Raw File
Tip revision: 3950bbf7dcb4dd9c28e456a559abefeae96841c9 authored by Sheetal Nandi on 15 September 2022, 20:44:16 UTC
When inferred project gets updated during the request
Tip revision: 3950bbf
namespace ts {
     * The document registry represents a store of SourceFile objects that can be shared between
     * multiple LanguageService instances. A LanguageService instance holds on the SourceFile (AST)
     * of files in the context.
     * SourceFile objects account for most of the memory usage by the language service. Sharing
     * the same DocumentRegistry instance between different instances of LanguageService allow
     * for more efficient memory utilization since all projects will share at least the library
     * file (lib.d.ts).
     * A more advanced use of the document registry is to serialize sourceFile objects to disk
     * and re-hydrate them when needed.
     * To create a default DocumentRegistry, use createDocumentRegistry to create one, and pass it
     * to all subsequent createLanguageService calls.
    export interface DocumentRegistry {
         * Request a stored SourceFile with a given fileName and compilationSettings.
         * The first call to acquire will call createLanguageServiceSourceFile to generate
         * the SourceFile if was not found in the registry.
         * @param fileName The name of the file requested
         * @param compilationSettingsOrHost Some compilation settings like target affects the
         * shape of a the resulting SourceFile. This allows the DocumentRegistry to store
         * multiple copies of the same file for different compilation settings. A minimal
         * resolution cache is needed to fully define a source file's shape when
         * the compilation settings include `module: node16`+, so providing a cache host
         * object should be preferred. A common host is a language service `ConfiguredProject`.
         * @param scriptSnapshot Text of the file. Only used if the file was not found
         * in the registry and a new one was created.
         * @param version Current version of the file. Only used if the file was not found
         * in the registry and a new one was created.
            fileName: string,
            compilationSettingsOrHost: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost,
            scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot,
            version: string,
            scriptKind?: ScriptKind,
            sourceFileOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget,
        ): SourceFile;

            fileName: string,
            path: Path,
            compilationSettingsOrHost: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost,
            key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey,
            scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot,
            version: string,
            scriptKind?: ScriptKind,
            sourceFileOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget,
        ): SourceFile;

         * Request an updated version of an already existing SourceFile with a given fileName
         * and compilationSettings. The update will in-turn call updateLanguageServiceSourceFile
         * to get an updated SourceFile.
         * @param fileName The name of the file requested
         * @param compilationSettingsOrHost Some compilation settings like target affects the
         * shape of a the resulting SourceFile. This allows the DocumentRegistry to store
         * multiple copies of the same file for different compilation settings. A minimal
         * resolution cache is needed to fully define a source file's shape when
         * the compilation settings include `module: node16`+, so providing a cache host
         * object should be preferred. A common host is a language service `ConfiguredProject`.
         * @param scriptSnapshot Text of the file.
         * @param version Current version of the file.
            fileName: string,
            compilationSettingsOrHost: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost,
            scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot,
            version: string,
            scriptKind?: ScriptKind,
            sourceFileOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget,
        ): SourceFile;

            fileName: string,
            path: Path,
            compilationSettingsOrHost: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost,
            key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey,
            scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot,
            version: string,
            scriptKind?: ScriptKind,
            sourceFileOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget,
        ): SourceFile;

        getKeyForCompilationSettings(settings: CompilerOptions): DocumentRegistryBucketKey;
         * Informs the DocumentRegistry that a file is not needed any longer.
         * Note: It is not allowed to call release on a SourceFile that was not acquired from
         * this registry originally.
         * @param fileName The name of the file to be released
         * @param compilationSettings The compilation settings used to acquire the file
         * @param scriptKind The script kind of the file to be released
        /**@deprecated pass scriptKind and impliedNodeFormat for correctness */
        releaseDocument(fileName: string, compilationSettings: CompilerOptions, scriptKind?: ScriptKind): void;
         * Informs the DocumentRegistry that a file is not needed any longer.
         * Note: It is not allowed to call release on a SourceFile that was not acquired from
         * this registry originally.
         * @param fileName The name of the file to be released
         * @param compilationSettings The compilation settings used to acquire the file
         * @param scriptKind The script kind of the file to be released
         * @param impliedNodeFormat The implied source file format of the file to be released
        releaseDocument(fileName: string, compilationSettings: CompilerOptions, scriptKind: ScriptKind, impliedNodeFormat: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"]): void; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures
         * @deprecated pass scriptKind for and impliedNodeFormat correctness */
        releaseDocumentWithKey(path: Path, key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey, scriptKind?: ScriptKind): void;
        releaseDocumentWithKey(path: Path, key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey, scriptKind: ScriptKind, impliedNodeFormat: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"]): void; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures

