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Tip revision: bdb702dd4518c2435fd142ae652c607ee2e150b1 authored by Pierre Roux on 01 February 2024, 10:26:39 UTC
Merge pull request #203 from coq-community/coq_18590
Tip revision: bdb702d
(** Plotting graphs in the plane *)
(* This file is based on examples/Plot.v *)
(* I define the image of a path, a [Compact] subset of the plane.*)
(* Finally, plot a hi-res Circle*)

Require Import Plot RasterQ Qmetric.
Require Import
Require Import CoRN.metric2.MetricMorphisms.
Require Import CoRN.reals.faster.ARArith.
Require Import ARplot.
Require Import CoRN.reals.faster.ARcos
Require Import
Require Import CoRN.dump.theories.Loader.

Local Open Scope uc_scope.

Section PlotCirclePath.
Context `{AppRationals AQ}.

Definition CirclePath_faster
  : AQ_as_MetricSpace --> Complete (ProductMS AQ_as_MetricSpace AQ_as_MetricSpace) := 
  (uc_compose (uc_compose Couple (together ARcos_uc ARsin_uc))
              (diag AQ_as_MetricSpace)).

Definition CosPath_faster
  : AQ_as_MetricSpace --> Complete (ProductMS AQ_as_MetricSpace AQ_as_MetricSpace) := 
  (uc_compose (uc_compose Couple (together Cunit ARcos_uc))
              (diag AQ_as_MetricSpace)).

(* 7 is above 2 pi, which finishes a circle. *)
(* Lemma zeroSeven : (0 <= 7)%Q.
Proof. discriminate. Qed. *)

Definition Circle_faster : sparse_raster _ _
  := let (_,r) := ARplot.PlotPath 0 7 (-(1)) 1 (reflexivity _)
                             (-(1)) 1 (reflexivity _) 200 CirclePath_faster
      in r.

Definition Cos_faster : sparse_raster _ _
  := let (_,r) := ARplot.PlotPath 0 7 0 7 (reflexivity _)
                             (-(1)) 1 (reflexivity _) 800 CosPath_faster
      in r.

End PlotCirclePath.

(* 6 seconds *)
Time Definition Circle_bigD : sparse_raster _ _
  := Eval vm_compute in 
      @Circle_faster bigD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bigD_appRat.

DumpGrayMap Circle_bigD.
(* Now have a look at plot.pgm *)

Time Definition Cos_bigD : sparse_raster _ _
  := Eval vm_compute in 
      @Cos_faster bigD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bigD_appRat.

DumpGrayMap Cos_bigD.
(* Now have a look at plot.pgm *)

Definition CircleFunction_aux
  : ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace --> ProductMS CR CR
  := together cos_uc sin_uc.

Definition CirclePath : Q_as_MetricSpace --> Complete Q2:= 
  (uc_compose (uc_compose Couple CircleFunction_aux) (diag Q_as_MetricSpace)).
(* The following hangs:
Definition CirclePath': UCFunction Q R2:= 
  ucFunction (fun q:Q => Couple (cos_uc q, sin_uc q)).*)

(* 20 seconds *)
(* The raster must be evaluated before being plotted by DumpGrayMap,
   here with vm_compute. *)
Time Definition Circle : sparse_raster _ _
  := Eval vm_compute in
      (let (_,r) := Plot.PlotPath 0 7 (-(1)) 1 (reflexivity _)
                             (-(1)) 1 (reflexivity _) 200 CirclePath
      in r). 

DumpGrayMap Circle.
(* Now have a look at plot.pgm *)

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