Raw File
Tip revision: b19fcefc0560fbbf4187ca2d32a16d8b90489341 authored by Nikhil Swamy on 16 September 2020, 17:03:35 UTC
fixing another couple of nested norms in Lib.ByteBuffer
Tip revision: b19fcef
module Lib.PrintSequence

open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.RawIntTypes
open Lib.Sequence
open Lib.ByteSequence
open Lib.LoopCombinators

let print_nat8_hex x =
  IO.print_uint8 (u8_to_UInt8 (u8 x))

let print_nat8_hex_pad x =
  IO.print_uint8_hex_pad (u8_to_UInt8 (u8 x))

let print_nat8_dec x =
  IO.print_uint8_dec (u8_to_UInt8 (u8 x))

let print_nat8_dec_pad x =
  IO.print_uint8_dec_pad (u8_to_UInt8 (u8 x))

let print_nat32_hex x =
  IO.print_uint32 (u32_to_UInt32 (u32 x))

let print_nat32_hex_pad x =
  IO.print_uint32_hex_pad (u32_to_UInt32 (u32 x))

let print_nat32_dec x =
  IO.print_uint32_dec (u32_to_UInt32 (u32 x))

let print_nat32_dec_pad x =
  IO.print_uint32_dec_pad (u32_to_UInt32 (u32 x))

let print_nat64_hex x =
  IO.print_uint64 (u64_to_UInt64 (u64 x))

let print_nat64_hex_pad x =
  IO.print_uint64_hex_pad (u64_to_UInt64 (u64 x))

let print_nat64_dec x =
  IO.print_uint64_dec (u64_to_UInt64 (u64 x))

let print_nat64_dec_pad x =
  IO.print_uint64_dec_pad (u64_to_UInt64 (u64 x))

let print_uint8_hex x =
  IO.print_uint8 (u8_to_UInt8 x)

let print_uint8_hex_pad x =
  IO.print_uint8_hex_pad (u8_to_UInt8 x)

let print_uint8_dec x =
  IO.print_uint8_dec (u8_to_UInt8 x)

let print_uint8_dec_pad x =
  IO.print_uint8_dec_pad (u8_to_UInt8 x)

let print_uint32_hex x =
  IO.print_uint32 (u32_to_UInt32 x)

let print_uint32_hex_pad x =
  IO.print_uint32_hex_pad (u32_to_UInt32 x)

let print_uint32_dec x =
  IO.print_uint32_dec (u32_to_UInt32 x)

let print_uint32_dec_pad x =
  IO.print_uint32_dec_pad (u32_to_UInt32 x)

let print_uint64_hex x =
  IO.print_uint64 (u64_to_UInt64 x)

let print_uint64_hex_pad x =
  IO.print_uint64_hex_pad (u64_to_UInt64 x)

let print_uint64_dec x =
  IO.print_uint64_dec (u64_to_UInt64 x)

let print_uint64_dec_pad x =
  IO.print_uint64_dec_pad (u64_to_UInt64 x)

let print_label_nat64 flag s x =
  if not flag then () else (
  IO.print_string s;
  IO.print_string ": ";
  print_nat64_dec x;
  IO.print_string "\n")

let print_label_uint8 flag s x =
  if not flag then () else (
  IO.print_string s;
  IO.print_string ": ";
  print_uint8_hex_pad x;
  IO.print_string "\n")

let print_label_uint32 flag s x =
  if not flag then () else (
  IO.print_string s;
  IO.print_string ": ";
  print_uint32_hex_pad x;
  IO.print_string "\n")

let print_label_uint64 flag s x =
  if not flag then () else (
  IO.print_string s;
  IO.print_string ": ";
  print_uint64_hex_pad x;
  IO.print_string "\n")

let print_list_nat64 flag l =
  if not flag then ()
  else (
  repeat_range_all_ml 0 (List.Tot.length l) (fun i _ ->
    print_nat64_dec (List.Tot.index l i);
    IO.print_string " "
  ) ())

let print_string flag s = if flag then IO.print_string s else ()

let print_lbytes flag len b =
  if not flag then () else (
  let q = 32 in
  let n = len / q in
  let r = len % q in
  if n = 0 then (
    List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list b))
  else (
  repeat_range_all_ml 0 n (fun i _ ->
    let sb = sub #uint8 #len b (i * q) q in
    List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list sb);
    (if i < n - 1 then IO.print_string "\n" else ())) ();
  (if r <> 0 then IO.print_newline ());
  let sb = sub #uint8 #len b (n * q) r in
  List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list sb)))

let print_label_lbytes flag label len b =
  if not flag then () else (
  IO.print_string label;
  IO.print_string ": \n";
  print_lbytes flag len b;
  IO.print_newline ())

let print_compare flag len expected result =
  let r:bool = for_all2 (fun a b -> uint_to_nat #U8 a = uint_to_nat #U8 b) expected result in
  if (not flag) then r else (
  IO.print_string "\nResult:   ";
  List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list result);
  IO.print_string "\nExpected: ";
  List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list expected);

let print_compare_display flag len expected result =
  let r = for_all2 (fun a b -> uint_to_nat #U8 a = uint_to_nat #U8 b) expected result in
  if not flag then r
  else (
    if r then IO.print_string "\nSuccess !"
    else begin
      IO.print_string "\nResult:   ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list result);
      IO.print_string "\nExpected: ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list expected);
      IO.print_string "\nFailure !"

let print_compare_display_diff flag len expected result =
  let r = for_all2 (fun a b -> uint_to_nat #U8 a = uint_to_nat #U8 b) expected result in
  if not flag then r
  else (
    let diff = map2 (fun a b -> a ^. b) expected result in
    if r then IO.print_string "\nSuccess !"
    else begin
      IO.print_string "\nFailure !";
      IO.print_newline ();
      IO.print_string "\nDiff: ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list diff);
      IO.print_newline ();
      IO.print_string "\nResult:   ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list result);
      IO.print_newline ();
      IO.print_string "\nExpected: ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list expected);
      IO.print_newline ()

let print_label_compare_display flag s len expected result =
  let r = for_all2 (fun a b -> uint_to_nat #U8 a = uint_to_nat #U8 b) expected result in
  if not flag then r
  else (
    if r then (
      IO.print_string "\nSuccess ! ";
      IO.print_string s)
    else begin
      IO.print_string "\nFailure ! ";
      IO.print_string s;
      IO.print_newline ();
      IO.print_string "\nResult:   ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list result);
      IO.print_string "\nExpected: ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list expected)

let print_label_compare_display_diff flag s len expected result =
  let r = for_all2 (fun a b -> uint_to_nat #U8 a = uint_to_nat #U8 b) expected result in
  if not flag then r
  else (
    let diff = map2 (fun a b -> a ^. b) expected result in
    if r then (
      IO.print_string "\nSuccess ! ";
      IO.print_string s;
      IO.print_newline ())
    else begin
      IO.print_string "\nFailure ! ";
      IO.print_string s;
      IO.print_newline ();
      IO.print_string "\nDiff: ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list diff);
      IO.print_newline ();
      IO.print_string "\nResult:   ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list result);
      IO.print_newline ();
      IO.print_string "\nExpected: ";
      List.iter (fun a -> print_uint8_hex_pad a) (to_list expected);
      IO.print_newline ()
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