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aer banknote berlitz calloway centrust cluett fromstein gitano guterman hydro-quebec ipo kia memotec mlx nahb punts rake regatta rubens sim snack-food ssangyong swapo wachter </s>
pierre <unk> N years old will join the board as a nonexecutive director nov. N </s>
mr. <unk> is chairman of <unk> n.v. the dutch publishing group </s>
rudolph <unk> N years old and former chairman of consolidated gold fields plc was named a nonexecutive director of this british industrial conglomerate </s>
a form of asbestos once used to make kent cigarette filters has caused a high percentage of cancer deaths among a group of workers exposed to it more than N years ago researchers reported </s>
the asbestos fiber <unk> is unusually <unk> once it enters the <unk> with even brief exposures to it causing symptoms that show up decades later researchers said </s>
<unk> inc. the unit of new york-based <unk> corp. that makes kent cigarettes stopped using <unk> in its <unk> cigarette filters in N </s>
although preliminary findings were reported more than a year ago the latest results appear in today 's new england journal of medicine a forum likely to bring new attention to the problem </s>
a <unk> <unk> said this is an old story </s>
we 're talking about years ago before anyone heard of asbestos having any questionable properties </s>
there is no asbestos in our products now </s>
neither <unk> nor the researchers who studied the workers were aware of any research on smokers of the kent cigarettes </s>
we have no useful information on whether users are at risk said james a. <unk> of boston 's <unk> cancer institute </s>
dr. <unk> led a team of researchers from the national cancer institute and the medical schools of harvard university and boston university </s>
the <unk> spokeswoman said asbestos was used in very modest amounts in making paper for the filters in the early 1950s and replaced with a different type of <unk> in N </s>
from N to N N billion kent cigarettes with the filters were sold the company said </s>
among N men who worked closely with the substance N have died more than three times the expected number </s>
four of the five surviving workers have <unk> diseases including three with recently <unk> cancer </s>
the total of N deaths from malignant <unk> lung cancer and <unk> was far higher than expected the researchers said </s>
the <unk> rate is a striking finding among those of us who study <unk> diseases said dr. <unk> </s>
the percentage of lung cancer deaths among the workers at the west <unk> mass. paper factory appears to be the highest for any asbestos workers studied in western industrialized countries he said </s>
the plant which is owned by <unk> & <unk> co. was under contract with <unk> to make the cigarette filters </s>
the finding probably will support those who argue that the u.s. should regulate the class of asbestos including <unk> more <unk> than the common kind of asbestos <unk> found in most schools and other buildings dr. <unk> said </s>
the u.s. is one of the few industrialized nations that does n't have a higher standard of regulation for the smooth <unk> fibers such as <unk> that are classified as <unk> according to <unk> t. <unk> a professor of <unk> at the university of vermont college of medicine </s>
more common <unk> fibers are <unk> and are more easily rejected by the body dr. <unk> explained </s>
in july the environmental protection agency imposed a gradual ban on virtually all uses of asbestos </s>
by N almost all remaining uses of <unk> asbestos will be outlawed </s>
about N workers at a factory that made paper for the kent filters were exposed to asbestos in the 1950s </s>
areas of the factory were particularly dusty where the <unk> was used </s>
workers dumped large <unk> <unk> of the imported material into a huge <unk> poured in cotton and <unk> fibers and <unk> mixed the dry fibers in a process used to make filters </s>
workers described clouds of blue dust that hung over parts of the factory even though <unk> fans <unk> the area </s>
there 's no question that some of those workers and managers contracted <unk> diseases said <unk> phillips vice president of human resources for <unk> & <unk> </s>
but you have to recognize that these events took place N years ago </s>
it has no bearing on our work force today </s>
yields on money-market mutual funds continued to slide amid signs that portfolio managers expect further declines in interest rates </s>
the average seven-day compound yield of the N taxable funds tracked by <unk> 's money fund report eased a fraction of a percentage point to N N from N N for the week ended tuesday </s>
compound yields assume reinvestment of dividends and that the current yield continues for a year </s>
average maturity of the funds ' investments <unk> by a day to N days the longest since early august according to donoghue 's </s>
longer maturities are thought to indicate declining interest rates because they permit portfolio managers to retain relatively higher rates for a longer period </s>
shorter maturities are considered a sign of rising rates because portfolio managers can capture higher rates sooner </s>
the average maturity for funds open only to institutions considered by some to be a stronger indicator because those managers watch the market closely reached a high point for the year N days </s>
