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Tip revision: aad5d2584b75b965328d37ea5a5baa3c100f8cff authored by Jacques Carette on 22 June 2020, 23:39:45 UTC
Revert "fourth batch (#17)"
Tip revision: aad5d25
(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Preterms and pretypes; typechecking; translation to types and terms.      *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*       John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory          *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*            (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998                    *)
(*              (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007                       *)
(*                 (c) Copyright, Marco Maggesi 2012                         *)
(*               (c) Copyright, Vincent Aravantinos 2012                     *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

needs "";;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Flag to say whether to treat varstruct "\const. bod" as variable.         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let ignore_constant_varstruct = ref true;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Flags controlling the treatment of invented type variables in quotations. *)
(* It can be treated as an error, result in a warning, or neither of those.  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let type_invention_warning = ref true;;

let type_invention_error = ref false;;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Implicit types or type schemes for non-constants.                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let the_implicit_types = ref ([]:(string*hol_type)list);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Overloading and interface mapping.                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let make_overloadable s gty =
  if can (assoc s) (!the_overload_skeletons)
  then if assoc s (!the_overload_skeletons) = gty then ()
       else failwith "make_overloadable: differs from existing skeleton"
  else the_overload_skeletons := (s,gty)::(!the_overload_skeletons);;

let remove_interface sym =
  let interface = filter ((<>)sym o fst) (!the_interface) in
  the_interface := interface;;

let reduce_interface (sym,tm) =
  let namty = try dest_const tm with Failure _ -> dest_var tm in
  the_interface := filter ((<>) (sym,namty)) (!the_interface);;

let override_interface (sym,tm) =
  let namty = try dest_const tm with Failure _ -> dest_var tm in
  let interface = filter ((<>)sym o fst) (!the_interface) in
  the_interface := (sym,namty)::interface;;

let overload_interface (sym,tm) =
  let gty = try assoc sym (!the_overload_skeletons) with Failure _ ->
            failwith ("symbol \""^sym^"\" is not overloadable") in
  let (name,ty) as namty = try dest_const tm with Failure _ -> dest_var tm in
  if not (can (type_match gty ty) [])
  then failwith "Not an instance of type skeleton" else
  let interface = filter ((<>) (sym,namty)) (!the_interface) in
  the_interface := (sym,namty)::interface;;

let prioritize_overload ty =
   (fun (s,gty) ->
      try let _,(n,t) = find
            (fun (s',(n,t)) -> s' = s && mem ty ( fst (type_match gty t [])))
            (!the_interface) in
      with Failure _ -> ())

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Type abbreviations.                                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let new_type_abbrev,remove_type_abbrev,type_abbrevs =
  let the_type_abbreviations = ref ([]:(string*hol_type)list) in
  let remove_type_abbrev s =
    the_type_abbreviations :=
      filter (fun (s',_) -> s' <> s) (!the_type_abbreviations) in
  let new_type_abbrev(s,ty) =
    (remove_type_abbrev s;
     the_type_abbreviations := merge(<) [s,ty] (!the_type_abbreviations)) in
  let type_abbrevs() = !the_type_abbreviations in

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Handle constant hiding.                                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let hide_constant,unhide_constant,is_hidden =
  let hcs = ref ([]:string list) in
  let hide_constant c = hcs := union [c] (!hcs)
  and unhide_constant c = hcs := subtract (!hcs) [c]
  and is_hidden c = mem c (!hcs) in

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The type of pretypes.                                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type pretype = Utv of string                   (* User type variable         *)
             | Ptycon of string * pretype list (* Type constructor           *)
             | Stv of int;;                    (* System type variable       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Dummy pretype for the parser to stick in before a proper typing pass.     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let dpty = Ptycon("",[]);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Convert type to pretype.                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec pretype_of_type ty =
  try let con,args = dest_type ty in
      Ptycon(con,map pretype_of_type args)
  with Failure _ -> Utv(dest_vartype ty);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Preterm syntax.                                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type preterm = Varp of string * pretype       (* Variable           - v      *)
             | Constp of string * pretype     (* Constant           - c      *)
             | Combp of preterm * preterm     (* Combination        - f x    *)
             | Absp of preterm * preterm      (* Lambda-abstraction - \x. t  *)
             | Quotep of preterm              (* Quotation              *)
             | Holep of preterm               (* Stores holes from parser    *)
             | Evalp of preterm * pretype     (* Evaluation                  *) 
             | Typing of preterm * pretype;;  (* Type constraint    - t : ty *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Convert term to preterm.                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec preterm_of_term tm =
  try let n,ty = dest_var tm in
      Varp(n,pretype_of_type ty)
  with Failure _ -> try
      let n,ty = dest_const tm in
      Constp(n,pretype_of_type ty)
  with Failure _ -> try
      let v,bod = dest_abs tm in
      Absp(preterm_of_term v,preterm_of_term bod)
  with Failure _ -> try
      let l,r = dest_comb tm in
      Combp(preterm_of_term l,preterm_of_term r)
  with Failure _ -> try
      let l = dest_quote tm in
      Quotep(preterm_of_term l)
  with Failure _ -> try
      let e,_ = dest_hole tm in
      Holep(preterm_of_term e)
  with Failure _ -> 
      let e,ty = dest_eval tm in
      Evalp(preterm_of_term e,pretype_of_type ty);;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Main pretype->type, preterm->term and retypechecking functions.           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let type_of_pretype,term_of_preterm,retypecheck =
  let tyv_num = ref 0 in
  let new_type_var() = let n = getTyv() in (Stv(n)) in

