Raw File
Tip revision: a3e2a0859420cf1052d059a45651a25bbb9b9dd4 authored by Mark Hillebrand on 18 January 2016, 08:33:51 UTC
License change
Tip revision: a3e2a08
// <copyright file="" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Basics.h"
#include "BestGpu.h"
//#include "DebugUtil.h"

#ifndef CPUONLY

#include "GPUTensor.h"
#include "GPUMatrix.h"
#include "GPUMatrixCUDAKernels.cuh"
#include "CommonMatrix.h"
#define TENSOR_OPS_DECL __device__ __host__
#include "TensorOps.h"
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "cublas_v2.h"
#include <assert.h>

#ifndef let
#define let const auto

#pragma comment (lib, "cudart.lib")     // instruct linker to reference these libs
#pragma comment (lib, "cublas.lib")

#pragma warning (disable: 4267) // conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int'; happens in CUDA <<<a,b>>> syntax if a and b are size_t
#pragma warning (disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant; "if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))" triggers this
#pragma warning (disable: 4702) // unreachable code; triggered for unknown reasons

extern bool do_sync;

#ifdef _WIN32
// thread local storage to access the current stream, initalize to default stream
__declspec (thread)
extern cudaStream_t t_stream;

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

    // =======================================================================
    // TensorView support
    // =======================================================================

    // To save time, this makes extensive use of templates and macros.

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // simple fixed-size arrays for passing dimension information by value
    // since CUDA can't just take our std::array and std::vector
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    template<typename T, size_t N>
    struct FixedArray
        T m_data[N];
        __device__ __host__ size_t size() const { return N; }
        __device__ __host__ T & operator[](size_t n)       { return m_data[n]; }
        __device__ __host__ T   operator[](size_t n) const { return m_data[n]; }
        template<class VEC> FixedArray(const VEC & data)    // construct from CPU-side STL array or vector
            assert(data.size() == N);
            for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++)
                m_data[n] = (T)data[n];
                if (m_data[n] != data[n])   // overflow check
                    InvalidArgument("FixedArray: Dimensions out of range, too few bits.");
    template<typename T>        // specialized version for 0 elements
    struct FixedArray<T, 0>
        __device__ __host__ size_t size() const { return 0; }
        template<class VEC> FixedArray(const VEC & data) { assert(data.size() == 0); UNUSED(data); }
        FixedArray() { }

    template<typename T, size_t N, size_t K>    // N = which input/output; K = index depth
    struct FixedMatrix
        T m_data[N][K];
        __device__ __host__ size_t getNumRows() const { return N; }
        __device__ __host__ size_t getNumCols() const { return K; }
        __device__ __host__ T & operator()(size_t n, size_t k)       { return m_data[n][k]; }
        __device__ __host__ T   operator()(size_t n, size_t k) const { return m_data[n][k]; }
        template<typename U> FixedMatrix(const array<SmallVector<U>, N> & data)  // construct from CPU-side array of vectors
            assert(data.size() == N);
            for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++)
                assert(data[n].size() == K);
                for (size_t k = 0; k < K; k++)
                    m_data[n][k] = (T)data[n][k];
                    if (m_data[n][k] != data[n][k])   // overflow check
                        InvalidArgument("FixedArray: Dimensions out of range, too few bits.");
    template<typename T, size_t N>        // specialized version for 0 elements
    struct FixedMatrix<T, N, 0>
        __device__ __host__ size_t getNumRows() const { return N; }
        __device__ __host__ size_t getNumCols() const { return 0; }
        template<typename U> FixedMatrix(const array<SmallVector<U>, N> & data) { assert(data.size() == N); for (size_t n = 0; n < N; n++) assert(data[n].size() == 0); UNUSED(data); }
        FixedMatrix() { }

