dBlock;
    return r;

module type RCPA_full = {
  proc init(): unit
  proc enc(p:block list): block list

module INDR_CPA_direct(O:RCPA_full,A:RCPA_Adversary) = {
  proc main(): bool = {
    var b;

    b <@ A(O).distinguish();
    return b;

(** A generic equivalence result that will stop us having to deal with
 ** the loop all the time...
 ** This is currently not very useful because of the treatment of glob
lemma CBC_Oracle_enc_eq (P  <: PRF)
                        (P' <: PRF)
                        (I: (glob P) -> (glob P') -> bool):
  equiv [P.f ~ P'.f: ={arg} /\ I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}
                 ==> ={res} /\ I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}] =>
  equiv [CBC_Oracle(P).enc ~ CBC_Oracle(P').enc:
               ={p} /\ I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}
           ==> ={res} /\ I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}].
  move=> P_f_eq.
  proc; while (   ={i, s, p, c}
               /\ I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}).
    by wp; call P_f_eq; auto.
  by auto.

lemma CPA_direct_eq (P  <: PRF)
                    (P' <: PRF)
                    (I: (glob P) -> (glob P') -> bool):
  equiv [P.init ~ P'.init: true ==> I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}] =>
  equiv [P.f ~ P'.f: ={arg} /\ I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}
                 ==> ={res} /\ I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}] =>
  forall &m (A <: RCPA_Adversary {-P, -P'}),
    Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(P),A).main() @ &m: res]
    = Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(P'),A).main() @ &m: res].
  move=> P_init_eq P_f_eq &m A.
  byequiv=> //=.
    proc; call (_: I (glob P){1} (glob P'){2}).
      exact/(CBC_Oracle_enc_eq P P' I P_f_eq).
    by call P_init_eq.

section Cleanup.
  declare module A <: RCPA_Adversary { -RCPA_Wrap, -PRP }.

  local module M : Enc_Scheme = {
    proc keygen = IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP)).keygen
    proc enc    = IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP)).enc
    proc dec    = IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP)).dec

  local equiv enc_eq:
    RCPA_Wrap(IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP))).enc ~ CBC_Oracle(PRP).enc:
      ={arg} /\ ={k}(RCPA_Wrap,PRP) ==> ={res} /\ ={k}(RCPA_Wrap,PRP).
    proc; inline *; wp.
    while (   ={i, s}
           /\ key0{1} = PRP.k{2}
           /\ p1{1} = p{2}
           /\ c1{1} = c{2});
      by auto.

  local lemma success_eq &m:
    Pr[INDR_CPA(IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP)),A).main() @ &m: res]
    = Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(PRP),A).main() @ &m: res].
    byequiv=> //=; proc.
    call (_: ={k}(RCPA_Wrap,PRP));
      1:by conseq enc_eq.
    by inline *; auto.

  local equiv random_eq:
    RCPA_Wrap(Random).enc ~ CBC_Oracle(Sample).enc:
      ={arg} ==> ={res}.
    proc; inline *; wp.
    rcondt{1} 5.
      by move=> &m; auto; smt (size_ge0).
    while (   i{1} = i{2} + 1
           /\ p0{1} = p{2}
           /\ c0{1} = c{2});
    by auto; smt ml=0.

  local lemma success_eq_random &m:
    Pr[INDR_CPA(Random,A).main() @ &m: res]
    = Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(Sample),A).main() @ &m: res].
    byequiv=> //=; proc.
    call (_: true);
      1:by conseq random_eq.
    by inline*; auto.

  lemma cleanup &m:
    `|Pr[INDR_CPA(IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP)),A).main() @ &m: res]
      - Pr[INDR_CPA(Random,A).main() @ &m: res]|
    = `|Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(PRP),A).main() @ &m: res]
        - Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(Sample),A).main() @ &m: res]|.
  proof. by rewrite (success_eq &m) (success_eq_random &m). qed.
end section Cleanup.

