Raw File
Tip revision: 328deadc7a14218e7978ff4ec98bd6d218d7c32d authored by Adam Novak on 23 January 2020, 18:19:35 UTC
Include explainations when failing script tests
Tip revision: 328dead
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 UCSC Computational Genomics Lab
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

define help

Supported targets: prepare, develop, docs, sdist, clean, test, pypi, docker and push_docker.

Please note that all build targets require a virtualenv to be active.

The 'prepare' target installs Toil's build requirements into the current virtualenv.

The 'develop' target creates an editable install of Toil and its runtime requirements in the
current virtualenv. The install is called 'editable' because changes to the source code
immediately affect the virtualenv. Set the 'extras' variable to ensure that the 'develop' target
installs support for extras; some tests require extras to be installed. Consult for the
list of supported extras. To install Toil in develop mode with all extras, run

	make develop extras=[all]

The 'sdist' target creates a source distribution of Toil. It is used for some unit tests and for
installing the currently checked out version of Toil into the appliance image.

The 'clean' target cleans up the side effects of 'develop', 'sdist', 'docs', 'pypi' and 'docker'
on this machine. It does not undo externally visible effects like removing packages already
uploaded to PyPI.

The 'docs' target uses Sphinx to create HTML documentation in the docs/_build directory

Targets are provided to run Toil's tests. Note that these targets do *not* automatically install
Toil's dependencies; it is recommended to 'make develop' before running any of them.

The 'test' target runs Toil's unit tests serially with pytest. It will run some docker tests and
setup. If you wish to avoid this, use the 'test_offline' target instead. Note: this target does not
capture output from the terminal. For any of the test targets, set the 'tests' variable to run a
particular test, e.g.

	make test tests=src/toil/test/sort/

The 'test_offline' target is similar to 'test' but it skips the docker dependent tests and their
setup. It can also be used to invoke individual tests, e.g.

    make test_offline tests_local=src/toil/test/sort/

The 'integration_test_local' target runs toil's integration tests. These are more thorough but also
more costly than the regular unit tests. For the AWS integration tests to run, the environment
variable 'TOIL_AWS_KEYNAME' must be set. This user will be charged for expenses acrued during the
test. This test does not capture terminal output.

The 'integration_test' target is the same as the previous except that it does capture output.

The 'pypi' target publishes the current commit of Toil to PyPI after enforcing that the working
copy and the index are clean.

The 'docker' target builds the Docker images that make up the Toil appliance. You may set the
TOIL_DOCKER_REGISTRY variable to override the default registry that the 'push_docker' target pushes
the appliance images to, for example: make docker

If Docker is not installed, Docker-related targets tasks and tests will be skipped. The
same can be achieved by setting TOIL_DOCKER_REGISTRY to an empty string.

The 'push_docker' target pushes the Toil appliance images to a remote Docker registry. It
requires the TOIL_DOCKER_REGISTRY variable to be set to a value other than the default to avoid
accidentally pushing to the official Docker registry for Toil.

The TOIL_DOCKER_NAME environment variable can be set to customize the appliance image name that
is created by the 'docker' target and pushed by the 'push_docker' target. The Toil team\'s
continuous integration system overrides this variable to avoid conflicts between concurrently
executing builds for the same revision, e.g. toil-pr and toil-it.

export help
	@printf "$$help"

# This Makefile uses bash features like printf and <()
# do slightly less than travis timeout of 10 min.
pytest_args_local=-vv --timeout=530

sdist_name:=toil-$(shell $(python) distVersion).tar.gz

docker_tag:=$(shell $(python) dockerTag)
default_docker_registry:=$(shell $(python) dockerRegistry)
docker_path:=$(strip $(shell which docker))

export TOIL_DOCKER_NAME?=toil


develop: check_venv
	$(pip) install -e .$(extras)

clean_develop: check_venv
	- $(pip) uninstall -y toil
	- rm -rf src/*.egg-info
	- rm src/toil/

sdist: dist/$(sdist_name)

dist/$(sdist_name): check_venv
	@test -f dist/$(sdist_name) && mv dist/$(sdist_name) dist/$(sdist_name).old || true
	$(python) sdist
	@test -f dist/$(sdist_name).old \
	    && ( cmp -s <(tar -xOzf dist/$(sdist_name)) <(tar -xOzf dist/$(sdist_name).old) \
	         && mv dist/$(sdist_name).old dist/$(sdist_name) \
	         && printf "$(cyan)No significant changes to sdist, reinstating backup.$(normal)\n" \
	         || rm dist/$(sdist_name).old ) \
	    || true

	- rm -rf dist
	- rm src/toil/

# We always claim to be Travis, so that local test runs will not skip Travis tests.
# Gitlab doesn't run tests via the Makefile.

