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The Error Monad

There are multiple ways to deal with errors in OCaml: exceptions,
``result``, ``option``, etc., each approach has strengths and
weaknesses. However, in Octez we settle on one, single, uniform way of
dealing with errors: the *error monad*.

This is a tutorial for the error monad. It makes the following

-  You can read English.
-  You have a basic familiarity with OCaml.
-  You have a basic familiarity with Lwt (if not, this tutorial links to
   Lwt resources when it becomes necessary).

Other than that, each section of this tutorial can be understood using
the information of previous sections, no additional information is
necessary. Note, however, that most sections also make forward
references along the lines of “more details on this later” or
“alternatives are presented later”. During a first read, this
foreshadowing is only useful in that it lets you know that the
information is coming and that you can move on with a partial
understanding. On subsequent reads, it helps putting things in context.

Note that the core of the tutorial focuses on error management in Octez.
A short section gives additional information about error management in
the protocol.

Part 1: ``result``, Lwt, and Lwt-``result``

The ``result`` type

The type ``result`` is part of the standard library of OCaml. It is
defined as


   type ('a, 'b) result =
   | Ok of 'a
   | Error of 'b

(See `reference
manual <>`__.)

The constructors of the ``result`` type have meaning: ``Ok`` is for
normal, successful cases that carry a value that is somewhat expected.
``Error`` is for abnormal, failure cases that carry information about
what went wrong. E.g.,


   let get a index =
     if index < 0 then
       Error "negative index in array access"
     else if index >= Array.length a then
       Error "index beyond length in array access"
       Ok a.(index)

You can see the ``result`` type as an opinionated ``either``: a
left-or-right sum type where the left and right side have distinct
roles. Or you can see the ``result`` type as a buffed-up ``option``
type: a type that either carries a value or doesn’t (but in this case it
carries an error instead).


-  Write the implementation for


      (** [to_option r] is [Some x] if [r] is [Ok x]. Otherwise it is [None]. *)
      val to_option : ('a, unit) result -> 'a option

-  Write the implementation for


      (** [to_option ?log r] is [Some x] if [r] is [Ok x]. Otherwise it calls
          [log e] and returns [None] if [r] is [Error e]. By default [log] is
          [ignore]. *)
      val to_option : ?log:('e -> unit) -> ('a, 'e) result -> 'a option

-  Write the implementation for


      (** [catch f] is [Ok (f ())] except if [f] raises an exception [exc] in
          which case it is [Error exc]. *)
      val catch : (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, exn) result

The binding operator

Working directly with the ``result`` type can quickly become cumbersome.
Consider, for example the following code.


   (** [compose3 f g h x] is [f (g (h x))] except that it handles errors. *)
   let compose3 f g h x
     match h x with
     | Error e -> Error e
     | Ok y ->
       match g y with
       | Error e -> Error e
       | Ok z ->
         f z

The nested ``match``-``with`` constructs lead to further and further
indentation. The ``Error`` cases are all identical and simply add noise.

To circumvent this, in Octez we use a `binding
operator <>`__: a user-defined
``let``-binding. Specifically, you can open the ``Result_syntax`` module
which includes the binding operator ``let*`` dedicated to ``result``.


   (** [compose3 f g h x] is [f (g (h x))] except that it handles errors. *)
   let compose3 f g h x
     let open Result_syntax in (* adds [let*] in scope *)
     let* y = h x in
     let* z = g y in
     f z

An expression ``let* x = e in e'`` is equivalent to
``Result.bind e (fun x -> e')`` and also to
``match e with | Error err -> Error err | Ok x -> e'``. In all of these forms,
the expression ``e'`` is evaluated if and only if the expression ``e`` is
successful (i.e., evaluates to ``Ok``).

.. _exercises-1:


-  Rewrite the following code without ``match``-``with``


      let apply2 (f, g) (x, y) =
        match f x with
        | Error e -> Error e
        | Ok u ->
          match g y with
          | Error e -> Error e
          | Ok v -> Ok (u, v)

   Did you remember to open the syntax module?

-  Write the implementation for


      (** [map f [x1; x2; x3; ..]] is a list [[y1; y2; y3; ..]] where [y1 = f x1],
          [y2 = f x2], etc. except if [f] is fails on one of the inputs, in which
          case it is an [Error] carrying the same error as [f]'s. *)
      val map : ('a -> ('b, 'err) result) -> 'a list -> ('a list, 'err) result

   Note that this exercise is for learning only. You won’t need to write
   this function in Octez. Indeed, a helper function which does exactly
   that is provided in the extended standard library of Octez.

Aside: the ``Error_monad`` module is opened everywhere

In Octez, the ``Error_monad`` module provides types and values for error
management. It is part of the ``tezos-error-monad`` package. And it is
opened in most of the source code. Apart from some specific libraries
(discussed later), the content of this module is already in scope.

The ``Error_monad`` module contains the ``Result_syntax`` module. This
is why you can use ``let open Result_syntax in`` directly in your own

The ``Error_monad`` module contains other modules and functions and
types which you will learn about later.

Recovering from errors

When given a value of type ``result``, you can inspect its content to
determine if it is an ``Ok`` or an ``Error``. You can use this feature
to recover from the failures.


   match e with
   | Ok x -> do_something x
   | Error e -> do_something_else e

Recovering can mean different things depending on the task that failed
and the error with which it failed. Sometimes you just want to retry,
sometimes you want to retry with a different input, sometimes you want
to propagate the error, sometimes you want to log the error and continue
as if it hadn’t happened, etc.


   let rec write data =
     match write_to_disk data with
     | Ok () -> ()
     | Error EAGAIN -> write data (* again: try again *)
     | Error ENOSPC -> Stdlib.exit 1 (* no space left on device: escalate to exit *)

There is a correspondence between a ``match``-``with`` around a
``result`` and a ``try``-``with``. Both are for recovering from
failures. However, in Octez, you will mostly use a ``match``-``with``
around a ``result``, because we favour ``result`` over exceptions. You
may use the ``try``-``with`` construct when interfacing with an external
library which uses exceptions.

There are several ways to use the ``match``-``with`` recovery with the
binding operator from ``Result_syntax``. Depending on the size of the
expression you are recovering from, one may be more readable than the
other. Choose accordingly.

You can simply place the expression directly inside the


     let* x = get_horizontal point in
     let* y = get_vertical point in
     Ok (x, y)
   | Ok (x, y) -> ..
   | Error e -> ..

Alternatively, if the expression grows too much in size or in
complexity, you can move the expression inside a vanilla
``let``-binding: ``let r = .. in match r with ..``.

Alternatively, if the expression grows even more, or if the expression
may be re-used in other parts of the code, you may move the expression
inside a vanilla function which you can call inside the ``match``-``with``.

You can also use the functions from `the standard library’s Result
module <>`__. Note however, that some
of these functions are shadowed in the extended library of Octez, which
you will learn more about later.

Mixing different kinds of errors

Occasionally, you may have to call a function which returns a value of
type, say, ``(_, unit) result`` and one, say, ``(_, string) result``. In
this case, you cannot simply bind the two expressions as is.
Specifically, the type checker will complain. You can see the constraint
you would be breaking in the type of ``let*`` where the two error types
are the same (``'e``):


   val ( let* ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a -> ('b, 'e) result) -> ('b, 'e) result

When you need to mix those function, you have to either handle the
errors of each independently (see the section above about recovering from
errors) or you need to convert the errors so they have the same type.
You should use ``Result.map_error`` to do that.


   let* cfg =
     Result.map_error (fun () -> "Error whilst reading configuration")
     @@ read_configuration ()

The ``Result_syntax`` module

You have already learned about the ``let*`` binding operator from the
``Result_syntax``. But there are other values you can use from this

The following functions form the core of the ``Result_syntax`` module.

-  ``let*``: a binding operator to continue with the value in the ``Ok``
   constructor or interrupt with the error in the ``Error`` constructor.

   ``let* x = e in e'`` is equivalent to
   ``match e with Error err -> Error err | Ok x -> e'``.

   (See above for examples and more details.)

-  ``return : 'a -> ('a, 'e) result``: the expression ``return x`` is
   equivalent to ``Ok x``. The function is included for consistency with
   other syntax modules presented later. You can use either form.

-  ``fail : 'e -> ('a, 'e) result``: the expression ``fail e`` is
   equivalent to ``Error e``. The function is included for consistency
   with other syntax modules presented later. You can use either form.

The following functions offer additional, less often used

-  ``both : ('a, 'e) result -> ('b, 'e) result -> ('a * 'b, 'e list) result``:
   the expression ``both e1 e2`` is ``Ok`` if both expressions
   evaluate to ``Ok`` and ``Error`` otherwise.

   Note that the expression ``both e1 e2`` is different from the
   expression ``let* x = e1 in let* y = e2 in return (x, y)``. In the
   former (``both``) version, both ``e1`` and ``e2`` are evaluated,
   regardless of success/failure of ``e1`` and ``e2``. In the latter
   (``let*``-``let*``) version, ``e2`` is evaluated if and only if
   ``e1`` is successful.

   This distinction is important when the expressions ``e1`` and ``e2``
   have side effects: ``both (f ()) (g ())``.

-  ``all : ('a, 'e) result list -> ('a list, 'e list) result``: the
   function ``all`` is a generalisation of ``both`` from tuples to

   Note that, as a generalisation of ``both``, in a call to the function
   ``all``, all the elements of the list are evaluated, regardless of
   success/failure of the elements: ``all ( f xs)``.