(** Step 1: Decompose the advantage into manageable sub-problems **)
(* We push the CBC construction out and into an adversary against the
   PRP/RP/RF *)
module PRPF_Adv(A:RCPA_Adversary, F:PRF_Oracles) = {
  module O = {
    proc enc(p:block list): block list = {
      var s, c, i, pi;

      s <$ dBlock;
      c <- [s];
      i <- 0;
      while (i < size p) {
        pi <- nth witness p i;
        s  <@ F.f(s + pi);
        c  <- c ++ [s];
        i  <- i + 1;
      return c;

  proc distinguish = A(O).distinguish

section Decomposition.
  declare module A <: RCPA_Adversary { -RCPA_Wrap, -PRP, -PRPi, -PRFi }.

  local lemma refactor_abstract (O <: PRP {-A}) &m:
    Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(O),A).main() @ &m: res]
    = Pr[IND(O,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res].
  proof. by byequiv=> //=; proc; inline *; sim. qed.

  lemma CBC_PRP_RF &m:
    `|Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(PRP),A).main() @ &m: res]
      - Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(Sample),A).main() @ &m: res]|
    <= `|Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(PRFi),A).main() @ &m: res]
         - Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(Sample),A).main() @ &m: res]|
       + `|Pr[IND(PRP,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]
           - Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]| (* Adv^{prp}_{P}(PRP_Adv(A)) *)
       + `|Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]
           - Pr[IND(PRFi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]|.
    rewrite (refactor_abstract PRP    &m).
    rewrite (refactor_abstract PRFi   &m).
    rewrite (refactor_abstract Sample &m).
    smt(). (* triangular inequality *)
end section Decomposition.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** We relate the first term to the probability of the bad event being
 ** triggered when the adversary plays the IND$-CPA game against the
 ** following [enc] oracle:
 ** `|Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(PRFa.PRFi),A).main() @ &m: res]
 **   - Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(Sample),A).main() @ &m: res]|
 ** <= Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(Compute,A).main() @ &m: res]
module Compute = {
  var bad: bool
  var qs : block fset

  proc init(): unit = {
    bad <- false;
    qs  <- fset0;

  proc enc(p:block list): block list = {
    var c, s, i, pi;

    c <- [];
    i <- 0;
    while (i < size p) {
      pi <- nth witness p i;
      s  <$ dBlock;
      c  <- c ++ [s + pi];
      if (mem qs s) { bad <- true; }
      qs <- qs `|` (fset1 s);
      i  <- i + 1;
    s <$ dBlock;
    c <- c ++ [s];
    return c;

section Reduce.
  declare module A <: RCPA_Adversary { -RCPA_Wrap, -PRFi, -Compute }.
  declare axiom A_distinguish_ll (O <: RCPA_Oracles {-A}): islossless O.enc => islossless A(O).distinguish.

  local module DoubleQuery (F : PRF) = {
    var qs : block fset
    var bad: bool

    proc init(): unit = {
      qs <- fset0;
      bad <- false;

    proc f(x:block): block = {
      var r;

      if (mem qs x) { bad <- true; }
      r <@ F.f(x);
      qs <- qs `|` (fset1 x);
      return r;

  local lemma doublequery_eq (F <: PRF {-A, -DoubleQuery}) &m:
    Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(F),A).main() @ &m: res]
    = Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(DoubleQuery(F)),A).main() @ &m: res].
    byequiv=> //=; proc.
    call (_: ={glob F}).
      proc; while (={i, s, p, c, glob F}).
        wp; call (_: ={glob F, arg} ==> ={glob F, res}).
          by proc *; inline *; wp; call (_: true); wp.
        by auto.
      by auto.
    by inline *; call (_: true); auto.

