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Tip revision: 85e9d7cc7d205511e47de8ba2b5a4be0eb864166 authored by mujx on 26 October 2021, 13:11:55 UTC
CI: Use a Gitlab native solution to find changed files
Tip revision: 85e9d7c
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Script to be executed before committing, to do things fast.
The point is to avoid pushing commits that will trigger silly
CI failures, to save CI runs and have a faster feedback loop (by having
local feedback as opposed to gitlab CI feedback).
To be fast this script is incomplete: it doesn't check everything
that gitlab CI will check; but it is correct: what it checks is required
for gitlab CI to pass.

For the moment this script:

* executes python tests of staged tests_python/*.py test files
  The point is to execute a subset of "pytest" that is required
  for a commit to pass CI. Make sure you've installed everything required

  This is most useful when working on the python tests themselves.
* executes tezt tests of staged *.ml files in "tezt/tests" that contain
  the string "let run () =". Like the python tests, the point is to
  execute a required subset of the CI and
  this is most useful when working on the tezt tests themselves.
* lints and typechecks staged tests_python/*.py files.
* checks formatting of staged tests_python/*.py, *.ml, *.mli in
  a fast manner (because it only checks exactly those files not the entire

The first three points are blocking, if the corresponding check fails
the commit is aborted.

Installation: `ln -sr scripts/pre_commit/ .git/hooks/pre-commit`

You can pass "--lint-only" to avoid calling `pytest` and executing tezt tests,
so that the hook is always fast. In this case, install it as follows:

cd .git/hooks
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > pre-commit
echo './scripts/pre_commit/ --lint-only "$@"' >> pre-commit
chmod +x pre-commit

You can call the hook manually on modified but not yet staged files
to make sure an upcoming call to `git commit` will succeed:
`./scripts/pre_commit/ --unstaged [--lint-only]?`

You can pass "--test-itself" for the precommit to test itself. This is
used in the CI.

import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
_LINT_ONLY = "--lint-only"
_TEST_ITSELF = "--test-itself"
_UNSTAGED = "--unstaged"

def _git_diff(staged_or_modified: bool, extension: str) -> List[str]:
        extension: the extension of files considered, such as "py" or "ml"
        staged_or_modified (bool) Whether to consider staged files (True)
                                  or modified ones (False)
    Returns: A list of relevant versioned files that are staged or modified
    git_cmd = ["git", "diff"]
    if staged_or_modified:
        git_cmd += ["--cached"]
    git_cmd += ["--name-only", "--diff-filter=ACMR", "*." + extension]
    git_diff_result =,
    # The comprehension filters empty lines
    return [x for x in git_diff_result.stdout.split("\n") if x]

def _git_diff_many(staged_or_modified: bool,
                   extensions: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        extensions: the extensions to consider such as ["ml", "mli"]
        staged_or_modified (bool) Whether to consider staged files (True)
                                  or modified ones (False)
    Returns: A list of relevant versioned files that are staged or modified
    result = []
    for extension in extensions:
        result.extend(_git_diff(staged_or_modified, extension))
    return result

def _get_tests_python_path() -> Optional[str]:
    Returns: the path of the tests_python directory or None
             in case of error
    git_root = os.getcwd()  # Correct, because this script should be executed
    # from the root of the repository
    result = os.path.join(git_root, "tests_python")
    if not os.path.isdir(result):
        print("{result} is not a directory, this is unexpected",
        return None
    return result

def _get_py_files(tests_python_path: str, staged_or_modified: bool,
                  pytest: bool) -> List[str]:
        tests_python_path: the path of the directory `tezos/tests_python`
        staged_or_modified (bool) Whether to consider staged files (True)
                                  or modified ones (False)
        pytest(bool): Whether the files are to be sent to pytest (True)
                      or not (False)
    Returns: A list of relevant .py files
    tests_python_basename = os.path.basename(tests_python_path)

    def _is_file_pytest_relevant(path: str):
        Returns: whether the file is relevant to being an argument to pytest
        forbidden_suffixes = ["", ""]
        if any((path.endswith(x) for x in forbidden_suffixes)):
            return False
        if not path.startswith(f"{tests_python_basename}/tests"):
            return False
        return True

