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Tip revision: ed5b6336a867064e217cd022e3f28d462970b68e authored by Keno Fischer on 28 December 2018, 06:53:39 UTC
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Tip revision: ed5b633
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

@testset "regex" begin
    function collect_eachmatch(re, str; overlap=false)
        [m.match for m in collect(eachmatch(re, str, overlap = overlap))]

    @test collect_eachmatch(r"a?b?", "asbd") == ["a","","b","",""] ==
        collect_eachmatch(r"""a?b?""", "asbd")
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"a?b?", "asbd", overlap=true) == ["a","","b","",""]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"\w+", "hello", overlap=true) == ["hello","ello","llo","lo","o"]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r".\s", "x \u2200 x \u2203 y") == ["x ", "∀ ", "x ", "∃ "]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"(\w+)(\s*)", "The dark side of the moon") ==
        ["The ", "dark ", "side ", "of ", "the ", "moon"]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"", "") == [""]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"", "", overlap=true) == [""]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"aa", "aaaa") == ["aa", "aa"]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"aa", "aaaa", overlap=true) == ["aa", "aa", "aa"]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"", "aaa") == ["", "", "", ""]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"", "aaa", overlap=true) == ["", "", "", ""]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"GCG","GCGCG") == ["GCG"]
    @test collect_eachmatch(r"GCG","GCGCG",overlap=true) == ["GCG","GCG"]

    # Issue 8278
    target = """ - - [30/Jul/2014:16:40:55 -0700] "GET HTTP/1.1" 200 492513 ";_ylt=AwrB8py9gdlTGEwADcSjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTI2cGZrZTA5BHNlYwNmcC1leHAEc2xrA2V4cARvaWQDNTA3NTRiMzYzY2E5OTEwNjBiMjc2YWJhMjkxMTEzY2MEZ3BvcwM0BGl0A2Jpbmc-?" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36"""
    pat = r"""([\d\.]+) ([\w.-]+) ([\w.-]+) (\[.+\]) "([^"\r\n]*|[^"\r\n\[]*\[.+\][^"]+|[^"\r\n]+.[^"]+)" (\d{3}) (\d+|-) ("(?:[^"]|\")+)"? ("(?:[^"]|\")+)"?"""
    match(pat, target)

    # issue #26829
    @test map(m -> m.match, eachmatch(r"^$|\S", "ö")) == ["ö"]

    # issue #26199
    @test map(m -> m.match, eachmatch(r"(\p{L}+)", "Tú")) == ["Tú"]
    @test map(m -> m.match, eachmatch(r"(\p{L}+)", "Tú lees.")) == ["Tú", "lees"]
    @test map(m -> m.match, eachmatch(r"(\p{L}+)", "¿Cuál es tu pregunta?")) == ["Cuál", "es", "tu", "pregunta"]

    # Issue 9545 (32 bit)
    buf = PipeBuffer()
    show(buf, r"")
    @test read(buf, String) == "r\"\""

    # see #10994, #11447: PCRE2 allows NUL chars in the pattern
    @test occursin(Regex("^a\0b\$"), "a\0b")

    # regex match / search string must be a String
    @test_throws ArgumentError match(r"test", GenericString("this is a test"))
    @test_throws ArgumentError findfirst(r"test", GenericString("this is a test"))

    # Named subpatterns
    let m = match(r"(?<a>.)(.)(?<b>.)", "xyz")
        @test (m[:a], m[2], m["b"]) == ("x", "y", "z")
        @test sprint(show, m) == "RegexMatch(\"xyz\", a=\"x\", 2=\"y\", b=\"z\")"

    # Backcapture reference in substitution string
    @test replace("abcde", r"(..)(?P<byname>d)" => s"\g<byname>xy\\\1") == "adxy\\bce"
    @test_throws ErrorException replace("a", r"(?P<x>)" => s"\g<y>")

    # Proper unicode handling
    @test  match(r"∀∀", "∀x∀∀∀").match == "∀∀"

    # 'a' flag to disable UCP
    @test match(r"\w+", "Düsseldorf").match == "Düsseldorf"
    @test match(r"\w+"a, "Düsseldorf").match == "D"

    # Regex behaves like a scalar in broadcasting
    @test occursin.(r"Hello", ["Hello", "World"]) == [true, false]
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