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Tip revision: 4eba13028cbe0df4a746d1eaefeb6caf8f1e84c6 authored by Nick Tustison on 13 June 2017, 16:31:23 UTC
ENH: Initial commit.
Tip revision: 4eba130
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A package providing [ANTs]( features in R as well as imaging-specific data representations, spatially regularized dimensionality reduction and segmentation tools.  See also the **Neuroconductor** [site](

## Description

Version: 0.4.0

License: Apache License 2.0

Depends:	R (≥ 3.0), methods

Imports:	Rcpp, tools, magrittr

LinkingTo:	Rcpp, ITKR, ANTsRCore

Author:	Brian B. Avants, Benjamin M. Kandel, Jeff T. Duda, Philip A. Cook, Nicholas J. Tustison, Dorian Pustina

Maintainer:	[Brian B. Avants](

URL:	[homepage](

BugReports: [github issues](

NeedsCompilation:	yes

Travis checks:	[ANTsR results](

## Downloads

Reference manual:	[ANTsR.pdf](


*	[ANTsR](

* [iMath](

Wiki: [Notes and work in progress examples](

Package source:	[from github](

OS X Mavericks, Yosemite binaries:	[OSX](

Linux binaries: [Ubuntu](

*Windows* installation option [here](,-Rstudio,-Freesurfer,-etc).)

Install the binary, after downloading, via command line:


## Research using ANTsR

* [Inter-modality inference]( yet to be added RIPMMARC

* [Eigenanatomy for multiple modality population studies]( function `sparseDecom`

* [Tumor segmentation]( function `mrvnrfs` (not exactly the same but close)

* [Multiple modality pediatric template and population study]( employs several aspects of ANTsR

* [Structural networks from subject-level data]( function `makeGraph` plus yet to be added RIPMMARC

* [SCCAN relating neuroimaging and cognitive batteries]( function `sparseDecom2`

* [Sparse regression with manifold smoothness constraints]( function `sparseRegression`

* [Prior-based eigenanatomy]( function `sparseDecom`

* [Corrective learning for segmentation]( functions `segmentationRefinement.train` and `segmentationRefinement.predict`.

## Installation from source

Please read this entire section before choosing which method you prefer.

In general, these **assume** you have [git]( installed / accessible in your environment, as well as a compiler, preferably `clang`.  you may also need [cmake]( if you do/can not install `cmaker`.

Windows users should see [Rtools]( and maybe, also, [installr]( for assistance in setting up their environment for building (must have a compiler too).  To my knowledge, there are no recorded instances of ANTsR being installed on Windows.  If someone does so, we would like to know.

You will need to install R packages that ANTsR requires. Minimally:
**Install ITKR and ANTsRCore** [here]( and [here]( then do:
mydeps <- c( "Rcpp", "tools", "methods", "magrittr" )
install.packages( pkgs = mydeps, dependencies = TRUE )
You can gain additional functionality by installing packages that
are listed in the [`DESCRIPTION` file]( under `Suggests`.
A complete list of recommended ancillary packages [here](

**Method 1: [drat](**
See full instructions [here]( but briefly:
Thanks to [zarquon42b](

**Method 2: with devtools in R**
library( devtools )
# install_github("stnava/cmaker") # if you do not have cmake

**Method 3: from command line (most traditional method)**

Assumes git, cmake and compilers are available in your environment (as above).

First, clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone

Install the package as follows:

The [`travis.yml` file]( also shows a way to install from Linux command line.

## Usage
Load the package:
List the available functions in the namespace ANTsR:

Call help on a function via ?functionName or see function arguments
via  `args(functionName)`

## Overview of ANTsR functionality and useful tools

If nothing else, ANTsR makes it easy to read and write medical images
and to map them into a format compatible with R.

**Read, write, access an image**
print( img[50,60,44] )

**Index an image with a label**
gaussimg<-array( data=rnorm(125), dim=c(5,5,5))
arrayimg<-array( data=(1:125), dim=c(5,5,5))
img<-as.antsImage( arrayimg )
print( max(img) )
print( mean(img[ img > 50  ]))
print( max(img[ img >= 50 & img <= 99  ]))
print( mean( gaussimg[ img >= 50 & img <= 99  ]) )

**Convert a 4D image to a matrix**
gaussimg<-array( data=rnorm(125*10), dim=c(5,5,5,10))
mask<-getAverageOfTimeSeries( gaussimg )
voxelselect <- mask < 0
mask[ voxelselect  ]<-0
mask[ !voxelselect  ]<-1
gmat<-timeseries2matrix( gaussimg, mask )

**Convert a list of images to a matrix**

for ( i in 1:nimages )
  simimg<-makeImage( c(50,50) , rnorm(2500) )
# get a mask from the first image
mask<-getMask( ilist[[1]],
  lowThresh=mean(ilist[[1]]), cleanup=TRUE )
mat<-imageListToMatrix( ilist, mask )

