Raw File
Tip revision: 0267443ad3ee9a35fe0e51c3cb563164ec732414 authored by pecornilleau on 26 March 2024, 19:29:36 UTC
EVM/Bench: remove unnecessary deps
Tip revision: 0267443
module By = Digestif_by
module Bi = Digestif_bi

let failwith fmt = Format.kasprintf failwith fmt

module Int32 = struct
  include Int32

  let ( lsl ) = Int32.shift_left

  let ( lsr ) = Int32.shift_right_logical

  let ( asr ) = Int32.shift_right

  let ( lor ) = Int32.logor

  let ( lxor ) = Int32.logxor

  let ( land ) = Int32.logand

  let lnot = Int32.lognot

  let ( + ) = Int32.add

  let rol32 a n = (a lsl n) lor (a lsr (32 - n))

  let ror32 a n = (a lsr n) lor (a lsl (32 - n))

module Int64 = struct
  include Int64

  let ( land ) = Int64.logand

  let ( lsl ) = Int64.shift_left

  let ( lsr ) = Int64.shift_right_logical

  let ( lor ) = Int64.logor

  let ( asr ) = Int64.shift_right

  let ( lxor ) = Int64.logxor

  let ( + ) = Int64.add

  let rol64 a n = (a lsl n) lor (a lsr (64 - n))

  let ror64 a n = (a lsr n) lor (a lsl (64 - n))

module type S = sig
  type ctx

  type kind = [`BLAKE2B]

  val init : ?personalisation:Bytes.t -> unit -> ctx

  val with_outlen_and_bytes_key :
    ?personalisation:Bytes.t -> int -> By.t -> int -> int -> ctx

  val with_outlen_and_bigstring_key :
    ?personalisation:Bytes.t -> int -> Bi.t -> int -> int -> ctx

  val unsafe_feed_bytes : ctx -> By.t -> int -> int -> unit

  val unsafe_feed_bigstring : ctx -> Bi.t -> int -> int -> unit

  val unsafe_get : ctx -> By.t

  val dup : ctx -> ctx

  val max_outlen : int

module Unsafe : S = struct
  type kind = [`BLAKE2B]

  type param = {
    digest_length : int;
    key_length : int;
    fanout : int;
    depth : int;
    leaf_length : int32;
    node_offset : int32;
    xof_length : int32;
    node_depth : int;
    inner_length : int;
    reserved : int array;
    salt : int array;
    personal : int array;

  type ctx = {
    mutable buflen : int;
    outlen : int;
    mutable last_node : int;
    buf : Bytes.t;
    h : int64 array;
    t : int64 array;
    f : int64 array;

  let dup ctx =
      buflen = ctx.buflen;
      outlen = ctx.outlen;
      last_node = ctx.last_node;
      buf = By.copy ctx.buf;
      h = Array.copy ctx.h;
      t = Array.copy ctx.t;
      f = Array.copy ctx.f;

  let param_to_bytes param =
    let arr =
        param.digest_length land 0xFF;
        param.key_length land 0xFF;
        param.fanout land 0xFF;
        param.depth land 0xFF (* store to little-endian *);
        Int32.(to_int ((param.leaf_length lsr 0) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.leaf_length lsr 8) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.leaf_length lsr 16) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.leaf_length lsr 24) land 0xFFl))
        (* store to little-endian *);
        Int32.(to_int ((param.node_offset lsr 0) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.node_offset lsr 8) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.node_offset lsr 16) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.node_offset lsr 24) land 0xFFl))
        (* store to little-endian *);
        Int32.(to_int ((param.xof_length lsr 0) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.xof_length lsr 8) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.xof_length lsr 16) land 0xFFl));
        Int32.(to_int ((param.xof_length lsr 24) land 0xFFl));
        param.node_depth land 0xFF;
        param.inner_length land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(0) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(1) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(2) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(3) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(4) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(5) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(6) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(7) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(8) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(9) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(10) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(11) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(12) land 0xFF;
        param.reserved.(13) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(0) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(1) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(2) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(3) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(4) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(5) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(6) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(7) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(8) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(9) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(10) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(11) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(12) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(13) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(14) land 0xFF;
        param.salt.(15) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(0) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(1) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(2) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(3) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(4) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(5) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(6) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(7) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(8) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(9) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(10) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(11) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(12) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(13) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(14) land 0xFF;
        param.personal.(15) land 0xFF;
    By.init 64 (fun i -> Char.unsafe_chr arr.(i))

  let max_outlen = 64

  let default_param =
      digest_length = max_outlen;
      key_length = 0;
      fanout = 1;
      depth = 1;
      leaf_length = 0l;
      node_offset = 0l;
      xof_length = 0l;
      node_depth = 0;
      inner_length = 0;
      reserved = [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
      salt = [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
      personal = [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];

