Raw File
Tip revision: b4bb652da6c9f025dba484d0cdafd917a1d88e5b authored by kpamnany on 17 May 2018, 23:54:04 UTC
Most of test/channels.jl runs.
Tip revision: b4bb652
# Makefile for building documentation

default: html

# You can set these variables from the command line.
SRCDIR           := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
JULIAHOME        := $(abspath $(SRCDIR)/..)
include $(JULIAHOME)/
JULIA_EXECUTABLE := $(call spawn,$(build_bindir)/julia)

.PHONY: help clean cleanall html pdf linkcheck doctest doctest-fix check deps deploy

	@echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one of"
	@echo "  html        to make standalone HTML files"
	@echo "  pdf         to make standalone PDF file"
	@echo "  linkcheck   to check all external links for integrity"
	@echo "  doctest     to run all doctests embedded in the documentation"
	@echo "  doctest-fix to update all doctests embedded in the documentation"
	@echo "  check       to run linkcheck and doctests"


deps: UnicodeData.txt
	$(JLCHECKSUM) UnicodeData.txt

	-rm -rf _build/* deps/* docbuild.log UnicodeData.txt

cleanall: clean

html: deps
	@echo "Building HTML documentation."
ifneq ($(OS),WINNT)
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl)
# work around issue #11727, windows output redirection breaking on buildbot
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl) > docbuild.log 2>&1
	@cat docbuild.log
	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in _build/html."

pdf: deps
	@echo "Building PDF documentation."
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl) -- pdf
	@echo "Build finished."

linkcheck: deps
	@echo "Checking external documentation links."
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl) -- linkcheck
	@echo "Checks finished."

doctest: deps
	@echo "Running all embedded 'doctests'."
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl) -- doctest
	@echo "Checks finished."

doctest-fix: deps
	@echo "Updating all embedded 'doctests'."
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl) -- doctest-fix
	@echo "Update finished."

check: deps
	@echo "Running all embedded 'doctests' and checking external links."
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl) -- doctest linkcheck
	@echo "Checks finished."

# The deploy target should only be called in Travis builds
deploy: deps
	@echo "Deploying HTML documentation."
	$(JULIA_EXECUTABLE) --color=yes $(call cygpath_w,$(SRCDIR)/make.jl) -- deploy
	@echo "Build & deploy of docs finished."
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