nevertheless said <unk> <unk> <unk> editor of money fund report yields may <unk> up again before they <unk> down because of recent rises in short-term interest rates </s>
the yield on six-month treasury bills sold at monday 's auction for example rose to N N from N N </s>
despite recent declines in yields investors continue to pour cash into money funds </s>
assets of the N taxable funds grew by $ N billion during the latest week to $ N billion </s>
typically money-fund yields beat comparable short-term investments because portfolio managers can vary maturities and go after the highest rates </s>
the top money funds are currently yielding well over N N </s>
dreyfus world-wide dollar the <unk> fund had a seven-day compound yield of N N during the latest week down from N N a week earlier </s>
it invests heavily in dollar-denominated securities overseas and is currently <unk> management fees which boosts its yield </s>
the average seven-day simple yield of the N funds was N N down from N N </s>
the 30-day simple yield fell to an average N N from N N the 30-day compound yield slid to an average N N from N N </s>
j.p. <unk> vice chairman of <unk> grace & co. which holds a N N interest in this <unk> company was elected a director </s>
he succeeds <unk> d. <unk> formerly a <unk> grace vice chairman who resigned </s>
<unk> grace holds three of grace energy 's seven board seats </s>
pacific first financial corp. said shareholders approved its acquisition by royal <unk> ltd. of toronto for $ N a share or $ N million </s>
the thrift holding company said it expects to obtain regulatory approval and complete the transaction by year-end </s>
<unk> international inc. said its <unk> & <unk> unit completed the sale of its <unk> controls operations to <unk> s.p a. for $ N million </s>
<unk> is an italian state-owned holding company with interests in the mechanical engineering industry </s>
<unk> controls based in <unk> ohio makes computerized industrial controls systems </s>
it employs N people and has annual revenue of about $ N million </s>
the federal government suspended sales of u.s. savings bonds because congress has n't lifted the ceiling on government debt </s>
until congress acts the government has n't any authority to issue new debt obligations of any kind the treasury said </s>
the government 's borrowing authority dropped at midnight tuesday to $ N trillion from $ N trillion </s>
legislation to lift the debt ceiling is <unk> in the fight over cutting capital-gains taxes </s>
the house has voted to raise the ceiling to $ N trillion but the senate is n't expected to act until next week at the earliest </s>
the treasury said the u.s. will default on nov. N if congress does n't act by then </s>
clark j. <unk> was named senior vice president and general manager of this u.s. sales and marketing arm of japanese auto maker mazda motor corp </s>
in the new position he will oversee mazda 's u.s. sales service parts and marketing operations </s>
previously mr. <unk> N years old was general marketing manager of chrysler corp. 's chrysler division </s>
he had been a sales and marketing executive with chrysler for N years </s>
when it 's time for their <unk> <unk> the nation 's manufacturing <unk> typically jet off to the <unk> <unk> of resort towns like <unk> <unk> and hot springs </s>
not this year </s>
the national association of manufacturers settled on the <unk> capital of indianapolis for its fall board meeting </s>
and the city decided to treat its guests more like royalty or rock stars than factory owners </s>
the idea of course to prove to N corporate decision makers that the buckle on the <unk> belt is n't so <unk> after all that it 's a good place for a company to expand </s>
on the receiving end of the message were officials from giants like du pont and <unk> along with lesser <unk> like <unk> steel and the valley queen <unk> factory </s>
for <unk> the executives joined mayor william h. <unk> iii for an evening of the indianapolis <unk> <unk> and a guest <unk> victor <unk> </s>
champagne and <unk> followed </s>
the next morning with a police <unk> <unk> of executives and their wives <unk> to the indianapolis motor <unk> <unk> by traffic or red lights </s>
the governor could n't make it so the <unk> governor welcomed the special guests </s>
a buffet breakfast was held in the museum where food and drinks are banned to everyday visitors </s>
then in the guests ' honor the <unk> <unk> out four drivers crews and even the official indianapolis N announcer for a <unk> exhibition race </s>
after the race fortune N executives <unk> like <unk> over the cars and drivers </s>
no <unk> the drivers pointed out they still had space on their machines for another sponsor 's name or two </s>
back downtown the <unk> squeezed in a few meetings at the hotel before <unk> the buses again </s>
this time it was for dinner and <unk> a block away </s>
under the stars and <unk> of the <unk> indiana <unk> <unk> nine of the hottest chefs in town fed them indiana <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> and <unk> <unk> with a <unk> <unk> </s>
knowing a <unk> and free <unk> when they eat one the executives gave the chefs a standing <unk> </s>
more than a few <unk> say the <unk> treatment <unk> them to return to a <unk> city for future meetings </s>
but for now they 're looking forward to their winter meeting <unk> in february </s>