-  ``join : (unit, 'e) result list -> (unit, 'e list) result``: the
   function ``join`` is a specialisation of ``all`` for lists of
   unit-typed expressions (typically, for side-effects).

   Note that, as a specialisation of ``all``, in a call to the function
   ``join``, all the elements of the list are evaluated, regardless of
   success/failure of the elements: ``join ( f xs)``.

The following functions do not provide new functionalities but they are
useful for small performance gains or for shorter syntax.

-  ``return_unit`` is equivalent to ``return ()`` but it avoids one
   allocation. This is important in parts of the code that are
   performance critical, and it is a good habit to take otherwise.

   | ``return_nil`` is equivalent to ``return []`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_true`` is equivalent to ``return true`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_false`` is equivalent to ``return false`` but it avoids
     one allocation.

   | ``return_none`` is equivalent to ``return None`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_some x`` is equivalent to ``return (Some x)`` and it is
     provided for completeness with ``return_none``.

-  ``let+`` is a binding operator similar to ``let*`` but when the
   expression which follows the ``in`` returns a non-result value. In
   other words, ``let+ x = e in e'`` is equivalent to
   ``let* x = e in return (e')``.

   The ``let+`` is purely for syntactic conciseness (compared to the ``*``
   variant), use it if it makes
   your code more readable.


In Octez, I/O and concurrency are handled using the Lwt library. With
Lwt you use *promises* to handle I/O and concurrency. You can think of
promises as data structures that are empty until they *resolve*, at
which point they hold a value.

A promise for a value of type ``'a`` has type ``'a Lwt.t``. The function
``Lwt.bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t`` waits for the promise to
resolve (i.e., to carry a value of type ``'a``) before applying the
provided function. The expression ``bind p f`` is a promise which
resolves only once the promise ``p`` has resolved *and then* the promise
returned by ``f`` has resolved too.

If you are not familiar with Lwt, you should check out `the official manual
<>`__ and `this
introduction <>`__
before continuing. This is important. Do it.

Unlike is mentioned in those separate resources on Lwt, in Octez, we
do not in general use the success/failure mechanism of Lwt. Instead, we
mostly rely on ``result`` (as mentioned above).

Thus, in the rest of this tutorial we only consider the subset of Lwt
without failures. In practice, you might need to take care of exceptions
in some cases, but this is discussed in the later, more advanced parts of the

The ``Lwt_syntax`` module

In Octez, because Lwt is pervasive, you need to bind promises often. To
make it easier, you can use the ``Lwt_syntax`` module. The
``Lwt_syntax`` module is made available everywhere by the
``Error_monad`` module. The ``Lwt_syntax`` module is similar to the
``Result_syntax`` module but for the Lwt monad (more about monads

-  ``let*``: a binding operator to wait for the promise to resolve
   before continuing.

   ``let* x = e in e'`` is a promise that resolves after ``e`` has
   resolved to a given value and then ``e'`` has resolved with that
   value carried by ``x``.

   Note that ``Lwt_syntax`` and ``Result_syntax`` (see above) both use
   ``let*`` for their main binding operator. Consequently, the specific
   meaning of ``let*`` depends on which module is open. This extends to
   other syntax modules introduced later in this tutorial.

   (What if you need to use both Lwt and ``result``? Which syntax module
   should you use? You will learn about that in the next section!)

-  ``return : 'a -> 'a Lwt.t``: the expression ``return x`` is equivalent to
   ``Lwt.return x``. It is a promise that is already resolved with the value of

-  ``and*``: a binding operator alias for ``both`` (see below). You can
   use it with ``let*`` the same way you use ``and`` with ``let``.


      let apply_triple f (x, y, z) =
        let open Lwt_syntax in
        let* u = f x
        and* v = f y
        and* w = f z
        return (u, v, w)

   When you use ``and*``, the bound promises (``f x``, ``f y``, and
   ``f z``) are evaluated concurrently, and the expression which follows
   the ``in`` (``return ..``) is evaluated once all the bound promises
   have all resolved.

The following functions offer additional, less often used

-  ``both: 'a Lwt.t -> 'b Lwt.t -> ('a * 'b) Lwt.t``: the expression
   ``both p q`` is a promise that resolves only once both promises
   ``p`` and ``q`` (which make progress concurrently) have resolved.

   In practice, you will most likely use ``and*`` instead of both.

-  ``all: 'a Lwt.t list -> 'a list Lwt.t``: the function ``all`` is a
   generalisation of ``both`` from tuples to lists.

   Note that, as a generalisation of ``both``, in a call to the function
   ``all``, all the promises in the provided list make progress towards
   resolution concurrently.

-  ``join : unit Lwt.t list -> unit Lwt.t``: the function ``join`` is a
   specialisation of ``all`` to lists of units (i.e., side-effects).

The following functions do not provide new functionalities but they are
useful for small performance gains or for shorter syntax.

-  ``return_unit`` is equivalent to ``return ()`` but it avoids one
   allocation. This is important in parts of the code that are
   performance critical, and it is a good habit to take otherwise.

   | ``return_nil`` is equivalent to ``return []`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_true`` is equivalent to ``return true`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_false`` is equivalent to ``return false`` but it avoids
     one allocation.

   | ``return_none`` is equivalent to ``return None`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_some x`` is equivalent to ``return (Some x)`` and it is
     provided for completeness.

   | ``return_ok x`` is equivalent to ``return (Ok x)`` and it is
     provided for completeness.
   | ``return_error x`` is equivalent to ``return (Error x)`` and it is
     provided for completeness.

-  ``let+`` and ``and+`` are binding operators similar to ``let*`` and
   ``and*`` but when the expression which follows the ``in`` returns a
   non-promise value. In other words, ``let+ x = e1 and+ y = e2 in e`` is
   equivalent to ``let* x = e1 and* y = e2 in return e``.

   The ``let+`` and ``and+`` are purely for syntactic conciseness (compared to
   the ``*`` variants), use them if it makes your code more readable.

Promises of results: Lwt and ``result`` together

In Octez, we have functions that perform I/O and also may fail. In this
case, the function returns a promise of a ``result``. This is the topic
of this section.

Note that Lwt and ``result`` are orthogonal concerns. On the one hand,
Lwt is for concurrency, for automatically scheduling code around I/O,
for making progress on different parts of the program side-by-side. On
the other hand, ``result`` is for aborting computations, for handling
success/failures. It is because Lwt and ``result`` are orthogonal that
we can use them together.


   'a  --------------> ('a, 'e) result
    |                           |
    |                           |
    V                           V
   'a Lwt.t ---------> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t

When we combine Lwt and ``result`` for control-flow purpose we combine
both of the orthogonal behaviours. We can achieve this combined
behaviour “by hand”. However, doing so requires mixing
``Lwt_syntax.( let* )`` and regular ``match``-``with``:


   let apply2 (f, g) (x, y) =
     let open Lwt_syntax in
     let* r = f x in
     match r with
     | Error e -> return (Error e)
     | Ok u ->
       let* r = g y in
       match r with
       | Error e -> return (Error e)
       | Ok v -> return (Ok (u, v))

This is interesting to consider because it shows the two orthogonal
features of control-flow separately: wait for the promise to resolve,
and check for errors. However, in practice, this becomes cumbersome even
faster than when working with plain ``result`` values.

To make this easier, in Octez we use a binding operator. Specifically,
you can open the ``Lwt_result_syntax`` (instead of the other syntax
modules) which includes a binding operator dedicated to promises of


   let apply2 (f, g) (x, y) =
     let open Lwt_result_syntax in
     let* u = f x in
     let* v = g y in
     return (u, v)

When a promise resolves to ``Ok`` we say that it resolves successfully.
When it resolves to ``Error`` we say that it resolves unsuccessfully or
that it fails.

.. _exercises-2:


-  Rewrite the following code without ``match``-``with``


      let compose3 f g h x
        let open Lwt_syntax in
        let* r = h x in
        match r with
        | Error e -> return (Error e)
        | Ok y ->
          let* s = g y in
          match s with
          | Error e -> return (Error e)
          | Ok z ->
            f z

   Did you remember to change the opened syntax module?

The ``Lwt_result_syntax`` module

Octez provides the ``Lwt_result_syntax`` module to help handle promises
of results.

-  ``let*``: a binding operator to wait for the promise to resolve
   before continuing with the value in the ``Ok`` constructor or
   interrupting with the error in the ``Error`` constructor.

   Note how the ``let*`` binding operator combines the behaviour of
   ``Lwt_syntax.( let* )`` and ``Result_syntax.( let* )``. Also note
   that the different ``let*``\ s are differentiated by context;
   specifically by what syntax module has been opened.

-  ``return: 'a -> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t``: the expression ``return x``
   is a promise already successfully resolved to ``x``. More formally,
   ``return x`` is equivalent to
   ``Lwt_syntax.return (Result_syntax.return x)``.

-  ``fail: 'e -> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t``: the expression ``fail e`` is a
   promise already unsuccessfully resolved with the error ``e``. More
   formally, ``fail e`` is equivalent to
   ``Lwt_syntax.return ( e)``.