  local equiv DQ_Sample_Compute_eq:
    CBC_Oracle(DoubleQuery(Sample)).enc ~ Compute.enc:
          ={bad,qs}(DoubleQuery,Compute) /\ ={arg}
      ==> ={bad,qs}(DoubleQuery,Compute) /\ ={res}.
    proc; inline*; case (size p{1} = 0).
      rcondf{1} 4; 1:by auto=> /#.
      by rcondf{2} 3; auto=> /#.
    splitwhile{1} 4: (i < size p - 1).
    rcondt{1} 5=> [&m|].
      while (0 <= i < size p);
        by auto; smt (size_ge0).
    rcondf{1} 15=> [&m|].
      auto; while (0 <= i < size p);
        by auto; smt (size_ge0).
    rcondt{2} 3; 1:by auto; smt (size_ge0).
    auto=> //=.
    while (   ={p, c}
           /\ i{1} = i{2} - 1
           /\ 0 <= i{1} < size p{1}
           /\ Compute.bad{2}
              = (DoubleQuery.bad{1} \/ mem DoubleQuery.qs (s + nth witness p i)){1}
           /\ Compute.qs{2} = (DoubleQuery.qs `|` (fset1 (s + nth witness p i))){1}).
      wp; rnd (fun x => x + pi{2}); auto=> /> &1 &2 ge0_iP _ _ lt_i_szp.
      case: (mem DoubleQuery.qs{1} _)=> //=.
        split=> [|_]; 1:smt (addbA addbK add0b). (* TODO: instantiate ring structure *)
        split=> [|_ r _]; 1:smt (dBlock_uffu).
        split=> [|_]; 1:smt (dBlock_uffu).
        split=> [|_]; 1:smt (addbA addbK add0b). (* TODO: instantiate ring structure *)
        by split=> [|/#]; 1:smt (addbA addbK add0b). (* TODO: instantiate ring structure *)
      split=> [|_]; 1:smt (addbA addbK add0b). (* TODO: instantiate ring structure *)
      split=> [|_ r _]; 1:smt (dBlock_uffu).
      split=> [|_]; 1:smt (dBlock_uffu).
      split=> [|_]; 1:smt (addbA addbK add0b). (* TODO: instantiate ring structure *)
      by move=> h; rewrite -addbA Block.subrr Block.addr0 /= /#.
      by move=> h; rewrite -addbA Block.subrr Block.addr0 /= /#.
    wp; rnd (fun x => x + pi{2}).
    auto=> /> &2 szp_neq_0; split=> [|_]; 1:smt (addbA addbK add0b). (* TODO: instantiate ring structure *)
    split=> [|_ s _]; 1:smt (dBlock_uffu).
    split=> [|_]; 1:smt (dBlock_uffu).
    split=> [|_]; 1:smt (addbA addbK add0b). (* TODO: instantiate ring structure *)
    smt (size_ge0).

  local lemma DQ_Sample_Compute_pr &m:
    Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(DoubleQuery(Sample)),A).main() @ &m: DoubleQuery.bad]
    = Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(Compute,A).main() @ &m: Compute.bad].
    byequiv=> //=.
    proc. call (_: ={bad,qs}(DoubleQuery,Compute)).
      by conseq DQ_Sample_Compute_eq.
    by inline *; auto.

  lemma CBC_upto &m:
    `|Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(PRFi),A).main() @ &m: res]
      - Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(CBC_Oracle(Sample),A).main() @ &m: res]|
    <= Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(Compute,A).main() @ &m: Compute.bad].
    rewrite -(DQ_Sample_Compute_pr &m) (doublequery_eq PRFi &m) (doublequery_eq Sample &m).
    byequiv: DoubleQuery.bad=> //=; 2:smt ml=0.
    call (_: DoubleQuery.bad,
                  ={glob DoubleQuery}
               /\ forall x, mem DoubleQuery.qs{1} x <=> dom PRFi.m{1} x,
    + exact/A_distinguish_ll.
    + proc.
      while (   ={DoubleQuery.bad, i, p}
             /\ (!DoubleQuery.bad{2}
                 =>    ={s, c, glob DoubleQuery}
                    /\ forall x, mem DoubleQuery.qs{1} x <=> dom PRFi.m{1} x)).
        case (DoubleQuery.bad{2}).
          inline *.
          seq  4  4: (DoubleQuery.bad{2} /\ ={DoubleQuery.bad, i, p}).
            by auto=> /#.
          by if{1}; auto; smt (dBlock_uffu).
        wp; inline *; sp 2 2; if; 1:smt ml=0.
        * rcondf{1} 3; 1:by auto=> /#.
          by auto; smt (dD_ll).
        * rcondt{1} 2; 1:by auto=> /#.
          auto=> /> &1 &2 ih lt_i_szp /ih [#] !->> eq_qs h m _.
          by rewrite !get_setE => //= b; rewrite mem_set !inE eq_qs.
      by auto; smt ml=0.
    + move=> &2 bad; proc.
      while (   DoubleQuery.bad = DoubleQuery.bad{2}
             /\ 0 <= i <= size p)
            (size p - i).
        move=> z; inline *; sp; if=> //=; auto=> />; 2:smt ml=0.
        by rewrite -/predT; smt (dBlock_uffu).
      by auto=> />; rewrite -/predT; smt (dBlock_uffu size_ge0).
    + move=> &1; proc.
      while (   DoubleQuery.bad
             /\ DoubleQuery.bad{1} = DoubleQuery.bad
             /\ 0 <= i <= size p)
            (size p - i).
        by move=> z; inline *; auto=> />; rewrite -/predT; smt (dBlock_uffu size_ge0).
      by auto=> />; rewrite -/predT; smt (dBlock_uffu size_ge0).
    inline *; auto=> />.
    split=> [|_].
    + by move=> x; rewrite mem_empty in_fset0.
    by move=> rL rR gaL mL qsL badL gaR [].
end section Reduce.

