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Tip revision: e9ac337800196b0fd662ad52a3b60c75e34bf03d authored by Wolfgang Waltenberger on 07 December 2023, 09:31:20 UTC
adding version field in readthedocs.yml
Tip revision: e9ac337
smodelsOutputDefault = {'OutputStatus': {'sigmacut': 0.03, 'minmassgap': 5.0, 'maxcond': 0.2, 'ncpus': -1, 'model': 'share.models.mssm', 'checkinput': True, 'doinvisible': True, 'docompress': True, 'computestatistics': False, 'testcoverage': True, 'combineanas': 'CMS-SUS-13-012,ATLAS-SUSY-2018-31,ATLAS-CONF-2013-037', 'file status': 1, 'decomposition status': 1, 'warnings': 'Input file ok', 'input file': './testFiles/slha/lifetime.slha', 'database version': 'unittest200rc7', 'smodels version': '2.0.0rc7'}, 'ExptRes': [{'maxcond': 0.0, 'theory prediction (fb)': 15.0342424, 'upper limit (fb)': 33312.400237553724, 'expected upper limit (fb)': None, 'TxNames': ['T1'], 'Mass (GeV)': [[1500.0, 500.0], [1500.0, 500.0]], 'AnalysisID': 'CMS-PAS-SUS-15-002', 'DataSetID': None, 'AnalysisSqrts (TeV)': 13.0, 'lumi (fb-1)': 2.2, 'dataType': 'upperLimit', 'r': 0.00045131069189819603, 'r_expected': None, 'Width (GeV)': [[6e-15, 'stable'], [6e-15, 'stable']]}, {'maxcond': 0.0, 'theory prediction (fb)': 0.433778876, 'upper limit (fb)': 1859.801817521149, 'expected upper limit (fb)': None, 'TxNames': ['T1'], 'Mass (GeV)': [[1500.0, 500.0], [1500.0, 500.0]], 'AnalysisID': 'ATLAS-SUSY-2013-02', 'DataSetID': None, 'AnalysisSqrts (TeV)': 8.0, 'lumi (fb-1)': 20.3, 'dataType': 'upperLimit', 'r': 0.00023323930104454112, 'r_expected': None, 'Width (GeV)': [[6e-15, 'stable'], [6e-15, 'stable']]}], 'Total xsec for missing topologies (fb)': 0.0, 'missing topologies': [], 'Total xsec for missing topologies with displaced decays (fb)': 15.026207394551793, 'missing topologies with displaced decays': [{'sqrts (TeV)': 13.0, 'weight (fb)': 15.026207394551793, 'element': '[[[jet,jet]],[[jet,jet]]]  (MET,MET)'}], 'Total xsec for missing topologies with prompt decays (fb)': 0.0, 'missing topologies with prompt decays': [], 'Total xsec for topologies outside the grid (fb)': 0.0, 'topologies outside the grid': []}
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