The following functions offer additional, less often used

-  ``both : ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t -> ('b, 'e) result Lwt.t -> ('a * 'b, 'e list) result Lwt.t``:
   the expression ``both p1 p2`` is a promise that resolves
   successfully if both ``p1`` and ``p2`` resolve successfully. It
   resolves unsuccessfully if either ``p1`` or ``p2`` resolve

   Note that in the expression ``both p1 p2``, both promises ``p1`` and
   ``p2`` are evaluated concurrently. Moreover, the returned promise
   only resolves once both promises have resolved, even if one resolves

   Note that this syntax module does not offer ``and*`` as a binding
   operator alias for ``both``. This is because, as with
   ``Result_syntax``, the type for errors in ``both`` is not stable (it
   is ``'e`` on the argument side and ``'e   list`` on the return side).
   This hinders practical uses of ``and*``.

-  ``all : ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t list -> ('a list, 'e list) result Lwt.t``:
   the function ``all`` is a generalisation of ``both`` from tuples to

   Note that, as a generalisation of ``both``, in a call to the function
   ``all``, all the promises in the provided list make progress towards
   resolution concurrently and continue to evaluate until resolution
   regardless of successes and failures.

-  ``join : (unit, 'e) result Lwt.t list -> (unit, 'e list) result Lwt.t``:
   the function ``join`` is a specialisation of ``all`` for lists of
   unit-type expressions (typically, for side-effects).

The following functions do not provide new functionalities but they are
useful for small performance gains or for shorter syntax.

-  ``return_unit`` is equivalent to ``return ()`` but it avoids one
   allocation. This is important in parts of the code that are
   performance critical, and it is a good habit to take otherwise.

   | ``return_nil`` is equivalent to ``return []`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_true`` is equivalent to ``return true`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_false`` is equivalent to ``return false`` but it avoids
     one allocation.

   | ``return_none`` is equivalent to ``return None`` but it avoids one
   | ``return_some x`` is equivalent to ``return (Some x)`` and it is
     provided for completeness.

   Note that, like with ``Result_syntax``, this syntax module does not
   provide ``return_ok`` and ``return_error``. This is to avoid nested
   ``result`` types. If you need to nest ``result``\ s you can do so by

-  ``let+`` is a binding operator similar to ``let*`` but when the
   expression which follows the ``in`` returns a non-promise value. In
   other words, ``let+ x = e in e'`` is equivalent to
   ``let* x = e in return (e')``.

   The ``let+`` is purely for syntactic conciseness (compared to the ``*``
   variant), use it if it makes your code more readable.

.. _exercises-3:


-  Write the implementation for


      (** [map f [x1; x2; ..]] is a promise for a list [[y1; y2; .. ]] where [y1]
          is the value that [f x1] successfully resolves to, etc. except if [f]
          resolves unsuccessfully on one of the input in which case it also
          resolves unsuccessfully with the same error as [f]. *)
      map : ('a -> ('b, 'e) result Lwt.t) -> 'a list -> ('b list, 'e) result Lwt.t

   How does your code compare to the one in the ``result``-only variant
   of this exercise?

   Note that this exercise is for learning only. You won’t need to write
   this function in Octez. Indeed, a helper function which does exactly
   that is provided in the extended standard library of Octez.

-  Make your ``map`` function tail-recursive.

-  What type error is triggered by the following code?


      open Lwt_result_syntax ;;
      let ( and* ) = both ;;
      let _ =
        let* x = return 0 and* y = return 1 in
        let* z = return 2 in
        return (x + y + z) ;;

-  Rewrite the following function without ``match``-``with``


      let compose3 f g h x =
        let open Lwt_syntax in
        let* y_result = f x in
        match y_result with
        | Error e -> return (Error e)
        | Ok y ->
          let* z_result = g y in
          match z_result with
          | Error e -> return (Error e)
          | Ok z ->
            h z

Converting errors of promises

Remember that, with ``Result_syntax``, you cannot mix different types of
errors in a single sequence of ``let*``. This also applies to
``Lwt_result_syntax``. Indeed, the type checker will prevent you from
doing so.

You can use the same ``Result.map_error`` function as for plain
``result``\ s. But when you are working with promises of ``result``, the
syntactic cost of doing so is high:


   let open Lwt_result_syntax in
   let* config =
     let open Lwt_syntax in
     let* config_result = read_configuration () in
     Lwt.return (Result.map_error (fun () -> ..) config_result)

To avoid this syntactic weight, the ``Lwt_result_module`` provides a
dedicated function:


   lwt_map_error : ('e -> 'f) -> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t -> ('a, 'f) result Lwt.t


Occasionally, whilst you are working with promises of ``result`` (i.e.,
working with values of the type ``(_, _) result Lwt.t``), you will need
to call a function that returns a simple promise (a promise that cannot
fail, a promise of a value that’s not a ``result``, i.e., a value of
type ``_ Lwt.t``) or a simple result (an immediate value of a
``result``, i.e., a value of type ``(_, _) result``). This is common
enough that the module ``Lwt_result_syntax`` provides helpers dedicated
to this.

From ``result``-only into Lwt-``result``

The module ``Lwt_result_syntax`` includes the binding operator ``let*?``. It is
dedicated to binding Result-only expressions.


   let*? x = check foo bar in (* Result-only: checking doesn't yield *)

.. sidebar:: Mnemonic

   The ``let*?`` binding operator uses the question mark (``?``) to represent
   the uncertainty of the ``result``. Is it a success? Is it a failure?

From Lwt-only into Lwt-``result``

The module ``Lwt_result_syntax`` includes the binding operator ``let*!``. It is
dedicated to binding Lwt-only expressions.


   let*! x = Events.emit foo bar in (* Lwt-only: logs can't fail *)

.. sidebar:: Mnemonic

   The ``let*!`` binding operator uses the exclamation mark (``!``) to represent
   the impossibility of errors: Thou shall not fail!

Wait! There is too much! What module am I supposed to open locally and what operators should I use?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the different syntax modules, here are
some simple guidelines.

-  If your function returns ``(_, _) result Lwt.t`` values, then you
   start the function with ``let open Lwt_result_syntax in``. Within the
   function you use

   -  ``let`` for vanilla expressions,
   -  ``let*`` for Lwt-``result`` expressions,
   -  ``let*!`` for Lwt-only expressions,
   -  ``let*?`` for ``result``-only expressions.

   And you end your function with a call to ``return``.

-  If your function returns ``(_, _) result`` values, then you start the
   function with ``let open Result_syntax in``. Within the function you

   -  ``let`` for vanilla expressions,
   -  ``let*`` for ``result`` expressions,

   And you end your function with a call to ``return``.

-  If your function returns ``_ Lwt.t`` values, then you start the
   function with ``let open Lwt_syntax in``.

   -  ``let`` for vanilla expressions,
   -  ``let*`` for Lwt expressions,

   And you end your function with a call to ``return``.

These are rules of thumb and there are exceptions to them. Still, they
should cover most of your uses and, as such, they are a good starting

What’s an error?

So far, this tutorial has considered errors in an abstract way. Most of
the types carried by the ``Error`` constructors have been parameters
(``'e``). This is a common pattern for higher-order functions that
compose multiple ``result`` and Lwt-``result`` functions together. But,
in practice, not every function is a higher-order abstract combinator
and you sometimes need to choose a concrete error. This section explores
common choices.

**A dedicated algebraic data type**

Often, a dedicated algebraic data type is appropriate. A sum type
represents the different kinds of failures that might occur. E.g.,
``type hashing_error = Not_enough_data | Invalid_escape_sequence``. A
product type (typically a record) carries multiple bits of information
about a failure. E.g.,
``type parsing_error = { source: string; location: int; token: token; }``

This approach works best when a set of functions (say, all the functions
of a module) have similar ways to fail. Indeed, when that is the case,
you can simply define the error type once and all calls to these
functions can match on that error type if need be.

E.g., `binary encoding and decoding errors in
data-encoding <>`__.

**Polymorphic variants**

In some cases, the different functions of a module may each fail with
different subsets of a common set of errors. In such a case, you can use
`polymorphic variants <>`__ to
represent errors. E.g.,


   val connect_to_peer:
     address -> (connection, [ `timeout | `connection_refused ]) result Lwt.t
   val send_message:
     connection -> signing_key -> string ->
       (unit, [ `timeout | `connection_closed ]) result Lwt.t
   val read_message:
     connection ->
       (string, [ `timeout | `unknown_signing_key | `invalid_signature | `connection_closed ]) result Lwt.t
   val close_connection: connection -> (unit, [ `unread_messages of string list ]) result

The benefit of this approach is that the caller can compose the
different functions together easily and match only on the union of
errors that may actually happen. The type checker keeps track of the
variants that can reach any program point.


   let handshake conn =
     let open Lwt_result_syntax in
     let* () = send_message conn "ping" in
     let* m = read_message conn in
     if m = "pong" then
       return ()
       `unrecognised_message m

   let handshake conn =
     let open Lwt_syntax in
     let* r = handshake conn in
     match r with
     | Ok () -> return_unit
     | Error (`unknown_signing_key | `invalid_signature) ->
       (* we ignore unread messages if the peer had signature issues *)
       let _ = close_connection conn in
     | Error (`timeout | `connection_closed) ->
       match close_connection with
       | Ok () -> return_unit
       | Error (`unread_messages msgs) ->
         let* () = log_unread_messages msgs in

**A human-readable string**

In some cases, there is nothing to be done about an error but to inform
the user. In this case, the error may just as well be the message.

