Raw File
Tip revision: 38cb63e5ec8e6a14fb1094dee946800f5ea35bee authored by Josh Matthews on 01 August 2018, 18:31:04 UTC
servodriver: Fix reference to server configuration.
Tip revision: 38cb63e
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
  <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
  <script src="resources/webxr_util.js"></script>
  <canvas id="webgl-canvas"></canvas>


  const identityMatrix = new Float32Array([
    1, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 1, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 1

  const rightFakeXRViewInit =
    {eye:"right", projectionMatrix: identityMatrix, viewMatrix: identityMatrix};

  const leftFakeXRViewInit =
    {eye:"left", projectionMatrix: identityMatrix, viewMatrix: identityMatrix};

  const immersiveFakeXRDeviceInit = { supportsImmersive:true };

  const webglCanvas = document.getElementById('webgl-canvas');
  let gl = webglCanvas.getContext('webgl', { alpha: false, antialias: false });

  let testDevice;
  let testDeviceController;
  let testSession;

    (t) => XRTest.simulateDeviceConnection(immersiveFakeXRDeviceInit)
      .then((controller) => {
        testDeviceController = controller;
        return navigator.xr.requestDevice();
      .then((device) => {
        testDevice = device;
        return gl.setCompatibleXRDevice(device);
      .then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          // Perform the session request in a user gesture.
          XRTest.simulateUserActivation(() => {
            testDevice.requestSession({ immersive: true })
              .then((session) => {
                testSession = session;
                return session.requestFrameOfReference('eye-level');
              .then((frameOfRef) => {
                // Session must have a baseLayer or frame requests will be ignored.
                testSession.baseLayer = new XRWebGLLayer(testSession, gl);

                function onFrame(time, xrFrame) {
                  assert_true(xrFrame instanceof XRFrame);

                  assert_not_equals(xrFrame.views, null);
                  assert_equals(xrFrame.views.length, 2);

                  let devicePose = xrFrame.getDevicePose(frameOfRef);

                  assert_not_equals(devicePose, null);
                  for(let i = 0; i < identityMatrix.length; i++) {
                    assert_equals(devicePose.poseModelMatrix[i], identityMatrix[i]);

                  assert_not_equals(devicePose.getViewMatrix(xrFrame.views[0]), null);
                  assert_equals(devicePose.getViewMatrix(xrFrame.views[0]).length, 16);
                  assert_not_equals(devicePose.getViewMatrix(xrFrame.views[1]), null);
                  assert_equals(devicePose.getViewMatrix(xrFrame.views[1]).length, 16);

                  // Test does not complete until the returned promise resolves.

                  [rightFakeXRViewInit, leftFakeXRViewInit]

              }).catch((err) => {
                reject("Session was rejected with error: "+err);
    "RequestAnimationFrame resolves with good data"
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