(** So far, we have proved that, for all &m and for all A (with the
 ** right memory restrictions), we have:
 **   Adv^{IND$-CPA}_{CBC(PRPr)}(&m,A)
 **   <=   Adv^{prp}_{P}(PRP_Adv(A))
 **      + `|Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]
 **          - Pr[IND(PRFa.PRFi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]|
 **      + Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(Compute,A).main() @ &m: Compute.bad]
lemma reduction (A <: RCPA_Adversary { -RCPA_Wrap, -PRP, -PRPi, -PRFi, -Compute }) &m:
  (forall (O <: RCPA_Oracles {-A}), islossless O.enc => islossless A(O).distinguish) =>
     `|Pr[INDR_CPA(IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP)),A).main() @ &m: res]
       - Pr[INDR_CPA(Random,A).main() @ &m: res]|
  <=    `|Pr[IND(PRP,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]
          - Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]|
      + `|Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]
          - Pr[IND(PRFi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]|
      + Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(Compute,A).main() @ &m: Compute.bad].
  move=> A_run_ll.
  rewrite (cleanup A &m).
  have:= (CBC_PRP_RF A &m).
  have:= (CBC_upto A A_run_ll &m).
  smt ml=0.

(** We now bound the last two terms for bounded adversaries.
 ** * `|Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]
 **     - Pr[IND(PRFa.PRFi,PRPF_Adv(A)).main() @ &m: res]|
 **   <= (q*l)^2 * mu uD (pred1 witness), and
 ** * Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(Compute,A).main() @ &m: Compute.bad]
 **   <= (q*l)^2 / |block|,
 ** where q is a bound on the number of encryption queries
 ** and l is a bound on their length.
 ** We avoid simply bounding using the total number of blocks fed into
 ** the PRP so that the addition of padding does not make us lose too
 ** much precision...
module OracleBounder(O:RCPA_full) = {
  var qC : int

  proc init(): unit = {
    qC <- 0;

  proc enc(p:block list): block list = {
    var i;
    var r <- [];

    if (qC < q /\ size p <= ell) {
      r  <@ O.enc(p);
      qC <- qC + 1;
    } else {
      i <- 0;
      while (i <= size p) {
        r <- witness::r;
        i <- i + 1;
    return r;

module QueryBounder(A:RCPA_Adversary, O:RCPA_Oracles) = {
  module O' = {
    proc enc(p:block list): block list = {
      var i;
      var r <- [];

      if (OracleBounder.qC < q /\ size p <= ell) {
        r                <@ O.enc(p);
        OracleBounder.qC <- OracleBounder.qC + 1;
      } else {
        i <- 0;
        while (i <= size p) {
          r <- r ++ [witness];
          i <- i + 1;
      return r;

  proc distinguish(): bool = {
    var b;

    OracleBounder.qC <- 0;
    b  <@ A(O').distinguish();
    return b;

section Probability_RP_RF.
  declare module A <: RCPA_Adversary { -PRPi, -PRFi, -QueryBounder }.
  declare axiom A_run_ll (O <: RCPA_Oracles { -A }): islossless O.enc => islossless A(O).distinguish.

  local clone PRPi_RF as RP_RFc with
    op   q    <- q * ell
  proof * by smt (dBlock_uffu IntOrder.divr_ge0 gt0_q gt0_ell).