  let pmk_cv(s,pty) =
    if can get_const_type s then Constp(s,pty)
    else Varp(s,pty) in

  let pmk_numeral =
    let num_pty = Ptycon("num",[]) in
    let NUMERAL = Constp("NUMERAL",Ptycon("fun",[num_pty; num_pty]))
    and BIT0 = Constp("BIT0",Ptycon("fun",[num_pty; num_pty]))
    and BIT1 = Constp("BIT1",Ptycon("fun",[num_pty; num_pty]))
    and t_0 = Constp("_0",num_pty) in
    let rec pmk_numeral(n) =
      if n =/ num_0 then t_0 else
      let m = quo_num n (num_2) and b = mod_num n (num_2) in
      let op = if b =/ num_0 then BIT0 else BIT1 in
      Combp(op,pmk_numeral(m)) in
    fun n -> Combp(NUMERAL,pmk_numeral n) in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Pretype substitution for a pretype resulting from translation of type.  *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let rec pretype_subst th ty =
    match ty with
      Ptycon(tycon,args) -> Ptycon(tycon,map (pretype_subst th) args)
    | Utv v -> rev_assocd ty th ty
    | _ -> failwith "pretype_subst: Unexpected form of pretype" in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Convert type to pretype with new Stvs for all type variables.           *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let pretype_instance ty =
    let gty = pretype_of_type ty
    and tyvs = map pretype_of_type (tyvars ty) in
    let subs = map (fun tv -> new_type_var(),tv) tyvs in
    pretype_subst subs gty in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Get a new instance of a constant's generic type modulo interface.       *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let get_generic_type cname =
    match filter ((=) cname o fst) (!the_interface) with
      [_,(c,ty)] -> ty
    | _::_::_ -> assoc cname (!the_overload_skeletons)
    | [] -> get_const_type cname in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Get the implicit generic type of a variable.                            *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let get_var_type vname =
    assoc vname !the_implicit_types in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Unravel unifications and apply them to a type.                          *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let rec solve env pty =
    match pty with
      Ptycon(f,args) -> Ptycon(f,map (solve env) args)
    | Stv(i) -> if defined env i then solve env (apply env i) else pty
    | _ -> pty in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Functions for display of preterms and pretypes, by converting them      *)
  (* to terms and types then re-using standard printing functions.           *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let free_stvs =
    let rec free_stvs = function
    |Stv n -> [n]
    |Utv _ -> []
    |Ptycon(_,args) -> flat (map free_stvs args)
    setify o free_stvs

  let string_of_pretype stvs =
    let rec type_of_pretype' ns = function
      |Stv n -> mk_vartype (if mem n ns then "?" ^ string_of_int n else "_")
      |Utv v -> mk_vartype v
      |Ptycon(con,args) -> mk_type(con,map (type_of_pretype' ns) args)
    string_of_type o type_of_pretype' stvs

  let string_of_preterm =
    let rec untyped_t_of_pt = function
      |Varp(s,pty) -> mk_var(s,aty)
      |Constp(s,pty) -> mk_mconst(s,get_const_type s)
      |Combp(l,r) -> mk_comb(untyped_t_of_pt l,untyped_t_of_pt r)
      |Absp(v,bod) -> mk_gabs(untyped_t_of_pt v,untyped_t_of_pt bod)
      |Typing(ptm,pty) -> untyped_t_of_pt ptm
      |Quotep(e) -> mk_quote((untyped_t_of_pt e))
      |Evalp(e,ty) -> mk_eval(untyped_t_of_pt e, aty)
    string_of_term o untyped_t_of_pt