  let iv =

  let increment_counter ctx inc =
    let open Int64 in
    ctx.t.(0) <- ctx.t.(0) + inc ;
    ctx.t.(1) <- (ctx.t.(1) + if ctx.t.(0) < inc then 1L else 0L)

  let set_lastnode ctx = ctx.f.(1) <- Int64.minus_one

  let set_lastblock ctx =
    if ctx.last_node <> 0 then set_lastnode ctx ;
    ctx.f.(0) <- Int64.minus_one

  let init ?personalisation () =
    let buf = By.make 128 '\x00' in
    By.fill buf 0 128 '\x00' ;
    let ctx =
        buflen = 0;
        outlen = default_param.digest_length;
        last_node = 0;
        h = Array.make 8 0L;
        t = Array.make 2 0L;
        f = Array.make 2 0L;
    let personal =
      match personalisation with
      | None -> Array.make 16 0
      | Some personalisation ->
          if Bytes.length personalisation != 16 then
            failwith "Personalisation must be of 16 bytes long" ;
          Array.init (Bytes.length personalisation) (fun i ->
              int_of_char @@ Bytes.get personalisation i)
    let param = {default_param with personal} in
    let param_bytes = param_to_bytes param in
    for i = 0 to 7 do
      ctx.h.(i) <- Int64.(iv.(i) lxor By.le64_to_cpu param_bytes (i * 8))
    done ;

  let sigma =
      [|0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15|];
      [|14; 10; 4; 8; 9; 15; 13; 6; 1; 12; 0; 2; 11; 7; 5; 3|];
      [|11; 8; 12; 0; 5; 2; 15; 13; 10; 14; 3; 6; 7; 1; 9; 4|];
      [|7; 9; 3; 1; 13; 12; 11; 14; 2; 6; 5; 10; 4; 0; 15; 8|];
      [|9; 0; 5; 7; 2; 4; 10; 15; 14; 1; 11; 12; 6; 8; 3; 13|];
      [|2; 12; 6; 10; 0; 11; 8; 3; 4; 13; 7; 5; 15; 14; 1; 9|];
      [|12; 5; 1; 15; 14; 13; 4; 10; 0; 7; 6; 3; 9; 2; 8; 11|];
      [|13; 11; 7; 14; 12; 1; 3; 9; 5; 0; 15; 4; 8; 6; 2; 10|];
      [|6; 15; 14; 9; 11; 3; 0; 8; 12; 2; 13; 7; 1; 4; 10; 5|];
      [|10; 2; 8; 4; 7; 6; 1; 5; 15; 11; 9; 14; 3; 12; 13; 0|];
      [|0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15|];
      [|14; 10; 4; 8; 9; 15; 13; 6; 1; 12; 0; 2; 11; 7; 5; 3|];

  let compress :
      type a. le64_to_cpu:(a -> int -> int64) -> ctx -> a -> int -> unit =
   fun ~le64_to_cpu ctx block off ->
    let v = Array.make 16 0L in
    let m = Array.make 16 0L in
    let g r i a_idx b_idx c_idx d_idx =
      let ( ++ ) = ( + ) in
      let open Int64 in
      v.(a_idx) <- v.(a_idx) + v.(b_idx) + m.(sigma.(r).((2 * i) ++ 0)) ;
      v.(d_idx) <- ror64 (v.(d_idx) lxor v.(a_idx)) 32 ;
      v.(c_idx) <- v.(c_idx) + v.(d_idx) ;
      v.(b_idx) <- ror64 (v.(b_idx) lxor v.(c_idx)) 24 ;
      v.(a_idx) <- v.(a_idx) + v.(b_idx) + m.(sigma.(r).((2 * i) ++ 1)) ;
      v.(d_idx) <- ror64 (v.(d_idx) lxor v.(a_idx)) 16 ;
      v.(c_idx) <- v.(c_idx) + v.(d_idx) ;
      v.(b_idx) <- ror64 (v.(b_idx) lxor v.(c_idx)) 63
    let r r =
      g r 0 0 4 8 12 ;
      g r 1 1 5 9 13 ;
      g r 2 2 6 10 14 ;
      g r 3 3 7 11 15 ;
      g r 4 0 5 10 15 ;
      g r 5 1 6 11 12 ;
      g r 6 2 7 8 13 ;
      g r 7 3 4 9 14
    for i = 0 to 15 do
      m.(i) <- le64_to_cpu block (off + (i * 8))
    done ;
    for i = 0 to 7 do
      v.(i) <- ctx.h.(i)
    done ;
    v.(8) <- iv.(0) ;
    v.(9) <- iv.(1) ;
    v.(10) <- iv.(2) ;
    v.(11) <- iv.(3) ;
    v.(12) <- Int64.(iv.(4) lxor ctx.t.(0)) ;
    v.(13) <- Int64.(iv.(5) lxor ctx.t.(1)) ;
    v.(14) <- Int64.(iv.(6) lxor ctx.f.(0)) ;
    v.(15) <- Int64.(iv.(7) lxor ctx.f.(1)) ;
    r 0 ;
    r 1 ;
    r 2 ;
    r 3 ;
    r 4 ;
    r 5 ;
    r 6 ;
    r 7 ;
    r 8 ;
    r 9 ;
    r 10 ;
    r 11 ;
    let ( ++ ) = ( + ) in
    for i = 0 to 7 do
      ctx.h.(i) <- Int64.(ctx.h.(i) lxor v.(i) lxor v.(i ++ 8))
    done ;

