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Making legacy code unit-testable

This guide describes how to make legacy code testable and how to test it.
The following techniques do not require any API change: they concern testing each single module as a **unit** without touching modules depending on it.
These techniques are applicable to **legacy** code: you do not need to have an exact knowledge of every implementation detail of a module to test it.

The goals are:

- to gain confidence in a module as a developer (or even part of test-driven development)
- to document it: tests are examples
- to have a safety net as a maintainer (non-regression testing), e.g., when:
  - adding/changing features
  - performing various forms of refactoring (changing the API or not)

In the rest of this page, "testable" means "unit-testable", for conciseness.

Here "legacy" is a loose term, encompassing:

- existing code written by other developers, not necessarily containing a right amount of built-in unit tests
- code that is only tested by heavy/slow/high level tests, like :doc:`Tezt <tezt>` or :doc:`Python tests <python_testing_framework>` - this is often a symptom of code that is hard to unit-test
- tightly-coupled code (e.g. module ``A`` directly depends on functions of modules ``B``, ``C`` and ``D``, thus unit-testing ``A`` requires setting everything up for ``B``, ``C`` and ``D`` too, which not only makes unit testing harder, but is also complex and brittle)
- code that calls system functions (e.g. ``Unix.chmod``, which requires modifying actual files on the filesystem, also making unit testing harder) or more generally any kind of side-effecting function


Testing a module and all its dependencies

Sometimes, legacy modules depending on other modules may be "unit-tested" without modifying them at all.

This approach is technically not "unit" testing, as the module/function is not tested in isolation from its dependencies. However as the intention is close to unit testing, we include it here.


- No change at all in business code (not even an ``Internal_for_tests`` module)


- Code not tested in isolation
- Tests are harder to write and maintain

Works best when:

- Code and its dependencies are pure, or "pure enough" (e.g. code may contain logging and other unharmful/unimportant side effects)
- Dependency tree is not too deep (e.g. if A depends on B which depends on C which depends on D, then it becomes hard to write/read/maintain unit tests)

Using function records

This approach decouples the business code from its dependency functions, either by storing dependency functions in the state - if any - or by taking them as additional parameters in each module function.

Note that this does not decouple types, only functions!
If your module depends on a dependency type that can only be built by having side-effects, then you are forced to have those side effects too in your tests.

As an example, consider the following ``Counter`` module (signature and implementation):

.. code:: ocaml

    module Counter : sig
      type t
      val create_from_file : unit -> t
      val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t
    end = struct
      type t = {
        counter : int;

      let create_from_file () =
        let counter = int_of_string ( "/tmp/counter.txt") in

      let increment_and_save_to_file t =
        let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
        Files.write "/tmp/counter.txt" (string_of_int t.counter);

``Counter`` is hardly unit-testable because of the calls to ```` and ``Files.write`` which have the side effect of reading from/writing into ``/tmp/counter.txt`` file.
Thus we extract ```` and ``Files.write`` into an argument that can be changed with a dumb ("mock") function in tests.

Store dependencies in state

One way to achieve this - when your module has a state, usually a type ``t`` - is to store all dependency functions in a field, here ``dependencies``:

.. code:: ocaml

    module Counter : sig
      type t
      val create_from_file : unit -> t
      val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

      module Internal_for_tests : sig
        type dependencies = {
          files_read : string -> string;
          files_write : string -> string -> unit;
        val create_from_file : dependencies -> unit -> t
    end = struct
      type dependencies = {
        files_read : string -> string;
        files_write : string -> string -> unit;

      type t = {
        counter : int;
        dependencies : dependencies;

      let create_from_file_internal dependencies () =
        let counter = int_of_string (dependencies.files_read "/tmp/counter.txt") in
        {counter; dependencies}

      let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal {files_read =; files_write = Files.write}

      let increment_and_save_to_file t =
        let t = {t with counter = t.counter + 1} in
        t.dependencies.files_write "/tmp/counter.txt" (string_of_int t.counter);

      module Internal_for_tests = struct
        type nonrec dependencies = dependencies = {
          files_read : string -> string;
          files_write : string -> string -> unit;

        let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal

Note that the direct calls to ```` and ``Files.write`` were replaced with indirect calls to ``dependencies.files_read`` and field ``t.dependencies.files_write``:

- They are set to ``Files.[read|write]`` in the business constructor ``Counter.create_from_file``
- They are changed at will in the test constructor ``Counter.Internal_for_tests.create_from_file``

Also note that while the API was extended with test artifacts under the ``Internal_for_tests`` sub-module, the public API is otherwise unchanged, thus keeping this refactoring local - you do not need to change any call sites!