  let string_of_ty_error env = function
    |None ->
        "unify: types cannot be unified "
        ^ "(you should not see this message, please report)"
    |Some(t,ty1,ty2) ->
        let ty1 = solve env ty1 and ty2 = solve env ty2 in
        let sty1 = string_of_pretype (free_stvs ty2) ty1 in
        let sty2 = string_of_pretype (free_stvs ty1) ty2 in
        let default_msg s =
          " " ^ s ^ " cannot have type " ^ sty1 ^ " and " ^ sty2
          ^ " simultaneously"
        match t with
        |Constp(s,_) ->
            " " ^ s ^ " has type " ^ string_of_type (get_const_type s) ^ ", "
            ^ "it cannot be used with type " ^ sty2
        |Varp(s,_) -> default_msg s
        |t -> default_msg (string_of_preterm t)

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Unification of types                                                    *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let rec istrivial ptm env x = function
    |Stv y ->
        y = x || defined env y && istrivial ptm env x (apply env y)
    |Ptycon(f,args) when exists (istrivial ptm env x) args ->
        failwith (string_of_ty_error env ptm)
    |(Ptycon _ | Utv _) -> false

  let unify ptm env ty1 ty2 =
    let rec unify env = function
    |[] -> env
    |(ty1,ty2,_)::oth when ty1 = ty2 -> unify env oth
    |(Ptycon(f,fargs),Ptycon(g,gargs),ptm)::oth ->
        if f = g && length fargs = length gargs
        then unify env (map2 (fun x y -> x,y,ptm) fargs gargs @ oth)
        else failwith (string_of_ty_error env ptm)
    |(Stv x,t,ptm)::oth ->
        if defined env x then unify env ((apply env x,t,ptm)::oth)
        else unify (if istrivial ptm env x t then env else (x|->t) env) oth
    |(t,Stv x,ptm)::oth -> unify env ((Stv x,t,ptm)::oth)
    |(_,_,ptm)::oth -> failwith (string_of_ty_error env ptm)
    unify env [ty1,ty2,match ptm with None -> None | Some t -> Some(t,ty1,ty2)]

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Attempt to attach a given type to a term, performing unifications.      *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let stripStvNum stv = match stv with
    | Stv x -> x
    | _ -> failwith "That is not an STV" in

  let rec typify ty (ptm,venv,uenv) =

  let stripStvNum stv = match stv with
    | Stv x -> x
    | _ -> failwith "That is not an STV" in

  let isSTV stv = match stv with
    | Stv x -> true
    | _ -> false in
    match ptm with
    |Varp(s,_) when can (assoc s) venv ->
        let ty' = assoc s venv in
        Varp(s,ty'),[],unify (Some ptm) uenv ty' ty
    |Varp(s,_) when can num_of_string s ->
        let t = pmk_numeral(num_of_string s) in
        let ty' = Ptycon("num",[]) in
        t,[],unify (Some ptm) uenv ty' ty
    |Varp(s,_) ->
        warn (s <> "" && isnum s) "Non-numeral begins with a digit";
          if not(is_hidden s) && can get_generic_type s then
            let pty = pretype_instance(get_generic_type s) in
            let ptm = Constp(s,pty) in
            ptm,[],unify (Some ptm) uenv pty ty
            let ptm = Varp(s,ty) in
            if not(can get_var_type s) then ptm,[s,ty],uenv
              let pty = pretype_instance(get_var_type s) in
              ptm,[s,ty],unify (Some ptm) uenv pty ty
    |Combp(f,x) ->
        let ty'' = new_type_var() in
        let ty' = Ptycon("fun",[ty'';ty]) in
        let f',venv1,uenv1 = typify ty' (f,venv,uenv) in
        let x',venv2,uenv2 = typify ty'' (x,venv1@venv,uenv1) in
    |Typing(tm,pty) -> typify ty (tm,venv,unify (Some tm) uenv ty pty)
    |Absp(v,bod) ->
        let ty',ty'' =
          match ty with
          |Ptycon("fun",[ty';ty'']) -> ty',ty''
          |_ -> new_type_var(),new_type_var()
        let ty''' = Ptycon("fun",[ty';ty'']) in
        let uenv0 = unify (Some ptm) uenv ty''' ty in
        let v',venv1,uenv1 =
          let v',venv1,uenv1 = typify ty' (v,[],uenv0) in
          match v' with
          |Constp(s,_) when !ignore_constant_varstruct ->
          |_ -> v',venv1,uenv1
        let bod',venv2,uenv2 = typify ty'' (bod,venv1@venv,uenv1) in
    |Quotep(a) -> let ty' = new_type_var() in
      let uenv' = itlist I [stripStvNum ty |-> Ptycon("epsilon",[])] uenv in (*Define Quotep's Stv as an epsilon type*)
      let f,venv1, uenv1 = typify ty' (a,venv,uenv') in
      Quotep(f), venv1, uenv1
    |Holep(e) -> let ty' = new_type_var() in
      let e,venv1,uenv1 = typify ty' (e,venv,uenv) in
      Holep(e), venv1, uenv1
    | Evalp(e,t) -> let ty' = new_type_var() in
      let uenv' = if isSTV ty then itlist I [stripStvNum ty |-> t] uenv else uenv in 
      let f,venv1,uenv1 = typify ty' (e,venv,uenv') in
      Evalp(f,t), venv1, uenv1
    |_ -> failwith "typify: unexpected constant at this stage"