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // function to actually compute a function of (N-1) inputs based on the opcode
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    template<class ElemType>
    struct TensorOps
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray<ElemType*, 1> & pointers, ElementWiseOperator op)
#define CaseNullaryTensorOp(oper) case ElementWiseOperator::op ## oper: return Op ## oper<ElemType>()
            switch (op)
            default: return OpConstOne<ElemType>();   // (failure--we only have one nullary op, so use the same, maybe it will eliminate the switch altogether)
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray<ElemType*, 2> & pointers, ElementWiseOperator op)
            ElemType a = *(pointers[0]);
#define CaseUnaryTensorOp(oper) case ElementWiseOperator::op ## oper: return Op ## oper(a)
            switch (op)
            default: return 0;  // (failure)
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray<ElemType*, 3> & pointers, ElementWiseOperator op)
            ElemType a = *(pointers[0]);
            ElemType b = *(pointers[1]);
#define CaseBinaryTensorOp(oper) case ElementWiseOperator::op ## oper: return Op ## oper(a,b)
            switch (op)
            ForAllBinaryOps(CaseBinaryTensorOp);    // note: this costs about 6% compared to having only a single case
            default: return 0;  // (failure)
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(const FixedArray<ElemType*, 4> & pointers, ElementWiseOperator op)
            ElemType a = *(pointers[0]);
            ElemType b = *(pointers[1]);
            ElemType c = *(pointers[2]);
#define CaseTernaryTensorOp(oper) case ElementWiseOperator::op ## oper: return Op ## oper(a,b,c)
            switch (op)
            default: return 0;  // (failure)

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // function to compute the value for a given output location (this version performs reduction if needed)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int m>
    struct TensorOpReduce
        // this version for m >= 0
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                           const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & reducingStrides)
            // start with index 0
            // Using 'double' since we are memory-bound anyway.
            double/*ElemType*/ aggregate = TensorOpReduce<ElemType, N, M, m - 1>::Compute(pointers, op, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
            // apply this index to the pointers
            C_size_t dim = reducingOpDims[m];
            for (C_size_t k = 1/*done with k=0 already*/; k < dim; k++)
                // bump the pointers
                for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)    // N-1 because output is not used here
                    pointers[i] += reducingStrides(i,(C_size_t)m);
                ElemType val = TensorOpReduce<ElemType, N, M, m - 1>::Compute(pointers, op, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
                aggregate += val;
            return (ElemType)aggregate;

    // this one terminates the template recursion over reduction dimensions
    // The pointers are pointing to the input element.
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M>
    struct TensorOpReduce<ElemType, N, M, /*m=*/-1>
        // this version for m = -1
        // the pointers are pointing to the right location(s) to take the operation over
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                           const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & /*reducingOpDims*/, const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & /*reducingStrides*/)
            return TensorOps<ElemType>::Compute(pointers, op);   // finally computing something!

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // function to compute one constituent of the value for a given output location (this version has reduction done outside)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int m>
    struct TensorOpParallelReduce
        // this version for m >= 0
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(CUDA_LONG id, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                           const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & reducingStrides)
            // map id (location on grid) to index[k]
            C_size_t stride = 1;                    // compute the stride. This seems expensive, but since we we only currently support M <= 2, this is just compile-time selection between 1 and reducingOpDims[0].
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                stride *= reducingOpDims[(C_size_t)i];
            C_size_t index = id / stride;           // this dimension. For m=0, the stride is 1 and hence the division will be removed at compile time.
            id = id % stride;                       // remaining dimensions inside this. For m=0 this value is ignored and hence not even computed.
            // apply this index to the pointers
            for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)
                pointers[i] += index * reducingStrides(i, (C_size_t)m);    // now this dimension is taken care of
            return TensorOpParallelReduce<ElemType, N, M, m - 1>::Compute(id, pointers, op, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);

    // this one terminates the template recursion over reduction dimensions
    // The pointers are pointing to the input element.
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M>
    struct TensorOpParallelReduce<ElemType, N, M, /*m=*/-1>
        // this version for m = -1
        // the pointers are pointing to the right location(s) to take the operation over
        static __device__ ElemType Compute(CUDA_LONG /*id*/, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                           const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & /*reducingOpDims*/, const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & /*reducingStrides*/)
            return TensorOps<ElemType>::Compute(pointers, op);   // finally computing something!