south korea registered a trade deficit of $ N million in october reflecting the country 's economic <unk> according to government figures released wednesday </s>
preliminary <unk> by the trade and industry ministry showed another trade deficit in october the fifth monthly setback this year casting a cloud on south korea 's <unk> economy </s>
exports in october stood at $ N billion a mere N N increase from a year earlier while imports increased sharply to $ N billion up N N from last october </s>
south korea 's economic boom which began in N stopped this year because of prolonged labor disputes trade conflicts and sluggish exports </s>
government officials said exports at the end of the year would remain under a government target of $ N billion </s>
despite the gloomy forecast south korea has recorded a trade surplus of $ N million so far this year </s>
from january to october the nation 's accumulated exports increased N N from the same period last year to $ N billion </s>
imports were at $ N billion up N N </s>
newsweek trying to keep pace with rival time magazine announced new advertising rates for N and said it will introduce a new incentive plan for advertisers </s>
the new ad plan from newsweek a unit of the washington post co. is the second incentive plan the magazine has offered advertisers in three years </s>
plans that give advertisers discounts for maintaining or increasing ad spending have become permanent <unk> at the news <unk> and underscore the fierce competition between newsweek time warner inc. 's time magazine and <unk> b. <unk> 's u.s. news & world report </s>
alan <unk> recently named newsweek president said newsweek 's ad rates would increase N N in january </s>
a full <unk> page in newsweek will cost $ N </s>
in mid-october time magazine lowered its guaranteed circulation rate base for N while not increasing ad page rates with a lower circulation base time 's ad rate will be effectively N N higher per subscriber a full page in time costs about $ N </s>
u.s. news has yet to announce its N ad rates </s>
newsweek said it will introduce the circulation credit plan which <unk> space credits to advertisers on renewal advertising </s>
the magazine will reward with page bonuses advertisers who in N meet or exceed their N spending as long as they spent $ N in N and $ N in N </s>
mr. <unk> said the plan is not an attempt to shore up a decline in ad pages in the first nine months of N newsweek 's ad pages totaled N a drop of N N from last year according to publishers information bureau </s>
what matters is what advertisers are paying per page and in that department we are doing fine this fall said mr. <unk> </s>
both newsweek and u.s. news have been gaining circulation in recent years without heavy use of electronic <unk> to subscribers such as telephones or watches </s>
however none of the big three <unk> recorded circulation gains recently </s>
according to audit bureau of <unk> time the largest <unk> had average circulation of N a decrease of N N </s>
newsweek 's circulation for the first six months of N was N flat from the same period last year </s>
u.s. news ' circulation in the same time was N down N N </s>
new england electric system bowed out of the bidding for public service co. of new hampshire saying that the risks were too high and the potential <unk> too far in the future to justify a higher offer </s>
the move leaves united illuminating co. and northeast utilities as the remaining outside bidders for ps of new hampshire which also has proposed an internal reorganization plan in chapter N bankruptcy proceedings under which it would remain an independent company </s>
new england electric based in <unk> mass. had offered $ N billion to acquire ps of new hampshire well below the $ N billion value united illuminating places on its bid and the $ N billion northeast says its bid is worth </s>
united illuminating is based in new haven conn. and northeast is based in hartford conn </s>
ps of new hampshire <unk> n.h. values its internal reorganization plan at about $ N billion </s>
john rowe president and chief executive officer of new england electric said the company 's return on equity could suffer if it made a higher bid and its forecasts related to ps of new hampshire such as growth in electricity demand and improved operating <unk> did n't come true </s>
when we <unk> raising our bid the risks seemed substantial and persistent over the next five years and the rewards seemed a long way out </s>
that got hard to take he added </s>
mr. rowe also noted that political concerns also worried new england electric </s>
no matter who owns ps of new hampshire after it emerges from bankruptcy proceedings its rates will be among the highest in the nation he said </s>
that attracts attention </s>
it was just another one of the risk factors that led to the company 's decision to withdraw from the bidding he added </s>
wilbur ross jr. of rothschild inc. the financial adviser to the troubled company 's equity holders said the withdrawal of new england electric might speed up the reorganization process </s>
the fact that new england proposed lower rate increases N N over seven years against around N N boosts proposed by the other two outside bidders complicated negotiations with state officials mr. ross asserted </s>
now the field is less <unk> he added </s>
