Raw File
Tip revision: 8f14121518d1298f5a603e8e52ae5c05212e6360 authored by Nicola Soranzo on 16 December 2018, 22:28:21 UTC
Merge pull request #7094 from nsoranzo/release_16.01_backport_2383
Tip revision: 8f14121
# Contributors

The following individuals have contributed code to Galaxy:

* Enis Afgan <>
* Istvan Albert <>
* Renato Alves <> <>
* Guruprasad Ananda <>
* Florent Angly <>
* Raj Ayyampalayam <>
* Finn Bacall <>
* Dannon Baker <>
* Christopher Bare <>
* Dan Blanchard <>
* Daniel Blankenberg <> <>
* James Boocock <>
* Carlos Borroto <>
* Daniel Bouchard <> <>
* Dave Bouvier <>
* Adam Brenner <>
* Anthony Bretaudeau <> <>
* Richard Burhans <>
* Jennifer Cabral <>
* Martin Čech <>
* Ramkrishna Chakrabarty <>
* Brad Chapman <>
* John Chilton <>
* Saket Choudhary <>
* Wen-Yu Chung <>
* Dave Clements <>
* Peter Cock <>
* Ira Cooke <>
* Nate Coraor <>
* Michael Cotterell <>
* Michael R. Crusoe <>
* Gianmauro Cuccuru <>
* Frederik Delaere <>
* Olivia Doppelt <>
* John Duddy <>
* Carl Eberhard <>
* Kyle Ellrott <> <>
* Eric Enns <>
* Dorine Francheteau <>
* Jaime Frey <>
* Carie Genote <>
* Jeremy Goecks <> <>
* Nuwan Goonasekera <>
* Björn Grüning <> <>
* Aysam Guerler <>
* Simon Guest <>
* Jianbin He <>
* Morita Hideyuki <>
* Rob Hooft <>
* Y. Hoogstrate <>
* Jian-Long Huang <>
* Gert Hulselmans <>
* Jennifer Jackson <>
* Joachim Jacob <>
* Jim Johnson <> <>
* Radhesh Kamath <>
* Jan Kanis <>
* David King <>
* Rory Kirchner <>
* Brad Langhorst <>
* Ross Lazarus <> <>
* Simone Leo <>
* Kanwei Li <>
* Michael Li <>
* Philip Mabon <>
* Remi Marenco <> <>
* Thomas McGowan <>
* Scott McManus <> <>
* Hunter Moseley <>
* Arjun Nath <>
* Anton Nekrutenko <> <>
* Eric Paniagua <>
* Richard Park <>
* Lance Parsons <>
* Chinmay Rao <>
* Eric Rasche <> <> <>
* Andrew Robinson <>
* Andrea Sbardellati <>
* Ian Schenck <>
* Nick Semenkovich <>
* Matthew Shirley <>
* Clare Sloggett <>
* Nicola Soranzo <> <> <>
* Roy Storey <>
* Hanfei Sun <>
* Ilya Sytchev <>
* James Taylor <>
* Tomithy Too <>
* David Trudgian <> <>
* Nitesh Turaga <>
* Clayton Turner <>
* Marek Vavruša <>
* Martijn Vermaat <>
* Kelly Vincent <>
* Greg Von Kuster <>
* Hiral Vora <>
* Andrew Warren <>
* Trevor Wennblom <>
* Yi Zhang <>
* Freek de Bruijn <>
* Peter van Heusden <>
* Marius van den Beek <>

# Institutional sponsors

Galaxy development began at The Pennsylvania State University in 2006.
In 2009 all contributions to that point were licensed by The
Pennsylvania State University under the terms of the Academic Free
License 3.0 (see LICENSE.txt). This license applies to all subsequent
contributions - including but not limited to development at The
Pennsylvania State University, Emory University, Johns Hopkins
University, and George Washington University as part of the following
NIH and NSF grants:

* NSF DBI 0543285, “Tailoring genomic data to the needs of experimental
  biologists and educators”
* NIH R21 HG005133, “A turnkey solution for next generation sequence
  data analysis”
* NIH R01 HG004909, “An efficient lightweight environment for biomedical
* NSF DBI 0850103, “Cyberinfrastructure for accessible and reproducible
  research in life sciences”
* NIH RC2 HG005542, “Dynamically scalable accessible analysis for next
  generation sequence data”
* NIH U41 HG006620, “Democratization of data analysis in life sciences
  through Galaxy”
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