Now we can test this module without any side effect:

.. code:: ocaml

    let test () =
      let counter_value_written = ref "" in
      let fake_files_read file_name = "41" in
      let fake_files_write file_name text =
        counter_value_written := text
      let counter = Counter.Internal_for_tests.create_from_file {files_read = fake_files_read; files_write = fake_files_write} () in
      let _ = Counter.increment_and_save_to_file counter in
      Alcotest.(check string) "counter value was incremented in file" !counter_value_written "42"

Taking dependencies in function argument

An alternative solution, more verbose but not requiring any "state" value available in each function, is to take the dependencies directly as an additional function argument:

.. code:: ocaml

    module Counter : sig
      type t
      val create_from_file : unit -> t
      val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

      module Internal_for_tests : sig
        type dependencies = {
          files_read : string -> string;
          files_write : string -> string -> unit;

        val create_from_file : dependencies -> unit -> t
        val increment_and_save_to_file : dependencies -> t -> t
    end = struct
      type dependencies = {
        files_read : string -> string;
        files_write : string -> string -> unit;

      type t = {
        counter : int;

      let business_dependencies = {
        files_read =;
        files_write = Files.write;

      let create_from_file_internal dependencies counter =
        let counter = int_of_string (dependencies.files_read "/tmp/counter.txt") in

      let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal business_dependencies

      let increment_and_save_to_file_internal dependencies t =
        let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
        dependencies.files_write "/tmp/counter.txt" (string_of_int t.counter);

      let increment_and_save_to_file t = increment_and_save_to_file_internal business_dependencies t

      module Internal_for_tests = struct
        type nonrec dependencies = dependencies = {
          files_read : string -> string;
          files_write : string -> string -> unit;

        let create_from_file = create_from_file_internal
        let increment_and_save_to_file = increment_and_save_to_file_internal

Note that the direct calls to ```` and ``Files.write`` were replaced with indirect calls to arguments ``dependencies.files_read`` and ``dependencies.files_write``:

- They are set to ``Files.[read|write]`` in each business function (``create_from_file`` and ``increment_and_save_to_file``)
- They are changed at will in the test function ``Counter.Internal_for_tests.[create_from_file|increment_and_save_to_file]``

As in the previous solution, notice that the public API has not changed - save for additional APIs in ``Internal_for_tests``.

Now we can test this module without any side effect:

.. code:: ocaml

    let test () =
      let counter_value_written = ref "" in
      let fake_files_read file_name = "41" in
      let fake_files_write file_name text =
        counter_value_written := text
      let mock_dependencies = Counter.Internal_for_tests.{
        files_read = fake_files_read;
        files_write = fake_files_write;
      } in
      let counter = Counter.Internal_for_tests.create_from_file mock_dependencies () in
      let _ = Counter.Internal_for_tests.increment_and_save_to_file mock_dependencies counter in
      Alcotest.(check string) "counter value was incremented in file" !counter_value_written "42"

Pros and Cons for Function records

Works best when:

- Dependency types are not too hard to build


- No side-effecting function is called (they are replaced with mocks)
- Enables validating the arguments passed to mock functions (e.g. ``counter_value_written``) have the right value
- Independent of the dependency depth (for functions): if ``A`` calls ``B.f`` which calls ``C.g``, your mock of ``B.f`` will never call ``C.g``


- All dependency types remain, so if it is difficult/side-effectful to create those values, testing remains difficult/not so unitary
- Adds a bit of boilerplate in ``Internal_for_tests`` module
- Adds a bit of indirection, by introducing indirect calls to dependency functions. The associated performance overhead should be negligible in most practical cases. There also is a slight decrease in code readability, but documenting this unit-testability pattern should avoid many headaches.