separately the federal energy regulatory commission turned down for now a request by northeast seeking approval of its possible purchase of ps of new hampshire </s>
northeast said it would <unk> its request and still hopes for an <unk> review by the ferc so that it could complete the purchase by next summer if its bid is the one approved by the bankruptcy court </s>
ps of new hampshire shares closed yesterday at $ N off N cents in new york stock exchange composite trading </s>
norman <unk> N years old and former president and chief operating officer of toys r us inc. and frederick <unk> jr. N chairman of <unk> banking corp. were elected directors of this consumer electronics and appliances retailing chain </s>
they succeed daniel m. <unk> retired circuit city executive vice president and robert r. <unk> u.s. treasury undersecretary on the <unk> board </s>
commonwealth edison co. was ordered to refund about $ N million to its current and former <unk> for illegal rates collected for cost overruns on a nuclear power plant </s>
the refund was about $ N million more than previously ordered by the illinois commerce commission and trade groups said it may be the largest ever required of a state or local utility </s>
state court judge richard curry ordered edison to make average refunds of about $ N to $ N each to edison customers who have received electric service since april N including about two million customers who have moved during that period </s>
judge curry ordered the refunds to begin feb. N and said that he would n't <unk> any appeals or other attempts to block his order by commonwealth edison </s>
the refund pool may not be held <unk> through another round of appeals judge curry said </s>
commonwealth edison said it is already appealing the underlying commission order and is considering appealing judge curry 's order </s>
the exact amount of the refund will be determined next year based on actual <unk> made until dec. N of this year </s>
commonwealth edison said the ruling could force it to slash its N earnings by $ N a share </s>
for N commonwealth edison reported earnings of $ N million or $ N a share </s>
a commonwealth edison spokesman said that tracking down the two million customers whose addresses have changed during the past N N years would be an administrative nightmare </s>
in new york stock exchange composite trading yesterday commonwealth edison closed at $ N down N cents </s>
the $ N billion <unk> N plant near <unk> ill. was completed in N </s>
in a disputed N ruling the commerce commission said commonwealth edison could raise its electricity rates by $ N million to pay for the plant </s>
but state courts upheld a challenge by consumer groups to the commission 's rate increase and found the rates illegal </s>
the illinois supreme court ordered the commission to audit commonwealth edison 's construction expenses and refund any <unk> expenses </s>
the utility has been collecting for the plant 's construction cost from its N million customers subject to a refund since N </s>
in august the commission ruled that between $ N million and $ N million of the plant 's construction cost was <unk> and should be <unk> plus interest </s>
in his ruling judge curry added an additional $ N million to the commission 's calculations </s>
last month judge curry set the interest rate on the refund at N N </s>
commonwealth edison now faces an additional <unk> refund on its <unk> rate <unk> <unk> that the illinois appellate court has estimated at $ N million </s>
and consumer groups hope that judge curry 's <unk> N order may set a precedent for a second nuclear rate case involving commonwealth edison 's <unk> N plant </s>
commonwealth edison is seeking about $ N million in rate increases to pay for <unk> N </s>
the commission is expected to rule on the <unk> N case by year end </s>
last year commonwealth edison had to refund $ N million for poor performance of its <unk> i nuclear plant </s>
japan 's domestic sales of cars trucks and buses in october rose N N from a year earlier to N units a record for the month the japan automobile dealers ' association said </s>
the strong growth followed year-to-year increases of N N in august and N N in september </s>
the monthly sales have been setting records every month since march </s>
october sales compared with the previous month inched down N N </s>
sales of passenger cars grew N N from a year earlier to N units </s>
sales of medium-sized cars which benefited from price reductions arising from introduction of the consumption tax more than doubled to N units from N in october N </s>
texas instruments japan ltd. a unit of texas instruments inc. said it opened a plant in south korea to manufacture control devices </s>
the new plant located in <unk> about N miles from seoul will help meet increasing and diversifying demand for control products in south korea the company said </s>
the plant will produce control devices used in motor vehicles and household appliances </s>
the survival of spinoff cray computer corp. as a fledgling in the supercomputer business appears to depend heavily on the creativity and <unk> of its chairman and chief designer seymour cray </s>
not only is development of the new company 's initial machine tied directly to mr. cray so is its balance sheet </s>
documents filed with the securities and exchange commission on the pending spinoff disclosed that cray research inc. will withdraw the almost $ N million in financing it is providing the new firm if mr. cray leaves or if the <unk> project he heads is scrapped </s>