  lemma Bound_by_PRP_PRF &m:
    `|Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A))).main() @ &m: res]
      - Pr[IND(PRFi,PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A))).main() @ &m: res]|
    <= ((q * ell)*(q * ell - 1))%r/2%r * mu dBlock (pred1 witness).
    have ->: Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A))).main() @ &m: res]
             = Pr[RP_RFc.PRFt.IND(PRPi,RP_RFc.DBounder(PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A)))).main() @ &m: res].
      byequiv=> //=.
      proc; inline *; auto.
      call (_:   ={PRPi.m, OracleBounder.qC}
              /\ 0 <= OracleBounder.qC{2} <= q
              /\ 0 <= RP_RFc.FBounder.c{2} <= OracleBounder.qC{2} * ell).
        proc; inline *; sp; if=> //=; 2:by while (={i, p, r}); auto.
          wp; while (   ={i0, p0, r, s, c, PRPi.m}
                     /\ 0 <= OracleBounder.qC{2} < q
                     /\ 0 <= i0{2} <= size p0{2} <= ell
                     /\ 0 <= RP_RFc.FBounder.c{2} <= OracleBounder.qC{2} * ell + i0{2}).
            rcondt{2} 4; first auto; progress.
              by have: RP_RFc.FBounder.c{hr} <= (q - 1) * ell + i0{hr}; smt ml=0.
            by sp; if=> //=; auto=> /#.
          by auto=> />; smt (size_ge0).
      by auto=> />; smt (gt0_q).
    have ->: Pr[IND(PRFi,PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A))).main() @ &m: res]
             = Pr[RP_RFc.PRFt.IND(RP_RFc.PRFi.PRFi,RP_RFc.DBounder(PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A)))).main() @ &m: res].
      byequiv=> //=.
      proc; inline *; auto.
      call (_:   ={OracleBounder.qC}
              /\ ={m}(PRFi,RP_RFc.PRFi.PRFi)
              /\ 0 <= OracleBounder.qC{2} <= q
              /\ 0 <= RP_RFc.FBounder.c{2} <= OracleBounder.qC{2} * ell).
        proc; inline *; sp; if=> //=; 2:by while (={i, p, r}); auto.
          wp; while (   ={i0, p0, r, s, c}
                     /\ ={m}(PRFi,RP_RFc.PRFi.PRFi)
                     /\ 0 <= OracleBounder.qC{2} < q
                     /\ 0 <= i0{2} <= size p0{2} <= ell
                     /\ 0 <= RP_RFc.FBounder.c{2} <= OracleBounder.qC{2} * ell + i0{2}).
            rcondt{2} 4; first auto; progress.
              by have: RP_RFc.FBounder.c{hr} <= (q - 1) * ell + i0{hr}; smt ml=0.
            by sp; if=> //=; auto=> /#.
          by auto; smt (size_ge0).
      by auto; smt (gt0_q).
  apply/(RP_RFc.Conclusion_DBounder (PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A))) _ &m).
  move=> O O_f_ll.
  proc. call (A_run_ll (<: QueryBounder(A,PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A),O).O).O') _).
  + proc; inline *; sp; if=> //=.
    + wp; while true (size p0 - i0).
      + by auto; call O_f_ll; auto=> /#.
      by auto; rewrite -/predT; smt (dBlock_uffu).
    by while true (size p + 1 - i); auto=> /#.
  by auto.
end section Probability_RP_RF.

section Probability_Collision.
  declare module A <: RCPA_Adversary { -PRPi, -PRFi, -Compute, -QueryBounder }.
  declare axiom A_run_ll (O <: RCPA_Oracles { -A }): islossless O.enc => islossless A(O).distinguish.

  local clone import Birthday as BBound with
    type T  <- block,
    op   uT <- dBlock,
    op   q  <- q * ell
  proof * by smt (dBlock_uffu IntOrder.divr_ge0 gt0_q gt0_ell).

  local module Wrap(A : RCPA_Adversary,S : ASampler) = {
    var qC : int

    module O = {
      proc enc(p: block list): block list = {
        var i, c, s, pi;

        i <- 0;
        c <- [];
        if (qC < q /\ size p <= ell) {
          while (i < size p) {
            pi <- nth witness p i;
            s  <@ S.s();
            c  <- c ++ [s + pi];
            i  <- i + 1;
          s <$ dBlock;
          c <- c ++ [s];
          qC <- qC + 1;
        } else {
          while (i <= size p) {
            c <- c ++ [witness];
            i <- i + 1;
        return c;

    proc a(): unit = {
      qC <- 0;

  local lemma pr_PushBound_list p &m:
      Pr[Exp(Bounder(Sample),Wrap(A)).main() @ &m: p Sample.l]
    = Pr[Exp(Sample,Bounded(Wrap(A))).main() @ &m: p Sample.l].
  byequiv (: ={glob Wrap(A), glob Sample} ==> ={glob Wrap(A), glob Sample})=> //=.
  by conseq (PushBound Sample (Wrap(A))).

