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Tip revision: 49113246e668d99d4b8302e9530034cb52f94ea6 authored by Xavier Leroy on 07 March 2010, 09:34:21 UTC
Experiment: module type of
Tip revision: 4911324
(*                                                                     *)
(*                           Objective Caml                            *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*            Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt         *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*  Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et   *)
(*  en Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed    *)
(*  under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0.               *)
(*                                                                     *)

(* $Id$ *)

open Cmm

type t =
  { mutable name: string;
    stamp: int;
    typ: Cmm.machtype_component;
    mutable loc: location;
    mutable spill: bool;
    mutable interf: t list;
    mutable prefer: (t * int) list;
    mutable degree: int;
    mutable spill_cost: int;
    mutable visited: bool }

and location =
  | Reg of int
  | Stack of stack_location

and stack_location =
    Local of int
  | Incoming of int
  | Outgoing of int

type reg = t

let dummy =
  { name = ""; stamp = 0; typ = Int; loc = Unknown; spill = false;
    interf = []; prefer = []; degree = 0; spill_cost = 0; visited = false }

let currstamp = ref 0
let reg_list = ref([] : t list)

let create ty =
  let r = { name = ""; stamp = !currstamp; typ = ty; loc = Unknown;
            spill = false; interf = []; prefer = []; degree = 0;
            spill_cost = 0; visited = false } in
  reg_list := r :: !reg_list;
  incr currstamp;

let createv tyv =
  let n = Array.length tyv in
  let rv = Array.create n dummy in
  for i = 0 to n-1 do rv.(i) <- create tyv.(i) done;

let createv_like rv =
  let n = Array.length rv in
  let rv' = Array.create n dummy in
  for i = 0 to n-1 do rv'.(i) <- create rv.(i).typ done;

let clone r =
  let nr = create r.typ in <-;

let at_location ty loc =
  let r = { name = "R"; stamp = !currstamp; typ = ty; loc = loc; spill = false;
            interf = []; prefer = []; degree = 0; spill_cost = 0;
            visited = false } in
  incr currstamp;

let first_virtual_reg_stamp = ref (-1)

let reset() =
  (* When reset() is called for the first time, the current stamp reflects
     all hard pseudo-registers that have been allocated by Proc, so
     remember it and use it as the base stamp for allocating
     soft pseudo-registers *)
  if !first_virtual_reg_stamp = -1 then first_virtual_reg_stamp := !currstamp;
  currstamp := !first_virtual_reg_stamp;
  reg_list := []

let all_registers() = !reg_list
let num_registers() = !currstamp

let reinit_reg r =
  r.loc <- Unknown;
  r.interf <- [];
  r.prefer <- []; <- 0;
  (* Preserve the very high spill costs introduced by the reloading pass *)
  if r.spill_cost >= 100000
  then r.spill_cost <- 100000
  else r.spill_cost <- 0

let reinit() =
  List.iter reinit_reg !reg_list

module RegOrder =
    type t = reg
    let compare r1 r2 = r1.stamp - r2.stamp

module Set = Set.Make(RegOrder)
module Map = Map.Make(RegOrder)

let add_set_array s v =
  match Array.length v with
    0 -> s
  | 1 -> Set.add v.(0) s
  | n -> let rec add_all i =
           if i >= n then s else Set.add v.(i) (add_all(i+1))
         in add_all 0

let diff_set_array s v =
  match Array.length v with
    0 -> s
  | 1 -> Set.remove v.(0) s
  | n -> let rec remove_all i =
           if i >= n then s else Set.remove v.(i) (remove_all(i+1))
         in remove_all 0

let inter_set_array s v =
  match Array.length v with
    0 -> Set.empty
  | 1 -> if Set.mem v.(0) s
         then Set.add v.(0) Set.empty
         else Set.empty
  | n -> let rec inter_all i =
           if i >= n then Set.empty
           else if Set.mem v.(i) s then Set.add v.(i) (inter_all(i+1))
           else inter_all(i+1)
         in inter_all 0

let set_of_array v =
  match Array.length v with
    0 -> Set.empty
  | 1 -> Set.add v.(0) Set.empty
  | n -> let rec add_all i =
           if i >= n then Set.empty else Set.add v.(i) (add_all(i+1))
         in add_all 0
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