the documents also said that although the <unk> mr. cray has been working on the project for more than six years the cray-3 machine is at least another year away from a fully operational prototype </s>
moreover there have been no orders for the cray-3 so far though the company says it is talking with several prospects </s>
while many of the risks were anticipated when <unk> cray research first announced the spinoff in may the <unk> it attached to the financing had n't been made public until yesterday </s>
we did n't have much of a choice cray computer 's chief financial officer gregory <unk> said in an interview </s>
the theory is that seymour is the chief designer of the cray-3 and without him it could not be completed </s>
cray research did not want to fund a project that did not include seymour </s>
the documents also said that cray computer anticipates <unk> perhaps another $ N million in financing beginning next september </s>
but mr. <unk> called that a <unk> scenario </s>
the filing on the details of the spinoff caused cray research stock to jump $ N yesterday to close at $ N in new york stock exchange composite trading </s>
analysts noted yesterday that cray research 's decision to link its $ N million <unk> note to mr. cray 's presence will complicate a valuation of the new company </s>
it has to be considered as an additional risk for the investor said gary p. <unk> of <unk> group inc. minneapolis </s>
cray computer will be a concept stock he said </s>
you either believe seymour can do it again or you do n't </s>
besides the designer 's age other risk factors for mr. cray 's new company include the cray-3 's tricky <unk> chip technology </s>
the sec documents describe those chips which are made of <unk> <unk> as being so fragile and minute they will require special <unk> handling equipment </s>
in addition the cray-3 will contain N processors twice as many as the largest current supercomputer </s>
cray computer also will face intense competition not only from cray research which has about N N of the world-wide supercomputer market and which is expected to roll out the <unk> machine a direct competitor with the cray-3 in N </s>
the spinoff also will compete with international business machines corp. and japan 's big three hitachi ltd. nec corp. and fujitsu ltd </s>
the new company said it believes there are fewer than N potential customers for <unk> priced between $ N million and $ N million presumably the cray-3 price range </s>
under terms of the spinoff cray research stockholders are to receive one cray computer share for every two cray research shares they own in a distribution expected to occur in about two weeks </s>
no price for the new shares has been set </s>
instead the companies will leave it up to the marketplace to decide </s>
cray computer has applied to trade on nasdaq </s>
analysts calculate cray computer 's initial book value at about $ N a share </s>
along with the note cray research is <unk> about $ N million in assets primarily those related to the cray-3 development which has been a drain on cray research 's earnings </s>
<unk> balance sheets clearly show why cray research favored the spinoff </s>
without the cray-3 research and development expenses the company would have been able to report a profit of $ N million for the first half of N rather than the $ N million it posted </s>
on the other hand had it existed then cray computer would have incurred a $ N million loss </s>
mr. cray who could n't be reached for comment will work for the new colorado springs colo. company as an independent contractor the arrangement he had with cray research </s>
regarded as the father of the supercomputer mr. cray was paid $ N at cray research last year </s>
at cray computer he will be paid $ N </s>
besides messrs. cray and <unk> other senior management at the company includes neil <unk> N president and chief executive officer joseph m. <unk> N vice president engineering malcolm a. <unk> N vice president software and douglas r. <unk> N vice president hardware </s>
all came from cray research </s>
cray computer which currently employs N people said it expects a work force of N by the end of N </s>
john r. stevens N years old was named senior executive vice president and chief operating officer both new positions </s>
he will continue to report to donald <unk> president and chief executive officer </s>
mr. stevens was executive vice president of this <unk> holding company </s>
arthur a. hatch N was named executive vice president of the company </s>
he was previously president of the company 's eastern edison co. unit </s>
john d. <unk> N was named to succeed mr. hatch as president of eastern edison </s>
previously he was vice president of eastern edison </s>
robert p. <unk> N was named senior vice president of eastern utilities </s>
he was previously vice president </s>
the u.s. claiming some success in its trade <unk> removed south korea taiwan and saudi arabia from a list of countries it is closely watching for allegedly failing to honor u.s. patents <unk> and other <unk> rights </s>
however five other countries china thailand india brazil and mexico will remain on that so-called priority watch list as a result of an interim review u.s. trade representative carla hills announced </s>
