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Tip revision: f3d86bc157e0cc282c9e8041136fbf7eb4275170 authored by Yishuai Li on 06 March 2024, 07:19:27 UTC
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Tip revision: f3d86bc
(* State monad example adapted from

 Example use of State monad
 Passes a string of dictionary {a,b,c}
 Game is to produce a number from the string.
 By default the game is off, a C toggles the
 game on and off. A 'a' gives +1 and a b gives -1.
 'ab'    = 0
 'ca'    = 1
 'cabca' = 0
 State = game is on or off & current score
       = (Bool, Int)

Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith_base Coq.Strings.String Coq.Strings.Ascii.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.StateMonad ExtLib.Structures.Monads.

Section StateGame.
  Import MonadNotation.
  Local Open Scope Z_scope.
  Local Open Scope char_scope.
  Local Open Scope monad_scope.

  Definition GameValue : Type := Z.
  Definition GameState : Type := (prod bool Z).

  Variable m : Type -> Type.
  Context {Monad_m: Monad m}.
  Context {State_m: MonadState GameState m}.

  Fixpoint playGame (s: string) {struct s}: m GameValue :=
    match s with
    |  EmptyString =>
       v <- get ;;
         let '(on, score) := v in ret score
    |  String x xs =>
       v <- get ;;
         let '(on, score) := v in
         match x, on with
         | "a", true =>  put (on, score + 1)
         | "b", true => put (on, score - 1)
         | "c", _ =>   put (negb on, score)
         |  _, _  =>    put (on, score)
         end ;; playGame xs

  Definition startState: GameState := (false, 0).

End StateGame.

Definition main : GameValue :=
  (@evalState GameState GameValue (playGame (state GameState) "abcaaacbbcabbab") startState).

(* The following should return '2%Z' *)
Compute main.

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