Raw File
Tip revision: 55e0ffd818ace3f1adc91f163869ea234789b6f4 authored by Matthew Kolopanis on 15 July 2024, 21:54:40 UTC
move rust structure to mimic new utils organization
Tip revision: 55e0ffd
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-

Format the UVData object parameters into a sphinx rst file.

import inspect
import os

from astropy.time import Time

from pyuvdata import Telescope, UVData

def write_uvdata_rst(write_file=None):
    UV = UVData()
    UV.telescope = Telescope()
    out = "UVData\n======\n\n"
    out += (
        "UVData is the main user class for intereferometric data (visibilities).\n"
        "It provides import and export functionality to and from the supported file\n"
        "formats (UVFITS, MeasurementSets, Miriad, uvh5, FHD, MIR) as well as\n"
        "numerous methods for transforming the data (phasing, averaging, selecting,\n"
        "sorting) and can be interacted with directly.\n\n"
        "The attributes on UVData hold all of the metadata and data required to\n"
        "analyze interferometric data sets. Under the hood, the attributes are\n"
        "implemented as properties based on :class:`pyuvdata.parameter.UVParameter`\n"
        "objects but this is fairly transparent to users.\n"
        "Starting in version 3.0, metadata that is associated with the telescope\n"
        "(as opposed to the data set) is stored in a :class:`pyuvdata.Telescope`\n"
        "object (see :ref:`Telescope`) as the ``telescope`` attribute on a UVData\n"
        "object. This includesmetadata related to the telescope location, antenna\n"
        "names, numbers and positions as well as other telescope metadata.\n\n"
        "UVData objects can be initialized in many ways: from a file using the\n"
        ":meth:`pyuvdata.UVData.from_file` class method\n"
        "(as ``uvd = UVData.from_file(<filename>)``), from arrays in memory\n"
        "using the :meth:`` class method, or as an empty\n"
        "object (as ``uvd = UVData()``). When an empty UVData object is initialized,\n"
        "it has all of these attributes defined but set to ``None``. The attributes\n"
        "can be set by reading in a data file using the :meth:``\n"
        "method or by setting them directly on the object. Some of these attributes\n"
        "are `required`_ to be set to have a fully defined data set while others are\n"
        "`optional`_. The :meth:`pyuvdata.UVData.check` method can be called on the\n"
        "object to verify that all of the required attributes have been set in a\n"
        "consistent way.\n\n"
        'Note that objects can be in a "metadata only" state where\n'
        "all of the metadata is defined but the data-like attributes (``data_array``,\n"
        "``flag_array``, ``nsample_array``) are not. The\n"
        ":meth:`pyuvdata.UVData.check` method will still pass for metadata only\n"
        "Note that angle type attributes also have convenience properties named\n"
        "the same thing with ``_degrees`` appended through which you can get or\n"
        "set the value in degrees.\n\n"
    out += "Required\n********\n"
    out += (
        "These parameters are required to have a well-defined UVData object and\n"
        "are required for most kinds of interferometric data files."
    out += "\n\n"
    for thing in UV.required():
        obj = getattr(UV, thing)
        out += "**{name}**\n".format(
        out += "     {desc}\n".format(desc=obj.description)
        out += "\n"

    out += "Optional\n********\n"
    out += (
        "These parameters are defined by one or more file standard but are not\n"
        "always required. Some of them are required depending on the\n"
        "phase_type (as noted below)."
    out += "\n\n"

    for thing in UV.extra():
        obj = getattr(UV, thing)
        out += "**{name}**\n".format(
        out += "     {desc}\n".format(desc=obj.description)
        out += "\n"

    out += "Methods\n-------\n.. autoclass:: pyuvdata.UVData\n  :members:\n\n"

    t =
    t.format = "iso"
    t.out_subfmt = "date"
    out += "last updated: {date}".format(date=t.iso)
    if write_file is None:
        write_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[0][1]))
        write_file = os.path.join(write_path, "uvdata.rst")
    F = open(write_file, "w")
    print("wrote " + write_file)
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