under the new u.s. trade law those countries could face accelerated <unk> investigations and stiff trade sanctions if they do n't improve their protection of intellectual property by next spring </s>
mrs. hills said many of the N countries that she placed under <unk> degrees of scrutiny have made genuine progress on this touchy issue </s>
she said there is growing <unk> around the world that <unk> of <unk> rights <unk> all trading nations and particularly the creativity and <unk> of an <unk> country 's own citizens </s>
u.s. trade negotiators argue that countries with inadequate <unk> for <unk> rights could be hurting themselves by discouraging their own scientists and authors and by <unk> u.s. high-technology firms from investing or marketing their best products there </s>
mrs. hills <unk> south korea for creating an <unk> task force and special enforcement teams of police officers and prosecutors trained to pursue movie and book <unk> </s>
seoul also has instituted effective <unk> procedures to aid these teams she said </s>
taiwan has improved its standing with the u.s. by <unk> a <unk> copyright agreement <unk> its trademark law and introducing legislation to protect foreign movie producers from unauthorized <unk> of their films </s>
that measure could <unk> taipei 's growing number of small <unk> <unk> to pay movie producers for showing their films </s>
saudi arabia for its part has vowed to enact a copyright law compatible with international standards and to apply the law to computer software as well as to literary works mrs. hills said </s>
these three countries are n't completely off the hook though </s>
they will remain on a <unk> list that includes N other countries </s>
those countries including japan italy canada greece and spain are still of some concern to the u.s. but are deemed to pose <unk> problems for american patent and copyright owners than those on the priority list </s>
gary hoffman a washington lawyer specializing in <unk> cases said the threat of u.s. <unk> combined with a growing recognition that protecting intellectual property is in a country 's own interest prompted the improvements made by south korea taiwan and saudi arabia </s>
what this tells us is that u.s. trade law is working he said </s>
he said mexico could be one of the next countries to be removed from the priority list because of its efforts to craft a new patent law </s>
mrs. hills said that the u.s. is still concerned about disturbing developments in turkey and continuing slow progress in malaysia </s>
she did n't elaborate although earlier u.s. trade reports have complained of videocassette <unk> in malaysia and <unk> for u.s. pharmaceutical patents in turkey </s>
the N trade act requires mrs. hills to issue another review of the performance of these countries by april N </s>
so far mrs. hills has n't deemed any cases bad enough to merit an accelerated investigation under the so-called special N provision of the act </s>
argentina said it will ask creditor banks to <unk> its foreign debt of $ N billion the <unk> in the developing world </s>
the declaration by economy minister <unk> <unk> is believed to be the first time such an action has been called for by an <unk> official of such <unk> </s>
the latin american nation has paid very little on its debt since early last year </s>
argentina <unk> to reach a reduction of N N in the value of its external debt mr. <unk> said through his spokesman <unk> <unk> </s>
mr. <unk> met in august with u.s. assistant treasury secretary david mulford </s>
<unk> negotiator carlos <unk> was in washington and new york this week to meet with banks </s>
mr. <unk> recently has said the government of president carlos <unk> who took office july N feels a significant reduction of principal and interest is the only way the debt problem may be solved </s>
but he has not said before that the country wants half the debt <unk> </s>
during its centennial year the wall street journal will report events of the past century that stand as milestones of american business history </s>
three computers that changed the face of personal computing were launched in N </s>
that year the apple ii commodore pet and tandy <unk> came to market </s>
the computers were crude by today 's standards </s>
apple ii owners for example had to use their television sets as screens and <unk> data on <unk> </s>
but apple ii was a major advance from apple i which was built in a garage by stephen <unk> and steven jobs for <unk> such as the <unk> computer club </s>
in addition the apple ii was an affordable $ N </s>
crude as they were these early pcs triggered explosive product development in desktop models for the home and office </s>
big mainframe computers for business had been around for years </s>
but the new N pcs unlike earlier <unk> types such as the <unk> <unk> and <unk> had <unk> and could store about two pages of data in their memories </s>
current pcs are more than N times faster and have memory capacity N times greater than their N counterparts </s>
there were many pioneer pc <unk> </s>
william gates and paul allen in N developed an early <unk> system for pcs and gates became an industry billionaire six years after ibm adapted one of these versions in N </s>
alan f. <unk> currently chairman of seagate technology led the team that developed the disk drives for pcs </s>
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