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Tip revision: bc33612e6cc33fcf28f50655cab5f1931985ccde authored by Adelchi Azzalini on 04 April 2023, 17:10:02 UTC
version 2.1.1
Tip revision: bc33612
%  file sn/man/dp2cp.Rd  
%  This file is a component of the package 'sn' for R
%  copyright (C) 2013 Adelchi Azzalini
\title{Conversion between parametrizations of a skew-elliptical distribution}

  Convert direct parameters (\acronym{DP}) to centred parameters 
 (\acronym{CP}) of a skew-elliptical distribution and \emph{vice versa}.}
dp2cp(dp, family, object = NULL, cp.type = "proper", upto = NULL) 
cp2dp(cp, family)
dp2op(dp, family)
op2dp(op, family)

\item{dp}{a vector (in the univariate case) or a list (in the multivariate
  case) as described in \code{\link{makeSECdistr}}; see \sQuote{Background 
  and Details} for an extented form of usage.}

\item{cp}{a vector or a list, in agreement with \code{dp} as for type and

\item{op}{a vector or a list, in agreement with \code{dp} as for type and
\item{family}{a characther string with the family acronym, 
   as described in \code{\link{makeSECdistr}}, except that family 
  \code{"ESN"} is not implemented.}

\item{object}{optionally, an S4 object of class \code{SECdistrUv} or
  \code{SECdistrMv}, as produced by \code{\link{makeSECdistr}} 
  (default value: \code{NULL}). 
  If this argument is not \code{NULL}, then \code{family} and \code{dp} 
  must not be set.}

\item{cp.type}{character string, which has effect only if \code{family="ST"} 
   or \code{"SC"}, otherwise a warning message is generated.  Possible values 
   are \kbd{"proper", "pseudo", "auto"}, which correspond to the \acronym{CP} 
   parameter set, their `pseudo-\acronym{CP}' version and an automatic
   selection based on \code{nu>4}, where \code{nu} represents the degrees of
   freedom of the \acronym{ST} distribution.}

\item{upto}{numeric value (in \code{1:length(dp)}, default=\code{NULL}) to 
  select how many \acronym{CP} components are computed. 
  Default value \code{upto=NULL} is equivalent to \code{length(dp)}.}

\value{For \code{dp2cp}, a matching vector (in the univariate case) or a list 
   (in the multivariate case) of \code{cp} parameters. 
   For \code{cp2dp} and \code{op2dp}, a similar object of \code{dp} parameters,
   provided the set of input parameters is in the admissible region.
   For \code{dp2op}, a similar set of \code{op} parameters.}
\section{Background}{For a description of the \acronym{DP}
parameters, see Section \sQuote{Details} of \code{\link{makeSECdistr}}.  The
\acronym{CP} form of parameterization is cumulant-based. For a univariate
distribution, the \acronym{CP} components are the mean value (first cumulant), 
the standard deviation (square root of the 2nd cumulant), the coefficient of 
skewness (3rd standardized cumulant) and,  for the \acronym{ST}, 
the coefficient of excess kurtosis (4th standardized cumulant). 
For a multivariate distribution, there exists an extension based on the 
same logic; its components represent the
vector mean value, the variance matrix, the vector of marginal coefficients of
skewness and, only for the \acronym{ST}, the Mardia's coefficient of excess
kurtosis. The pseudo-\acronym{CP} variant provides an `approximate form' of
\acronym{CP} when not all required cumulants exist; however, this parameter set
is not uniquely invertible to \acronym{DP}. The names of pseudo-\acronym{CP}
components printed in summary output are composed by adding a \code{~} 
after the usual component name; for example, the first one is denoted

Additional information is provided by Azzalini and Capitanio (2014).
Specifically, their Section 3.1.4 presents \acronym{CP} in the univariate 
\acronym{SN} case, Section 4.3.4 \acronym{CP} for the \acronym{ST} case and 
the `pseudo-\acronym{CP}' version. Section 5.2.3 presents the multivariate
extension for the \acronym{SN} distribution, Section 6.2.5 for the 
multivariate \acronym{ST} case. 
For a more detailed discussion, see Arellano-Valle & Azzalini (2013).