  let feed :
      type a.
      blit:(a -> int -> By.t -> int -> int -> unit) ->
      le64_to_cpu:(a -> int -> int64) ->
      ctx ->
      a ->
      int ->
      int ->
      unit =
   fun ~blit ~le64_to_cpu ctx buf off len ->
    let in_off = ref off in
    let in_len = ref len in
    if !in_len > 0 then (
      let left = ctx.buflen in
      let fill = 128 - left in
      if !in_len > fill then (
        ctx.buflen <- 0 ;
        blit buf !in_off ctx.buf left fill ;
        increment_counter ctx 128L ;
        compress ~le64_to_cpu:By.le64_to_cpu ctx ctx.buf 0 ;
        in_off := !in_off + fill ;
        in_len := !in_len - fill ;
        while !in_len > 128 do
          increment_counter ctx 128L ;
          compress ~le64_to_cpu ctx buf !in_off ;
          in_off := !in_off + 128 ;
          in_len := !in_len - 128
        done) ;
      blit buf !in_off ctx.buf ctx.buflen !in_len ;
      ctx.buflen <- ctx.buflen + !in_len) ;

  let unsafe_feed_bytes = feed ~blit:By.blit ~le64_to_cpu:By.le64_to_cpu

  let unsafe_feed_bigstring =
    feed ~blit:By.blit_from_bigstring ~le64_to_cpu:Bi.le64_to_cpu

  let with_outlen_and_key ?personalisation ~blit outlen key off len =
    if outlen > max_outlen then
        "out length can not be upper than %d (out length: %d)"
        outlen ;
    (* XXX(dannywillems): adding personalisation *)
    let personalisation =
      match personalisation with
      | None -> Array.make 16 0
      | Some personalisation ->
          if Bytes.length personalisation != 16 then
            failwith "Personalisation must be of 16 bytes long" ;
          Array.init 16 (fun i -> int_of_char @@ Bytes.get personalisation i)
    let buf = By.make 128 '\x00' in
    let ctx =
        buflen = 0;
        last_node = 0;
        h = Array.make 8 0L;
        t = Array.make 2 0L;
        f = Array.make 2 0L;
    let param_bytes =
          default_param with
          digest_length = outlen;
          key_length = len;
          personal = personalisation;
    for i = 0 to 7 do
      ctx.h.(i) <- Int64.(iv.(i) lxor By.le64_to_cpu param_bytes (i * 8))
    done ;
    if len > 0 then (
      let block = By.make 128 '\x00' in
      blit key off block 0 len ;
      unsafe_feed_bytes ctx block 0 128) ;

  let with_outlen_and_bytes_key ?personalisation outlen key off len =
    with_outlen_and_key ?personalisation ~blit:By.blit outlen key off len

  let with_outlen_and_bigstring_key ?personalisation outlen key off len =

  let unsafe_get ctx =
    let res = By.make default_param.digest_length '\x00' in
    increment_counter ctx (Int64.of_int ctx.buflen) ;
    set_lastblock ctx ;
    By.fill ctx.buf ctx.buflen (128 - ctx.buflen) '\x00' ;
    compress ~le64_to_cpu:By.le64_to_cpu ctx ctx.buf 0 ;
    for i = 0 to 7 do
      By.cpu_to_le64 res (i * 8) ctx.h.(i)
    done ;
    if ctx.outlen < default_param.digest_length then By.sub res 0 ctx.outlen
    else if ctx.outlen > default_param.digest_length then assert false
      (* XXX(dinosaure): [ctx] can not be initialized with [outlen > digest_length = max_outlen]. *)
    else res
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