    git_diff_result = _git_diff(staged_or_modified, "py")
    if pytest:
        return [x for x in git_diff_result if _is_file_pytest_relevant(x)]
    return git_diff_result

def _ocamlformat_check(files: List[str]) -> bool:
        files (list(str)): The files on which to call ocamlformat
        staged_or_modified (bool) Whether staged files are considered (True)
                                  or modified ones (False)
    Returns: Whether all files are correctly formatted (True) or not (False).
    result = True

    if not files:
        # Nothing to do
        return result

    formatting_fails: List[str] = []
    unknown_fails: List[str] = []

    for file_ in files:
        cmd = ["ocamlformat", "--check", file_]
        print(" ".join(cmd))
        res =, check=False, text=True,
        if res.returncode > 0:
            # If the file is solely badly formatted (as opposed to not
            # being parseable), ocamlformat will write nothing to stderr.
            # We use that to distinguish the two cases.
            (unknown_fails if res.stderr else formatting_fails).append(file_)
            result = False

    if unknown_fails:
        plural = "" if len(unknown_fails) == 1 else "s"
        print(f"Formatting of the following file{plural}"
              " could not be verified:", file=sys.stderr)
        for file_ in sorted(unknown_fails):
            print(f"  {file_}", file=sys.stderr)
        print("This likely means the concerned files"
              " are syntactically invalid. Please fix them.", file=sys.stderr)

    if formatting_fails:
        plural = "" if len(formatting_fails) == 1 else "s"
        print(f"Badly formatted file{plural}:", file=sys.stderr)
        for file_ in sorted(formatting_fails):
            print(f"  {file_}", file=sys.stderr)
        formatting_fails = [f'"{f}"' if " " in f else f
                            for f in formatting_fails]
        fix = "ocamlformat --inplace " + " ".join(formatting_fails)
        print(f"To fix that, run from the repo's root: {fix}", file=sys.stderr)

    return result

def _call_pytest(tests_python_path: str, files: List[str]) -> int:
        tests_python_path: the path of the directory `tezos/tests_python`
        files (list(str)): The files on which to call pytest
        The maximum of return codes of calls to pytest on `files`
    tests_python_basename = os.path.basename(tests_python_path)
    result = 0
    for file_ in files:
        # trim "tests_python/" from start of path
        # because we execute within tests_python
        file_ = file_[len(tests_python_basename) + len(os.sep):]
        cmd = ["poetry", "run", "pytest", file_]
        print(f"{tests_python_basename}> " + " ".join(cmd))
        py_test_result =,
        result = max(result, py_test_result.returncode)
    return result

def _call_py_linters(tests_python_path: str, files: List[str]) -> int:
        tests_python_path: the path of the directory `tezos/tests_python`
        files (list(str)): The files to lint
        The return code of calling linters, stopping at first failure
    tests_python_basename = os.path.basename(tests_python_path)
    # Filter out files that are not under tests_python since this is the scope
    # of the poetry sandbox
    target_files = " ".join(
            file[len(tests_python_basename) + len(os.sep):]
            for file in files
            if file.startswith(tests_python_basename)
    if not target_files:
        return 0  # Nothing to do
    # Run all analyses defined in Makefile for this hook
    cmd = ["make", "pre_commit_targets"]
    # We use the SRCS environment variable to pass the filenames that have
    # changed as our analyses targets
    completed_process =
        env=dict(os.environ, SRCS=target_files),
    return completed_process.returncode

def _call_tezt(files: List[str], staged_or_modified: bool) -> int:
        files (list(str)): All {ml,mli} files to consider. Filtering
                           for tezt has NOT been done yet.
        staged_or_modified (bool) Whether staged files are considered (True)
                                  or modified ones (False)
        The maximum of return codes
    tezt_test_dir = "tezt/tests"
    if not os.path.isdir(tezt_test_dir):
        print(f"Unexpectedly, {tezt_test_dir} directory cannot be found",
        return 1