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // perform loop over regular index k for N-nary operations (N counting the output)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // The canonical case, vector op without reduction, is this PTX function:
    // _ZN9Microsoft3MSR4CNTK15_launchTensorOpIfLi3ELi0ELi1EEEvT_NS1_10FixedArrayIPS3_XT0_EEES3_NS1_19ElementWiseOperatorENS4_IiXT2_EEENS1_11FixedMatrixIiXT0_EXT2_EEENS4_IiXT1_EEENS9_IiXT0_EXT1_EEEi
    //                                   float ^      ^ aggregate loop
    //                                      args? ^       ^ input dims
    // _ZN9Microsoft3MSR4CNTK15_launchTensorOpIfLi2ELi0ELi1EEEvT_NS1_10FixedArrayIPS3_XT0_EEES3_NS1_19ElementWiseOperatorENS4_IiXT2_EEENS1_11FixedMatrixIiXT0_EXT2_EEENS4_IiXT1_EEENS9_IiXT0_EXT1_EEEi

    // The 'pointers' only refer to a single element, so we will bump them in-place to perform indexing.
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int K, bool parallelReduce, C_int k>
    struct TensorOpElement
        // template-recursive version loops over indices
        static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG id, ElemType beta, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> & pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> & regularOpStrides,  const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> & regularStrides,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & reducingOpDims,   const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & reducingStrides,
                                       CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize)
            // map id (location on grid) to index[k]
            C_size_t stride = regularOpStrides[(C_size_t)k];
            C_size_t index = id / stride;             // this dimension
            id = id % stride;                       // remaining dimensions inside this
            // apply this index to the pointers
            for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
                pointers[i] += index * regularStrides(i,(C_size_t)k);    // now this dimension is taken care of
            // process the previous index
            TensorOpElement<ElemType, N, M, K, parallelReduce, k - 1>::Compute(id, beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionBegin, reductionChunkSize);

    // specialization for k=0 where op stride is guaranteed to be 1
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int K, bool parallelReduce>
    struct TensorOpElement<ElemType, N, M, K, parallelReduce, /*k=*/0>
        // template-recursive version loops over indices
        static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG id, ElemType beta, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> & pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> & regularOpStrides,  const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> & regularStrides,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & reducingOpDims,    const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & reducingStrides,
                                       CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize)
            // map id (location on grid) to index[k]
            C_size_t index = id;                      // this dimension
            // apply this index to the pointers
            for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
                pointers[i] += index * regularStrides(i,0);    // now this dimension is taken care of
            // process the previous index
            TensorOpElement<ElemType, N, M, K, parallelReduce, -1>::Compute(/*id*/0, beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionBegin, reductionChunkSize);

    //// apply beta and alpha and save
    //template<class ElemType, class PointersType>
    //static __device__ void SetFinalValue(ElemType val, ElemType beta, const PointersType & pointers, ElemType alpha)
    //    // scale
    //    val *= alpha;
    //    // combine with previous value in target matrix, then write it out
    //    auto * pout = pointers[pointers.size() - 1];
    //    if (beta != 0)
    //        val += beta * *pout;
    //    // save
    //    *pout = val;

    // specialization for k = -1 terminates the template recursion, and computes reductions in a for loop
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int K>
    struct TensorOpElement<ElemType, N, M, K, /*parallelReduce=*/false, /*k=*/-1>
        // template-recursion-teminating version computes the actual value for this output location
        // now the output pointers point to the right element (input pointers may still iterate for reduction)
        static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG /*id*/, ElemType beta, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> & pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> & /*regularOpStrides*/, const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> & /*regularStrides*/,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & reducingOpDims, const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG /*reductionBegin*/, CUDA_LONG /*reductionChunkSize*/)
            // compute the operation for this output coordinate
            // This may still involve a reduction over inverse-broadcasting dimensions.
            ElemType val = TensorOpReduce<ElemType, N, M, M - 1>::Compute(pointers, op, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
            // scale
            val *= alpha;
            // combine with previous value in target matrix, then write it out
            auto * pout = pointers[pointers.size() - 1];
            if (beta != 0)
                val += beta * *pout;
            // save
            *pout = val;

