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Tip revision: e4e5263960f4b54a65abe1950e5804cde55cf919 authored by Fedor Sheremetyev on 22 June 2022, 15:31:16 UTC
Doc: list remaining changes added in K
Tip revision: e4e5263
Proxy mode

The ``tezos-client`` described
:ref:`here <howtouse_tezos_client>` forwards all RPCs to a node.
This page describes the *proxy* mode, a mode where the client
performs protocol RPCs locally. For the computations to be correct,
the proxy client requests the data it needs from the node, and uses
this data locally to perform its own computations
(see the :doc:`mockup mode <mockup>` for an entirely local mode).

This mode's purpose is to relieve the node
from some long computations when estimating gas or asking for baking rights
for instance.

Executing commands in proxy mode

The CLI interface of the client in proxy mode (the *proxy client* in short)
is the same as the default client. To turn proxy mode ON,
pass ``--mode proxy`` to ``tezos-client``.

Because computations done locally are protocol dependent, the proxy mode does not support all protocols.
It is expected than, at any given time, the proxy mode supports ``Alpha`` and the three protocols before that.
In doubt, execute ``tezos-client list proxy protocols`` to see the supported protocols.

If ``--protocol`` is omitted when calling the proxy client, it
tries to match the node's protocol. On the one hand, this is handy when
testing. On the other hand, in a production environment, it is recommended
to specify ``--protocol`` if the protocol is known, to avoid an extra
RPC at **every** call ``tezos-client --mode proxy ...``

Examples with the sandbox

In this section, we show examples of usage of the proxy mode when using
the :doc:`sandboxed node <sandbox>`. For convenience we repeat
instructions for the sandboxed mode here, but refer the reader to the
sandboxed mode page for further details. In a terminal,
start a sandboxed node:


    $ ./src/bin_node/ 1 --connections 1

Leave that terminal running, in another terminal, prepare the appropriate
environment for using the proxy client:


    $ eval `./src/bin_client/ 1`

Then upgrade the node to protocol alpha:


    $ tezos-activate-alpha
    $ tezos-client bake for bootstrap1

To avoid warnings being printed in upcoming commands (optional):



You're now ready to use the proxy client. For example, request baking rights:


    $ tezos-client --mode proxy rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/baking_rights
    protocol of proxy unspecified, using the node's protocol: ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK
    [ { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx",
        "priority": 0, "estimated_time": "2020-07-01T08:47:21Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1b7tUupMgCNw2cCLpKTkSD1NZzB5TkP2sv",
        "priority": 2, "estimated_time": "2020-07-01T08:47:21Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1faswCTDciRzE4oJ9jn2Vm2dvjeyA9fUzU",
        "priority": 5, "estimated_time": "2020-07-01T08:47:21Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1gjaF81ZRRvdzjobyfVNsAeSC6PScjfQwN",
        "priority": 7, "estimated_time": "2020-07-01T08:47:21Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1ddb9NMYHZi5UzPdzTZMYQQZoMub195zgv",
        "priority": 10, "estimated_time": "2020-07-01T08:47:21Z" } ]

Well that doesn't seem very different from what the default client would return.
Indeed, it's the same; that was the point! To see what the proxy client
is doing differently, you may use three debug variables:

* ``proxy_rpc_ctxt`` shows whether the proxy client is delegating RPCs
  to the node or doing them locally. This is the main debug variable.
* ``PROTO.proxy_rpc`` shows the RPCs that the proxy client is performing to retrieve
  up-to-date data from the node. This debug variable is useful to understand
  if the proxy is performing slowly. It might be because it is performing
  a lot of such RPCs.

  This variable is dependent on the protocol being used. Replace ``PROTO``
  by one of these values: ``genesis``, or ``alpha``.
* ``proxy_context`` shows low-level detail implementations of the client,
  you likely do not need it.

For convenience, let's define an alias before continuing, to save
keystrokes and the ``protocol of proxy unspecified`` warning:


    $ alias proxy-client="tezos-client --mode proxy --protocol ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK"

Now configure ``proxy_rpc_ctxt`` to have more information:


    $ export TEZOS_LOG="proxy_rpc_ctxt->debug"

And redo the same RPC as before:


    $ proxy-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/baking_rights
    Aug 18 12:05:29.624 - proxy_rpc_ctxt: Delegating call_service GET version to http
    Aug 18 12:05:29.625 - proxy_rpc_ctxt: Delegating call_service GET chains/<chain_id>/blocks/<block_id>/protocols to http
    Aug 18 12:05:29.629 - proxy_rpc_ctxt: Done call_service GET describe/<string> locally
    Aug 18 12:05:29.841 - proxy_rpc_ctxt: Done generic_json_call GET /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/baking_rights locally
    [ { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx",
        "priority": 0, "estimated_time": "2020-08-18T09:58:20Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1b7tUupMgCNw2cCLpKTkSD1NZzB5TkP2sv",
        "priority  ": 2, "estimated_time": "2020-08-18T09:58:20Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1faswCTDciRzE4oJ9jn2Vm2dvjeyA9fUzU",
        "priority": 5, "estimated_time": "2020-08-18T09:58:20Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1gjaF81ZRRvdzjobyfVNsAeSC6PScjfQwN",
        "priority": 7, "estimated_time": "2020-08-18T09:58:20Z" },
      { "level": 3, "delegate": "tz1ddb9NMYHZi5UzPdzTZMYQQZoMub195zgv",
        "priority": 10, "estimated_time": "2020-08-18T09:58:20Z" } ]

In this case, the bulk of the computation is done locally.

How to deploy to relieve nodes from some RPCs

Using proxy clients can reduce the load of nodes, by having clients
perform more computations locally. For this to work, however,
deployment should be done in a specific manner, which this section describes.

While the proxy mode has been designed to reduce the load of nodes,
it doesn't suffice on its own to achieve this goal. Because proxy clients
perform many calls to the
``/chains/<chain>/blocks/<block>/context/raw/bytes/`` RPC
(and because the payload of doing an RPC call is a bit too high at the
moment), the node's load doesn't decrease. It pretty much stays the
same: for example, when benchmarking the time spent honoring
``rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/baking_rights?&all=true``,
a node serving proxy clients spends its time serving ``../raw/bytes``
instead of serving ``../baking_rights?&all=true``.

To reduce the load of a node in presence of proxy clients,
deployment should be done as follows (we suppose there's a single node
for simplicity):

* Deploy the node as usual
* In front of the node, put multiple HTTP caches (I'm not using the
  term proxy here, to disambiguate with the proxy client) that cache
  the following RPCs:

  * ``/chains/<chain>/blocks/<block_id>/context/raw/bytes/``
  * ``/chains/<chain>/blocks/<block_id>/protocols``
  * ``/chains/<chain>/blocks/<block_id>/header``

  Intercepting ``../raw/bytes`` is required because proxy clients
  call it a lot, as described above.

  Intercepting ``../protocols`` is recommended, because the
  proxy client calls this RPC when it starts, to check the protocol
  it uses matches the node's protocol
  (recall that proxy clients are protocol-specific).

  Finally, intercepting ``../header`` is recommended, because the proxy client
  calls this RPC when it starts honoring a request locally, i.e.
  when it starts performing a computation that would happen
  on the node with a regular client.

  It is safe to cache these three RPCs, because the corresponding data
  is immutable (if it's there it won't change in the future).

Regarding clients, either:

* Use proxy clients
* Or intercept request of regular clients, and honor them by spawning
  proxy clients on the fly, in front of the setup described in the previous

We refer to the proxy mode's
`merge request <>`_
for details regarding how we did the benchmarks that led us to the conclusions
of this section.
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