Raw File
Tip revision: aa1ad7d8ccb2b9e0e198033384c1be8524f2aaaa authored by Isaiah Norton on 30 December 2014, 03:26:19 UTC
Handle undef refs in jl_copy_ast, fixes #9475
Tip revision: aa1ad7d

isequaldlm(m1, m2, t) = isequal(m1, m2) && (eltype(m1) == eltype(m2) == t)

@test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t2\n3\t4\n5\t6\n")), [1. 2; 3 4; 5 6], Float64)
@test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t2\n3\t4\n5\t6\n"), Int), [1 2; 3 4; 5 6], Int)

@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4"))) == (1,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,"))) == (1,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\n"))) == (1,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,\n"))) == (1,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\n1,2,3,4"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\n1,2,3,"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\n1,2,3"))) == (2,4)

@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\r\n"))) == (1,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\r\n1,2,3\r\n"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\r\n1,2,3,4\r\n"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3,\"4\"\r\n1,2,3,4\r\n"))) == (2,4)

@test size(readdlm(IOBuffer("1 2 3 4\n1 2 3"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t2 3 4\n1 2 3"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t 2 3 4\n1 2 3"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t 2 3 4\n1 2 3\n"))) == (2,4)
@test size(readdlm(IOBuffer("1,,2,3,4\n1,2,3\n"), ',')) == (2,5)

let result1 = reshape(Any["", "", "", "", "", "", 1.0, 1.0, "", "", "", "", "", 1.0, 2.0, "", 3.0, "", "", "", "", "", 4.0, "", "", ""], 2, 13),
    result2 = reshape(Any[1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, "", 4.0, ""], 2, 4)

    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer(",,,1,,,,2,3,,,4,\n,,,1,,,1\n"), ','), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("   1    2 3   4 \n   1   1\n")), result2, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("   1    2 3   4 \n   1   1\n"), ' '), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1 2\n3 4 \n")), [[1.0, 3.0] [2.0, 4.0]], Float64)

let result1 = reshape(Any["", "", "", "", "", "", "भारत", 1.0, "", "", "", "", "", 1.0, 2.0, "", 3.0, "", "", "", "", "", 4.0, "", "", ""], 2, 13)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer(",,,भारत,,,,2,3,,,4,\n,,,1,,,1\n"), ',') , result1, Any)

let result1 = reshape(Any[1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, ""], 2, 4)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t 2 3 4\n1 2 3")), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t 2 3 4\n1 2 3 ")), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1\t 2 3 4\n1 2 3\n")), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\n1,2,3\n"), ','), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\n1,2,3"), ','), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1,2,3,4\r\n1,2,3\r\n"), ','), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("1,2,3,\"4\"\r\n1,2,3\r\n"), ','), result1, Any)

let result1 = reshape(Any["abc", "hello", "def,ghi", " \"quote\" ", "new\nline", "world"], 2, 3),
    result2 = reshape(Any["abc", "line\"", "\"hello\"", "\"def", "", "\" \"\"quote\"\" \"", "ghi\"", "", "world", "\"new", "", ""], 3, 4)

    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("abc,\"def,ghi\",\"new\nline\"\n\"hello\",\" \"\"quote\"\" \",world"), ','), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("abc,\"def,ghi\",\"new\nline\"\n\"hello\",\" \"\"quote\"\" \",world"), ',', quotes=false), result2, Any)

let result1 = reshape(Any["t", "c", "", "c"], 2, 2),
    result2 = reshape(Any["t", "\"c", "t", "c"], 2, 2)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("t  \n\"c\" c")), result1, Any)
    @test isequaldlm(readdlm(IOBuffer("t t \n\"\"\"c\" c")), result2, Any)