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Further specialize type constraints by resolving overloadings.          *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let rec resolve_interface ptm cont env =
    match ptm with
      Combp(f,x) -> resolve_interface f (resolve_interface x cont) env
    | Absp(v,bod) -> resolve_interface v (resolve_interface bod cont) env
    | Varp(_,_) -> cont env
    | Quotep(a) -> resolve_interface a cont env
    | Holep(a) -> resolve_interface a cont env
    | Evalp(e,ty) -> resolve_interface e cont env
    | Constp(s,ty) ->
          let maps = filter (fun (s',_) -> s' = s) (!the_interface) in
          if maps = [] then cont env else
          tryfind (fun (_,(_,ty')) ->
            let ty' = pretype_instance ty' in
            cont(unify (Some ptm) env ty' ty)) maps

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Hence apply throughout a preterm.                                       *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let rec solve_preterm env ptm =
    match ptm with
      Varp(s,ty) -> Varp(s,solve env ty)
    | Combp(f,x) -> Combp(solve_preterm env f,solve_preterm env x)
    | Absp(v,bod) -> Absp(solve_preterm env v,solve_preterm env bod)
    | Quotep(a) -> Quotep(solve_preterm env a)
    | Holep(a) -> Holep(solve_preterm env a)
    | Evalp(e,ty) -> Evalp(solve_preterm env e,solve env ty)
    | Constp(s,ty) -> let tys = solve env ty in
          try let _,(c',_) = find
                (fun (s',(c',ty')) ->
                   s = s' && can (unify None env (pretype_instance ty')) ty)
                (!the_interface) in
          with Failure _ -> Constp(s,tys)

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Flag to indicate that Stvs were translated to real type variables.      *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let stvs_translated = ref false in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Pretype <-> type conversion; -> flags system type variable translation. *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let rec type_of_pretype ty =
    match ty with
      Stv n -> stvs_translated := true;
               let s = "?"^(string_of_int n) in
    | Utv(v) -> mk_vartype(v)
    | Ptycon(con,args) -> mk_type(con,map type_of_pretype args) in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Maps preterms to terms.                                                 *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  let term_of_preterm =
    let rec term_of_preterm ptm =

      match ptm with
        Varp(s,pty) -> mk_var(s,type_of_pretype pty)
      | Constp(s,pty) -> mk_mconst(s,type_of_pretype pty)
      | Combp(l,r) -> mk_comb(term_of_preterm l,term_of_preterm r)
      | Absp(v,bod) -> mk_gabs(term_of_preterm v,term_of_preterm bod)
      | Quotep(a) -> mk_quote (term_of_preterm a)
      | Holep(a) ->  let ToP = term_of_preterm a in if type_of (ToP) = mk_type("epsilon",[]) then mk_hole ToP else failwith "Holed term is not of type epsilon"
      | Evalp(e,ty) -> mk_eval(term_of_preterm e,type_of_pretype ty)
      | Typing(ptm,pty) -> term_of_preterm ptm in
    let report_type_invention () =
      if !stvs_translated then
        if !type_invention_error
        then failwith "typechecking error (cannot infer type of variables)"
        else warn !type_invention_warning "inventing type variables" in
    fun ptm -> stvs_translated := false;
               let tm = term_of_preterm ptm in
               report_type_invention (); tm in

  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (* Overall typechecker: initial typecheck plus overload resolution pass.   *)
  (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  let retypecheck venv ptm =
    let ty = new_type_var() in
    let ptm',_,env =
      try typify ty (ptm,venv,undefined)
      with Failure e -> failwith
       ("typechecking error (initial type assignment):" ^ e) in
    let env' =
      try resolve_interface ptm' (fun e -> e) env
      with Failure _ -> failwith "typechecking error (overload resolution)" in
    let ptm'' = solve_preterm env' ptm' in
    ptm'' in

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