Raw File
Tip revision: 1c168139750d3c24028dd829ae144ce162dc6f85 authored by Peter Dillinger on 13 January 2020, 16:26:00 UTC
Support dumping Xor filter to binary file
Tip revision: 1c16813
// Copied from Apache Impala (incubating), usable under the terms in the Apache License,
// Version 2.0.

// This is a block Bloom filter (from Putze et al.'s "Cache-, Hash- and Space-Efficient
// Bloom Filters") with some twists:
// 1. Each block is a split Bloom filter - see Section 2.1 of Broder and Mitzenmacher's
// "Network Applications of Bloom Filters: A Survey".
// 2. The number of bits set per Add() is contant in order to take advantage of SIMD
// instructions.

#pragma once

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>

#include <algorithm>
#include <new>

#include "hashutil.h"

using uint32_t = ::std::uint32_t;
using uint64_t = ::std::uint64_t;

inline uint32_t reduce(uint32_t hash, uint32_t n) {
    return (uint32_t) (((uint64_t) hash * n) >> 32);

static inline uint64_t rotl64(uint64_t n, unsigned int c) {
    // assumes width is a power of 2
    const unsigned int mask = (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(n) - 1);
    // assert ( (c<=mask) &&"rotate by type width or more");
    c &= mask;
    return (n << c) | ( n >> ((-c) & mask));

#ifdef __AVX2__
#include <x86intrin.h>

template<typename HashFamily = ::hashing::TwoIndependentMultiplyShift>
class SimdBlockFilterFixed {
  // The filter is divided up into Buckets:
  using Bucket = uint32_t[8];

  const int bucketCount;

  Bucket* directory_;

  HashFamily hasher_;

  // Consumes at most (1 << log_heap_space) bytes on the heap:
  explicit SimdBlockFilterFixed(const int bits);
  ~SimdBlockFilterFixed() noexcept;
  void Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept;

  // Add multiple items to the filter.
  void AddAll(const vector<uint64_t> & data, const size_t start, const size_t end) {
    return AddAll(, start,end);
  void AddAll(const uint64_t* data, const size_t start, const size_t end);

  bool Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept;
  uint64_t SizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(Bucket) * bucketCount; }

  // A helper function for Insert()/Find(). Turns a 32-bit hash into a 256-bit Bucket
  // with 1 single 1-bit set in each 32-bit lane.
  static __m256i MakeMask(const uint32_t hash) noexcept;

  void ApplyBlock(uint64_t* tmp, int block, int len);


template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::SimdBlockFilterFixed(const int bits)
    // bits / 16: fpp 0.1777%, 75.1%
    // bits / 20: fpp 0.4384%, 63.4%
    // bits / 22: fpp 0.6692%, 61.1%
    // bits / 24: fpp 0.9765%, 59.7% <<== seems to be best (1% fpp seems important)
    // bits / 26: fpp 1.3769%, 59.3%
    // bits / 28: fpp 1.9197%, 60.3%
    // bits / 32: fpp 3.3280%, 63.0%
  : bucketCount(::std::max(1, bits / 24)),
    hasher_() {
  if (!__builtin_cpu_supports("avx2")) {
    throw ::std::runtime_error("SimdBlockFilterFixed does not work without AVX2 instructions");
  const size_t alloc_size = bucketCount * sizeof(Bucket);
  const int malloc_failed =
      posix_memalign(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&directory_), 64, alloc_size);
  if (malloc_failed) throw ::std::bad_alloc();
  memset(directory_, 0, alloc_size);

template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::~SimdBlockFilterFixed() noexcept {
  directory_ = nullptr;