@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("\n1,2,3\n4,5,6\n\n\n"), skipblanks=false),
                 reshape(Any["",1.0,4.0,"","","",2.0,5.0,"","","",3.0,6.0,"",""], 5, 3), Any)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("\n1,2,3\n4,5,6\n\n\n"), skipblanks=true), reshape([1.0,4.0,2.0,5.0,3.0,6.0], 2, 3), Float64)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2\n\n4,5"), skipblanks=false), reshape(Any[1.0,"",4.0,2.0,"",5.0], 3, 2), Any)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2\n\n4,5"), skipblanks=true), reshape([1.0,4.0,2.0,5.0], 2, 2), Float64)

let x = randbool(5, 10), io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, x)
    seek(io, 0)
    @test readdlm(io, Bool) == x

let x = [1,2,3], y = [4,5,6], io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, zip(x,y), ",  ")
    seek(io, 0)
    @test readcsv(io) == [x y]

let x = ["abc", "def\"ghi", "jk\nl"], y = [1, ",", "\"quoted\""], io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, zip(x,y), ',')
    seek(io, 0)
    @test readcsv(io) == [x y]

let x = ["a" "b"; "d" ""], io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, x)
    seek(io, 0)
    @test readdlm(io) == x

let x = ["\"hello\"", "world\""], io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, x, quotes=false)
    @assert takebuf_string(io) == "\"hello\"\nworld\"\n"

    writedlm(io, x)
    @assert takebuf_string(io) == "\"\"\"hello\"\"\"\n\"world\"\"\"\n"

# test comments
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("#this is comment\n1,2,3\n#one more comment\n4,5,6")), [1. 2. 3.;4. 5. 6.], Float64)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("#this is \n#comment\n1,2,3\n#one more \n#comment\n4,5,6")), [1. 2. 3.;4. 5. 6.], Float64)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,#3\n4,5,6")), [1. 2. "";4. 5. 6.], Any)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("1#,2,3\n4,5,6")), [1. "" "";4. 5. 6.], Any)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,\"#3\"\n4,5,6")), [1. 2. "#3";4. 5. 6.], Any)
@test isequaldlm(readcsv(IOBuffer("1,2,3\n #with leading whitespace\n4,5,6")), [1. 2. 3.;" " "" "";4. 5. 6.], Any)

# test skipstart
let x = ["a" "b" "c"; "d" "e" "f"; "g" "h" "i"; "A" "B" "C"; 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, x, quotes=false)
    seek(io, 0)
    (data, hdr) = readdlm(io, header=true, skipstart=3)
    @test data == [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
    @test hdr == ["A" "B" "C"]
let x = ["a" "b" "\nc"; "d" "\ne" "f"; "g" "h" "i\n"; "A" "B" "C"; 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
    io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, x, quotes=true)
    seek(io, 0)
    (data, hdr) = readdlm(io, header=true, skipstart=6)
    @test data == [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
    @test hdr == ["A" "B" "C"]

    io = IOBuffer()
    writedlm(io, x, quotes=false)
    seek(io, 0)
    (data, hdr) = readdlm(io, header=true, skipstart=6)
    @test data == [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
    @test hdr == ["A" "B" "C"]