The \acronym{OP} parameterization is very similar to \acronym{DP}, from which 
it differs only for the components which regulate dispersion (or scatter) 
and slant.  Its relevance lies essentially in the multivariate case, where 
the components of the slant parameter can be interpreted component-wise and
remain unaffected if marginalization with respect to some other components 
is performed. 
In the multivariate \acronym{SN} case, the components of \acronym{OP}, denoted
\eqn{\xi, \Psi, \lambda}, are associated to the expression of the density
function (5.30) of Azzalini & Capitanio (2014); see pp.128--131 for more
information. In the univariate case, the slant component of \acronym{DP}
and the one of \acronym{OP} coincide, that is, \eqn{\alpha=\lambda},
Parameter \eqn{\xi} and other parameters which may exist with other families 
remain the same of the \acronym{DP} set. The term \acronym{OP} stands for
`original parameterization' since this is, up to a negligible difference, 
the parameterization adopted by Azzalini & Dalla Valle (1996).

While any choice of the components of \acronym{DP} or \acronym{OP} is
admissible, this is not true for \acronym{CP}. An implication is that a
call to \code{cp2dp} may fail with an error message \code{"non-admissible CP"}
for certain input values. The most extreme case is represented by the
\acronym{SC} family, for which  \acronym{CP} never exists; hence it makes
to sense to call \code{cp2dp} with \code{family="SC"}.

It is possible to call the functions with \code{dp} or \code{cp} having more
components than those expected for a given family as described above and in
\code{\link{makeSECdistr}}. In the univariate case, this means that \code{dp}
or \code{cp} can be vectors of longer length than indicated earlier. This
occurrence is interpreted in the sense that the additional components after
the first one are regarded as regression coefficients of a \code{selm} model,
and they are transferred unchanged to the matching components of the
transformed parameter set; the motivation is given in Section 3.1.4 of
Azzalini and Capitanio (2014). In the multivariate case, \code{dp[[1]]} and
\code{cp[[1]]} can be matrices instead of vectors; the rows beyond the first
one are transferred unchanged to \code{cp[[1]]} and \code{dp[[1]]},

Arellano-Valle, R. B. and Azzalini, A. (2013, available on-line 12 June 2011). 
The centred parameterization and related quantities of the skew-\emph{t} 
distribution. \emph{J. Multiv. Analysis} \bold{113}, 73-90. 

Azzalini, A. with the collaboration of Capitanio, A. (2014). 
\emph{The Skew-Normal and Related  Families}. 
Cambridge University Press, IMS Monographs series.

Azzalini, A. and Dalla Valle, A. (1996).
The multivariate skew-normal distribution.
\emph{Biometrika} \bold{83}, 715--726.

  \code{\link{makeSECdistr}}, \code{\link{summary.SECdistr}}, 
  the \sQuote{Note} at \code{\link{summary.selm}} for the reason why
  \acronym{CP} is the default parameterization in that function and in 
  related ones,
  the \sQuote{Examples} at \code{\link{rmsn}} for use of the \acronym{CP}

# univariate case
cp <- dp2cp(c(1, 2222, 3333, 2, 3), "SN")
dp <- cp2dp(cp, "SN")
# notice that the 2nd and the 3rd component remain unchanged
# multivariate case
dp3 <- list(xi=1:3, Omega=toeplitz(1/(1:3)), alpha=c(-3, 8, 5), nu=6)
cp3 <- dp2cp(dp3, "ST")
dp3.back <- cp2dp(cp3, "ST")
op3 <- dp2op(dp3, "ST")
dp3back <- op2dp(op3,"ST")

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