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Tip revision: 06e60602d48e902d7a7a56f7daea6e38040a4c2f authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 07 November 2023, 07:36:17 UTC
nix-shell: do not pin provers
Tip revision: 06e6060
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import AllCore Bool StdRing StdOrder RealLub.
(*---*) import RField RealOrder.

pragma +implicits.

(* lub for functions *)
op flub (F : 'a -> real) : real = lub (fun r => exists a, F a = r).

op is_fub (f: 'a -> real) r = forall x, f x <= r.
op has_fub (f: 'a -> real) = exists r, is_fub f r.

lemma has_fub_lub (f: 'a -> real) :
  has_fub f <=> has_lub (fun r => exists a, f a = r).
split => [[r ub_r]|has_lub_imgf].
- split; [exists (f witness) => //; exists witness|exists r]; smt().
by exists (flub f) => ?; apply lub_upper_bound => /#.

lemma ler_has_fub (f g: 'a -> real) :
  (forall x, f x <= g x) => has_fub g => has_fub f
by smt().

lemma flub_upper_bound (F : 'a -> real) x : 
    has_fub F => F x <= flub F.
move => H. apply lub_upper_bound; 2: by exists x.
by split; [ by exists (F x) x | smt() ].

lemma flub_le_ub (F : 'a -> real) r :
    is_fub F r => flub F <= r.
move => H.
have ub_r : ub (fun (x : real) => exists (a : 'a), F a = x) r.
  move => y [a] <-; exact H.
apply lub_le_ub => //. 
split; [by exists (F witness) witness| by exists r].

lemma ler_flub (f g: 'a -> real) :
  has_fub g =>
  (forall x, f x <= g x) => flub f <= flub g.
move => [ym is_ub_ym] le_fg; rewrite ler_lub //=; 1: smt(); last first.
- by exists (f witness) => /#.
split; first exists (g witness) => /#.
exists ym; smt(has_fub_lub).

lemma flubZ (f: 'a -> real) c : has_fub f =>
  c >= 0%r => flub (fun x => c * f x) = c * flub f.
move => fub_f c_ge0 @/flub; pose E := fun r => exists a, f a = r.
have -> : (fun r => exists a, c * f a = r) = scale_rset E c by smt().
by rewrite lub_scale //; apply has_fub_lub.

lemma flub_const c :
  flub (fun _ : 'a => c) = c.
apply eqr_le; split; first apply flub_le_ub => /#.
move => _; apply (@flub_upper_bound (fun _ => c) witness) => /#.

lemma has_fubZ (f: 'a -> real) c: has_fub f =>
  c >= 0%r => has_fub (fun x => c * f x).
proof. move => [ym ub_ym] ge0_c; exists (c * ym) => /#. qed.
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