# source:
let i18n_data = ["Origin (English)", "Name (English)", "Origin (Native)", "Name (Native)",
        "Australia", "Nicole Kidman", "Australia", "Nicole Kidman",
        "Austria", "Johann Strauss", "Österreich", "Johann Strauß",
        "Belgium (Flemish)", "Rene Magritte", "België", "René Magritte",
        "Belgium (French)", "Rene Magritte", "Belgique", "René Magritte",
        "Belgium (German)", "Rene Magritte", "Belgien", "René Magritte",
        "Bhutan", "Gonpo Dorji", "འབྲུག་ཡུལ།", "མགོན་པོ་རྡོ་རྗེ།",
        "Canada", "Celine Dion", "Canada", "Céline Dion",
        "Canada - Nunavut (Inuktitut)", "Susan Aglukark", "ᓄᓇᕗᒻᒥᐅᑦ", "ᓱᓴᓐ ᐊᒡᓗᒃᑲᖅ",
        "Democratic People's Rep. of Korea", "LEE Sol-Hee", "조선 민주주의 인민 공화국", "이설희",
        "Denmark", "Soren Hauch-Fausboll", "Danmark", "Søren Hauch-Fausbøll",
        "Denmark", "Soren Kierkegaard", "Danmark", "Søren Kierkegård",
        "Egypt", "Abdel Halim Hafez", "ﻣﺼﺮ", "ﻋﺑﺪﺍﻠﺣﻟﻳﻢ ﺤﺎﻓﻅ",
        "Egypt", "Om Kolthoum", "ﻣﺼﺮ", "ﺃﻡ ﻛﻟﺛﻭﻡ",
        "Eritrea", "Berhane Zeray", "ብርሃነ ዘርኣይ", "ኤርትራ",
        "Ethiopia", "Haile Gebreselassie", "ኃይሌ ገብረሥላሴ", "ኢትዮጵያ",
        "France", "Gerard Depardieu", "France", "Gérard Depardieu",
        "France", "Jean Reno", "France", "Jean Réno",
        "France", "Camille Saint-Saens", "France", "Camille Saint-Saëns",
        "France", "Mylene Demongeot", "France", "Mylène Demongeot",
        "France", "Francois Truffaut", "France", "François Truffaut",
        "France (Braille)", "Louis Braille", "⠋⠗⠁⠝⠉⠑", "⠇⠕⠥⠊⠎⠀<BR>⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑",
        "Georgia", "Eduard Shevardnadze", "საქართველო", "ედუარდ შევარდნაძე",
        "Germany", "Rudi Voeller", "Deutschland", "Rudi Völler",
        "Germany", "Walter Schultheiss", "Deutschland", "Walter Schultheiß",
        "Greece", "Giorgos Dalaras", "Ελλάς", "Γιώργος Νταλάρας",
        "Iceland", "Bjork Gudmundsdottir", "Ísland", "Björk Guðmundsdóttir",
        "India (Hindi)", "Madhuri Dixit", "भारत", "माधुरी दिछित",
        "Ireland", "Sinead O'Connor", "Éire", "Sinéad O'Connor",
        "Israel", "Yehoram Gaon", "ישראל", "יהורם גאון",
        "Italy", "Fabrizio DeAndre", "Italia", "Fabrizio De André",
        "Japan", "KUBOTA Toshinobu", "日本", "久保田    利伸",
        "Japan", "HAYASHIBARA Megumi", "日本", "林原 めぐみ",
        "Japan", "Mori Ogai", "日本", "森鷗外",
        "Japan", "Tex Texin", "日本", "テクス テクサン",
        "Norway", "Tor Age Bringsvaerd", "Noreg", "Tor Åge Bringsværd",
        "Pakistan (Urdu)", "Nusrat Fatah Ali Khan", "پاکستان", "نصرت فتح علی خان",
        "People's Rep. of China", "ZHANG Ziyi", "中国", "章子怡",
        "People's Rep. of China", "WONG Faye", "中国", "王菲",
        "Poland", "Lech Walesa", "Polska", "Lech Wałęsa",
        "Puerto Rico", "Olga Tanon", "Puerto Rico", "Olga Tañón",
        "Rep. of China", "Hsu Chi", "臺灣", "舒淇",
        "Rep. of China", "Ang Lee", "臺灣", "李安",
        "Rep. of Korea", "AHN Sung-Gi", "한민국", "안성기",
        "Rep. of Korea", "SHIM Eun-Ha", "한민국", "심은하",
        "Russia", "Mikhail Gorbachev", "Россия", "Михаил Горбачёв",
        "Russia", "Boris Grebenshchikov", "Россия", "Борис Гребенщиков",
        "Slovenia", "\"Frane \"\"Jezek\"\" Milcinski", "Slovenija", "Frane Milčinski - Ježek",
        "Syracuse (Sicily)", "Archimedes", "Συρακούσα", "Ἀρχιμήδης",
        "Thailand", "Thongchai McIntai", "ประเทศไทย", "ธงไชย แม็คอินไตย์",
        "U.S.A.", "Brad Pitt", "U.S.A.", "Brad Pitt",
        "Yugoslavia (Cyrillic)", "Djordje Balasevic", "Југославија", "Ђорђе Балашевић",
        "Yugoslavia (Latin)", "Djordje Balasevic", "Jugoslavija", "Đorđe Balašević"]

    i18n_arr = transpose(reshape(i18n_data, 4, int(floor(length(i18n_data)/4))))
    i18n_buff = PipeBuffer()
    writedlm(i18n_buff, i18n_arr, ',')
    @test i18n_arr == readcsv(i18n_buff)

    hdr = i18n_arr[1, :]
    data = i18n_arr[2:end, :]
    writedlm(i18n_buff, i18n_arr, ',')
    @test (data, hdr) == readcsv(i18n_buff, header=true)

    writedlm(i18n_buff, i18n_arr, '\t')
    @test (data, hdr) == readdlm(i18n_buff, '\t', header=true)

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