To choose between the field and the argument:

- If your module already has a kind of "state" (usually a type ``t``), then add a ``dependencies`` field
- Else add a ``dependencies`` argument - but this requires duplicating each function, which ends up being very verbose if you have several functions
- If your "state" value (usually a value of type ``t``) is passed to a polymorphic function like ``=`` or ``compare`` (which throw on function fields, and are famous for being an anti-pattern), and it is not possible for you to fix this anti-pattern, then either switch to function arguments, or wrap in an object.

Using functors

This approach decouples the business code from its dependency modules.
Note that unlike the Function records solution, this decouples both dependency functions **and abstract types**!

Consider the following code: it is similar to the previous ``Counter`` example but this time, the ``Files`` dependency module (which could be another module, a third party library, or even the ``Stdlib``) also has an abstract type ``t``:

.. code:: ocaml

    (* The dependency *)
    module Files : sig
      type t
      val openf : string -> t
      val write : t -> string -> unit
      val close : t -> unit
      (* Many other functions and types *)
    end = struct (* omitted implementation *) end

    module Counter : sig
      type t
      val create : int -> t
      val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t
    end = struct
      type t = {
        counter : int;

      let create counter = {counter}

      let increment_and_save_to_file t =
        let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
        let file = Files.openf "/tmp/counter.txt" in
        Files.write file (string_of_int t.counter);
        Files.close file;

The technique is to transform ``Counter`` into a functor that takes a module looking like ``Files`` in argument - but which can now be changed in tests!

.. code:: ocaml

    module Counter : sig
      module type S = sig
        type t
        val create : int -> t
        val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

      include S

      module Internal_for_tests : sig
        module type FILES = sig
          type t
          val openf : string -> t
          val write : t -> string -> unit
          val close : t -> unit
        module Make (Files : FILES) : S
    end = struct
      module type S = sig
        type t
        val create : int -> t
        val increment_and_save_to_file : t -> t

      module type FILES = sig
        type t
        val openf : string -> t
        val write : t -> string -> unit
        val close : t -> unit

      module Make (Files : FILES) = struct
        type t = {
          counter : int;

        let create counter = {counter}

        let increment_and_save_to_file t =
          let t = {counter = t.counter + 1} in
          let file = Files.openf "/tmp/counter.txt" in
          Files.write file (string_of_int t.counter);
          Files.close file;

      (* Do not be mistaken: here [Files] refers to the real, business [Files] module! *)
      include Make (Files)

      module Internal_for_tests = struct
        module type FILES = FILES

        module Make = Make

As you can see, this is significantly more verbose!

However, now we can freely change/mock not only the dependency functions ``Files.[openf|close|write]``, but also the implementation of type ``Files.t``!

.. code:: ocaml

    let test () =
      let written_content = ref "" in
      let module Counter = Counter.Internal_for_tests.Make (struct
        type t = unit
        let openf _ = ()
        let close _ = ()
        let write _ content = written_content := content
      end) in
      let counter = Counter.create 41 in
      let _ = Counter.increment_and_save_to_file counter in
      Alcotest.(check string) "counter value was incremented in file" !written_content "42"

While the real ``Files.t`` type probably contained a file descriptor, our mock module has no side effect outside of the test!

Note on verbosity: some things are duplicated because of OCaml MLI syntax, e.g. module type declaration.
This can be partially mitigated by using `the \_intf trick <>`__ but this in turn induces a bit more complexity, use with caution.

Works best when:

- You need to decouple (abstract) types, not only functions. For example, because building values of those types adds too much complexity, or requires side-effects.
- There are linear dependencies in modules (``A`` depends on ``B`` which depends on ``C``, but ``A`` does not depend on ``C``)


- Everything but exposed and private dependency types are mocked
- Enables validating the arguments passed to mock functions (e.g. ``counter_value_written``) have the right value
- Independent of the dependency depth (for functions): if ``A`` calls ``B`` which calls ``C``, your mock of ``B`` will never call ``C`` nor refer to its abstract types


- Verbosity
- Additional complexity (functors, module types)
- Does not scale well in more complex dependencies (``A`` depends on ``B`` and ``C`` types, and ``B`` also depends on ``C`` types) as it induces a lot of destructive substitutions and module noise to convince the typechecker that ``C.t`` in ``A`` is the same as ``C.t`` in ``B``
- Does not work for exposed and private (exposed in read-only) dependency types
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