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Tip revision: b10e22a7cbd1b4abf07c553f42ac2c2b45d20ecf authored by Jameson Nash on 02 November 2015, 17:55:22 UTC
lazy-ify docs parsing
Tip revision: b10e22a
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

## efficient value-based hashing of integers ##

function hash_integer(n::Integer, h::UInt)
    h = hash_uint((n % UInt) $ h) $ h
    n = abs(n)
    n >>>= sizeof(UInt) << 3
    while n != 0
        h = hash_uint((n % UInt) $ h) $ h
        n >>>= sizeof(UInt) << 3
    return h

function hash_integer(n::BigInt, h::UInt)
    s = n.size
    s == 0 && return hash_integer(0, h)
    p = convert(Ptr{UInt}, n.d)
    b = unsafe_load(p)
    h = hash_uint(ifelse(s < 0, -b, b) $ h) $ h
    for k = 2:abs(s)
        h = hash_uint(unsafe_load(p, k) $ h) $ h
    return h

## generic hashing for rational values ##

function hash(x::Real, h::UInt)
    # decompose x as num*2^pow/den
    num, pow, den = decompose(x)

    # handle special values
    num == 0 && den == 0 && return hash(NaN, h)
    num == 0 && return hash(ifelse(den > 0, 0.0, -0.0), h)
    den == 0 && return hash(ifelse(num > 0, Inf, -Inf), h)

    # normalize decomposition
    if den < 0
        num = -num
        den = -den
    z = trailing_zeros(num)
    if z != 0
        num >>= z
        pow += z
    z = trailing_zeros(den)
    if z != 0
        den >>= z
        pow -= z

    # handle values representable as Int64, UInt64, Float64
    if den == 1
        left = ndigits0z(num,2) + pow
        right = trailing_zeros(num) + pow
        if -1074 <= right
            if 0 <= right && left <= 64
                left <= 63                     && return hash(Int64(num) << Int(pow), h)
                signbit(num) == signbit(den)   && return hash(UInt64(num) << Int(pow), h)
            end # typemin(Int64) handled by Float64 case
            left <= 1024 && left - right <= 53 && return hash(ldexp(Float64(num),pow), h)

    # handle generic rational values
    h = hash_integer(den, h)
    h = hash_integer(pow, h)
    h = hash_integer(num, h)
    return h

`decompose(x)`: non-canonical decomposition of rational values as `num*2^pow/den`.

The decompose function is the point where rational-valued numeric types that support
hashing hook into the hashing protocol. `decompose(x)` should return three integer
values `num, pow, den`, such that the value of `x` is mathematically equal to


The decomposition need not be canonical in the sense that it just needs to be *some*
way to express `x` in this form, not any particular way – with the restriction that
`num` and `den` may not share any odd common factors. They may, however, have powers
of two in common – the generic hashing code will normalize those as necessary.

Special values:

 - `x` is zero: `num` should be zero and `den` should have the same sign as `x`
 - `x` is infinite: `den` should be zero and `num` should have the same sign as `x`
 - `x` is not a number: `num` and `den` should both be zero

decompose(x::Integer) = x, 0, 1
decompose(x::Rational) = num(x), 0, den(x)

function decompose(x::Float16)
    isnan(x) && return 0, 0, 0
    isinf(x) && return ifelse(x < 0, -1, 1), 0, 0
    n = reinterpret(UInt16, x)
    s = (n & 0x03ff) % Int16
    e = (n & 0x7c00 >> 10) % Int
    s |= Int16(e != 0) << 10
    d = ifelse(signbit(x), -1, 1)
    Int(s), Int(e - 25 + (e == 0)), d

function decompose(x::Float32)
    isnan(x) && return 0, 0, 0
    isinf(x) && return ifelse(x < 0, -1, 1), 0, 0
    n = reinterpret(UInt32, x)
    s = (n & 0x007fffff) % Int32
    e = (n & 0x7f800000 >> 23) % Int
    s |= Int32(e != 0) << 23
    d = ifelse(signbit(x), -1, 1)
    Int(s), Int(e - 150 + (e == 0)), d

function decompose(x::Float64)
    isnan(x) && return 0, 0, 0
    isinf(x) && return ifelse(x < 0, -1, 1), 0, 0
    n = reinterpret(UInt64, x)
    s = (n & 0x000fffffffffffff) % Int64
    e = (n & 0x7ff0000000000000 >> 52) % Int
    s |= Int64(e != 0) << 52
    d = ifelse(signbit(x), -1, 1)
    s, Int(e - 1075 + (e == 0)), d

function decompose(x::BigFloat)
    isnan(x) && return big(0), 0, 0
    isinf(x) && return big(x.sign), 0, 0
    x == 0 && return big(0), 0, Int(x.sign)
    s = BigInt()
    ccall((:__gmpz_realloc2, :libgmp), Void, (Ptr{BigInt}, Culong), &s, x.prec)
    s.size = -fld(-x.prec,(sizeof(Culong)<<3))
    ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t), s.d, x.d, s.size*sizeof(Culong))
    s, Int(x.exp - x.prec), Int(x.sign)

## streamlined hashing for smallish rational types ##

function hash{T<:Integer64}(x::Rational{T}, h::UInt)
    num, den = Base.num(x), Base.den(x)
    den == 1 && return hash(num, h)
    den == 0 && return hash(ifelse(num > 0, Inf, -Inf), h)
    if isodd(den)
        pow = trailing_zeros(num)
        num >>= pow
        pow = trailing_zeros(den)
        den >>= pow
        pow = -pow
        if den == 1 && abs(num) < 9007199254740992
            return hash(ldexp(Float64(num),pow))
    h = hash_integer(den, h)
    h = hash_integer(pow, h)
    h = hash_integer(num, h)
    return h

## hashing Float16s ##

hash(x::Float16, h::UInt) = hash(Float64(x), h)

## hashing strings ##

const memhash = UInt === UInt64 ? :memhash_seed : :memhash32_seed
const memhash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x71e729fd56419c81 : 0x56419c81

function hash{T<:ByteString}(s::Union{T,SubString{T}}, h::UInt)
    h += memhash_seed
    # note: use pointer(s) here (see #6058).
    ccall(memhash, UInt, (Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, UInt32), pointer(s), sizeof(s), h % UInt32) + h
hash(s::AbstractString, h::UInt) = hash(bytestring(s), h)
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