Raw File
Tip revision: 5dab3104ba94e96cdc630ba5c6aeb8e1ad26ccc6 authored by Joshua Shorenstein on 09 May 2016, 15:33:43 UTC
simplofy collapse_full
Tip revision: 5dab310
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import click
from matplotlib import use
use('Agg')  # noqa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from skbio import read, DistanceMatrix
from skbio.stats import isubsample
from skbio.stats.ordination import OrdinationResults
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict

ALPHA = 1.0
def mod2_pcoa():

@click.option('--coords', required=True, type=click.Path(
              resolve_path=True, readable=True, exists=True),
              help='Coordinates file')
@click.option('--mapping_file', required=True, type=click.Path(
              resolve_path=True, readable=True, exists=True),
              help='Mapping file')
@click.option('--output', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True,
              writable=True, resolve_path=True), help='Output directory')
@click.option('--filename', required=True, type=str, help='Output filename')
@click.option('--sample', required=True, type=str,
              help='The sample to print')
def body_site(coords, mapping_file, output, filename, sample):
    """Generates a bodysite figure for a sample in the coordinates file"""
    o = read(coords, into=OrdinationResults)

    # coordinates
    c_df = pd.DataFrame(, o.site_ids)

    # mapping file
    mf = pd.read_csv(mapping_file, sep='\t', dtype=str)
    mf.set_index('#SampleID', inplace=True)

    mf = mf.loc[o.site_ids]

    if sample not in o.site_ids:
        raise ValueError("Sample %s not found" % sample)

    color_hmp_fecal = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[10]  # light brown
    color_agp_fecal = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[11]  # dark brown
    color_hmp_oral = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[0]    # light blue
    color_agp_oral = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[1]    # dark blue
    color_hmp_skin = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[2]    # light green
    color_agp_skin = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[3]    # dark green

    grp_colors = {'AGP-FECAL': color_agp_fecal,
                  'AGP-ORAL':  color_agp_oral,
                  'AGP-SKIN':  color_agp_skin,
                  'HMP-FECAL': color_hmp_fecal,
                  'GG-FECAL':  color_hmp_fecal,
                  'PGP-FECAL': color_hmp_fecal,
                  'HMP-ORAL':  color_hmp_oral,
                  'PGP-ORAL':  color_hmp_oral,
                  'HMP-SKIN':  color_hmp_skin,
                  'PGP-SKIN':  color_hmp_skin}

    # plot categories as 50 slices with random zorder
    for grp, color in grp_colors.iteritems():
        sub_coords = c_df[mf.TITLE_BODY_SITE == grp].values
        for i in np.array_split(sub_coords, 50):
            if i.size == 0:
            plt.scatter(i[:, 0], i[:, 1], color=color,
                        edgecolor=np.asarray(color)*0.6, lw=LINE_WIDTH,
                        alpha=ALPHA, zorder=np.random.rand())

    # plot participant's dot
    plt.scatter(c_df.loc[sample][0], c_df.loc[sample][1],
                s=270, edgecolor='w', zorder=1, lw=LINE_WIDTH_WHITE)
    plt.scatter(c_df.loc[sample][0], c_df.loc[sample][1],
                s=250, edgecolor=np.asarray(
                zorder=2, lw=LINE_WIDTH_BLACK)

    my_dpi = 72
    figsize = (1000 / my_dpi, 1000 / my_dpi)
    out_file = os.path.join(output, filename)
    plt.savefig(out_file, figsize=figsize, dpi=my_dpi)

@click.option('--distmat', required=True, type=click.Path(resolve_path=True,
              help='Input distance matrix to subsample nearest sample')
@click.option('--mapping_file', required=True, type=click.Path(
              resolve_path=True, readable=True, exists=True),
              help='Mapping file')
@click.option('--max', required=True, type=int,
              help='Max number of samples per category value')
@click.option('--category', required=True, type=str,
              help='The category to subsample in (likely COUNTRY)')
@click.option('--output', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=False,
              writable=True, resolve_path=True), help='Output file')
def subsample_dm(distmat, mapping_file, max, category, output):
    """Subsample the distmat to max samples per category value"""
    mf = pd.read_csv(mapping_file, '\t', converters=defaultdict(str),
    mf.set_index('#SampleID', inplace=True)

    id_to_cat = dict(mf[category])

    def bin_f(x):
        return id_to_cat.get(x)

    dm = read(distmat, into=DistanceMatrix)
    dm = dm.filter([id for _, id in isubsample(dm.ids, max, bin_f=bin_f)])