// The SIMD reinterpret_casts technically violate C++'s strict aliasing rules. However, we
// compile with -fno-strict-aliasing.
template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline __m256i
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::MakeMask(const uint32_t hash) noexcept {
  const __m256i ones = _mm256_set1_epi32(1);
  // Odd contants for hashing:
  const __m256i rehash = _mm256_setr_epi32(0x47b6137bU, 0x44974d91U, 0x8824ad5bU,
      0xa2b7289dU, 0x705495c7U, 0x2df1424bU, 0x9efc4947U, 0x5c6bfb31U);
  // Load hash into a YMM register, repeated eight times
  __m256i hash_data = _mm256_set1_epi32(hash);
  // Multiply-shift hashing ala Dietzfelbinger et al.: multiply 'hash' by eight different
  // odd constants, then keep the 5 most significant bits from each product.
  hash_data = _mm256_mullo_epi32(rehash, hash_data);
  hash_data = _mm256_srli_epi32(hash_data, 27);
  // Use these 5 bits to shift a single bit to a location in each 32-bit lane
  return _mm256_sllv_epi32(ones, hash_data);

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline void
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  const __m256i mask = MakeMask(hash);
  __m256i* const bucket = &reinterpret_cast<__m256i*>(directory_)[bucket_idx];
  _mm256_store_si256(bucket, _mm256_or_si256(*bucket, mask));

const int blockShift = 14;
const int blockLen = 1 << blockShift;

template<typename HashFamily>
void SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::ApplyBlock(uint64_t* tmp, int block, int len) {
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
        uint64_t hash = tmp[(block << blockShift) + i];
        uint32_t bucket_idx = tmp[(block << blockShift) + i + 1];
        const __m256i mask = MakeMask(hash);
        __m256i* const bucket = &reinterpret_cast<__m256i*>(directory_)[bucket_idx];
        _mm256_store_si256(bucket, _mm256_or_si256(*bucket, mask));

template<typename HashFamily>
void SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::AddAll(
    const uint64_t* keys, const size_t start, const size_t end) {
    int blocks = 1 + bucketCount / blockLen;
    uint64_t* tmp = new uint64_t[blocks * blockLen];
    int* tmpLen = new int[blocks]();
    for(size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
        uint64_t key = keys[i];
        uint64_t hash = hasher_(key);
        uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
        int block = bucket_idx >> blockShift;
        int len = tmpLen[block];
        tmp[(block << blockShift) + len] = hash;
        tmp[(block << blockShift) + len + 1] = bucket_idx;
        tmpLen[block] = len + 2;
        if (len + 2 == blockLen) {
            ApplyBlock(tmp, block, len + 1);
            tmpLen[block] = 0;
    for (int block = 0; block < blocks; block++) {
        ApplyBlock(tmp, block, tmpLen[block]);
    delete[] tmp;
    delete[] tmpLen;

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline bool
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  const __m256i mask = MakeMask(hash);
  const __m256i bucket = reinterpret_cast<__m256i*>(directory_)[bucket_idx];
  // We should return true if 'bucket' has a one wherever 'mask' does. _mm256_testc_si256
  // takes the negation of its first argument and ands that with its second argument. In
  // our case, the result is zero everywhere iff there is a one in 'bucket' wherever
  // 'mask' is one. testc returns 1 if the result is 0 everywhere and returns 0 otherwise.
  return _mm256_testc_si256(bucket, mask);

/// 64-byte version

struct mask64bytes {
    __m256i first;
    __m256i second;

typedef struct mask64bytes mask64bytes_t;

template<typename HashFamily = ::hashing::TwoIndependentMultiplyShift>
class SimdBlockFilterFixed64 {
  // The filter is divided up into Buckets:
  using Bucket = mask64bytes_t;

  const int bucketCount;

  Bucket* directory_;

  HashFamily hasher_;

  // Consumes at most (1 << log_heap_space) bytes on the heap:
  explicit SimdBlockFilterFixed64(const int bits);
  ~SimdBlockFilterFixed64() noexcept;
  void Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept;

  bool Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept;
  uint64_t SizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(Bucket) * bucketCount; }

  static mask64bytes_t MakeMask(const uint64_t hash) noexcept;


template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed64<HashFamily>::SimdBlockFilterFixed64(const int bits)

