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Tip revision: 52f7039abe8ac6d4722b0b61ba886076b9ddc912 authored by Vincent Neiger on 10 April 2023, 10:41:55 UTC
Merge branch 'master' into license-vs-copying
Tip revision: 52f7039
# FFLAS-FFPACK: Finite Field Linear Algebra Subroutines/Package

CI Inria: [![Build Status](](


The FFLAS-FFPACK library provides a set of basic routines for linear algebra over a finite field or the ring of integers with dense and sparse matrices.

It is inspired by the BLAS interface (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) and the LAPACK library for numerical linear algebra, and shares part of their design. Yet it differs in many aspects due to the specifities of computing over exact domains such as a finite fields and the field of rationals:
- it is generic with respect to the finite field, so as to accomodate a large variety of field sizes and implementations;
- consequently all routines use the C++ template genericity and the library is primarily meant to be used as a source code library, to be included and compiled in the user's software.
- However, we also provide a compiled version instantiating most common routines over the most common finite fields.


FFLAS-FFPACK is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL v2.1 or later (see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER).

- a C++ compiler supporting C++11 standard. More precisely g++ v5 or greater, clang++ v3.4 or greater, icpc v16 or greater (earlier versions of clang and icpc might also work but have not been tested)
- A BLAS library conforming to either the C or Fortran BLAS standard: OpenBLAS (recommended), or ATLAS. Make sure to use a single threaded version of the BLAS library.
- [Givaro]( version at least 4.1.2, providing the implementations of the coefficient fields/rings.


### In brief:
- if you are compiling a released tar.gz archive, use ```./configure <options> && make && make install```
- if you are compiling the upstream git master branch, juste replace `configure` by `` in the above command: the configure script will be auto-generated and run with the arguments passed to ``

### Most commonly used options
- `--with-blas-libs=<libs>` : to specify the arguments for the linker to find the BLAS
- `--enable-precompilation` : to precompile the standard templates specializations (and gain some compilation time later on)

Type `./configure --help` to list all options available.
Note that `givaro` is automatically detected by pkg-config, so you no longer need to pass a `--with-givaro=...` option.
You may need to set the `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable to `<givaro-prefix>/lib/pkgconfig` if you have installed it in a non standard directory.

For example on a x86_64 architecture:
- Using OpenBLAS in Fedora:
   - install the package `openblas-devel.x86_64`,
   - run `./configure --with-blas-libs="-lopenblas"`
- Using OpenBLAS in Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and all debian based distribution:
   - avoid using the distribution's package, as it is threaded by default. You need to
   compile openblas yourself on these systems,
   - run `./configure --with-blas-libs="-L/pathtolocalopenblas/lib -lopenblas" --with-blas-cflags="-I/pathtolocalopenblas/include"`
- Using ATLAS in Debian, Ubuntu, Mint:
   - install the package `libatlas-dev`,
   - run `./configure --with-blas-libs="-latlas -lcblas"`
- Using ATLAS in Fedora:
   - install the package `atlas-devel.x86_64`,
   - run `./configure --with-blas-libs="-L/usr/lib64/atlas -lsatlas"`.
- Using Accelerate Framework on OS-X:
   - run `./configure --with-blas-libs="-framework Accelerate"`.
- Using BLIS
   - Configure BLIS with, say, `./configure --enable-cblas auto`.
   - run fflas/ffpack's `./configure --with-blas-libs="-lblis -lpthread"`.

Then, simply run `make; make autotune; make install; make check`
Note that running the `autotune` target is optional but recommended as it will tune up the thresholds of various algorithms to your specific target host.
`make check` is also optional but recommended as a sanity check.

see INSTALL for further details.

### Homebrew install on Mac OSX

Homebrew bottles for fflas-ffpack and givaro are made available by Macaulay2's [tap]( You can install them with the following steps:
brew tap Macaulay2/tap
brew install givaro
brew install fflas-ffpack



 from [linbox-team/fflas-ffpack](


The FFLAS-FFPACK group (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors).


If your research depends on the FFLAS-FFPACK library, please consider citing the project as

title = {{FFLAS-FFPACK}: {F}inite {F}ield {L}inear {A}lgebra {S}ubroutines / {P}ackage},
author = {The FFLAS-FFPACK group},
edition = {v2.4.1},
year = {2019},
note = {\url{}}

Or you may also consider citing the related research article:
author = {Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Pascal Giorgi and Cl{\'e}ment Pernet},
title = {Dense Linear Algebra over Word-Size Prime Fields: the FFLAS and FFPACK Packages},
journal = {ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software (TOMS)},
volume = {35},
number = {3},
year = {2008},
issn = {0098-3500},
pages = {1--42},
doi = {10.1145/1391989.1391992},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {New York, NY, USA}

## Contact and discussion

For any bug report, feature or help request, please file an issue on github's [issue tracker](

Please address any other request, suggestion and comment to the discussion group [ffpack-devel](
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