@click.option('--coords', required=True, type=click.Path(resolve_path=True,
              readable=True, exists=True), help='Coordinates file')
@click.option('--mapping_file', required=True, type=click.Path(
              resolve_path=True, readable=True, exists=True),
              help='Mapping file')
@click.option('--output', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True,
              writable=True, resolve_path=True), help='Output directory')
@click.option('--filename', required=True, type=str, help='Output filename')
@click.option('--sample', required=True, type=str,
              help='The sample to print')
@click.option('--distmat', required=True, type=click.Path(resolve_path=True,
              help=('Input distance matrix to find nearest sample (if not '
                    'present in the coordinates'))
def country(coords, mapping_file, output, filename, sample, distmat):
    """Generates as many figures as samples in the coordinates file"""
    o = read(coords, into=OrdinationResults)
    o_id_lookup = set(o.site_ids)

    dm = read(distmat, into=DistanceMatrix)
    dm_id_lookup = {i: idx for idx, i in enumerate(dm.ids)}
    coord_samples_in_dm = {idx for idx, i in enumerate(dm.ids)
                           if i in o_id_lookup}

    # we'll be computing min values, so we need to avoid catching the  diagonal
    np.fill_diagonal(dm._data, np.inf)

    x, y =[:, 0],[:, 1]

    # coordinates
    c_df = pd.DataFrame(, o.site_ids)

    # mapping file
    mf = pd.read_csv(mapping_file, '\t', converters=defaultdict(str),
    mf.set_index('#SampleID', inplace=True)
    mf = mf.loc[o.site_ids]

    if sample not in dm.ids:
        raise ValueError("Sample %s not found" % sample)

    color_Venezuela = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[10]
    color_Malawi = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[1]
    color_Western = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[4]
    color_highlight = sns.color_palette('Paired', 12)[5]
    color_no_data = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

    grp_colors = OrderedDict()
    grp_colors['no_data'] = color_no_data
    grp_colors['Australia'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Belgium'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Canada'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['China'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Finland'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['France'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Germany'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Great Britain'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Ireland'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Japan'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Netherlands'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['New Zealand'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Norway'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Scotland'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Spain'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Switzerland'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Thailand'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['United Arab Emirates'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['United Kingdom'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['United States of America'] = color_Western
    grp_colors['Malawi'] = color_Malawi
    grp_colors['Venezuela'] = color_Venezuela

    sample_to_plot = sample
    if sample not in o_id_lookup:
        # find the closest sample in the distance matrix that is in the
        # coordinates data
        closest_sample = None
        for i in dm[dm_id_lookup[sample_to_plot]].argsort():
            if i in coord_samples_in_dm:
                closest_sample = dm.ids[i]

        # this should not ever happen
        if closest_sample is None:
            raise ValueError("Unable to find a similar sample?")

        sample_to_plot = closest_sample

    # countour plot superimposed
    sns.kdeplot(x, y, cmap='bone')
    sns.set_context(rc={"lines.linewidth": 0.75})

    # change particapant's country's color to color_highlight unless
    # country is Venezuela or Malawi
    if (mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY'] != 'Malawi') & (
            mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY'] != 'Venezuela'):
        grp_colors[mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY']] = color_highlight

    # plot each country except participant's according to colors above
    for grp, color in grp_colors.iteritems():
        if grp == mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY']:
        sub_coords = c_df[mf.COUNTRY == grp]
        plt.scatter(sub_coords[0], sub_coords[1], color=color,
                    edgecolor=np.asarray(color)*0.6, lw=LINE_WIDTH,