    // specialization for k = -1 terminates the template recursion, and computes reductions in parallel
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int K>
    struct TensorOpElement<ElemType, N, M, K, /*parallelReduce=*/true, /*k=*/-1>
        // template-recursion-teminating version computes the actual value for this output location
        // now the output pointers point to the right element (input pointers may still iterate for reduction)
        static __device__ void Compute(CUDA_LONG /*id*/, ElemType beta, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> & pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> & /*regularOpStrides*/, const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> & /*regularStrides*/,
                                       const FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> & reducingOpDims,       const FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> & reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize)
            CUDA_LONG reductionBlock = blockIdx.z;          // block index  --larger reductions are split into blocks
            CUDA_LONG reductionBlocks = gridDim.z;          // number of blocks
            CUDA_LONG tid = threadIdx.x;                    // thread index
            CUDA_LONG tids = blockDim.x;                    // out of how many threads  --note: last block is partial

            // determine our range  --this is a single int mul, we can stomach it (we could alternatively pass in yet another parameter)
            CUDA_LONG reductionDim = (CUDA_LONG)reducingOpDims[0];
            for (C_size_t i = 1; i < reducingOpDims.size(); i++)
                reductionDim *= reducingOpDims[i];

            // determine the redId range that we operate on
            // Each thread takes a stride tid + (multiples of tids) within this range.
            reductionBegin += reductionChunkSize * reductionBlock;
            CUDA_LONG reductionEnd = min(reductionBegin + reductionChunkSize, reductionDim);

            // compute the operation for this input coordinate
            double sum = 0;
            for (CUDA_LONG redId = reductionBegin + tid; redId < reductionEnd; redId += tids)
                auto val = TensorOpParallelReduce<ElemType, N, M, M - 1>::Compute(redId, pointers, op, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
                sum += val;

            // reduce    --cf
            __shared__ double accumulators[GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock/*tids*/];
            accumulators[tid] = sum;
            static_assert(GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock <= 512, "GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock too large, need to add manually unrolled steps");
            for (CUDA_LONG i = 256; i; i >>= 1)
                if (tid < i && tid + i < tids) accumulators[tid] += accumulators[tid + i];
                if (0 + i < tids) __syncthreads();    // sync if condition true for at least one thread

            // now set final value to output coordinate
            if (tid == 0)
                ElemType val = (ElemType)accumulators[0];
                // scale
                val *= alpha;
                // combine with previous value in target matrix, then write it out
                auto * pout = pointers[pointers.size() - 1];
                if (reductionBlocks > 1)        // multiple blocks: need to use atomicAdd()
                    // in this case, outer calling code must pass beta = 1
                    val = atomicAdd(pout, val);
                    if (beta != 0)
                        val += beta * *pout;
                    // save
                    *pout = val;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // kernel and launch  --no reduction
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // launch tensor op with CUDA
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int K>
    __global__ void _launchTensorOp(ElemType beta, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                    FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> regularOpStrides, FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> regularStrides,  CUDA_LONG numElements,
                                    FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> reducingOpDims,   FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> reducingStrides)
        CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId();
        if (id < numElements)       // note: there are no __syncthread() calls inside
            TensorOpElement<ElemType, N, M, K, false, K - 1>::Compute(id, beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, 0, 0);

    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int K>
    static void LaunchTensorOp(ElemType beta, array<ElemType*, N> pointerVector, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                               const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,       const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, N> & regularStrideVectors)
        // copy all parameters to CUDA-compatible data structures
        FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers(pointerVector);
        SmallVector<C_size_t> regularOpStrideVector;    // kernel needs the strides for converting thread index back to multi-dimensional tensor index
        C_size_t numElements = 1;
        for (C_size_t k = 0; k < regularOpDims.size(); k++)
            numElements *= (C_size_t)regularOpDims[k];
        FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> regularOpStrides(regularOpStrideVector);
        FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> regularStrides(regularStrideVectors);
        FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, /*M=*/0> reducingOpDims;
        FixedMatrix<C_int, N, /*M=*/0> reducingStrides;

