Raw File
Tip revision: be6359383f4003d695c8cfd95930d87b58b56003 authored by Miguel Ambrona on 05 June 2023, 07:40:18 UTC
Timelock : nit
Tip revision: be63593
let invalid_arg fmt = Format.ksprintf (fun s -> invalid_arg s) fmt

module Make (D : sig
  val digest_size : int
end) =
  let to_hex hash =
    let res = Bytes.create (D.digest_size * 2) in
    let chr x =
      match x with
      | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 -> Char.chr (48 + x)
      | _ -> Char.chr (97 + (x - 10))
    for i = 0 to D.digest_size - 1 do
      let v = Char.code hash.[i] in
      Bytes.unsafe_set res (i * 2) (chr (v lsr 4)) ;
      Bytes.unsafe_set res ((i * 2) + 1) (chr (v land 0x0F))
    done ;
    Bytes.unsafe_to_string res

  let code x =
    match x with
    | '0' .. '9' -> Char.code x - Char.code '0'
    | 'A' .. 'F' -> Char.code x - Char.code 'A' + 10
    | 'a' .. 'f' -> Char.code x - Char.code 'a' + 10
    | _ -> invalid_arg "of_hex: %02X" (Char.code x)

  let decode chr1 chr2 = Char.chr ((code chr1 lsl 4) lor code chr2)

  let of_hex hex =
    let offset = ref 0 in
    let rec go have_first idx =
      if !offset + idx >= String.length hex then '\x00'
        match hex.[!offset + idx] with
        | ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ->
            incr offset ;
            go have_first idx
        | chr2 when have_first -> chr2
        | chr1 ->
            incr offset ;
            let chr2 = go true idx in
            if chr2 <> '\x00' then decode chr1 chr2
            else invalid_arg "of_hex: odd number of hex characters"
    String.init D.digest_size (go false)

  let of_hex_opt hex =
    match of_hex hex with
    | digest -> Some digest
    | exception Invalid_argument _ -> None

  let consistent_of_hex str =
    let offset = ref 0 in
    let rec go have_first idx =
      if !offset + idx >= String.length str then
        invalid_arg "Not enough hex value"
        match str.[!offset + idx] with
        | ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ->
            incr offset ;
            go have_first idx
        | chr2 when have_first -> chr2
        | chr1 ->
            incr offset ;
            let chr2 = go true idx in
            decode chr1 chr2
    let res = String.init D.digest_size (go false) in
    let is_wsp = function ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> true | _ -> false in
      D.digest_size + !offset < String.length str
      && is_wsp str.[!offset + (D.digest_size * 2)]
      incr offset
    done ;
    if !offset + D.digest_size = String.length str then res
        "Too much enough bytes (reach: %d, expect: %d)"
        (!offset + (D.digest_size * 2))
        (String.length str)

  let consistent_of_hex_opt hex =
    match consistent_of_hex hex with
    | digest -> Some digest
    | exception Invalid_argument _ -> None

  let pp ppf hash =
    for i = 0 to D.digest_size - 1 do
      Format.fprintf ppf "%02x" (Char.code hash.[i])

  let of_raw_string x =
    if String.length x <> D.digest_size then invalid_arg "invalid hash size"
    else x

  let of_raw_string_opt x =
    match of_raw_string x with
    | digest -> Some digest
    | exception Invalid_argument _ -> None

  let to_raw_string x = x
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