    # now plot participant's country
    grp = mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY']
    color = grp_colors[grp]

    sub_coords = c_df[mf.COUNTRY == grp]
    plt.scatter(sub_coords[0], sub_coords[1], color=color,
                edgecolor=np.asarray(color)*0.6, lw=LINE_WIDTH,

    # plot participant's dot
    plt.scatter(c_df.loc[sample_to_plot][0], c_df.loc[sample_to_plot][1],
                s=270, edgecolor='w', zorder=1, lw=LINE_WIDTH_WHITE)
    plt.scatter(c_df.loc[sample_to_plot][0], c_df.loc[sample_to_plot][1],
                s=250, edgecolor=np.asarray(grp_colors[
                zorder=2, lw=LINE_WIDTH_BLACK)

    # reset particapant's country's color to color_Western unless country
    # is Venezuela or Malawi
    if (mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY'] != 'Malawi') & (
            mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY'] != 'Venezuela'):
        grp_colors[mf.loc[sample_to_plot]['COUNTRY']] = color_Western

    my_dpi = 72
    figsize = (1000 / my_dpi, 1000 / my_dpi)
    out_file = os.path.join(output, filename)
    plt.savefig(out_file, figsize=figsize, dpi=my_dpi)

@click.option('--coords', required=True, type=click.Path(resolve_path=True,
              readable=True, exists=True), help='Coordinates file')
@click.option('--mapping_file', required=True, type=click.Path(
              resolve_path=True, readable=True, exists=True),
              help='Mapping file')
@click.option('--color', required=True, type=str,
              help='Metadata category to set color by')
@click.option('--output', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True,
              writable=True, resolve_path=True), help='Output directory')
@click.option('--filename', required=True, type=str, help='Output filename')
@click.option('--sample', required=True, type=str,
              help='The sample to print')
def gradient(coords, mapping_file, color, output, filename, sample):
    """Generates as many figures as samples in the coordinates file"""
    o = read(coords, into=OrdinationResults)

    # coordinates
    c_df = pd.DataFrame(, o.site_ids)

    # mapping file
    mf = pd.read_csv(mapping_file, '\t', converters=defaultdict(str),
    mf.set_index('#SampleID', inplace=True)
    mf = mf.loc[o.site_ids]
    mf[color] = mf[color].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)

    if sample not in o.site_ids:
        raise ValueError("Sample %s not found" % sample)

    numeric = mf[~pd.isnull(mf[color])]
    non_numeric = mf[pd.isnull(mf[color])]

    color_array =[color]/max(numeric[color]))

    # plot numeric metadata as colored gradient
    ids = numeric.index
    x, y = c_df.loc[ids][0], c_df.loc[ids][1]
    plt.scatter(x, y, c=numeric[color], cmap=plt.get_cmap('RdBu'),
                alpha=ALPHA, lw=LINE_WIDTH, edgecolor=color_array*0.6)

    # plot non-numeric metadata as gray
    ids = non_numeric.index
    x, y = c_df.loc[ids][0], c_df.loc[ids][1]
    plt.scatter(x, y, c='0.5', alpha=ALPHA, lw=LINE_WIDTH, edgecolor='0.3')

    # plot individual's dot
        color_index = numeric.index.tolist().index(sample)
    except ValueError:
        color_index = None

    if color_index is None:
        _color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        _color = color_array[color_index]

    plt.scatter(c_df.loc[sample][0], c_df.loc[sample][1],
                color=_color, s=270, edgecolor='w', lw=LINE_WIDTH_WHITE)
    plt.scatter(c_df.loc[sample][0], c_df.loc[sample][1],
                color=_color, s=250, edgecolor=np.asarray(_color)*0.6,

    my_dpi = 72
    figsize = (1000 / my_dpi, 1000 / my_dpi)
    out_file = os.path.join(output, filename)
    plt.savefig(out_file, figsize=figsize, dpi=my_dpi)

if __name__ == '__main__':
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