        // launch the kernel
        CUDA_LONG NN = (CUDA_LONG)numElements;      // linear space identifying each individual input element
        cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventCreate(&done));
        GridDim grid(NN);
        _launchTensorOp<ElemType, N, /*M=*/0, K> << <grid.m_blocksPerGrid, grid.m_threadsPerBlock, 0, t_stream >> >(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, grid.m_N, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventRecord(done));
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventSynchronize(done));
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventDestroy(done));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // kernel and launch  --with reduction
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int K>
    __global__ void _launchTensorOpWithReduction(ElemType beta, FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                                 FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> regularOpStrides, FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> regularStrides,  CUDA_LONG numElements,
                                                 FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> reducingOpDims,   FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> reducingStrides, CUDA_LONG reductionBegin, CUDA_LONG reductionChunkSize)
        CUDA_LONG id = gridDim.x * blockIdx.y + blockIdx.x;   // input dimensions are Y dimension of blocks in this case, so we can use thread dim for shared-memory/parallelization
        if (id < numElements)       // note: we have __syncthread() calls but only entire blocks in sync, so this is OK
            TensorOpElement<ElemType, N, M, K, true, K - 1>::Compute(id, beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionBegin, reductionChunkSize);

    // All dimensions (N-ariness, number of input dimensions K and number of reduction dimensions M) are bound to template parameters now.
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int M, C_int K>
    static void LaunchTensorOpWithReduction(ElemType beta, array<ElemType*, N> pointerVector, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                            const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,       const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, N> & regularStrideVectors,
                                            const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDimVector, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, N> & reducingStrideVectors)
        // copy all parameters to CUDA-compatible data structures
        FixedArray<ElemType*, N> pointers(pointerVector);
        SmallVector<C_size_t> regularOpStrideVector;    // kernel needs the strides for converting thread index back to multi-dimensional tensor index
        C_size_t numElements = 1;
        for (C_size_t k = 0; k < regularOpDims.size(); k++)
            numElements *= (C_size_t)regularOpDims[k];
        FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, K> regularOpStrides(regularOpStrideVector);
        FixedMatrix<C_int, N, K> regularStrides(regularStrideVectors);
        FixedArray<C_unsigned_int, M> reducingOpDims(reducingOpDimVector);
        FixedMatrix<C_int, N, M> reducingStrides(reducingStrideVectors);

        // launch the kernel
        CUDA_LONG NN = (CUDA_LONG)numElements;      // linear space identifying each individual input element
        cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventCreate(&done));

        // do some optimization for reductions
        // Cases:
        //  - #output elements >= GPU procs  -->  use one proc per element, do reduction in inner loop
        //  - reduction dimension fits into a single kernel  -->  launch it that way
        //  - reduction dimension requires multiple kernels  -->  use atomic add, to avoid temp mem alloc
        //     - PlusNode: reducing to a bias for small matrices
        //     - ScaleNode: big elementwise product reduced to a scalar (dot product)
        //     - E.g. 3072 GPU procs:
        //       If >= 3072 reduced output values must be computed, just loop inside.
        //       If less, and reduction per value does not fit into a single proc,
        //       then we break it into procs, say, 24.
        //       This way we will need 24 atomicAdd()s of 3072/24 = 128 values.
        //       If reduction is along stride=1, then we'd have 24 atomicAdd()s of 32 coalesced writes.
        //       Does not sound scary at all.
        //       Precondition: matrix cannot at the same time participate in reduction and operation.
        C_size_t reductionDim = 1;  // number of elements to reduce over
        for (C_size_t k = 0; k < reducingOpDimVector.size(); k++)
            reductionDim *= (C_size_t)reducingOpDimVector[k];
        let & props = GridDim::GetDeviceProps();
        GridDim grid(NN);
        if (reductionDim > 1 && grid.m_blocksPerGrid < props.multiProcessorCount  /*    && NN == 10 && reductionDim <= GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock*/)
            // we are reducing and are underutilizing the multiprocs we have: get more parallelism by doing reduction in parallel
            // Change of strategy: All NN elements get their own block. Reduction gets split over blocks as well.