**Do fast statistics on a big matrix**

Once we have a matrix representation of our population, we
might run a quick voxel-wise regression within the mask.  
Then we look at some summary statistics.
mat<-imageListToMatrix( ilist, mask )
age<-rnorm( nrow(mat) ) # simulated age
gender<-rep( c("F","M"), nrow(mat)/2 ) # simulated gender
# this creates "real" but noisy effects to detect
mdl<-lm( mat ~ age + gender )
mdli<-bigLMStats( mdl, 1.e-4 )

**Write out a statistical map**

We might also write out the images so that we can save them for later
or look at them with other software.
agebetas<-makeImage( mask , mdli$beta.t[1,] )
antsImageWrite( agebetas, tempfile(fileext ='.nii.gz') )

**Neighborhood operations**

Images neighborhoods contain rich shape and texture information.  
We can extract neighborhoods for further analysis at a given scale.
mnit <- resampleImage( mnit , rep(4, mnit@dimension) )
radius <- rep(2,mnit@dimension)
mat2<-getNeighborhoodInMask(mnit, mask2, radius,
  physical.coordinates = FALSE,
  boundary.condition = "mean" )
The `boundary.condition` says how to treat data that is outside of the mask
or the image boundaries.  Here, we replace this data with the mean
in-mask value of the local neighborhood.

**Eigenanatomy & SCCAN**

Images often have many voxels ($p$-voxels) and,
in medical applications, this means that $p>n$ or even $p>>n$, where $n$ is
the number of subjects.
Therefore, we often want to "intelligently" reduce the dimensionality of the
data.  However, we want to retain spatial locality. This is the point of
"eigenanatomy" which is a variation of sparse PCA that uses (optionally)
biologically-motivated smoothness, locality or sparsity constraints.
# assume you ran the population example above
eanat<-sparseDecom( mat, mask, 0.2, 5, cthresh=2, its=2 )
The parameters for the example above are set for fast processing.
You can see our paper for some theory on these methods[@Kandel2014a].

More information is available within the examples that can be seen within
the help for `sparseDecom`, `sparseDecom2` and the helper function
`initializeEigenanatomy`. You might also
see the [sccan tutorial](

**Other useful tools**

Parts of `ImageMath` from ANTs are accessible via

for more fMRI focused tools, see [RKRNS]( and its
github site [github RKRNS](

A good visualization alternative is [antsSurf](

## Direct access to ANTs tools

Alternatively, one can use any function in the namespace by providing arguments exactly same as one provides to the corresponding command-line version.

For example, to call the antsRegistration routine:
ANTsR::antsRegistration( "-d", "2", "-m", "mi[r16slice.nii.gz,r64slice.nii.gz,1,20,Regular,0.05]", "-t", "affine[1.0]", "-c", "2100x1200x1200x0", "-s", "3x2x1x0", "-f", "4x3x2x1","-u", "1", "-o", "[xtest,xtest.nii.gz,xtest_inv.nii.gz]" )

ANTsR::antsRegistration( "-d", "2", "-m", "mi[r16slice.nii.gz,r64slice.nii.gz,1,20,Regular,0.05]", "-t", "affine[1.0]", "-c", "2100x1200x1200x0", "-s", "3x2x1x0", "-f", "4x3x2x1", "-m", "cc[r16slice.nii.gz,r64slice.nii.gz,1,4]", "-t", "syn[5.0,3,0.0]", "-i", "100x100x0", "-s", "2x1x0", "-f", "3x2x1", "-u", "1", "-o", "[xtest,xtest.nii.gz,xtest_inv.nii.gz]" )

# Tagging a beta release

git tag -d beta
git push origin :refs/tags/beta
git tag beta
git push  --tags origin

# Release notes

More like *development highlights*, as opposed to *release notes*.  See `git log` for the complete history.  We try to follow [these versioning recommendations for R packages](  Under these guidelines, only `major.minor` is an official release.

## 0.4.0

* ENH: better compilation and release style.
* ENH: return boolean same size as image
* ENH: improved decomposition methods
* ENH: easier to use antsrSurf and antsrVol

## 0.3.3

* ENH: spare distance matrix, multi scale svd

## 0.3.2

* ENH: added domainImg option to plot.antsImage which can standardize plot.

* COMP: test for DVCL define requirement to improve clang and gcc compilations

* WIP: transform objects can be created on the fly and manipulated thanks to jeff duda

* ENH: automation for eigenanatomy

* ENH: reworked SCCAN and eanat

* ENH: mrvnrfs

* ENH: resting state Vignette

* DOC: clarify/extend antsApplyTransforms

* ENH: multidimensional images

* STYLE: iMath not ImageMath in ANTsR

## 0.3.1

* WIP: iMath improvements

* WIP: ASL pipeline fuctionality

* BUG: Fixed image indexing bug

* BUG: plot.antsImage improvements

* ENH: more antsRegistration options

* ENH: geoSeg

* ENH: JointLabelFusion and JointIntensityFusion

* ENH: Enable negating images

* ENH: weingarten curvature

* ENH: antsApplyTransformsToPoints with example

* ENH: renormalizeProbabilityImages

* ENH: Suppress output from imageWrite.

## 0.3.0

First official release.
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