# This target will skip building docker and all docker based tests
test_offline: check_venv check_build_reqs
	@printf "$(cyan)All docker related tests will be skipped.$(normal)\n"
	TRAVIS=true \
	    $(python) -m pytest $(pytest_args_local) $(tests_local)

# The auto-deployment test needs the docker appliance
test: check_venv check_build_reqs docker
	TRAVIS=true \
	    $(python) -m pytest --cov=toil $(pytest_args_local) $(tests)

# For running integration tests locally in series (uses the -s argument for pyTest)
integration_test_local: check_venv check_build_reqs sdist push_docker
	TRAVIS=true \
	    $(python) --local integration-test $(tests)

test_integration: check_venv check_build_reqs docker
	TRAVIS=true \
	    $(python) integration-test $(tests)


docker_short_tag:=$(shell $(python) dockerShortTag)
docker_minimal_tag:=$(shell $(python) dockerMinimalTag)


define tag_docker
	@printf "$(cyan)Removing old tag $2. This may fail but that's expected.$(normal)\n"
	-docker rmi $2
	docker tag $1 $2
	@printf "$(green)Tagged appliance image $1 as $2.$(normal)\n"

docker: docker/Dockerfile
	# Pre-pull everything
	for i in $$(seq 1 11); do if [[ $$i == "11" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker pull ubuntu:16.04 && break || sleep 60; done
	for i in $$(seq 1 11); do if [[ $$i == "11" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker pull prom/prometheus:v2.0.0 && break || sleep 60; done
	for i in $$(seq 1 11); do if [[ $$i == "11" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker pull grafana/grafana && break || sleep 60; done
	for i in $$(seq 1 11); do if [[ $$i == "11" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker pull sscaling/mtail && break || sleep 60; done

	@set -ex \
	; cd docker \
	; docker build --tag=$(docker_image):$(docker_tag) -f Dockerfile .
	@set -ex \
	; cd dashboard/prometheus \
	; docker build --tag=$(prometheus_image):$(docker_tag) -f Dockerfile .
	@set -ex \
	; cd dashboard/grafana \
	; docker build --tag=$(grafana_image):$(docker_tag) -f Dockerfile .
	@set -ex \
	; cd dashboard/mtail \
	; docker build --tag=$(mtail_image):$(docker_tag) -f Dockerfile .

docker/$(sdist_name): dist/$(sdist_name)
	cp $< $@

docker/Dockerfile: docker/ docker/$(sdist_name)
	_TOIL_SDIST_NAME=$(sdist_name) $(python) docker/ > $@

	-rm docker/Dockerfile docker/$(sdist_name)
	-docker rmi $(docker_image):$(docker_tag)

push_docker: docker
	# Weird if logic is so we fail if all the pushes fail
	for i in $$(seq 1 6); do if [[ $$i == "6" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker push $(docker_image):$(docker_tag) && break || sleep 60; done
	for i in $$(seq 1 6); do if [[ $$i == "6" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker push $(grafana_image):$(docker_tag) && break || sleep 60; done
	for i in $$(seq 1 6); do if [[ $$i == "6" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker push $(prometheus_image):$(docker_tag) && break || sleep 60; done
	for i in $$(seq 1 6); do if [[ $$i == "6" ]] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; docker push $(mtail_image):$(docker_tag) && break || sleep 60; done


docker docker_push clean_docker:
	@printf "$(cyan)Skipping '$@' target as TOIL_DOCKER_REGISTRY is empty or Docker is not installed.$(normal)\n"


docs: check_venv check_build_reqs
	# Strange, but seemingly benign Sphinx warning floods stderr if not filtered:
	cd docs && make html

clean_docs: check_venv
	- cd docs && make clean

clean: clean_develop clean_sdist clean_pypi clean_docs

	@$(python) -c 'import mock; import pytest' \
		|| ( printf "$(red)Build requirements are missing. Run 'make prepare' to install them.$(normal)\n" ; false )

prepare: check_venv
	$(pip) install mock==1.0.1 pytest==4.3.1 pytest-cov==2.6.1 stubserver==1.0.1 pytest-timeout==1.3.3 cwltest

	@$(python) -c 'import sys, os; sys.exit( int( 0 if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ else 1 ) )' \
		|| ( printf "$(red)A virtualenv must be active.$(normal)\n" ; false )

	@printf "$(green)Checking if your working copy is clean ...$(normal)\n"
	@git diff --exit-code > /dev/null \
		|| ( printf "$(red)Your working copy looks dirty.$(normal)\n" ; false )
	@git diff --cached --exit-code > /dev/null \
		|| ( printf "$(red)Your index looks dirty.$(normal)\n" ; false )
	@test -z "$$(git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory)" \
		|| ( printf "$(red)You have untracked files:$(normal)\n" \
			; git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory \
			; false )

	# fail if cPickle.dump(s) called without HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
	! find src -iname '*.py' | xargs grep 'cPickle.dump' | grep --invert-match HIGHEST_PROTOCOL

.PHONY: help \
		prepare \
		check_cpickle \
		develop clean_develop \
		sdist clean_sdist \
		test test_offline test_parallel integration_test \
		pypi clean_pypi \
		docs clean_docs \
		clean \
		check_venv \
		check_clean_working_copy \
		check_running_on_jenkins \
		check_build_reqs \
		docker clean_docker push_docker
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