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Tip revision: c39126732442319208ef47e5d4ffe0e687060f8e authored by Mathias Bourgoin on 27 November 2023, 16:33:22 UTC
Tip revision: c391267
module type PARAMETERS = sig
  val width : int

  val full_rounds : int

  val partial_rounds : int

  val round_constants : string array

  val mds_matrix : string array array

  val partial_round_idx_to_permute : int

module type STRATEGY = sig
  type scalar

  type state

  val init : ?input_length:int -> scalar array -> state

  val apply_perm : state -> unit

  val get : state -> scalar array

  val input_length : state -> int option

module type HASH = sig
  type scalar

  type ctxt

  val init : ?input_length:int -> unit -> ctxt

  val digest : ctxt -> scalar array -> ctxt

  val get : ctxt -> scalar

module Make (C : PARAMETERS) (Scalar : Bls12_381.Ff_sig.PRIME) = struct
  open C

  (* Verify the constants are consistent *)
  let () =
    assert (Array.length mds_matrix = width) ;
    assert (Array.for_all (fun line -> Array.length line = width) mds_matrix)

  let mds_matrix = ( Scalar.of_string) mds_matrix

  let round_constants = Scalar.of_string round_constants

  (* Initialize only once an array for the MDS matrix multiplication *)
  let res = Array.make width

  module Strategy = struct
    type scalar = Scalar.t

    type state = {
      mutable i_round_key : int;
      state : Scalar.t array;
      input_length : int option;

    let init ?input_length state =
      {i_round_key = 0; state = Array.copy state; input_length}

    let get_next_round_key s =
      let v = round_constants.(s.i_round_key) in
      s.i_round_key <- s.i_round_key + 1 ;

    let s_box x = Scalar.(square (square x) * x)

    (* Functions prefixed with apply_ are modifying the state given in
    let apply_round_key s =
      let state = s.state in
      for i = 0 to Array.length state - 1 do
        state.(i) <- Scalar.(get_next_round_key s + state.(i))

    let apply_s_box_last_elem s =
      let s = s.state in
      s.(partial_round_idx_to_permute) <- s_box s.(partial_round_idx_to_permute)

    let apply_s_box s =
      let s = s.state in
      for i = 0 to Array.length s - 1 do
        s.(i) <- s_box s.(i)

    let apply_eval_matrix m v =
      let v = v.state in
      for j = 0 to width - 1 do
        for k = 0 to width - 1 do
          res.(k) <- Scalar.(res.(k) + (m.(k).(j) * v.(j)))
      done ;
      for j = 0 to width - 1 do
        v.(j) <- res.(j) ;
        res.(j) <-

    let apply_partial_round s =
      apply_round_key s ;
      apply_s_box_last_elem s ;
      apply_eval_matrix mds_matrix s

    let apply_full_round s =
      apply_round_key s ;
      apply_s_box s ;
      apply_eval_matrix mds_matrix s

    let apply_perm s =
      s.i_round_key <- 0 ;
      for _i = 0 to (full_rounds / 2) - 1 do
        apply_full_round s
      done ;
      for _i = 0 to partial_rounds - 1 do
        apply_partial_round s
      done ;
      for _i = 0 to (full_rounds / 2) - 1 do
        apply_full_round s

    let get s = Array.copy s.state

    let add_cst s idx v =
      assert (idx <= width) ;
      s.state.(idx) <- Scalar.(s.state.(idx) + v)

    let input_length s = s.input_length

  module Hash = struct
    type scalar = Scalar.t

    type ctxt = Strategy.state

    let init ?input_length () =
      let state = Array.make width in
      match input_length with
      | None -> Strategy.init state
      | Some input_length -> Strategy.init ~input_length state

    let digest state data =
      let l = Array.length data in
      let assert_length expected =
        let error_msg =
          Format.sprintf "digest expects data of length %d, %d given" expected l
        if l <> expected then raise @@ Invalid_argument error_msg
      let input_length_opt = Strategy.input_length state in
      Option.iter assert_length input_length_opt ;
      let with_padding = Option.is_none input_length_opt in

      let chunk_size = width - 1 in
      let nb_full_chunk = (l - if with_padding then 0 else 1) / chunk_size in
      let r = l mod chunk_size in
      (* we process first all the full chunks *)
      for i = 0 to nb_full_chunk - 1 do
        let ofs = i * chunk_size in
        for j = 0 to chunk_size - 1 do
          Strategy.add_cst state (1 + j) data.(ofs + j)
        done ;
        Strategy.apply_perm state
      done ;
      (* we add the last partial chunk, add pad with one *)
      let r = if with_padding then r else l - (nb_full_chunk * (width - 1)) in
      for j = 0 to r - 1 do
        let idx = 1 + j in
        Strategy.add_cst state idx data.((nb_full_chunk * chunk_size) + j)
      done ;
      if with_padding then Strategy.add_cst state (r + 1) ;
      Strategy.apply_perm state ;

    let get (ctxt : ctxt) = ctxt.state.(1)
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