Raw File
Tip revision: fd2d8aec398f29de0c06816d463fe27290f39439 authored by Matt Bauman on 18 March 2016, 22:10:02 UTC
Make inbounds macros expression-like
Tip revision: fd2d8ae
# Install dependencies needed to build the documentation.
ENV["JULIA_PKGDIR"] = joinpath(@__DIR__, "deps")
cp(joinpath(@__DIR__, "REQUIRE"), Pkg.dir("REQUIRE"); remove_destination = true)

using Documenter

# Include the `build_sysimg` file.

baremodule GenStdLib end
@isdefined(build_sysimg) || @eval module BuildSysImg
    include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "contrib", "build_sysimg.jl"))

# Documenter Setup.

symlink_q(tgt, link) = isfile(link) || symlink(tgt, link)
cp_q(src, dest) = isfile(dest) || cp(src, dest)

# make links for stdlib package docs
if Sys.iswindows()
    cp_q("../stdlib/DelimitedFiles/docs/src/",        "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/Test/docs/src/",                  "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/Mmap/docs/src/",                  "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/SharedArrays/docs/src/",          "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/Profile/docs/src/",               "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/Base64/docs/src/",                "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/FileWatching/docs/src/",          "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/CRC32c/docs/src/",                "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/Dates/docs/src/",                 "src/stdlib/")
    cp_q("../stdlib/IterativeEigenSolvers/docs/src/", "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/DelimitedFiles/docs/src/",        "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/Test/docs/src/",                  "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/Mmap/docs/src/",                  "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/SharedArrays/docs/src/",          "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/Profile/docs/src/",               "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/Base64/docs/src/",                "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/FileWatching/docs/src/",          "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/CRC32c/docs/src/",                "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/Dates/docs/src/",                 "src/stdlib/")
    symlink_q("../../../stdlib/IterativeEigenSolvers/docs/src/", "src/stdlib/")

const PAGES = [
    "Home" => "",
    "Manual" => [
    "Standard Library" => [
    "Developer Documentation" => [
        "Documentation of Julia's Internals" => [
        "Developing/debugging Julia's C code" => [

using DelimitedFiles, Test, Mmap, SharedArrays, Profile, Base64, FileWatching, CRC32c,
      Dates, IterativeEigenSolvers

    build     = joinpath(pwd(), "_build/html/en"),
    modules   = [Base, Core, BuildSysImg, DelimitedFiles, Test, Mmap, SharedArrays, Profile,
                 Base64, FileWatching, Dates, IterativeEigenSolvers],
    clean     = false,
    doctest   = "doctest" in ARGS,
    linkcheck = "linkcheck" in ARGS,
    linkcheck_ignore = [""], # fails to load from nanosoldier?
    strict    = true,
    checkdocs = :none,
    format    = "pdf" in ARGS ? :latex : :html,
    sitename  = "The Julia Language",
    authors   = "The Julia Project",
    analytics = "UA-28835595-6",
    pages     = PAGES,
    html_prettyurls = ("deploy" in ARGS),

if "deploy" in ARGS
    # Only deploy docs from 64bit Linux to avoid committing multiple versions of the same
    # docs from different workers.
    (Sys.ARCH === :x86_64 && Sys.KERNEL === :Linux) || return

    # Since the `.travis.yml` config specifies `language: cpp` and not `language: julia` we
    # need to manually set the version of Julia that we are deploying the docs from.
    ENV["TRAVIS_JULIA_VERSION"] = "nightly"

        repo = "",
        target = "_build/html/en",
        dirname = "en",
        deps = nothing,
        make = nothing,
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