  lemma Bound_by_Birthday &m:
    Pr[INDR_CPA_direct(Compute,QueryBounder(A)).main() @ &m: Compute.bad]
    <= ((q * ell)^2)%r * mu dBlock (pred1 witness).
  apply/(ler_trans Pr[Exp(Bounder(Sample),Wrap(A)).main() @ &m: !(uniq Sample.l)]).
  + rewrite (pr_PushBound_list (fun l=> !uniq l) &m)=> /=.
    byequiv (: ={glob A} ==> Compute.bad{1} => !uniq Sample.l{2})=> //.
    proc; inline *; wp.
    call (_:    OracleBounder.qC{1} = Wrap.qC{2}
             /\ 0 <= Wrap.qC{2} <= q
             /\ 0 <= Bounder.c{2} <= Wrap.qC{2} * ell
             /\ (Compute.bad{1} <=> !List.uniq Sample.l{2})
             /\ (forall x, mem Compute.qs{1} x <=> mem Sample.l{2} x)).
    + proc; sp; if=> //.
      + inline *; auto.
        while (   ={c}
               /\ p0{1} = p{2}
               /\ i0{1} = i{2}
               /\ 0 <= Wrap.qC{2} < q
               /\ 0 <= i{2} <= size p{2} <= ell
               /\ 0 <= Bounder.c{2} <= Wrap.qC{2} * ell + i{2}
               /\ (Compute.bad{1} <=> !List.uniq Sample.l{2})
               /\ (forall x, mem Compute.qs{1} x <=> mem Sample.l{2} x)).
        + rcondt{2} 3; first auto => />; smt(mulrSl).
          by auto=> /> &1 &2; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1).
        by auto=> />; smt(size_ge0).
      by while (={i, p} /\ r{1} = c{2}); auto.
    by auto; smt (in_fset0 gt0_q).
  have:= BBound.pr_collision_bounded_oracles (Wrap(A)) _ &m.
  + move=> S S_s_ll; proc.
    call (A_run_ll (<: Wrap(A,S).O) _).
    + proc; sp; if.
      + auto; while (true) (size p - i).
        + by move=> z; wp; call S_s_ll; auto=> /#.
        by auto; rewrite -/predT; smt (dBlock_uffu).
      by while (true) (size p + 1 - i); auto=> /#.
    by auto.
  have [] + [] _ dBlock_fu:= dBlock_uffu.
  by rewrite /is_uniform=> /(_ _ _ (dBlock_fu maxu) (dBlock_fu witness)) ->.
end section Probability_Collision.

lemma Conclusion (A <: RCPA_Adversary { -RCPA_Wrap, -PRP, -PRPi, -QueryBounder, -PRFi (* pollution *), -Compute (* pollution *) }) &m:
  (forall (O <: RCPA_Oracles {-A}), islossless O.enc => islossless A(O).distinguish) =>
     `|Pr[INDR_CPA(IV_Wrap(CBC(PseudoRP)),QueryBounder(A)).main() @ &m: res]
       - Pr[INDR_CPA(Random,QueryBounder(A)).main() @ &m: res]|
  <=    `|Pr[IND(PRP,PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A))).main() @ &m: res]
          - Pr[IND(PRPi,PRPF_Adv(QueryBounder(A))).main() @ &m: res]|
      + 2%r * ((q*ell)^2)%r * mu dBlock (pred1 witness).
move=> A_distinguish_ll.
have BA_distinguish_ll: (forall (O <: RCPA_Oracles { -QueryBounder(A) }), islossless O.enc => islossless QueryBounder(A,O).distinguish).
+ move=> O O_enc_ll; proc.
  call (A_distinguish_ll (<: QueryBounder(A,O).O') _).
  + proc; sp; if.
    + by wp; call O_enc_ll; auto.
    by while (true) (size p + 1 - i); auto=> /#.
  by auto.
have:= reduction (QueryBounder(A)) &m BA_distinguish_ll.
have:= Bound_by_Birthday A A_distinguish_ll &m.
have:= Bound_by_PRP_PRF A A_distinguish_ll &m.
have -> : (q * ell)^2 = (q * ell) * (q * ell) by ring. 
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