It is important to note that these messages are not generally meant to
be matched against. Indeed, such messages may not be stable and even if
they are, they probably don’t carry precise enough information to be
acted upon.

You should only use ``string`` as an error type when the error is not
recoverable and you should not try to recover from ``string`` errors (or
more precisely, your recovery should not depend on the content of the

**An abstract type**

If the error is not meant to be recovered from, it is sometimes ok to use an
abstract type. This is generally useful at the interface of a module,
specifically when the functions within the module are meant to inspect
the errors and possibly attempt recovery, but the callers outside of the
modules are not.

If you do use an abstract type for errors, you should also provide a
pretty-printing function.

**A wrapper around one of the above**

Sometimes you want to add context or information to an error. E.g.,


   type 'a with_debug_info = {
     payload: 'a;
     timestamp: Time.System.t;
     position: string * int * int * int;

   let with_debug_info ~position f =
     match f () with
     | Ok _ as ok -> ok
     | Error e -> Error { payload = e; timestamp = (); position }

This specific example can be useful for debugging, but other wrappers
can be useful in other contexts.

**Mixing error types**

It is difficult to work with different types of errors within the same
function. This most commonly happens if you are calling functions from
different libraries, which use different types of errors.

This is difficult because the errors on both sides of the binding
operator are the same.


   val ( let* ) : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a -> ('b, 'e) result) -> ('b, 'e) result

The error monad provides some support to deal with multiple types of
errors at once. But this support is limited. It is not generally an
issue because error-mixing is somewhat rare: it tends to happen at the
boundary between different levels of abstractions.

If you encounter one of these situations, you will need to convert all
the errors to a common type.


   type error = Configuration_error | Command_line_error

   let* config =
     match Config.parse_file config_file with
     | Ok _ as ok -> ok
     | Error Config.File_not_found -> Ok Config.default
     | Error Config.Invalid_file -> Error Configuration_error
   let* cli_parameters =
     match Cli.parse_parameters () with
     | Ok _ as ok -> ok
     | Error Cli.Invalid_parameter -> Error Command_line_error

You can also use the ``Result.map_error`` and ``lwt_map_error``
functions introduced in previous sections.

Wait! It was supposed to be “one single uniform way of dealing with errors”! What is this?

The error management in Octez is a unified way (syntax modules
with regular, predictable interfaces) of handling different types of

The variety of errors is a boon in that it lets you use whatever is the
most appropriate for the part of the code that you are working on.
However, the variety of errors is also a curse in that stitching
together functions which return different errors requires boilerplate
conversion functions.

That’s where the global ``error`` type comes in: a unified type for
errors. And that’s for the next section to introduce.


The previous sections are not Octez-specific. True, the syntax modules
are defined within the Octez source tree, but they could be released
separately (and they will be) or they could easily be replicated in a
separate project.

The next sections are Octez-specific. They introduce types and values
that are used within the whole of Octez.

| You should take this opportunity to take a break.
| Come back in a few minutes.

Part 2: ``tzresult`` and Lwt-``tzresult``

``error``, ``trace``, and ``tzresult``

The ``error`` type is an `extensible variant
type <>`__ defined in
the ``Error_monad`` module.

Each part of the Octez source code can extend it to include some errors
relevant to that part. E.g., the p2p layer adds
``type error += Connection_refused`` whilst the store layer adds
``type error += Snapshot_file_not_found of string``. More information on
errors is presented later.

The ``'error trace`` type is a data structure dedicated to holding
``error``\ s. It is exported by the ``Error_monad`` module. It is only
ever instantiated as ``error trace``. It can accumulate multiple errors,
which helps present information about the context in which an error
occurs. More information on traces is presented later.

The ``'a tzresult`` type is an alias for ``('a, error trace) result``.
It is used in Octez to represent the possibility of failure in a generic
way. Using ``tzresult`` is a trade-off. You should only use it in
situations where the pros outweigh the cons.


- A generic error that is the same everywhere means that the
  binding operator ``let*`` can be used everywhere without having to
  convert errors to a common type.
- Traces allow you to easily add
  context to an existing error (see how later).


- A generic wrapper around generic errors that cannot be
  meaningfully matched against (although the pattern exists in legacy
- Type information about errors is coarse-grained to the point of
  being meaningless (e.g., there is no exhaustiveness check when
- Registration is syntactically heavy and requires care (see

In general, the type ``tzresult`` is mostly useful at a high-enough
level of abstraction and in the outermost interface of a module or even
package (i.e., when exposing errors to callers that do not have access
to internal implementation details).

Generic failing

The easiest way to return a ``tzresult`` is via functions provided by
the ``Error_monad``. These functions are located at the top-level of the
module, as such they are available, unqualified, everywhere in the code.
They do not even require the syntax modules to be open.

-  ``error_with`` is for formatting a string and wrapping it inside an
   ``error`` inside a ``trace`` inside an ``Error``. E.g.,


      let retry original_limit (f : unit -> unit tzresult) =
        let rec retry limit f
          if limit < 0 then
            error_with "retried %d times" original_limit
            match f () with
            | Error _ -> retry (limit - 1) f
            | Ok () -> Ok ()
        retry original_limit f

   You can use all the formatting percent-escapes from the `Format
   module <>`__. However, you should
   generally keep the message on a single line so that it can be printed
   nicely in logs.

   Formally, ``error_with`` has type
   ``('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b tzresult) format4 -> 'a``. This is
   somewhat inscrutable. Suffice to say: it is used with a format string
   and returns an ``Error``.

-  ``error_with_exn : exn -> 'a tzresult`` is for wrapping an exception
   inside an ``error`` inside a ``trace`` inside an ``Error``.


      let media_type_kind s =
        match s with
        | "json" | "bson" -> Ok `Json
        | "octet-stream" -> Ok `Binary
        | _ -> error_with_exn Not_found

-  ``failwith`` is for formatting a string and wrapping it inside an
   ``error`` inside a ``trace`` inside an ``Error`` inside a promise.


      failwith "Cannot read file %s (ot %s)" file_name (Unix.error_message error)

   ``failwith`` is similar to ``error_with`` but for the combined
   Lwt-``tzresult`` monad. Again the type
   (``('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b tzresult Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a``)
   is inscrutable, but again usage is as simple as a formatting.

-  ``fail_with_exn`` is for wrapping an exception inside an ``error``
   inside a ``trace`` inside an ``Error`` inside a promise. E.g.,


      fail_with_exn Not_found

   ``fail_with_exn`` is similar to ``error_with_exn`` but for the
   combined Lwt-``tzresult`` monad.

These functions are useful as a way to fail with generic errors that
carry a simple payload. The next section is about using custom errors
with more content.

.. _exercises-5:


-  Write a function ``tzresult_of_option : 'a option -> 'a tzresult``
   which replaces ``None`` with a generic failure of your choosing.

-  Write a function ``catch : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a tzresult`` which wraps
   any exception raised during the evaluation of the function call.

Declaring and registering ``error``\ s

On many occasions, ``error_with`` and friends (see above) are not
sufficient: you may want your error to carry more information than can
be conveyed in a simple string or a simple exception. When you do, you
need a custom error. You must first *declare* and then *register* an

To declare a new error you simply extend the ``error`` type. Remember
that the ``error`` type is defined and exported to the rest of the code
by the ``Error_monad`` module. You extend it with the ``+=`` syntax:


   type error +=
     Invalid_configuration of { expected: string; got: string; line: int }

The registration function ``register_error_kind`` is also part of the
``Error_monad`` module. You *register* a new error by calling this


   let () =
       ~title:"Invalid configuration"
       ~description:"The configuration is invalid."
       ~pp:(fun f (expected, got, line) ->
         Format.fprintf f
           "When parsing configuration expected %s but got %s (at line %d)"
           expected got line
           (req "expected" string)
           (req "got" string)
           (req "line" int31))
         | Invalid_configuration {expected; got; line} ->
           Some (expected, got, line)
         | _ -> None)
       (fun (expected, got, line) -> Invalid_configuration {expected; got; line})

Note that you **MUST** register the errors you declare. Failure to do so
can lead to serious issues.

The arguments for the ``register_error_kind`` function are as follows: -
category (:literal:`\`Temporary`): the category argument is meaningless
in the shell, just use :literal:`\`Temporary`.

-  ``id``: a short string containing only characters that do not need escaping
   (``[a-zA-Z0-9._-]``), must be unique across the whole program.
-  ``title``: a short human readable string.
-  ``description``: a longer human readable string.
-  ``pp``: a pretty-printing function carrying enough information for a full
   error message for the user. Note that the function does not receive the error,
   instead it receives the *projected payload of the error* (here a 3-tuple
   ``(expected, got, line)``.
-  encoding: an encoding for the projected payload of the error.
-  projection: a partial function that matches the specific error
   (out of all of them) and return its projected payload. This function always
   has the form
   ``function | <the error you are returning> -> Some <projected payload> | _ -> None``.
-  injection: a function that takes the projected payload and constructs
   the error out of it.

For errors that do not carry information (e.g.,
``type error += Size_limit_exceeded``), the projected payload of the
error is unit.

It is customary to either register the error immediately after the error
is declared or to register multiple errors immediately after declaring
them all. In some cases, the registration happens in a separate module.
Either way, registration of declared error is compulsory.

