Raw File
Tip revision: 0aede25ba97f267ba50d6db56e09d68c92b413f6 authored by freude on 29 July 2019, 02:46:41 UTC
added package negf
Tip revision: 0aede25
The module contains functions that computes Green's functions and their poles
from __future__ import print_function, division
import pickle
import os.path
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from tb.greens_function import surface_greens_function_poles

# def object_function(vec, energy, initial_basis, extended_basis, h_0, h_0_reduced):
#     for eee in energy:
#         aaa = 1 + \
#               extended_basis.H *\
#               h_0 *\
#               initial_basis *\
#               np.pinv((z - h_0_reduced)**2) *\
#               initial_basis.H *\
#               h_0 *\
#               extended_basis
#         bbb = 1* z -\
#               extended_basis.H *\
#               h_0 *\
#               extended_basis - \
#               extended_basis.H * \
#               h_0 * \
#               initial_basis * \
#               np.pinv(z - h_0_reduced) * \
#               initial_basis.H * \
#               h_0 * \
#               extended_basis
#     return fff
def object_function1(vec, energy, init_basis, extended_basis, h_l, h_0, h_r, num_of_states):

    vec = np.matrix(vec)
    extended_basis1 = np.array(1.0 / np.sqrt(vec * vec.H)) * np.array(extended_basis * vec.T)
    extended_basis1 = np.hstack((init_basis, extended_basis1))

    h_l_reduced = extended_basis1.H * h_l * extended_basis1
    h_0_reduced = extended_basis1.H * h_0 * extended_basis1
    h_r_reduced = extended_basis1.H * h_r * extended_basis1

    _, _, num_of_states1 = bs_vs_e(energy, h_l_reduced, h_0_reduced, h_r_reduced)

    print(num_of_states1 - num_of_states, ' : ', vec)

    return num_of_states1 - num_of_states + (vec * vec.H - 1.0) ** 2

def object_function(vec, energy, init_basis, extended_basis, h_l, h_0, h_r, num_of_states):

    vec = np.matrix(vec)
    extended_basis1 = np.array(1.0 / np.sqrt(vec * vec.H)) * np.array(extended_basis * vec.T)
    extended_basis1 = np.hstack((init_basis, extended_basis1))

    h_l_reduced = extended_basis1.H * h_l * extended_basis1
    h_0_reduced = extended_basis1.H * h_0 * extended_basis1
    h_r_reduced = extended_basis1.H * h_r * extended_basis1

    _, _, num_of_states1 = bs_vs_e(energy, h_l_reduced, h_0_reduced, h_r_reduced)

    print(num_of_states1 - num_of_states, ' : ', vec)

    return num_of_states1 - num_of_states + (vec * vec.H - 1.0) ** 2

def bs(E, h_l, h_0, h_r):

    h_list = [h_l, h_0 - E * np.identity(h_0.shape[0]), h_r]
    vals, vects = surface_greens_function_poles(h_list)
    vals = np.diag(vals)

    vals_for_plot = vals.copy()

    acc = 0.001

    vals_for_plot = np.angle(vals_for_plot)
    vals_for_plot[np.abs(np.abs(vals) - 1.0) > acc] = np.nan
    inds = np.where(np.abs(np.abs(vals) - 1.0) <= acc)[0]
    vects = vects[:, inds]
    vals = np.angle(vals[inds])

    return vals, vects, vals_for_plot

def bs_vs_e(energy, h_l, h_0, h_r):

    init_basis = []
    vals_for_plot = []

    for E in energy:
        # print(E)
        _, vec, val_for_plot = bs(E, h_l, h_0, h_r)
        if vec.size > 0:

    vals_for_plot = np.array(vals_for_plot)

    num_of_states = vals_for_plot[::4, :].size - np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(vals_for_plot[::4, :]))

    if len(init_basis) > 0:
        init_basis = np.matrix(np.hstack(tuple(init_basis)))

    return init_basis, vals_for_plot, num_of_states

def reduce_mode_space(energy, h_l, h_0, h_r, thr, input_file=""):

    # energy = np.linspace(2.0, 3.7, 50)

    if os.path.isfile(input_file):
        input_file = os.path.dirname(input_file)

    label = '_' + "{0:.2f}".format(np.min(energy)) + '_' + "{0:.2f}".format(np.max(energy)) + '_' + str(len(energy))
    first_file = os.path.join(input_file, 'init_basis'+label+'.pkl')
    second_file = os.path.join(input_file, 'vals_for_plot'+label+'.pkl')

    if os.path.isfile(first_file) and os.path.isfile(second_file):
        # unpickle
        with open(first_file, 'rb') as infile:
            init_basis = pickle.load(infile)
        with open(second_file, 'rb') as infile:
            vals_for_plot = pickle.load(infile)

        num_of_states = vals_for_plot[::4, :].size - np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(vals_for_plot[::4, :]))
        init_basis, vals_for_plot, num_of_states = bs_vs_e(energy, h_l, h_0, h_r)
        # pickle
        with open(first_file, 'wb') as outfile:
            pickle.dump(init_basis, outfile)
        with open(second_file, 'wb') as outfile:
            pickle.dump(vals_for_plot, outfile)

    # orthogonalize initial basis

    eee, vvv = np.linalg.eig(init_basis.H * init_basis)
    init_basis = init_basis * vvv * np.matrix(np.diag(1.0/np.sqrt(eee)))
    init_basis = init_basis[:, np.where(eee > thr)[0]]

    # test reduced mode space
    h_l_reduced = init_basis.H * h_l * init_basis
    h_0_reduced = init_basis.H * h_0 * init_basis
    h_r_reduced = init_basis.H * h_r * init_basis

    _, vals_for_plot_1, num_of_states1 = bs_vs_e(energy, h_l_reduced, h_0_reduced, h_r_reduced)

    # while num_of_states != num_of_states1:
    #     extended_basis = (1.0 - init_basis * init_basis.H) * h_0 * init_basis
    #     extended_basis1 = (1.0 - init_basis * init_basis.H) * (h_l + h_r) * init_basis
    #     extended_basis = np.matrix(np.hstack((extended_basis, extended_basis1)))
    #     eee, vvv = np.linalg.eig(extended_basis.H * extended_basis)
    #     extended_basis = extended_basis * vvv * np.matrix(np.diag(1.0 / np.sqrt(eee)))
    #     extended_basis = extended_basis[:, np.where(eee > thr)[0]]
    #     x0 = 0.5*np.ones(extended_basis.shape[1])
    #     res = minimize(object_function,
    #                    x0,
    #                    args=(energy, init_basis, extended_basis, h_l, h_0, h_r, num_of_states),
    #                    method='COBYLA', options={'maxiter': 300})
    #     vec = np.matrix(res.x)
    #     extended_basis = np.matrix(np.array(1.0 / np.sqrt(vec * vec.H)) * np.array(extended_basis * vec.T))
    #     init_basis = np.hstack((init_basis, extended_basis))
    #     # test reduced mode space
    #     h_l_reduced = init_basis.H * h_l * init_basis
    #     h_0_reduced = init_basis.H * h_0 * init_basis
    #     h_r_reduced = init_basis.H * h_r * init_basis
    #     _, vals_for_plot2, num_of_states1 = bs_vs_e(energy, h_l_reduced, h_0_reduced, h_r_reduced)

    return h_l_reduced, h_0_reduced, h_r_reduced, vals_for_plot, init_basis
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