            // By how much do we underutilize?
            // We increase #blocks by that factor by breaking reduction into that many chunks.
            let numReductionChunks = CeilDiv(props.multiProcessorCount, NN);

            // NN may be too large for a single dimension
            let blockXOverBy = CeilDiv(NN, props.maxGridSize[0]);
            let numBlocksX = CeilDiv(NN, blockXOverBy);
            let numBlocksY = CeilDiv(NN, numBlocksX);
            let numBlocksZ = numReductionChunks;
            // Block dim is now:
            //  - X, Y: such that X*Y covers NN
            //  - Z: reduction chunks

            // reduction goes into thread dim X
            let reductionChunkSize = CeilDiv(reductionDim, numReductionChunks);
            let numThreadsX = min(reductionChunkSize, GridDim::maxThreadsPerBlock); // any that's over will be done by looping inside the kernel

            if (beta == 1 || numBlocksZ == 1)
                _launchTensorOpWithReduction<ElemType, N, M, K> << <dim3(numBlocksX, numBlocksY, numBlocksZ), numThreadsX, numThreadsX * sizeof(double), t_stream >> >(/*beta=*/1, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, 0, reductionChunkSize);
                // We need more than one chunk, we will use atomicAdd().
                // First reset/pre-multiply input; then do the remaining chunks using atomicAdd().
                _launchTensorOpWithReduction<ElemType, N, M, K> << <dim3(numBlocksX, numBlocksY, 1), numThreadsX, numThreadsX * sizeof(double), t_stream >> >(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, 0, reductionChunkSize);
                _launchTensorOpWithReduction<ElemType, N, M, K> << <dim3(numBlocksX, numBlocksY, numBlocksZ - 1), numThreadsX, numThreadsX * sizeof(double), t_stream >> >(/*beta=*/1, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, NN, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides, reductionChunkSize, reductionChunkSize);
            // we got enough elements to generate: do one element per thread, and reduction inside
            _launchTensorOp<ElemType, N, M, K> << <grid.m_blocksPerGrid, grid.m_threadsPerBlock, 0, t_stream >> >(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpStrides, regularStrides, grid.m_N, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventRecord(done));
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventSynchronize(done));
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventDestroy(done));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // kernel and launch  --linear unary
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // for linear unary ops, we need to define a functor for every function for use as a template parameter (lambda syntax doesn't work in CUDA 7)
    #define DefineUnaryTensorFunctor(oper) \
        struct Functor ## oper { template<class ElemType> static __device__ ElemType f(ElemType a) { return Op ## oper(a); } };

    // the top-level kernel for linear unary ops
    // Note: If we have a beta, we have 2 memory accesses, so this optimization may no longer be needed as we are memory-bound.
    template<class ElemType, class FN>
    __global__ void _launchUnaryTensorOp(ElemType beta, const ElemType * pa, ElemType * pb, ElemType alpha, CUDA_LONG numElements)
        CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId();
        if (id >= numElements)
        ElemType a = pa[id];
        ElemType val = FN::f(a);
        val *= alpha;
        if (beta != 0)
            val += beta * pb[id];
        pb[id] = val;
    // version without beta and alpha
    template<class ElemType, class FN>
    __global__ void _launchUnaryTensorOp(const ElemType * pa, ElemType * pb, CUDA_LONG numElements)
        CUDA_LONG id = GridDim::GetLinearThreadId();
        if (id >= numElements)
        ElemType a = pa[id];
        ElemType val = FN::f(a);
        pb[id] = val;

    // special case of linear unary operation
    template<class ElemType>
    void LaunchUnaryTensorOp(ElemType beta, const ElemType * pa, ElemType * pb, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, size_t regularOpDim)
        CUDA_LONG NN = (CUDA_LONG)regularOpDim;