        getLanguageServiceRefCounts(path: Path, scriptKind: ScriptKind): [string, number | undefined][];

        reportStats(): string;

    export interface ExternalDocumentCache {
        setDocument(key: DocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode, path: Path, sourceFile: SourceFile): void;
        getDocument(key: DocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode, path: Path): SourceFile | undefined;

    export type DocumentRegistryBucketKey = string & { __bucketKey: any };

    interface DocumentRegistryEntry {
        sourceFile: SourceFile;

        // The number of language services that this source file is referenced in.   When no more
        // language services are referencing the file, then the file can be removed from the
        // registry.
        languageServiceRefCount: number;

    type BucketEntry = DocumentRegistryEntry | ESMap<ScriptKind, DocumentRegistryEntry>;
    function isDocumentRegistryEntry(entry: BucketEntry): entry is DocumentRegistryEntry {
        return !!(entry as DocumentRegistryEntry).sourceFile;

    export function createDocumentRegistry(useCaseSensitiveFileNames?: boolean, currentDirectory?: string): DocumentRegistry {
        return createDocumentRegistryInternal(useCaseSensitiveFileNames, currentDirectory);

    export type DocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode = string & { __documentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode: any; };
    export function createDocumentRegistryInternal(useCaseSensitiveFileNames?: boolean, currentDirectory = "", externalCache?: ExternalDocumentCache): DocumentRegistry {
        // Maps from compiler setting target (ES3, ES5, etc.) to all the cached documents we have
        // for those settings.
        const buckets = new Map<DocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode, ESMap<Path, BucketEntry>>();
        const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(!!useCaseSensitiveFileNames);

        function reportStats() {
            const bucketInfoArray = arrayFrom(buckets.keys()).filter(name => name && name.charAt(0) === "_").map(name => {
                const entries = buckets.get(name)!;
                const sourceFiles: { name: string; scriptKind: ScriptKind, refCount: number; }[] = [];
                entries.forEach((entry, name) => {
                    if (isDocumentRegistryEntry(entry)) {
                            scriptKind: entry.sourceFile.scriptKind,
                            refCount: entry.languageServiceRefCount
                    else {
                        entry.forEach((value, scriptKind) => sourceFiles.push({ name, scriptKind, refCount: value.languageServiceRefCount }));
                sourceFiles.sort((x, y) => y.refCount - x.refCount);
                return {
                    bucket: name,
            return JSON.stringify(bucketInfoArray, undefined, 2);

        function getCompilationSettings(settingsOrHost: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost) {
            if (typeof settingsOrHost.getCompilationSettings === "function") {
                return (settingsOrHost as MinimalResolutionCacheHost).getCompilationSettings();
            return settingsOrHost as CompilerOptions;

        function acquireDocument(fileName: string, compilationSettings: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, version: string, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget): SourceFile {
            const path = toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
            const key = getKeyForCompilationSettings(getCompilationSettings(compilationSettings));
            return acquireDocumentWithKey(fileName, path, compilationSettings, key, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions);

        function acquireDocumentWithKey(fileName: string, path: Path, compilationSettings: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost, key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, version: string, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget): SourceFile {
            return acquireOrUpdateDocument(fileName, path, compilationSettings, key, scriptSnapshot, version, /*acquiring*/ true, scriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions);

        function updateDocument(fileName: string, compilationSettings: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, version: string, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget): SourceFile {
            const path = toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
            const key = getKeyForCompilationSettings(getCompilationSettings(compilationSettings));
            return updateDocumentWithKey(fileName, path, compilationSettings, key, scriptSnapshot, version, scriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions);