  : bucketCount(::std::max(1, bits / 50)),
    hasher_() {
  if (!__builtin_cpu_supports("avx2")) {
    throw ::std::runtime_error("SimdBlockFilterFixed64 does not work without AVX2 instructions");
  const size_t alloc_size = bucketCount * sizeof(Bucket);
  const int malloc_failed =
      posix_memalign(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&directory_), 64, alloc_size);
  if (malloc_failed) throw ::std::bad_alloc();
  memset(directory_, 0, alloc_size);

template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed64<HashFamily>::~SimdBlockFilterFixed64() noexcept {
  directory_ = nullptr;

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline mask64bytes_t
SimdBlockFilterFixed64<HashFamily>::MakeMask(const uint64_t hash) noexcept {
  const __m256i ones = _mm256_set1_epi64x(1);
  const __m256i rehash1 = _mm256_setr_epi32(0x47b6137bU, 0x44974d91U, 0x8824ad5bU,
      0xa2b7289dU, 0x705495c7U, 0x2df1424bU, 0x9efc4947U, 0x5c6bfb31U);
  mask64bytes_t answer;
  __m256i hash_data = _mm256_set1_epi32(hash);
  __m256i h = _mm256_mullo_epi32(rehash1, hash_data);
  h = _mm256_srli_epi32(h, 26);
  answer.first = _mm256_unpackhi_epi32(h,_mm256_setzero_si256());
  answer.first = _mm256_sllv_epi64(ones, answer.first);
  answer.second = _mm256_unpacklo_epi32(h,_mm256_setzero_si256());
  answer.second = _mm256_sllv_epi64(ones, answer.second);
  return answer;

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline void
SimdBlockFilterFixed64<HashFamily>::Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  mask64bytes_t mask = MakeMask(hash);
  mask64bytes_t* const bucket = &reinterpret_cast<mask64bytes_t*>(directory_)[bucket_idx];
  bucket->first = _mm256_or_si256(mask.first, bucket->first);
  bucket->second= _mm256_or_si256(mask.second, bucket->second);

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline bool
SimdBlockFilterFixed64<HashFamily>::Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  const mask64bytes_t mask = MakeMask(hash);
  const mask64bytes_t  bucket = reinterpret_cast<mask64bytes_t*>(directory_)[bucket_idx];
  return _mm256_testc_si256(bucket.first, mask.first) & _mm256_testc_si256(bucket.second, mask.second);

#endif //__AVX2__

// 16-byte version ARM
#ifdef __aarch64__
#include <arm_neon.h>

template<typename HashFamily = ::hashing::TwoIndependentMultiplyShift>
class SimdBlockFilterFixed {
  // The filter is divided up into Buckets:
  using Bucket = uint16x8_t;

  const int bucketCount;

  Bucket* directory_;

  HashFamily hasher_;

  // Consumes at most (1 << log_heap_space) bytes on the heap:
  explicit SimdBlockFilterFixed(const int bits);
  ~SimdBlockFilterFixed() noexcept;
  void Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept;

  // Add multiple items to the filter.
  void AddAll(const vector<uint64_t>& data, const size_t start, const size_t end) {
      return AddAll(,start,end);

  void AddAll(const uint64_t* data, const size_t start, const size_t end);

  bool Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept;
  uint64_t SizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(Bucket) * bucketCount; }

  // A helper function for Insert()/Find(). Turns a 32-bit hash into a 256-bit Bucket
  // with 1 single 1-bit set in each 32-bit lane.
  static Bucket MakeMask(const uint16_t hash) noexcept;

  void ApplyBlock(uint64_t* tmp, int block, int len);


template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::SimdBlockFilterFixed(const int bits)
  : bucketCount(::std::max(1, bits / 10)),
    hasher_() {
  const size_t alloc_size = bucketCount * sizeof(Bucket);
  const int malloc_failed =
      posix_memalign(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&directory_), 64, alloc_size);
  if (malloc_failed) throw ::std::bad_alloc();
  memset(directory_, 0, alloc_size);

template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::~SimdBlockFilterFixed() noexcept {
  directory_ = nullptr;

