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Tip revision: 1c27a8ac0ed0c3759187bb8bb6a26bc30ac2c701 authored by Fabio Sigrist on 03 October 2023, 12:00:02 UTC
version 1.7.5
Tip revision: 1c27a8a
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Function that propagates a state (spectral coefficients). 
Function that propagates the vector 'alphat'. This is
equivalent to multiplying 'alphat' with the propagator matrix G. It is a
lot faster though, due to the block-diagonal structure of G. This is a
wrapper function of a C function.
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
    A vector of spectral coefficients.
   A 'spateFT' obtained from 'spate.init'. Either this or 'n' needs to
   be given.
 Number of points on each axis. n x n is the total number of spatial
 points. Either this or 'spateFT' needs to be given.
  The propagator matrix G in vector format obtained from
  'get.propagator.vec'. If 'Gvec' is not given, it is constructed based on 'par'.
 Parameters for the SPDE in the following order: rho_0, sigma^2, zeta,
 rho_1, gamma, alpha, mu_x, mu_y, tau^2. If 'Gvec' is not given, 'par'
 needs to be given.

  A vector of propagated coefficients G*alphat.

Fabio Sigrist

n <- 50
spec <- matern.spec(wave=spate.init(n=n,T=1)$wave,n=n,rho0=0.05,sigma2=1,norm=TRUE)
alphat <- sqrt(spec)*rnorm(n*n)
##Propagate initial state
wave <- wave.numbers(n)
Gvec <- get.propagator.vec(wave=wave$wave,indCos=wave$indCos,zeta=0.1,rho1=0.02,gamma=2,
alphat1 <- propagate.spectral(alphat,n=n,Gvec=Gvec)

opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(opar) # Reset par() settings
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