.. _exercises-6:


-  Register the following error


      (** [Size_limit_exceeded {limit; current_size; attempted_insertion}] is used
          when an insertion into the global table of known blocks would cause the
          size of the table to exceed the limit. The field [limit] holds the
          maximum allowed size, the field [current_size] holds the current size of
          the table and [attempted_insertion] holds the size of the element that
          was passed to the insertion function. *)
      type error += Size_limit_exceeded {
        limit: int;
        current_size: int;
        attempted_insertion: int

The ``Tzresult_syntax`` module

Remember that ``'a tzresult`` is a special case of ``('a, 'e) result``.
Specifically, a special case where ``'e`` is ``error trace``.
Consequently, you can handle ``tzresult`` values using the
``Result_syntax`` module. However, a more specialised module
``Tzresult_syntax`` is available.

The ``Tzresult_syntax`` module is identical to the ``Result_syntax``
module but for the following differences.

-  ``fail: 'e -> ('a, 'e trace) result``: the expression ``fail e``
   wraps ``e`` in a ``trace`` inside an ``Error``. When ``e`` is of type
   ``error`` as is the case throughout Octez, ``fail e`` is of type
   ``'a tzresult``.

-  ``and*``: a binding operator alias for ``both`` (see below). You can
   use it with ``let*`` the same way you use ``and`` with ``let``.


      let apply_triple f (x, y, z) =
        let open Tzresult_syntax in
        let* u = f x
        and* v = f y
        and* w = f z
        return (u, v, w)

   When you use ``and*``, the bound results (``f x``, ``f y``, and
   ``f z``) are all evaluated fully, regardless of the success/failure
   of the others. The expression which follows the ``in``
   (``return ..``) is evaluated if all the bound results are successful.

-  ``both : ('a, 'e trace) result -> ('b, 'e trace) result -> ('a * 'b, 'e trace) result``:
   the expression ``both a b`` is ``Ok`` if both ``a`` and ``b`` are
   ``Ok`` and ``Error`` otherwise`.

   Note that unlike ``Result_syntax.both``, the type of errors
   (``error trace``) is the same on both the argument and return side of
   this function: the traces are combined automatically. This remark
   applies to the ``all`` and ``join`` (see below) as well.

   The stability of the return type is what allows this syntax module to
   include an ``and*`` binding operator.

-  ``all : ('a, 'e trace) result list -> ('a list, 'e trace) result``:
   the function ``all`` is a generalisation of ``both`` from tuples to

-  ``join : (unit, 'e trace) result list -> (unit, 'e trace) result``:
   the function ``join`` is a specialisation of ``all`` for list of
   unit-typed expressions (typically, for side-effects).

-  ``and+`` is a binding operator similar to ``and*`` but for use with
   ``let+`` rather than ``let*``.

.. _exercises-7:


-  What is the difference between the two following functions?


      let twice f =
        let open Tzresult_syntax in
        let* () = f () in
        let* () = f () in


      let twice f =
        let open Tzresult_syntax in
        let* () = f ()
        and* () = f ()

The ``Lwt_tzresult_syntax`` module

In the same way ``result`` can be combined with Lwt, ``tzresult`` can
also be combined with Lwt. And in the same way that ``Tzresult_syntax``
is a small variation of ``Result_syntax``, ``Lwt_tzresult_syntax`` is a
small variation of ``Lwt_result_syntax``.

There are possibly too many parallels to keep track of, so the diagram
below might help.


   'a  -----------> ('a, 'e) result ------------> 'a tzresult
    |                        |                         |
    |                        |                         |
    V                        V                         V
   'a Lwt.t ------> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t ------> 'a tzresult Lwt.t

Anyway, the ``Lwt_tzresult_syntax`` module is identical to the
``Lwt_result_syntax`` module but for the following differences.

-  ``fail: 'e -> ('a, 'e trace) result Lwt.t``: the expression
   ``fail e`` wraps ``e`` in a ``trace`` inside an ``Error`` inside a
   promise. When ``e`` is of type ``error`` as is the case throughout
   Octez, ``fail e`` is of type ``'a tzresult Lwt.t``.

-  ``and*``: a binding operator alias for ``both``. You can use it with
   ``let*`` the same way you use ``and`` with ``let``.


      let apply_triple f (x, y, z) =
        let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in
        let* u = f x
        and* v = f y
        and* w = f z
        return (u, v, w)

   When you use ``and*``, the bound promises (``f x``, ``f y``, and
   ``f z``) are evaluated concurrently, and the expression which follows
   the ``in`` (``return   ..``) is evaluated once all the bound promises
   have all resolved but only if all of them resolve successfully.

   Note how this ``and*`` binding operator inherits the properties of
   both ``Lwt_syntax.( and* )`` and ``Tzresult_syntax.( and* )``.
   Specifically, the promises are evaluated concurrently and the
   expression which follows the ``in`` is evaluated only if all the
   bound promises have successfully resolved. These two orthogonal
   properties are combined. This remark also applies to ``both``,
   ``all``, ``join`` and ``and+`` below.

-  ``both : ('a, 'e trace) result Lwt.t -> ('b, 'e trace) result Lwt.t -> ('a * 'b, 'e trace) result Lwt.t``:
   the expression ``both p q`` is a promise that resolves once both
   ``p`` and ``q`` have resolved. It resolves to ``Ok`` if both ``p``
   and ``q`` do, and to ``Error`` otherwise`.

   Note that unlike ``Lwt_result_syntax.both``, the type of errors
   (``error trace``) is the same on both the argument and return side of
   this function: the trace are combined automatically. This remark
   applies to the ``all`` and ``join`` (see below) as well.

   The stability of the return type is what allows this syntax module to
   include an ``and*`` binding operator.

-  ``all : ('a, 'e trace) result Lwt.t list -> ('a list, 'e trace) result Lwt.t``:
   the function ``all`` is a generalisation of ``both`` from tuples to

-  ``join : (unit, 'e trace) result Lwt.t list -> (unit, 'e trace) result Lwt.t``:
   the function ``join`` is a specialisation of ``all`` for lists of
   unit-typed expressions (typically, for side-effects).

-  ``and+`` is a binding operator similar to ``and*`` but for use with
   ``let+`` rather than ``let*``.

.. _exercises-8:


-  Rewrite this function to use the ``Lwt_tzresult_syntax`` module and
   no other syntax module.


      let apply_tuple (f, g) (x, y) =
        let open Lwt_syntax in
        let* u = f x
        and* v = g y
        let r = Tzresult_syntax.both u v in
        return r

-  Write the implementation for


      (** [map f [x1; x2; ..]] is [[y1; y2; ..]] where [y1] is the successful
          result of [f x1], [y2] is the successful result of [f x2], etc. If [f]
          fails on any of the inputs, returns an `Error` instead. Either way, all
          the calls to [f] on all the inputs are evaluated concurrently and all
          the calls to [f] have resolved before the whole promise resolves. *)
      val map : ('a -> 'b tzresult Lwt.t) -> 'a list -> 'b list tzresult

.. _lifting-1:


When you are working with promises of ``tzresult`` (i.e., within
Lwt-``tzresult``), you may occasionally need to call functions that
return a simple promise (i.e., within Lwt-only) or a simple ``tzresult``
(i.e., within ``tzresult``-only).

This situation is similar to that of ``Lwt_result_syntax`` and the
solutions are the same. Specifically, the additional binding operators provided
by ``Lwt_result_syntax`` are also available in ``Lwt_tzresult_syntax``.


   let*! x = plain_lwt_function foo bar in
   let*? x = plain_result_function foo bar in

Are you kidding me?! there is even more! what module am I supposed to open locally and what operators should I use?

You can also use simple guidelines to use these syntax modules

-  If your function returns ``_ tzresult Lwt.t`` values, then you start
   the function with ``let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in``. Within the
   function you use

   -  ``let`` for vanilla expressions,
   -  ``let*`` for Lwt-``tzresult`` expressions,
   -  ``let*!`` for Lwt-only expressions,
   -  ``let*?`` for ``tzresult``-only expressions.

   And you end your function with a call to ``return``.

-  If your function returns ``_ tzresult`` values, then you start the
   function with ``let open Tzresult_syntax in``. Within the function
   you use

   -  ``let`` for vanilla expressions,
   -  ``let*`` for ``tzresult`` expressions,

   And you end your function with a call to ``return``.

The rest of the guidelines (for ``(_, _) result Lwt.t``,
``(_, _) result``, and ``_ Lwt.t``) remain valid.


Remember that a trace is a data structure specifically designed for

Traces have two roles:

-  As a programmer you benefit from the traces' ability to combine
   automatically. Indeed, this feature of traces makes the ``and*`` binding
   operators possible which can simplify some tasks such as concurrent
   evaluation of multiple ``tzresult`` promises.

-  For the user, traces combine multiple errors, allowing for high-level
   errors (e.g., ``Cannot_bootstrap_node``) to be paired with low-level
   errors (e.g., ``Unix_error EADDRINUSE``). When used correctly, this
   can help create more informative error messages which, in turn, can
   help debugging.

Tracing primitives are declared in the ``Error_monad`` module. As such,
they are available almost everywhere in the code. They should be used
whenever an error passes from one component (say the p2p layer, or the
storage layer) into another (say the shell).