    tezt_files = []
    for file_ in files:
        if not file_.startswith(tezt_test_dir):
        if not file_.endswith(".ml"):
        with open(file_, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as handle:
            pattern = re.escape("let register () =")
            match =,
            if match is None:
        to_add = file_[len(tezt_test_dir) + len(os.sep):]  # remove tezt/tests/

    adjective = "staged" if staged_or_modified else "modified"

    if not tezt_files:
        print(f"No {adjective} file relevant to tezt found")
        return 0

    return_code = 0

    for tezt_file in tezt_files:
        cmd = ["dune", "exec", "tezt/tests/main.exe", "--", "--file",
        print("> " + " ".join(cmd))
        cmd_result =, check=False)
        return_code = max(return_code, cmd_result.returncode)

    return return_code

def _main_py_files(staged_or_modified: bool, adjective: str,
                   pytest: bool) -> int:
        staged_or_modified (bool): Whether staged files are considered (True)
                                   or modified ones (False)
        adjective (str)
        pytest (bool): whether `pytest` should be called
    Returns: A return code
    return_code = 0

    tests_python_path = _get_tests_python_path()
    if not tests_python_path:
        return 1

    if pytest:
        relevant_pytest_files = _get_py_files(tests_python_path,
                                              staged_or_modified, True)
        if relevant_pytest_files:
            return_code = max(return_code,
            print(f"No {adjective} *.py file relevant to pytest found")
        print(f"{_LINT_ONLY} passed: not calling pytest")

    relevant_pylint_files = _get_py_files(tests_python_path,
                                          staged_or_modified, False)
    if relevant_pylint_files:
        return_code = max(
            _call_py_linters(tests_python_path, relevant_pylint_files))
        print(f"No {adjective} *.py file to lint")

    return return_code

def _main_test_itself() -> int:
    Test this hook itself, instead of doing its usual operations.

    Returns: A return code
    tests_python_path = _get_tests_python_path()
    if not tests_python_path:
        return 1
    return 0

# I don't use argsparse to avoid adding a non-system dependency
def _parse_arguments() -> Tuple[bool, bool, bool]:
    Returns: A tuple with three Booleans:
        1/ Whether staged (True) or modified (False) files should be considered
        2/ Whether --lint-only was passed
        3/ Whether the hook should test itself instead of doing its normal
    staged = _UNSTAGED not in sys.argv
    lint_only = _LINT_ONLY in sys.argv
    test_itself = _TEST_ITSELF in sys.argv
    return (staged, lint_only, test_itself)

def _print_help():
    """ Prints the help and exits if "--help" or "-h" was given """
    if "-h" not in sys.argv and "--help" not in sys.argv:
    print("Usage: ./scripts/pre_commit/ [-h|--help]"
          f" [{_LINT_ONLY}]"
          f" [{_TEST_ITSELF}]"
          f" [{_UNSTAGED}]")
    print(f"""This hooks does the following:
1/ Executes python tests of staged *.py files (disable by passing {_LINT_ONLY})
2/ Lints staged *.py files
3/ Formats staged *{{ml,mli}} files
   (and update the commit if possible with formatting changes)
Pass {_TEST_ITSELF} for the hook to test itself (used by CI)
Pass {_UNSTAGED} to do all this on unstaged files""")

def main() -> int:
    """ The main """

    staged, lint_only, test_itself = _parse_arguments()
    if test_itself:
        print(f"Recognized {_TEST_ITSELF}")
        return _main_test_itself()
    adjective = "staged" if staged else "modified"

    return_code = _main_py_files(staged, adjective, not lint_only)

    ml_extensions = ["ml", "mli"]
    relevant_ocaml_files = _git_diff_many(staged, ml_extensions)
    if relevant_ocaml_files:
        ocamlformat_res = _ocamlformat_check(relevant_ocaml_files)
        return_code = max(return_code, 0 if ocamlformat_res else 1)
        if lint_only:
            print(f"{_LINT_ONLY} passed: not calling tezt")
            tezt_rc = _call_tezt(relevant_ocaml_files, staged)
            return_code = max(return_code, tezt_rc)
        extensions = "{" + ",".join(ml_extensions) + "}"
        print(f"No {adjective} *.{extensions} relevant file found")

    return return_code

if __name__ == "__main__":
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