        #define CaseLaunchUnaryTensorOp(oper) case ElementWiseOperator::op ## oper: \
            if (beta == 0 && alpha == 1) \
                return _launchUnaryTensorOp<ElemType,Functor ## oper> << <grid.m_blocksPerGrid, grid.m_threadsPerBlock, 0, t_stream >> >(pa, pb, NN); \
            else \
                return _launchUnaryTensorOp<ElemType,Functor ## oper> << <grid.m_blocksPerGrid, grid.m_threadsPerBlock, 0, t_stream >> >(beta, pa, pb, alpha, NN);

        cudaEvent_t done = nullptr;
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventCreate(&done));
        GridDim grid(NN);
        switch (op)
        default: LogicError("LaunchTensorOp1: Unknown op code %d.", (int)op);
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventRecord(done));
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventSynchronize(done));
        if (do_sync)    CUDA_CALL(cudaEventDestroy(done));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // map runtime parameters N to template parameters
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // tensor operation with k+1 dimensions (-1 means scalar)
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N, C_int K>
    static void TensorOpWithRegularLoop(ElemType beta, const array<ElemType*, N> & pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                        const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, N> & regularStrides,
                                        const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, N> & reducingStrides)
        size_t dims = reducingOpDims.size();
        switch (dims)
        case 2: return LaunchTensorOpWithReduction<ElemType, N, 2, K>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        case 1: return LaunchTensorOpWithReduction<ElemType, N, 1, K>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        case 0: return LaunchTensorOp<ElemType, N, K>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides);
        default: LogicError("TensorOp: %d non-flattened reduction dimensions are not supported.", (C_int)dims);

    // tensor operation, generalized in number of arguments
    // This function now expands into different k. It also eliminates the offsets by adding them to the pointers.
    template<class ElemType, C_size_t N>
    void TensorOpN(ElemType beta, array<ElemType*, N> pointers, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                        const array<size_t, N> & offsets,
                        const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, N> & regularStrides,
                        const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, N> & reducingStrides)
        for (C_size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)  // N = a small constant, this will be unrolled
            pointers[i] += offsets[i];
        size_t dims = regularOpDims.size();
        switch (dims)
        case 4: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop<ElemType, N, 4>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        case 3: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop<ElemType, N, 3>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        case 2: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop<ElemType, N, 2>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        case 1: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop<ElemType, N, 1>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        case 0: return TensorOpWithRegularLoop<ElemType, N, 0>(beta, pointers, alpha, op, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides);
        default: LogicError("TensorOp: %d non-flattened input dimensions are not supported.", (C_int)dims);

    // explicit instantiations--these are being called from

    template void TensorOpN<float,  2>(float beta, array<float*, 2> pointers, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const array<size_t, 2> & offsets,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 2> & regularStrides,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 2> & reducingStrides);
    template void TensorOpN<float,  3>(float beta, array<float*, 3> pointers, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const array<size_t, 3> & offsets,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 3> & regularStrides,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 3> & reducingStrides);
    template void TensorOpN<float,  4>(float beta, array<float*, 4> pointers, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const array<size_t, 4> & offsets,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 4> & regularStrides,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 4> & reducingStrides);
    template void TensorOpN<double, 2>(double beta, array<double*, 2> pointers, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const array<size_t, 2> & offsets,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 2> & regularStrides,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 2> & reducingStrides);
    template void TensorOpN<double, 3>(double beta, array<double*, 3> pointers, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const array<size_t, 3> & offsets,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 3> & regularStrides,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 3> & reducingStrides);
    template void TensorOpN<double, 4>(double beta, array<double*, 4> pointers, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op,
                                       const array<size_t, 4> & offsets,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & regularOpDims,  const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 4> & regularStrides,
                                       const SmallVector<size_t> & reducingOpDims, const array<SmallVector<ptrdiff_t>, 4> & reducingStrides);

    template void LaunchUnaryTensorOp(float beta, const float * pa, float * pb, float alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, size_t regularOpDim);
    template void LaunchUnaryTensorOp(double beta, const double * pa, double * pb, double alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, size_t regularOpDim);


#endif // CPUONLY
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