-  ``record_trace err r`` leaves ``r`` untouched if it evaluates to
   ``Ok``. Otherwise, it adds the error ``err`` to the trace carried in


      let check_hashes head block operation =
        let open Tzresult_syntax in
        let* () =
          record_trace (Invalid_hash { kind: "head"; hash: head}) @@
          check_hash chain
        let* () =
          record_trace (Invalid_hash { kind: "block"; hash: block}) @@
          check_hash block
        let* () =
          record_trace (Invalid_hash { kind: "operation"; hash: operation}) @@
          check_hash operation

   In this example a failure from any of the calls to ``check_hash``
   will be given context that helps with understanding the source of the

-  ``record_trace_eval`` is a lazy version of ``record_trace`` in that
   the error added to the trace is only evaluated if needed. More
   formally ``record_trace_eval make_err r`` leaves ``r`` untouched if
   it evaluates to ``Ok``. Otherwise it calls ``make_err`` and adds the
   returned error onto the trace.

   You should use the strict ``record_trace`` version when the error you
   are adding to the trace is an immediate value (e.g., ``Overflow``) or
   a constructor with immediate values (e.g., ``Invalid_file name``).
   You should use the lazy ``record_trace_eval`` version when the error
   you are adding to the trace requires computation to generate (e.g.,
   if it requires formatting or querying).

-  ``trace`` is the Lwt-aware variant of ``record_trace``. More
   formally, ``trace err p`` leaves ``p`` untouched if it resolves
   successfully, otherwise it adds the error ``err`` to the trace
   carried by the unsuccessful resolve.


      let get_data_and_gossip_it () =
        let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in
        let* data =
          trace Cannot_get_random_data_from_storage @@
          Storage.get_random_data ()
        let* number_of_peers =
          trace Cannot_gossip_data @@
          P2p.gossip data
        return (data, number_of_peers)

   In this example, low-level storage errors are given more context by
   the ``Cannot_get_random_data_from_storage`` error. Similarly,
   low-level p2p errors are given more context by the
   ``Cannot_gossip_data`` error. This is important because both the
   storage and the p2p layer may suffer from similar system issues (such
   as file-descriptor exhaustion).

-  ``trace_eval`` is the lazy version of ``trace``, or, equivalently,
   the Lwt-aware version of ``record_trace_eval``.

   You should use the strict ``trace`` version when the error you are
   adding is immediate or a constructor with immediate values. You
   should use the lazy ``trace_eval`` version when the error you are
   adding requires computation to generate.

Do not hesitate to use the tracing primitives. Too much context is
better than too little context. Think of ``trace`` (and variants) as a
way to document Octez. Specifically, as making the error messages of
Octez more informative.

.. _meta-commentary-1:


The previous sections had a practical focus: how to handle errors? how
to mix different syntaxes? how?! By contrast, the following sections are
in-depth discussions of advanced or tangential topics which you should
feel free to skim or even to skip.

| You should take this opportunity to take a break.
| Come back in a few minutes.

Part 3: Advanced topics

Working with standard data-structures: Lwtreslib

Handling values within the Lwt, ``result``, and Lwt-``result`` monads is
so common in Octez that you also have access to an extension of the
Stdlib dedicated to these monads: the ``Lwtreslib`` library.

The ``tezos-lwt-result-stdlib`` package exports an ``Lwtreslib`` module
which is made available, through ``tezos-error-monad`` and
``tezos-base``, to the whole of the codebase. Specifically, within the
codebase of Octez the following modules of OCaml’s ``Stdlib`` are
shadowed by Lwtreslib’s:

-  ``List``,
-  ``Result``,
-  ``Option``,
-  ``Seq``,
-  ``Map``,
-  ``Set``, and
-  ``Hashtbl``.

In all those modules, the underlying data structures are compatible with
those of the ``Stdlib`` and thus with the rest of the OCaml ecosystem.
However, the primitives in these modules are extended to support Lwt,
``result`` and the combination of the two. Specifically, for each
function that traverses the data structure, the module also contains
variants that perform the same traversal within each of the monad. E.g.,
for ````


     (* vanilla map *)
     val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list

     (* [result]-aware map: stops at the first error *)
     val map_e : ('a -> ('b, 'trace) result) -> 'a list -> ('b list, 'trace) result

     (* sequential Lwt map: treats each element after the previous one *)
     val map_s : ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'a list -> 'b list Lwt.t

     (* sequential Lwt-[result] map:
        - treats each element after the previous one
        - stops at the first error *)
     val map_es :
       ('a -> ('b, 'trace) result Lwt.t) ->
       'a list ->
       ('b list, 'trace) result Lwt.t

     (* concurrent Lwt map: treats all the elements concurrently *)
     val map_p : ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'a list -> 'b list Lwt.t

     (* concurrent Lwt-[result] map:
        - treats all the elements concurrently
        - treats the whole list no matter the success/errors *)
     val map_ep :
       ('a -> ('b, 'trace) result Lwt.t) ->
       'a list ->
       ('b list, 'trace list) result Lwt.t

Check out `the online documentation of
Lwtreslib <../api/odoc/_html/tezos-lwt-result-stdlib/Tezos_lwt_result_stdlib/Lwtreslib/index.html>`__
for a description of the semantic and naming convention.

In addition to shadowing existing modules, ``Lwtreslib`` also exports
new modules:

-  ``Seq_e`` for ``result``-aware variant of ``Seq``,
-  ``Seq_s`` for Lwt-aware variant of ``Seq``,
-  ``Seq_es`` for Lwt-``result``-aware variant of ``Seq``, and
-  ``WithExceptions`` for unsafe accesses such as ``Option.get``.

Whenever you need to traverse a standard data structure with some
``result`` or Lwt or Lwt-``result`` function, ``Lwtreslib`` should have
that function ready for you. **You should never fold over a data
structure with a promise or result accumulator.** E.g., you should


   List.rev_map_es fetch keys

and you shouldn’t do


   let open Lwt_result_syntax in
     (fun resources key ->
       let* resources = resources in
       let* resource = fetch key in
       return (resource :: resources))
     (return [])

If you do not find the traversal function you need, do not hesitate to
contribute to Lwtreslib.

Working with traces and errors and such directly

Occasionally, you may need more interaction with traces than the
primitives presented thus far.

For error reporting or debugging purpose, you may need to show traces to
users. You can do so with the following values.

-  ``pp_print_trace``: a ``%a``-`compatible
   formatter <>`__. Note that the trace
   formatting is unspecified and subject to change. Also be aware that
   it generally prints the trace over multiple lines.
-  ``pp_print_top_error_of_trace``: a ``%a``-`compatible
   formatter <>`__ that only shows the
   most recent error in the trace (or one of the most recent errors if
   there are several). This is useful to get shorter error messages.
   Most often used for the declaration of logging events in
-  ``trace_encoding``: an encoding for traces. Useful to combine into
   encoding of data structures that contain traces. Most often used for
   the declaration of logging events in ``Internal_event.Simple``.

If you are working with non-standard data structures and if you need to
define monad-aware traversors for these data structures, you may need to
build some traces by hand. You can do so with the following values.

-  ``TzTrace.make : 'e -> 'e trace`` useful to convert an ``error`` into
   an ``error   trace``. By extension, this is useful to convert an
   ``('a, error) result`` into an ``'a tzresult``.

-  ``TzTrace.cons : 'e -> 'e trace -> 'e trace`` is the low-level
   combinators that builds-up traces. In most cases, you’ll want to use
   ``trace`` or ``record_trace`` instead, but you might need it when you
   are defining a low-level traversal function for some data structure.


      let iter_with_bounded_errors bound f xs =
        (* we rely on syntax for Lwt, we handle results by hand *)
        let open Lwt_syntax in
        let rec aux_all_ok = function
          | [] -> return_ok ()
          | x :: xs ->
            let* r = f x in
            match r with
            | Ok () -> aux_all_ok xs
            | Error e -> aux_some_error 1 (TzTrace.make e) xs
        and aux_some_error num_errors trace xs =
          if num_errors > bound then
            return_error (TzTrace.cons (Exceeded_error_limit bound) trace)
            match xs with
            | [] -> return_ok ()
            | x :: xs ->
              let* r = f x in
              match r with
              | Ok () -> aux_some_error num_errors trace xs
              | Error e -> aux_some_error (num_errors + 1) (TzTrace.cons e trace) xs
        aux_all_ok xs

-  ``TzTrace.conp : 'e trace -> 'e trace -> 'e trace`` is the parallel
   composition of two traces. Unlike ``cons``, the traces composed by
   ``conp`` are not organised hierarchically. The errors are presented
   as having happened side-by-side.

   Note that currently there is little difference between cons and conp
   traces. But the difference will be more marked in the future.

   You should use ``conp`` (rather than ``cons``) when you are gathering
   errors and traces from two or more concurrent processes.

Working within the protocol

If you are working on the protocol, things are slightly different for
you. This is because the protocol has a restricted access to external
resources and libraries. You can find more details in :doc:`the dedicated
documentation <protocol_environment>`.
This section focuses on the error-monad within the protocol.