        function updateDocumentWithKey(fileName: string, path: Path, compilationSettings: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost, key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, version: string, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions?: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget): SourceFile {
            return acquireOrUpdateDocument(fileName, path, getCompilationSettings(compilationSettings), key, scriptSnapshot, version, /*acquiring*/ false, scriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions);

        function getDocumentRegistryEntry(bucketEntry: BucketEntry, scriptKind: ScriptKind | undefined) {
            const entry = isDocumentRegistryEntry(bucketEntry) ? bucketEntry : bucketEntry.get(Debug.checkDefined(scriptKind, "If there are more than one scriptKind's for same document the scriptKind should be provided"));
            Debug.assert(scriptKind === undefined || !entry || entry.sourceFile.scriptKind === scriptKind, `Script kind should match provided ScriptKind:${scriptKind} and sourceFile.scriptKind: ${entry?.sourceFile.scriptKind}, !entry: ${!entry}`);
            return entry;

        function acquireOrUpdateDocument(
            fileName: string,
            path: Path,
            compilationSettingsOrHost: CompilerOptions | MinimalResolutionCacheHost,
            key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey,
            scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot,
            version: string,
            acquiring: boolean,
            scriptKind: ScriptKind | undefined,
            languageVersionOrOptions: CreateSourceFileOptions | ScriptTarget | undefined,
        ): SourceFile {
            scriptKind = ensureScriptKind(fileName, scriptKind);
            const compilationSettings = getCompilationSettings(compilationSettingsOrHost);
            const host: MinimalResolutionCacheHost | undefined = compilationSettingsOrHost === compilationSettings ? undefined : compilationSettingsOrHost as MinimalResolutionCacheHost;
            const scriptTarget = scriptKind === ScriptKind.JSON ? ScriptTarget.JSON : getEmitScriptTarget(compilationSettings);
            const sourceFileOptions: CreateSourceFileOptions = typeof languageVersionOrOptions === "object" ?
                languageVersionOrOptions :
                    languageVersion: scriptTarget,
                    impliedNodeFormat: host && getImpliedNodeFormatForFile(path, host.getCompilerHost?.()?.getModuleResolutionCache?.()?.getPackageJsonInfoCache(), host, compilationSettings),
                    setExternalModuleIndicator: getSetExternalModuleIndicator(compilationSettings)
            sourceFileOptions.languageVersion = scriptTarget;
            const oldBucketCount = buckets.size;
            const keyWithMode = getDocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode(key, sourceFileOptions.impliedNodeFormat);
            const bucket = getOrUpdate(buckets, keyWithMode, () => new Map());
            if (tracing) {
                if (buckets.size > oldBucketCount) {
                    // It is interesting, but not definitively problematic if a build requires multiple document registry buckets -
                    // perhaps they are for two projects that don't have any overlap.
                    // Bonus: these events can help us interpret the more interesting event below.
                    tracing.instant(tracing.Phase.Session, "createdDocumentRegistryBucket", { configFilePath: compilationSettings.configFilePath, key: keyWithMode });

                // It is fairly suspicious to have one path in two buckets - you'd expect dependencies to have similar configurations.
                // If this occurs unexpectedly, the fix is likely to synchronize the project settings.
                // Skip .d.ts files to reduce noise (should also cover most of node_modules).
                const otherBucketKey = !isDeclarationFileName(path) &&
                    forEachEntry(buckets, (bucket, bucketKey) => bucketKey !== keyWithMode && bucket.has(path) && bucketKey);
                if (otherBucketKey) {
                    tracing.instant(tracing.Phase.Session, "documentRegistryBucketOverlap", { path, key1: otherBucketKey, key2: keyWithMode });

            const bucketEntry = bucket.get(path);
            let entry = bucketEntry && getDocumentRegistryEntry(bucketEntry, scriptKind);
            if (!entry && externalCache) {
                const sourceFile = externalCache.getDocument(keyWithMode, path);
                if (sourceFile) {
                    entry = {
                        languageServiceRefCount: 0