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline uint16x8_t
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::MakeMask(const uint16_t hash) noexcept {
  const uint16x8_t ones = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
  const uint16x8_t rehash = {0x79d8, 0xe722, 0xf2fb, 0x21ec, 0x121b, 0x2302, 0x705a, 0x6e87};
  uint16x8_t hash_data = {hash,hash,hash,hash,hash,hash,hash,hash};
  uint16x8_t answer = vmulq_u16(hash_data,rehash);
  answer = vshrq_n_u16(answer, 12);
  answer = vshlq_u16(ones, vreinterpretq_s16_u16(answer));
  return answer;

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline void
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  const uint16x8_t mask = MakeMask(hash);
  uint16x8_t bucket = directory_[bucket_idx];
  directory_[bucket_idx] = vorrq_u16(mask, bucket);

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline bool
SimdBlockFilterFixed<HashFamily>::Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  const uint16x8_t mask = MakeMask(hash);
  const uint16x8_t bucket = directory_[bucket_idx];
  uint16x8_t an = vbicq_u16(mask, bucket);
  uint64x2_t v64 = vreinterpretq_u64_u16(an);
  uint32x2_t v32 = vqmovn_u64(v64);
  uint64x1_t result = vreinterpret_u64_u32(v32);
  return vget_lane_u64(result, 0) == 0;

#endif // __aarch64__

/// 16-byte version (not very good)

#ifdef __SSSE3__

template<typename HashFamily = ::hashing::TwoIndependentMultiplyShift>
class SimdBlockFilterFixed16 {
  // The filter is divided up into Buckets:
  using Bucket = __m128i;

  const int bucketCount;

  Bucket* directory_;

  HashFamily hasher_;

  // Consumes at most (1 << log_heap_space) bytes on the heap:
  explicit SimdBlockFilterFixed16(const int bits);
  ~SimdBlockFilterFixed16() noexcept;
  void Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept;

  bool Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept;
  uint64_t SizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(Bucket) * bucketCount; }

  static __m128i MakeMask(const uint64_t hash) noexcept;


template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed16<HashFamily>::SimdBlockFilterFixed16(const int bits)

  : bucketCount(::std::max(1, bits / 10)),
    hasher_() {
  const size_t alloc_size = bucketCount * sizeof(Bucket);
  const int malloc_failed =
      posix_memalign(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&directory_), 64, alloc_size);
  if (malloc_failed) throw ::std::bad_alloc();
  memset(directory_, 0, alloc_size);

template<typename HashFamily>
SimdBlockFilterFixed16<HashFamily>::~SimdBlockFilterFixed16() noexcept {
  directory_ = nullptr;

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline __m128i
SimdBlockFilterFixed16<HashFamily>::MakeMask(const uint64_t hash) noexcept {
  const __m128i rehash1 = _mm_setr_epi16(0x47b5, 0x4497, 0x8823,
      0xa2b7, 0x7053, 0x2df1, 0x9efc, 0x5c6b);
  __m128i hash_data = _mm_set1_epi32(hash );
  __m128i h = _mm_mulhi_epi16(rehash1, hash_data);
return _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_set_epi8(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,-128,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,-128),h); 

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline void
SimdBlockFilterFixed16<HashFamily>::Add(const uint64_t key) noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  __m128i mask = MakeMask(hash);
  __m128i* const bucket = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(directory_) + bucket_idx;
  __m128i bucketvalue = _mm_loadu_si128(bucket);
  bucketvalue = _mm_or_si128(bucketvalue, mask);

template <typename HashFamily>
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline bool
SimdBlockFilterFixed16<HashFamily>::Find(const uint64_t key) const noexcept {
  const auto hash = hasher_(key);
  const uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);
  const __m128i mask = MakeMask(hash);
  __m128i* const bucket = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(directory_) + bucket_idx;
  __m128i bucketvalue = _mm_loadu_si128(bucket);
  return _mm_testc_si128(bucketvalue,mask);

#endif // #ifdef __SSSE3__
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