The protocol environment libraries evolve at a slightly different pace
than the underlying library. You need to check the ``mli`` files within

Note that unlike in the shell, the traces in the protocol are already
abstract. As a result there is no matching of traces (and thus errors)
within the protocol: you can match ``Ok`` and ``Error``, but not the
payload of the ``Error``. This part of the legacy code has already been

The main difference between the protocol and the shell is that the
``category`` parameter of the ``register_error_kind`` function is
meaningful. You must pass a category which is appropriate for the error
you are registering:

-  ``Branch``: is for branch-specific failures, i.e., failures that
   happen in the current branch (of the chain) but maybe wouldn’t happen in a
   different branch. E.g., a reference to an unknown block is invalid, but it
   might become valid once the head block has changed. This category is
   then used by the shell to retry after the branch changes.

-  ``Temporary``: is for transient failures, i.e., failures that happen
   but may not always happen. This category is used by the shell to
   retry at some later time.

-  ``Permanent``: is for irremediable failures, i.e., failures that
   happen and will always happen whatever the context. E.g.,
   `originating a
   contract <>`__
   that does not type-check is a permanent error. This is used by the
   shell to mark the data as invalid.

-  ``Outdated``: is for failures that happen when some data is too old.

Another thing to consider is that errors from the protocol can reach the
shell. However, because the ``error`` type of the protocol is distinct
from that of the shell, the protocol errors are wrapped inside a shell
error constructor.

This has no impact within the protocol (where shell errors don’t exist)
nor within the shell (where protocol errors are automatically wrapped
inside a shell error). However, it can have an impact in the spaces in
between. Most typically, this matters in the unit-tests of the protocol
(``src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/test/unit/``) where you call some
protocol functions directly. In this case, you need to wrap the errors
yourself, using the wrapping functions provided by the environment:
``Environment.wrap_tzresult``, ``Environment.wrap_tztrace``, and

Working below the error-monad

If you are working on some low-level libraries (e.g.,
``src/lib_stdlib``) or the external dependencies (e.g.,
``data-encoding``) you don’t have access to the error monad at all.

In this case, you can still use the ``result`` type but you need to
define your own ``let*`` binding operator:
``let ( let* ) = Result.bind``.

You can also use Lwt which provides its own `Lwt.Syntax
module <>`__.

Finally, the `Lwt_result
module <>`__
(provided as part of Lwt) can help you deal with result-Lwt
combinations, including via its `Lwt_result.Syntax
module <>`__.

Working with external libraries

This tutorial covers error-management techniques in Octez. However, from
within Octez, you may need to call external libraries for cryptography
or RPCs or data-encoding or what have you.

The first thing you do is to carefully read the documentation of the
external library you are using. You should check the overview
documentation with a look out for comments on error management.

Then, you also need to read the documentation of each function that you
are calling. This documentation may explain how errors are handled: does
the function return a ``result``? does it raise and exception? is it

If the function you are calling may raise exceptions, you should catch
these exceptions. You can either do so at the level of the call itself
or, if you are calling multiple functions that can all raise similar
exceptions, around a whole block of calls.

When you catch an exception, the most common thing to do is to translate
it or wrap it into a ``result`` or a ``tzresult``.


     let v1 = Data_encoding.Json.destruct e1 j1 in
     let v2 = Data_encoding.Json.destruct e2 j2 in
     Ok (v1, v2)
     | exc -> Error (Cannot_destruct_json_value exc)

Note that if you are calling an Lwt function, you have to use ``Lwt.catch`` or
``Lwt.try_bind`` rather than ``try``-``with``.


     (fun () ->
       let open Lwt_syntax in
       let* () = Lwt_unix.mkdir d1 perm in
       let* () = Lwt_unix.mkdir d2 perm in
       | exc -> (Cannot_destruct_json_value exc))

The error monad provides `several helpers functions for catching exceptions


   val catch : ?catch_only:(exn -> bool) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a tzresult

If the function you are calling may raise exceptions only under
well-defined conditions on the parameters, then you can also check those
conditions yourself and ignore the exceptions. When doing so, please add
a comment to explain it.


   let get_or_defaults low_default high_default array offset =
     if offset < 0 then
     else if offset >= Array.length array then
       (* This cannot raise because of checks on offset above *)
       Array.get array offset

If the function may fail with ``result``, you can map the error directly
or simply continue with it. If it may fail with ``option``, you can
translate ``None`` into an appropriate error.


   match find k kvs with
   | None -> Error "cannot find key"
   | Some v -> Ok v

If the function’s documentation specifies some pre-conditions but
doesn’t explain what happens if those aren’t met, then you must check
those pre-conditions.


Legacy code

(This section will be removed once the whole code-base has been updated
to use the binding operators as recommended. In the meantime, you need
to learn some legacy constructs so you can read code that hasn’t been
upgraded yet. You should not use the operators introduced in this
section to write new code.)

The legacy code is written with infix bindings instead of ``let``-style
binding operators. The binding ``>>?`` for ``result`` and ``tzresult``,
``>>=`` for Lwt, and ``>>=?`` for Lwt-``result`` and Lwt-``tzresult``. A
full equivalence table follows.

| Modern                               | Legacy                        |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Result_syntax in         |    e >>? fun x ->             |
|    let* x = e in                     |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Result_syntax in         |    e >|? fun x ->             |
|    let+ x = e in                     |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_syntax in            |    e >>= fun x ->             |
|    let* x = e in                     |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_syntax in            |    e >|= fun x ->             |
|    let+ x = e in                     |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_result_syntax in     |    e >>=? fun x ->            |
|    let* x = e in                     |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_result_syntax in     |    e >|=? fun x ->            |
|    let+ x = e in                     |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |
| ``and*``, ``and+`` (any syntax       | No equivalent, uses           |
| module)                              | ``both_e``, ``both_p``, or    |
|                                      | ``both_ep``                   |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_result_syntax in     |    (e >>= ok) >>=? fun x ->   |
|    let*! x = e in                    |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_result_syntax in     |    e >>?= fun x ->            |
|    let*? x = e in                    |    e'                         |
|    e'                                |                               |

In addition, instead of dedicated ``return`` and ``fail`` functions from
a given syntax module, the legacy code relied on global values.

| Modern                               | Legacy                        |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Result_syntax in         |    ok x                       |
|    return x                          |                               |
| ::                                   | No equivalent, uses           |
|                                      | ``Error e``                   |
|    let open Result_syntax in         |                               |
|    fail e                            |                               |
| ::                                   | No equivalent, uses           |
|                                      | ``Lwt.return x``              |
|    let open Lwt_syntax in            |                               |
|    return x                          |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_result_syntax in     |    return x                   |
|    return x                          |                               |
| ::                                   | No equivalent, uses           |
|                                      | ``Lwt.return_ok x``           |
|    let open Lwt_result_syntax in     |                               |
|    fail e                            |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Tzresult_syntax in       |    ok x                       |
|    return x                          |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Tzresult_syntax in       |    error e                    |
|    fail e                            |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in   |    return x                   |
|    return x                          |                               |
| ::                                   | ::                            |
|                                      |                               |
|    let open Lwt_tzresult_syntax in   |    fail e                     |
|    fail e                            |                               |

In addition to these syntactic differences, there are also usage
differences. You might encounter the following patterns which you should
not repeat:

-  Matching against a trace:


      match f () with
      | Ok .. -> ..
      | Error (Timeout :: _) -> ..
      | Error trace -> ..

   This is discouraged because the compiler is unable to warn you if the
   matching is affected by a change in the code. E.g., if you add
   context to an error in one place in the code, you may change the
   result of the matching somewhere else in the code.

In depth discussion: what even is a monad?

This tutorial has been pretty loose with the word monad. It has focused
on usage with very little explanations of fundamental concepts. It is
focused on the surface syntax instead of the underlying mathematical
model. This section goes into a bit more details about the general
principles of monads and such. It does not claim to even attempt to
give a complete description of monads, it simply gives more details than
the previous sections.

For coding purposes, a monad is a parametric type equipped with a set of
specific operators.


   type 'a t
   val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
   val return : 'a -> 'a t

The ``return`` operator injects a value into the monad and the ``bind``
operator continues within the monad.

The set of operators must also follow the monad laws. For example
``bind (return x) f`` must be equivalent to ``f x``.

Monads are used as a generic way to encode different abstractions within
a programming language: I/O, errors, collections, etc. For example, the
``option`` monad is defined as


   module OptionMonad = struct
     type 'a t = 'a option
     let bind x f = match x with | None -> None | Some x -> f x
     let return x = Some x

And it is useful when dealing with queries that may have no answer. This
can be used as a lighter form of error management than the ``result``

Some programming languages also offer syntactic sugar for monads. This
is to avoid having to write ``bind`` within ``bind`` within ``bind``.
E.g., Haskell relies heavily on monads and has the dedicated
``do``-notation. In OCaml, you can use one of the following methods:

-  `binding operators <>`__
   (since OCaml 4.08.0)


      let add x y =
        let ( let* ) = OptionMonad.bind in
        let* x = int_of_string_opt x in
        let* y = int_of_string_opt y in
        Some (string_of_int (x + y))

-  `infix
   operators <>`__


      let add x y =
        let ( >>= ) = OptionMonad.bind in
        int_of_string_opt x >>= fun x ->
        int_of_string_opt y >>= fun y ->
        Some (string_of_int (x + y))

   Note that mixing multiple infix operators is not always easy because
   of precedence and associativity.