            if (!entry) {
                // Have never seen this file with these settings.  Create a new source file for it.
                const sourceFile = createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName, scriptSnapshot, sourceFileOptions, version, /*setNodeParents*/ false, scriptKind);
                if (externalCache) {
                    externalCache.setDocument(keyWithMode, path, sourceFile);
                entry = {
                    languageServiceRefCount: 1,
            else {
                // We have an entry for this file.  However, it may be for a different version of
                // the script snapshot.  If so, update it appropriately.  Otherwise, we can just
                // return it as is.
                if (entry.sourceFile.version !== version) {
                    entry.sourceFile = updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(entry.sourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version,
                        scriptSnapshot.getChangeRange(entry.sourceFile.scriptSnapshot!)); // TODO: GH#18217
                    if (externalCache) {
                        externalCache.setDocument(keyWithMode, path, entry.sourceFile);

                // If we're acquiring, then this is the first time this LS is asking for this document.
                // Increase our ref count so we know there's another LS using the document.  If we're
                // not acquiring, then that means the LS is 'updating' the file instead, and that means
                // it has already acquired the document previously.  As such, we do not need to increase
                // the ref count.
                if (acquiring) {
            Debug.assert(entry.languageServiceRefCount !== 0);

            return entry.sourceFile;

            function setBucketEntry() {
                if (!bucketEntry) {
                    bucket.set(path, entry!);
                else if (isDocumentRegistryEntry(bucketEntry)) {
                    const scriptKindMap = new Map<ScriptKind, DocumentRegistryEntry>();
                    scriptKindMap.set(bucketEntry.sourceFile.scriptKind, bucketEntry);
                    scriptKindMap.set(scriptKind!, entry!);
                    bucket.set(path, scriptKindMap);
                else {
                    bucketEntry.set(scriptKind!, entry!);

        function releaseDocument(fileName: string, compilationSettings: CompilerOptions, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, impliedNodeFormat?: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"]): void {
            const path = toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
            const key = getKeyForCompilationSettings(compilationSettings);
            return releaseDocumentWithKey(path, key, scriptKind, impliedNodeFormat);

        function releaseDocumentWithKey(path: Path, key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, impliedNodeFormat?: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"]): void {
            const bucket = Debug.checkDefined(buckets.get(getDocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode(key, impliedNodeFormat)));
            const bucketEntry = bucket.get(path)!;
            const entry = getDocumentRegistryEntry(bucketEntry, scriptKind)!;

            Debug.assert(entry.languageServiceRefCount >= 0);
            if (entry.languageServiceRefCount === 0) {
                if (isDocumentRegistryEntry(bucketEntry)) {
                else {
                    if (bucketEntry.size === 1) {
                        bucket.set(path, firstDefinedIterator(bucketEntry.values(), identity)!);

        function getLanguageServiceRefCounts(path: Path, scriptKind: ScriptKind) {
            return arrayFrom(buckets.entries(), ([key, bucket]): [string, number | undefined] => {
                const bucketEntry = bucket.get(path);
                const entry = bucketEntry && getDocumentRegistryEntry(bucketEntry, scriptKind);
                return [key, entry && entry.languageServiceRefCount];

        return {

    function compilerOptionValueToString(value: unknown): string {
        if (value === null || typeof value !== "object") { // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
            return "" + value;
        if (isArray(value)) {
            return `[${map(value, e => compilerOptionValueToString(e))?.join(",")}]`;
        let str = "{";
        for (const key in value) {
            if (hasProperty(value, key)) {
                str += `${key}: ${compilerOptionValueToString((value as any)[key])}`;
        return str + "}";

    function getKeyForCompilationSettings(settings: CompilerOptions): DocumentRegistryBucketKey {
        return => compilerOptionValueToString(getCompilerOptionValue(settings, option))).join("|") + (settings.pathsBasePath ? `|${settings.pathsBasePath}` : undefined) as DocumentRegistryBucketKey;

    function getDocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode(key: DocumentRegistryBucketKey, mode: ModuleKind.ESNext | ModuleKind.CommonJS | undefined) {
        return (mode ? `${key}|${mode}` : key) as DocumentRegistryBucketKeyWithMode;
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