-  partial application and infix ``@@``


      let add x y =
        OptionMonad.bind (int_of_string_opt x) @@ fun x ->
        OptionMonad.bind (int_of_string_opt y) @@ fun y ->
        Some (string_of_int (x + y))

   This is useful for the occasional application: you do not need to
   declare a dedicated operator nor open a dedicated syntax module.

Monads can have additional operators beside the required core. E.g., you
can add ``OptionMonad.join : 'a option option -> 'a option``.

In depth discussion: ``Error_monad``, ``src/lib_error_monad/``, ``Tezos_base__TzPervasives``, etc.

The different parts of the error monad (syntax modules, extended stdlib,
tracing primitives, etc.) are defined in separate files. Yet, they are
all available to you directly. This section explains where each part is
defined and how it reaches the scope of your code.

**From your code, working back to the definitions.**

In most of Octez, the ``Error_monad`` module is available. Specifically, it is
available in all the packages that depend on ``tezos-base``. This covers
everything except the protocols and a handful of low-level libraries.

In those part of Octez, the build files include
``-open Tezos_base__TzPervasives``.

The module ``Tezos_base__TzPervasives`` is defined by the compilation
unit ``src/lib_base/``.

This compilation unit gathers multiple low-level modules together. Of
interest to us is ``include Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad`` (left
untouched in the ``mli``) and ``include Tezos_error_monad.TzLwtreslib``
(not present in the ``mli``, used to shadow the Stdlib modules ``List``,
``Option``, ``Result``, etc.).

The ``Error_monad`` module exports:

-  the ``error`` type along with the ``register_error_kind`` function,
-  the ``'a tzresult`` type,
-  the ``TzTrace`` module,
-  the ``Tzresult_syntax`` and ``Lwt_tzresult_syntax`` modules
   (from a different, more generic name),
- and exports a few more functions.

The rest of the ``tezos-error-monad`` package:

-  defines the ``'a trace`` type (in ````), and
-  instantiates ``TzLwtreslib`` by applying ``Lwtreslib``\ ’s ``Traced``
   functor to ``TzTrace``.

The ``Lwtreslib`` module exports a ``Traced (T: TRACE)`` functor. This
functor takes a definition of traces and returns a group of modules
intended to shadow the Stdlib.

**From the underlying definitions, working all the way up to your

At the low-level is Lwtreslib.

-  ``src/lib_lwt_result_stdlib/bare/sigs``: defines interfaces for
   basic, non-traced syntax modules and Stdlib-replacement modules.
-  ``src/lib_lwt_result_stdlib/bare/structs``: defines implementations
   basic, non-traced syntax modules and Stdlib-replacement modules.
-  ``src/lib_lwt_result_stdlib/traced/sigs``: defines interfaces for
   traced syntax modules and Stdlib-replacement modules. These
   interfaces are built on top of the non-traced interfaces, mostly by
   addition and occasionally by shadowing.
-  ``src/lib_lwt_result_stdlib/traced/structs``: defines implementations
   for traced syntax modules and Stdlib-replacement modules. These
   implementations are built on top of the non-traced implementations,
   mostly by addition and occasionally by shadowing. These are defined
   as functors over some abstract tracing primitives.
-  ``src/lib_lwt_result_stdlib/lwtreslib.mli``: puts together the traced
   implementations into a single functor ``Traced`` that takes a trace
   definition and returns fully instantiated modules to shadow the

Above Lwtreslib is the Error monad.

-  ``src/lib_error_monad/``: defines the ``'a trace`` type
   along with the low-level trace-construction primitives.
-  ``src/lib_error_monad/``: instantiates
   ``Lwtreslib.Traced`` with ``TzTrace``.
-  ``src/lib_error_monad/``: provides a functor
   which, given a tracing module, provides some higher level functions
   for tracing as well as a few other functions.
-  ``src/lib_error_monad/``: provides a functor which,
   given a name, provides an ``error`` type, a ``register_error_kind``
   function, and a few other related functions. This is a functor so we
   can instantiate it separately for the shell and for each of the
-  ``src/lib_error_monad/``: instantiates the ``core_maker``
   functor for the shell.
-  ``src/lib_error_monad/``: puts together all of the
   above into a single module.

Above the Error monad is lib-base:

-  ``src/lib_base/``: exports the ``Error_monad`` module,
   includes the ``Error_monad`` module, exports each of the
   ``TzLwtreslib`` module.

In depth discussion: ``result`` as data and ``result`` as control-flow

Note that ``result`` (and similarly, ``tzresult``) is a data type.


   type ('a, 'b) result =
   | Ok of 'a
   | Error of 'b

You can treat values of type ``result`` as data of that data-type. In
this case, you construct and match the values, you pass them around,

Note however that, in Octez, we also use the ``result`` type as a
control-flow mechanism. Specifically, in conjunction with the ``let*``
binding operator, the ``result`` type has a continue/abort meaning.

Within your code, you can go from one use to the other. E.g.,


   let xs =
       (fun x ->
         (* [result] as control-flow *)
         let open Result_syntax in
         let* .. = .. in
         let* .. = .. in
         return ..)
   let successes xs =
     (* [result] as data *)
     List.length (List.rev_filter_ok xs)

Using ``result`` as sometimes data and sometimes control-flow is the
main reason to bend the guidelines about which syntax module to
open. E.g., if your function returns ``(_, _) result Lwt.t`` but the
``result`` is data returned by the function rather than control-flow
used within the function, then you should open ``Lwt_syntax`` (rather
then ``Lwt_result_syntax``).

As a significant aside, note that in OCaml you can also use exceptions
for control-flow (with ``raise`` and ``try``-``with`` and
``match``-``with``-``exception``) and as data (the type ``exn`` is an
extensible variant data-type).


   (** [iter_no_raise f xs] applies [f] to all the elements of [xs]. If [f] raises
       an exception, the iteration continues and [f] is still applies to other
       elements. The function returns pairs of the exceptions raised by [f] along
       the elements of [xs] that triggered these exceptions. *)
   let iter_no_raise f xs =
       (fun excs x ->
         match f x with
         | exception exc -> exc :: excs
         | () -> excs)

You can find uses of exception as data within the error monad itself.
First, the generic failure functions (``error_with``,
``error_with_exn``, ``failwith``, and ``fail_with_exn``) are just
wrapper around an ``error`` which carries an exception (as data).

Second, Lwtreslib provides helpers to catch exceptions. E.g.,
``Result.catch : (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, exn) result`` calls a function and
wraps any raised exception inside an ``Error`` constructor.

In depth discussion: pros and cons of ``result`` compared to other error management techniques

In Octez, we use ``result`` and the specialised ``tzresult``. For this
reason, this tutorial is focused on ``result``/``tzresult``. However,
there are other techniques for handling errors. This section compares
them briefly.

In general you should use ``result`` and ``tzresult`` but in some
specific cases you can deviate from that. The comparisons below may help
you decide.


In exception-based error handling, you raise an exception (via
``raise``) when an error occurs and you catch it (via ``try``-``with``)
to recover. Exceptions are fast because the OCaml compiler and runtime
provide the necessary mechanisms directly.

Whether a function can raise an exception or not cannot be determined by
its type. This means that it is easy to forget to recover from an
exception. An external library may change the set of exceptions that a
function raises and you need to update calls to this function, but the
type-checker cannot warn you about it. This places a heavy burden on the
developer who is responsible for checking the documentation of all the
functions they call.

Exception-raising functions should be documented as such using the
``@raise`` documentation keyword.

| Pros: performance is good, used widely in the larger ecosystem.
| Cons: you cannot rely on the type-checker to help you at all, you
  depend on the quality of the documentation of your external and
  internal dependencies.

Note that within the protocol, you should not use exceptions at all.


With ``tzresult``, errors are carried by the ``Error`` constructor of a
``result``. In this way an ``'a tzresult`` represents the result of a
computation that normally returns an ``'a`` but may fail.

Because the type of errors is an abstract wrapper (``trace``) around an
extensible variant (``error``), you can only recover from these errors
in a generic way.

| Pros: the type of a function indicates if it can fail or not, you
  cannot forget to check for success/failure.
| Cons: you cannot check which error was raised, registration is heavy
  and complicated.


With ``result``, errors are carried by the ``Error`` constructor. Each
function defines its own type of errors.

| Pros: the type of a function indicates if and how it can fail, you
  cannot forget to check for success/failure, you can check the payload
  of failures.
| Cons: different errors from different functions cannot be used
  together (need conversions), ``and*`` is unusable.


With ``option``, errors are represented by the ``None`` constructor.
Errors are completely void of payload.

Because there are no payloads attached to an error, you should generally
treat the error directly at the call site. Otherwise you might lose
track of the origin of the failure. E.g., what was not found in the
following code fragment?


     let ( let* ) = Option.bind in
     let* z = find "zero" in
     let* o = find "one" in
     Some (z, o)
   | None -> ..
   | Some (z, o) -> ..

| Pros: the type of a function indicates if it can fail, you cannot
  forget to check for success/failure.
| Cons: a single kind of errors means it cannot be very informative.


Another approach to errors is to have a default or fallback value. In
that case, the function returns a default sensible value when it would
raise and exception or return an error. Alternatively, it can take this
fallback value as parameter.


   (** @raise Not_found if argument is [None] *)
   val get : 'a option -> 'a

   (** returns [default] if argument is [None] *)
   val value : default:'a -> 'a option -> 'a

| Pros: there is no error.
| Cons: doesn’t work for every function, works differently on different

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